Chapter 78: Thanksgiving
The following Thursday was Thanksgiving, and given it was a federal holiday, the business firm is closed in observance of that day, so that meant Y/N can spend with Alexa today.
A few days ago, Jenny had called the engaged couple, and she told them that Disneyland's management has given them the green light to have the wedding and reception at the park and she is working with the management to have the wedding theme of Cinderella.
As for Alexa's gown and Y/N's suit, Jenny's seamstress friend is currently working on the clothes, and has told them they can pick it up this weekend.
The early morning, Y/N as embracing Alexa in the spoon position as the two were sleeping comfortably. The Goddess slowly woke up to see Y/N embracing her. The feeling of his arms around her was like a security blanket.
The Goddess smiled and held one of his hands, and then she moved his hand under her shirt and placed it on her bare "chest bun." Alexa blushed and giggled as she thought to herself before going back to sleep.
Alexa: I can't to see your cute reaction when you wake up, baby
She smiled as she went back to sleep.
(An hour later)
The pure fan started to wake up, and felt his hand underneath Alexa's shirt; Y/N felt a soft feeling and now knew that his hand was on her "chest bun" as he lightly squeezed it. Alexa lightly moaned as she woke up and felt something below her.
Alexa: Y/N... you're poking me again
Alexa giggled as she turned to face Y/N. The pure fan became flustered and quickly removed his hand from under her shirt.
Y/N: i-it's a n-natural reaction, Alexa
The Goddess giggled and stroked his cheek with her hand.
Alexa: oh babe, I always love to tease and mess with you
Y/N: I felt like that one month punishment I endured after the bet is now a lifetime
Alexa laughed and kissed his cheek. Then the Goddess got on top and straddled him.
Alexa: time for our make out session
Y/N: yes my princess Goddess, come here
Alexa happily leaned in and kissed Y/N on her lips to start off their good morning make out session. Y/N kissed her back as he roamed his hands on her back for a relaxing rub and massage. The Goddess got one of his hands and placed it under her shorts right on her bare biscuit butt.
Y/N gave it light squeezes before he gave a booty rub which made the Goddess moan in satisfaction. The couple spent half an hour for their make out session as Alexa pulled back and laid her chin on his chest.
Alexa: so what's the plan today?
Y/N: I have no work since it's Thanksgiving, so let's invite our parents over for a holiday dinner
Alexa: good idea, I love that
Y/N: well then, let's start our day wifey
Alexa: let's go hubby
Y/N got up and got in position for Alexa to hop on his back for a piggyback ride. While the pure fan carried the Goddess downstairs, she planted small kisses on both sides of his cheeks.
The pure fan set his fiancee down on the couch.
Y/N: you can play while I cook our breakfast
Alexa: time for me to play pirate again
Y/N chuckled and gave Alexa the controller before he went to the kitchen. As Y/N cooked the food while the coffee was preparing, Alexa was playing Black Flag and stumbled upon a giant ship.
Alexa: uh Y/N, I found a big ship
Y/N: another Man O' War?
Alexa: uhh... it's a Legendary Ship
Y/N: a Legendary Ship?
The pure fan lowered the stove and went over to the living room to see Alexa anchored her ship to distance herself from the big ship.
Y/N: oh, your ship is fully upgraded, so I can think you can do it
Alexa: have you faced this ship before?
Y/N: from the ship you're about to fight, she sunk me by ramming my ship and I died after she rammed me three to four times, but I think you can beat her
Alexa: I'll try
Y/N: good luck, and I'll leave you to her
The pure fan kissed her cheek and gave her a back rub for good luck. He went back to the kitchen to continue cooking as the ship Alexa was about to battle in the game was the Spanish ship, El Impoluto.
Alexa: here we go, babe
Y/N: watch out for her ram!
Alexa: she's a big ship, but she's fast
Y/N: that is the challenge
Alexa: alright, I'll try to sink this ship for you
The Goddess fired her mortar shots to catch the Spanish ship off guard, and it made a dent; she turned the Jackdaw around to avoid the ram and fired the cannons at the ship.
Alexa: the music sounds so intimidating
Y/N: that's also another reason why I don't want to battle them
As Y/N finished cooking the food and set two plates, Alexa was a couple of shots away to sink the ship that made Y/N frustrated.
Y/N set the food and coffee on a tray and carried the food to the living room as he saw the Legendary Ship's health bar at the red zone.
Y/N: oh, you almost got it!
Alexa: just one more hit
Alexa focused the line of fire on the ship and took down the Legendary Ship with the last shot, sinking the vessel that always made the pure fan rage.
Alexa: I did it!
Y/N: good job, you've done me a favor
Alexa: well you cleared the color gem and boss level in my game, I sunk the difficult ship for you
Y/N: thanks babe, here's your food and coffee
The couple proceeded to eat their breakfast while they took turns sinking ships in Black Flag. After that, they finished eating and Alexa turned off the console.
While the couple washed the plates, they talked on how they'll set up the Thanksgiving dinner tonight with their families.
Alexa: so how are we going to do this?
Y/N: after we shower together, we're going out to buy a turkey and I'll make homemade mashed potatoes and gravy
Alexa: that sounds good, we should buy some pumpkin pie as well
Y/N: great idea
The two finished washing the dishes and Alexa whispered in his ear.
Alexa: I'll go get the shower ready, I'll see you in there shortly
She smiled and kissed his cheek before Alexa went upstairs to the bathroom. After Y/N finished washing, the pure fan went upstairs to get his towel as he joined Alexa in the bathroom. The Goddess greeted him with a cute smile as she held her hands out to him.
Alexa: come here Y/N
The pure fan smirked and hung his towel as he grabbed her hands. Then Alexa pulled him in the stall and the warm water rained down on their bodies as the two started to kiss.
Y/N washed Alexa's back first and then moved to her "chest buns" while he kissed on her neck. Alexa moaned in relaxation as she laid her head on his chest.
Alexa: you always know how to satisfy and make me feel good where you touch me, babe
The Goddess smiled and put her hand on his cheek as their warm shower commenced.
After they rinsed off and dried off, the couple got out of the bathroom and dressed up as they are going shopping for their Thanksgiving dinner with their parents in a couple of hours.
(Minutes later)
The couple were already dressed up and were about to leave.
Y/N: you ready, princess?
Alexa: let's go!
The couple left the house and drove off to the market.
(Minutes later)
The couple have arrived at the market. The two got out of the car and went inside to buy everything they need for tonight.
The first thing they buy is the main course, which was the turkey.
Y/N: should we go 8 pound or 16 pound turkey?
Alexa: 16 pound because I know your dad loves to eat a lot
Y/N: good point, my dad needs his protein to maintain his muscles
The pure fan went to grab a 16 pound turkey, and in respect for Larry Steve, he decided not to get the ham.
Then they went to the produce section to get potatoes for homemade mashed potatoes. They bought some more ingredients for the gravy and the stuffing. Alexa went to grab two pumpkin pies to complete the meal.
After they bought everything, the couple drove back home and put the groceries away. Then the two called their parents to invite them over tonight for dinner.
They have a couple of hours left until their parents come over, so the two decided to relax by watching more Disney+. Alexa put her legs on him and Y/N pulled her shorts up to stroke and touch her thighs. The Goddess smiled and laid her head on his chest as she melted from his gentle touch.
(A few hours later)
The two were preparing everything as their parents are coming in two hours. Y/N seasoned and stuffed the turkey before he placed it in the oven. Then the couple worked together on the mashed potatoes and the gravy.
After some time, everything was ready and all set on the table. The couple sat down on the couch and rested.
Y/N: alright, we have 30 minutes left, so what do-
The pure fan was interrupted by Alexa's lips pressed against his for a surprise kiss. Y/N's eyes widen, but he kissed her back with his hands on her back. The Goddess went down on his neck while Y/N gave her a relaxing back massage.
After 15 minutes, Alexa pulled back and laid her head on him while she smiled.
Alexa: I call that an appetizer before the main course
Y/N: don't spoil your dinner, babe
The two shared a laugh as they embraced.
(15 minutes later)
They heard a knock on the door. Y/N went up to answer the door to see his parents.
Y/N: hey mom, hey dad
M/N: hi son
F/N: how are you, my boy?
Y/N: always been good, dad; come on in
The pure fan's parents went inside and they saw their future daughter-in-law.
M/N: Alexa!
Alexa: hi, how are you two doing?
M/N: we're doing good
F/N: we're happy that you invite us for Thanksgiving
Y/N: of course dad, it's a family gathering
Then they heard another knock on the door.
Alexa: I'll go get it
The Goddess opened the door to greet her parents.
Alexa: mom, dad!
Angela: hi Lexi, thanks for inviting us
Alexa: of course, come on in
Bob and Angels went in and they saw M/N and F/N.
Angela: hey, we missed you
M/N: we missed you too
Y/N: alright, everyone follow us to the dining room
The parents followed the engaged couple to the dining room to see the setting.
F/N: son, is that a 16 lb turkey?
Y/N: yes dad, I know how much you need your protein to maintain your build
M/N: just don't eat all of it dear, there are other people
The six sat down at the table and ate as they talked.
Alexa: to let you all know, our wedding is in a couple of weeks on Christmas Day
Bob: have you two worked together on everything?
Y/N: yes dad, everything from the guest list to the theme and place
M/N: may I ask, what is the theme of you two's wedding?
Alexa: well Y/N made it the best wedding ever
Y/N: because the theme is Disney's Cinderella
F/N: oh that is a wonderful choice
M/N: son, your dad and I know how much you love to watch the classic Disney Princesses movies
Angela: and Lexi has always been a princess since she was born
F/N: how about the place of the ceremony and reception?
Alexa: originally it was suppose to be at a church, but Y/N made a surprise change that made me so happy
F/N: why son, what did you change the place to?
Y/N: well, I have decided to have our wedding at Disneyland
Alexa: Y/N has made my dreams a reality
M/N: that is our son for you, Alexa
Angela: he is the perfect guy for you, Lexi
Alexa looked at Y/N and smiled as she nodded in agreement with her mother.
Alexa: he is mom
The Goddess kissed him on the cheek.
Y/N: and we want to thank you all for the support you have given us because our love for each other is strong.
M/N: of course son
Angela: you two showed us how much you love each other
F/N: plus the hickeys on you two's necks
Y/N and Alexa lightly blushed in embarrassment as the parents shared a laugh at their expense.
Y/N: dad, they are not hickeys; they are medals of love
Alexa: that's right
The Goddess hugged his arm.
M/N: you two are so cute together
The extended family went on to finish the food as they talked more about the wedding. After an hour, the four parents said their goodbyes.
The engaged couple washed the dishes and threw the trash away, and then they sat down to watch a movie.
Y/N: you're good, babe?
Alexa: yes my love, that was a delicious dinner
Y/N: and it was great because our families were here
Alexa: I can't wait to say "I do"
Y/N: and also spend the rest of our lives together
Alexa: I love you, babe
Y/N: I love you too, princess
The couple kissed each other and resumed to watch until they were both sleepy. Y/N turned off the TV and carried Alexa to their bedroom and set her down on the bed. Y/N got in next to her and put the Goddess in the spoon position. He kissed her head which made her smile as he fell asleep.
The Goddess opened her eyes and saw Y/N's hands around her waist; she moved one of his hands and placed it on her "chest bun." Alexa smiled and went back to sleep in comfort.
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