Chapter 80: Aloha Bliss Honeymoon
(A/N: WARNING! This will be the spiciest chapter ever! 🔥🌶😈)
(One week later)
(January 1, 2021)
It has been a week since Y/N and Alexa got married and are now officially husband and wife, and they have started the New Year full of love and passion. A couple of days ago, the pure fan has purchased tickets to Hawaii to celebrate their honeymoon and also he booked hotel reservation and rented the private suite. They were scheduled to leave in a few hours since their flight was 7:00 a.m., so they got up early at 2:00 a.m. and packed their stuff as they will be spending two weeks in the Hawaiian islands.
WWE management has granted Alexa vacation leave, and the Goddess was happy. The couple stretched and got up while it was still night.
Alexa: good morning hubby
Y/N: good morning to you too, wifey
They smiled at each other and kissed on the lips.
Alexa: now as much as I want to do our make out session, we have to pack our bags
Y/N: oh right, our flight is in a few hours, so let's get packing
The Goddess nodded and the couple got up and packed their bags since they will be at Honolulu for two weeks.
After they packed their bags, they got their passports and tickets and left the house for a long ride to the airport.
(An hour and a half later)
After getting through traffic, the married couple finally reached the airport terminal. They put their heavy bags in the push carts and went inside.
Y/N: ready for two weeks together, wifey?
Alexa: yes hubby, I can't wait!
After airport security scanned their bags and check their bodies for any illegal weapons or substances, the couple went to sit down and wait for their gate to open. So they used the remaining two hours to watch some movies on the Disney+ app.
(Two hours later, 6:45 a.m.)
The morning sun was rising, and the attendants called the attention to the passengers.
Attendant: attention passengers, Flight 089 will take off in a few moments, so now we are boarding passengers, so please line up and prepare your passes and passports at the entrance please
Y/N: oh babe, let's line up
Alexa: okay hubby
The two got up and prepared their passes and passports. Then they got in the plane and sat next to each other with the Goddess getting the window seat. The flight from Orlando to Honolulu was 12 hours, and the couple already had their entertainment in the form of Disney+ and Netflix. As the plane took off, Alexa wrapped her arms around Y/N's arm and laid her head on his shoulder.
(12 hours later)
The plane has landed at Hawaii's capital of Honolulu, the married couple were tired and sleepy, so they got their carry-on bags and luggage and rode a cab to their hotel room.
(A few minutes later)
They arrived at the hotel and they were both tired and sleepy. The couple went up to the receptionist.
Y/N: good evening, I have a reservation for two under Y/N L/N
Receptionist: Y/N L/N... yes, you two made it on time; private suite for two on the top floor; okay, here's your key
Y/N: thank you
The married couple rode the elevator to the top floor and found the door to the private suite. As Y/N unlocked the door, they admired the setting of the room.
Alexa: wow babe, you went all out
Y/N: I never expected to be this nice
They saw a fruit basket with a congratulatory note on their marriage. Y/N saw the Goddess already knocked out on the bed as she was sleepy. The pure husband shook his head and smiled as he thought to himself.
Y/N: I can't wait to celebrate our first two weeks together baby
He slid in the bed next to his Goddess wife and wrapped his arms around her to put Alexa in the spoon position.
Meanwhile, Alexa barely woke up and thought to herself.
Alexa: Y/N, get ready for tomorrow, I will have a big and hot surprise for you, my husband
She smiled and went back to sleep, not before she moved his hand under her shirt and on her "chest buns." Alexa blushed lightly and went back to sleep as the couple were jet lagged after a 12 hour flight.
(The next morning)
It was 7:30 in the morning, and the couple had a good night's rest due to their jet lag. Y/N woke up first, and felt his hand under his wife's shirt. He looked over to see his hand was on her "chest bun."
Y/N smiled and gave it a light squeeze which brought a light moan from his wife.
Alexa: Y/N...
The Goddess moaned his name which cause Y/N to "naturally react," Alexa felt him poking her biscuit butt and she woke up to face him.
Alexa: oh hubby, I feel you poking me
She giggled and kissed his lips. Then Alexa got on top and straddled her husband.
Alexa: so hubby, let's start the day with our good morning make out session
Y/N: come here, my Goddess wife
Alexa smiled and leaned in for a passionate kiss and Y/N immediately kissed her back. The pure fan's hands moved up and down on her back. Alexa pulled back and held his hands.
Alexa: let me do this, hubby
The Goddess laid on Y/N and placed his hands under her yoga pants and on her bare biscuit butt. She lightly moaned and smiled.
Alexa: now I feel comfortable...
The Goddess went back to kissing Y/N while her husband gave her biscuit butt a gentle massage and light squeezes, making her moan in satisfaction. Alexa went down to kiss his neck as she felt his firm grip on her biscuit butt.
After an hour of their make out session, Alexa pulled back and laid on his chest. Then she looked at him and smiled.
Alexa: I never knew my fan would be my husband
Y/N: believe it because it's true, wifey
He put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her forehead.
Alexa: now let's freshen up with a warm shower
She whispered in his ear which made him shiver. Then Alexa got up and pulled on his arm as Y/N got up. The Goddess pulled him in the shower; then they took out their clothes and went in the stall. As the warm water rained down on their bodies, the couple started to kiss each other with Y/N going down to her neck, making Alexa moan.
Then Alexa went to wash his back and his six pack while she ran her finger across them and his spine, making him shiver as she giggled. After she rinsed him off, the Goddess whispered in his ear.
Alexa: now it's your turn
The Goddess turned around, and Y/N went to wash her back before going to her "chest buns." Alexa smiled as she moaned in relaxation and laid her head on his chest, giving her husband the open spot to kiss her neck.
Alexa: oh hubby... you always know how to make me feel good and loved... touch me more...
Y/N gave her "chest buns" a light squeeze while he gently nibbled her neck, which made her moan a little loud.
After Y/N rinsed her off, Alexa turned around and pulled her husband in for a passionate kiss on his lips. Y/N kissed her back with his hands on her hips. After their minute long warm make out session, the couple dried themselves off and wore their clothes as they went out and explored around the resort.
It was lunch time, so they went in the hotel restaurant and ate there. Y/N ordered a piece of chocolate cake for his wife with the words saying, "for my lovely Goddess wife." Alexa smiled and took a picture of the cake. Then the couple came together for a picture with Y/N kissing her cheek; Alexa posted the picture on Instagram with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: @Y/N_L/N aloha from us!
The picture was liked by their friends with adorable comments.
mikeromewwe: aloha you two!
sxxienessie: #CoupleGoals
randyorton: just like when @kim.orton01 and I were in Maldives
After lunch, the two decided to relax and get a tan on the beach.
(Later that night)
Y/N and Alexa were watching Toy Story 2 from their own theater which was one of their hotel room suite's unique features. The Goddess took out her phone and recorded a few seconds of the theater while the movie played.
alexa_bliss_wwe_: Our own theatre with one of my favorite movies for our New Year's honeymoon 🖤 thank you @Y/N_L/N 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Then she recorded another few seconds of the theater and posted on her story with the captions:
Private theatre for one of my favorite movies for the New Year! Thank you @Y/N_L/N 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I am who I'm meant to be. This is me
Best night ever @Y/N_L/N
@Y/N_L/N He's the BEST 🥰🥰🥰🥰
While they ate dinner, and the Goddess was slowly formulating her plan to make the night warm. She put her leg on Y/N and scooted closer to him. Y/N smiled and went to place his hand on her thigh and stroked her skin with his thumb.
After they finished eating, Alexa went to kiss Y/N's neck.
Y/N: ooh... is there anything you want wifey?
Alexa: yes... I want one thing
Y/N: name it and I'll give it
The Goddess whispered in his ear as her breath brushed against his neck.
Alexa: I want you
Y/N could feel his "loaded gun" forming a tent in his pants as he heard his wife's lustful request. Alexa turned off the TV and whispered to her husband.
Alexa: go in the room and wait for me in the bed
Y/N: okay, are you gonna change into something?
Alexa: yes
She smiled.
Alexa: now get in bed
Y/N: yes wifey
The pure husband went in the room and laid in the bed as he waited for his wife. Meanwhile, Alexa went through her bag to see what she can wear; she remembered that Y/N loved both her alter egos, which were Harley Bliss and Tifa Blisshart; then an idea came to her head as she smirked mischievously.
(Minutes later)
Y/N was waiting patiently in bed as he doesn't know what Alexa is gonna change into. Then he heard the sweet voice of his wife.
Alexa: Y/N hubby, are you okay there?
Y/N: yeah I'm fine, are you done changing?
Alexa: yes, and get ready
Y/N: I'm ready
The door opened slowly and Alexa poked her head in; Y/N's eyes widen as he saw that Alexa put her hair in the Harley Bliss style along with her make up.
Alexa: hi puddin
Y/N: Harley?
Alexa: you guess right, but you're only half right, hubby
Y/N: hmm?
The pure fan got a confused look on his face.
Y/N: what do you mean I'm half right?
Alexa smiled and she open the door wide, what she wore made Y/N's mouth hung open. Alexa was wearing her Tifa Blisshart clothes.
Y/N: Harley? Tifa? Alexa? I-I... wow...
The Goddess giggled and seductively strutted to the bed.
Alexa: come sit here
She pointed at the edge of the bed, and Y/N did what he was asked. Then Alexa sat down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Alexa: like what you see?
Y/N: yeah I do, wifey
Then she whispered in his ear.
Alexa: get ready for your Moment of Bliss
(A/N: Punisher4life, find the gems 😈)
Alexa stood up and did a little striptease as she let her hair down and she removed her Tifa skirt and white top, leaving her only in her bra and underwear. Then she sat back down and did a lap dance on Y/N, which again cause his "loaded gun" to form a tent in his shorts.
Alexa got off and laid on the bed in a seductive pose.
Alexa: come to Bliss, Y/N; do what your heart desires
Y/N: yes Goddess
He removed his shirt and climbed in the bed. The Goddess' husband went to touch her legs first with his hands while he caressed and stroked her thighs. He started to kiss her knees before moving up to kiss on her thighs, making Alexa moan as she let her husband do his work. Then Y/N moved to kiss her inner thighs, making her moan a little loud; then he ran his nose on her thighs as Alexa bit her lower lip to prevent a louder moan from escaping her mouth.
Then Y/N moved up and connected his lips on Alexa's as the two shared a kiss. The Goddess sat up and kissed him back while she reached for her bra hook to remove it. Her chest were now bare, and the Goddess grabbed his head and held it against her "chest buns." Y/N planted small kisses on them while she stroked his head. Alexa was still holding on this his head, and she brought him back up to kiss on his lips. Then she went to kiss his neck while Y/N lightly rubbed and massaged her back.
Y/N flipped them over, so that Alexa was on top of him. The Goddess went to trace lines on his chest with her fingers before proceeding to plant kisses on his chest followed by his six pack. Y/N let his wife kiss him on his midsection while he massaged and gently squeezed her biscuit butt.
Then Y/N's hand was on the hem of her underwear; the Goddess whispered in his ear.
Alexa: take them off for me, babe
The Goddess said as she laid back down on the bed.
Y/N did and removed her underwear, leaving his wife in a nude state. Then he removed the rest of his clothes as Alexa laid flat on her back. Then the Goddess whispered her lustful and loving request.
Alexa: put it in, hubby; put it in me
The Goddess tearfully smiled and kissed his cheek and lips before she laid down flat on her back. Y/N smiled and nodded as he proceeded to insert himself slowly and gently inside of his Goddess wife. Alexa moaned and relaxed as she felt him completely inside her. Then Y/N slowly and gently thrust while he kissed on the Alexa's neck as the Goddess felt his love and affection flowing inside her.
After Y/N released and pulled out, the married couple looked at each other with love in their eyes while they sweated and took deep breaths. Alexa placed her hands on his cheeks after she moved his hands to her "chest buns."
Alexa: I love you so much, hubby
Y/N: I love you too, wifey
The Goddess held his head and laid him on her chest. He sneaked in small kisses to her neck and her "chest buns," making Alexa smile as she moaned in relaxation.
Y/N: let's get some sleep now, wifey
Alexa: okay hubby
The pure husband laid on the bed and Alexa moved closer and laid on his chest; Y/N wrapped his arm around her while the Goddess put her leg on him. Y/N placed his hand on her thigh as he touched and stroked her soft skin.
Alexa: good night hubby
Y/N: good night wifey
The couple kissed each other as they fell asleep together while they look to enjoy their two weeks honeymoon at the Aloha State alone and to themselves.
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