Chapter 77: Crash Course
After finalizing all of their wedding materials with Jenny a few days ago, none was more excited than Alexa as the Goddess couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with Y/N.
The early morning, the Goddess woke up to feel his arms around her waist which made her smile. Alexa held his hand and kissed it before placing it on her "chest buns." She giggled and blushed at the sight before she went back to sleep.
(An hour later)
The time was now 8:15, and Y/N started to wake up. The pure fan felt his hand again on her "chest buns." Y/N gave a light squeeze to it, which brought out a light moan from the Goddess.
Alexa: Y/N...
She moaned his name as Y/N kissed her head repeatedly until she started to wake up. Alexa turned to face him and smiled.
Y/N: good morning, princess
Alexa: good morning, my prince
Y/N smiled at her and stroked her cheek with his hand.
Alexa: Y/N, I have an important question to ask
Y/N: what is it, my love?
Alexa: help me, what are we suppose to do after we wake up?
Y/N: I know the answer, allow me to demonstrate
Y/N moved and got on top of Alexa who was smiling, giggling and blushing. Then Y/N leaned in and kissed Alexa on the lips as they initiate their good morning make out session. Alexa kissed him back as she placed her hands on his cheeks; Y/N moved his hand down to her legs as he stroked and caressed her soft thighs.
Then the pure fan moved down to her neck which made Alexa moan in satisfaction while she bite her lower lip. The Goddess massaged his back as her hands roamed around his back.
Alexa: yes babe... make me feel good...
Alexa bit her lower lip as she felt Y/N gently nibbling on her neck. After the couple spent half an hour of their make out session, Y/N pulled back and laid next to the Goddess.
Alexa: oh Y/N... I feel my neck tingling
Y/N: I left another medal on your neck, babe
Alexa blushed and hid her face in his chest. Y/N embraced her and kissed her head. Then the couple went to start their day with Y/N giving Alexa a piggyback ride.
Y/N set the Goddess down, and Alexa went to feed the pets as they have already woken up. The pure fan was busy cooking food while the coffee was made.
Alexa: Y/N, I know what we can do to pass the time today
Y/N: what?
Alexa: since you taught and watched me play Black Flag; let me teach and watch you play Crash
Y/N: okay, that's fair; you played my game, I'll play your game
Alexa smiled and went to feed Larry Steve. After the pets were fed, the Goddess went to Y/N and hopped on his back.
Y/N: babe, what are you doing?
Alexa: just hanging around
Y/N chuckled and shook his head as was cooking the pancakes. Then Alexa decided to have some fun with him. The Goddess went to kiss on his neck which made Y/N shiver and gasp as his eyes widen.
Y/N: Alexa...
Hearing Y/N moan her name made Alexa's thirst for lust increase as she continued to kiss on his neck. Y/N held on and finished cooking without burning anything.
Y/N: b-breakfast is served, my darling
Alexa finished kissing on his neck and pulled back while she got off his back.
Alexa: I love the Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes
Y/N: I made these on your birthday
Alexa: and that day always makes me happy whenever I remember it
Y/N smiled as the couple went to sit down at the dining room table to eat their breakfast. As the couple ate, they also fed each other pieces of pancake; Y/N was cautious whenever Alexa was in possession of the whip cream can.
Alexa: relax my love, I'm not gonna spray whip cream on you
Y/N: I'm just being careful
Alexa giggled and finished putting whip cream on her pancakes and set the can on the table. Y/N scooted close to Alexa as they continued to eat.
Meanwhile, Alexa put some whip cream that was on her pancakes on her finger. Then the Goddess smeared the cream on Y/N's cheek and neck as she laughed.
Y/N: oh very funny, princess
Y/N tried to not laugh, but couldn't hold his smile in.
Y/N: alright, I'm going to get the tissue to wipe this off
Alexa: let me help...
The Goddess went to clean off the cream from his cheek and neck, kissing and nibbling in the process. Y/N gasped and shivered from her soft lips and tongue. After a few seconds, Alexa pulled back and smiled.
Alexa: there you go, all clean
Y/N: thank you, Alexa
Alexa: at your service, my love
She smiled and kissed his cheek while giving his back a light back rub.
The couple finished eating their pancakes and they teamed up in washing the dishes.
Then the pure fan went upstairs to get the tub ready as they are having a bath. Y/N went to whisper in Alexa's ear.
Y/N: I'll get the bath ready, babe
Alexa: o-okay... Y/N
The pure fan smirked and stroked her chin before he went upstairs to get fill and warm up the tub. Alexa fanned herself as she felt her cheeks getting hot after feeling his breath brushed against her ear.
A few minutes passed, and Y/N went downstairs with his towel wrapped around him.
Y/N: princess, the bath is ready
As Alexa turned around, her cheeks turned red at the sight of the pure fan.
Alexa: a-alright babe, I'll go get my r-robe and my towel and I'll be right there
The Goddess put her hands over her cheeks and rushed upstairs while Y/N smirked.
Y/N: I love you, baby
The pure fan went upstairs and got in the bathroom as he waited for Alexa.
A few seconds later, Alexa went in the bathroom and saw Y/N already in the tub. She removed her robe and Y/N helped her go stepped in by holding her hand. The Goddess relaxed and scooted up towards him.
After Alexa washed his back, Y/N proceeded to wash her back followed by her "chest buns." Alexa relaxed and moaned as her fiance did his work on her "chest buns."
Then the couple rinsed off and they got out of the tub and dried off. They went in their room and wore their new fresh set of clothes.
(A few minutes later)
The couple were downstairs continuing on with their day with Alexa watering and checking on the garden while Y/N cooked homemade burgers for lunch.
Then the Goddess came in and went to play more Black Flag on Y/N's PS4.
Y/N: having fun there, babe?
Alexa: yeah, I'm having fun being a pirate
Y/N chuckled as he finished cooking the burger patties. He put the burgers together and joined the Goddess in the living room as he watched her sunk another Man O' War ship in the game.
Alexa: I always like to go for the big ships
Y/N: the Men O' Wars give great rewards when you plunder them
He handed Alexa her burger.
Alexa: this looks good
Y/N: of course, I made it with love
Alexa: aww
She kissed his cheek as Alexa paused the game as the couple began to eat their lunch.
Alexa: after we eat, and after I sink some more ships, it's time for you to play Crash
Y/N: are you stuck on a level?
Alexa: yes, and it's a colored gem level
Y/N: wait, another colored gem level? On those levels, you can't die once
Alexa: and to make it challenging, it's from the first game
Y/N took a deep breath.
Y/N: we have our work cut off for ourselves
Alexa: and then there will be a boss level
Y/N: oh jeez
Alexa: don't worry, we can get through the game together
After they finished their burgers, Alexa went to sink more ships in Black Flag until it was time for the couple to continue Crash Bandicoot's adventures.
Y/N: alright, what's the level you're stuck on?
Alexa: the Toxic Waste level, the blue gem level
Y/N: okay, you want to start first?
Alexa: yes let me do it first
Y/N: good luck
The Goddess started the level and went to play it through.
Alexa: oh no, I missed a crate!
Y/N: can you go back for it?
Alexa: let me try
As Alexa went back to get the crate she missed, she fell into a pit.
Alexa: no!
She paused the game and restarted.
Y/N: alright, my turn
The Goddess handed him the controller and the pure fan attempted to complete the Toxic Waste level with no flaws.
Alexa: don't forget the crates
Y/N: I got it, I got it
The pure fan had a focused and concentrated look on his face as he avoided and went through the obstacles with no hits.
Y/N: yes! Yes!
Alexa: come on, you got it!
The pure fan reached for the goal and got the blue gem.
Y/N: got it!
Alexa: good job, babe!
She hugged and kissed him as her fiance helped cleared another hard level.
Y/N: alright, the next level is Rolling Stones; I'll let you do this one
Alexa: thank you
The Goddess played through and got another white gem. The next level was called Cortex Power, and Alexa handed off the controller to Y/N. The pure fan took a deep breath and started to play the level and got the gem at the end.
Then the couple saw that the next level was a boss battle called Pinstripe Potorro.
Y/N: boss battle Goddess, it's all you now
Alexa: no babe, I'll let you do it; it's time for you to refresh your memories. Tell me, when did you first play Crash?
Y/N: long time ago when I was only five years old on my friend's PS1, and I never got to this level because it was so hard
Alexa: let this be a redemption shot for you, love
She put her hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.
Alexa: you can do it, Y/N
The pure fan nodded and went to play the boss battle level.
Y/N: come on Pinstripe
After nearly two minutes, Y/N took down Pinstripe.
Y/N: yes! I did it!
Alexa: I know you can do it, good job!
Y/N: it's all thanks to my cute and beautiful cheerleader
Alexa smiled and blushed heavily as the two shared a hug.
Alexa: you know I was a cheerleader back in high school
Y/N: and I guess you were a cute and energetic cheerleader in high school
Alexa: and you are right
She giggled and kissed his lips.
The couple decided that they were done playing for the day, so Y/N switched off his console and went to Disney+ as they watched another of Y/N's favorites, Finding Nemo.
The couple cuddled together on the couch. Y/N pulled her shorts up and went to stroke her thighs, making Alexa melt in comfort.
Alexa: you always know where to touch to make me feel good
She smiled and kissed him on the lips. Then the couple relaxed together and watched the classic Disney movie together.
As the movie came to an end, Y/N saw Alexa yawning, so he turned off the TV and carried to Goddess to the bed. The pure fan laid next to her and Alexa immediately went on top and straddled him.
Alexa: be my bed
Y/N: of course, my darling;
He smiled and kissed her head as he gave her back gentle rubs before going down to her biscuit butt to give it light love taps, making Alexa melt in his arms with a comfort smile on her face. Then Y/N fell asleep as well.
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