Chapter 73: Concert Date
(Next weekend)
This week was Y/N's pay day and he used his money to buy some more groceries, but he forgot to see that his favorite Christian rock band Skillet had a concert in town tonight, and he didn't get to purchase a pass to go see them, which made him disappointed.
Y/N: damn!
Alexa: what's wrong babe?
Y/N: look
Y/N handed Alexa his phone to show a poster that Skillet is holding a concert this weekend.
Alexa: Skillet
Y/N: they're my favorite rock band, and I wanted to watch them perform, but with my work all caught up on me, I couldn't find the time to purchase a pass
Alexa: oh don't worry Y/N, there's always next time
Y/N: yeah, I'm gonna cook dinner now
What Y/N doesn't know is that Alexa has already purchased two backstage passes in advance.
(End of flashback)
Alexa and Y/N were sleeping until the morning sun woke the Goddess up. She looked over to the drawer where she hid the Skillet backstage passes in as she planned to surprise Y/N for his gratitude, love and loyalty to her.
The Goddess held his hand and put it under her shorts and placed it on her bare biscuit butt; she giggled and blushed at the sight before she went back to sleep because it was only 7:00 a.m. in the morning. Before she closed her eyes, Alexa kissed him on the cheek.
(An hour later)
Y/N started to wake up slowly as he opened his eyes to see his fiancee sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the cute sight and then removed the covers to see his hand was inside her shorts on her biscuit butt. Y/N smirked and shook his head and proceeded to give her biscuit butt a light love tap and a gentle squeeze before giving it a booty rub.
Alexa moaned and smiled as she felt her fiance's hand rubbing her biscuit butt; then she woke up and looked up at him.
Y/N: good morning, my Goddess
Alexa: morning baby
Y/N stopped rubbing to give Alexa a kiss on the lips, but she pulled back.
Y/N: what's wrong?
Alexa had a seductive smirk on her face as she answered his question.
Alexa: I like when you give me that relaxing booty rub on my biscuit butt... keep doing it... it makes me feel good
Y/N was enticed by the sweet voice of the Goddess, and he followed her order by resuming his booty rub on her. Then the Goddess proceeded to get on top of him to start their good morning make out session. Alexa went to kiss on his neck while Y/N continued to rub and massage her bottom.
After their mild make out session, Alexa laid on his chest while she catch her breath. Then the pure fan went to carry her downstairs to start their day.
Alexa: so what are you gonna do today, babe?
Y/N: well I wish we were at Skillet's concert tonight, but you already know, I'm too late and they're probably sold out by now
Alexa: I'm sorry, babe
Y/N: it's fine, and you already mentioned that there's next time, so only time will tell when Skillet will come back to town and perform
The Goddess went up to him and rubbed his back and kissed him to comfort her fiance.
Y/N: I needed that babe, thank you
Alexa: of course, anything for you Y/N
The pure went to cook the food for their breakfast while he mixed two cups of coffee. Alexa saw the disappointed look on his face, and she felt sympathetic for him. This was Alexa's signal to surprise him.
Alexa: Y/N, I'm going to get something upstairs
Y/N: okay, breakfast is almost done cooking babe
Alexa: okay!
The Goddess went upstairs to their bedroom. She went to the drawer and grabbed the two Skillet backstage passes. Alexa looked at the pass and nodded.
Alexa: this is for you, my darling fiance
Alexa smiled and went downstairs to see that Y/N has already set the food and coffee on the table.
Y/N: oh you're just in time Alexa, breakfast is served
Alexa: well before we start eating, I got something for you
Y/N: what is it?
Alexa: first, close your eyes and hold out your hands
Y/N: okay...
He did what the Goddess told him. Alexa saw that his eyes are closed and his hands are held out. Alexa got the passes behind her back, and was about to give it to him, but the Goddess decided to have some fun with him.
Alexa: babe, I'm gonna hold your hands, but don't open your eyes
Y/N: okay
Then the Goddess placed his hands on her "chest buns." Y/N was confused and his hands squeezed what was he touching.
Y/N: Alexa...
The Goddess giggled and then Y/N opened his eyes to see his hands directly on her "chest buns." Y/N blushed heavily and removed his hands while he was flustered and Alexa laughed at him.
Y/N: oh real funny, babe
Alexa: your face is so cute!
Alexa playfully pinched his cheeks and kissed his lips.
Alexa: I'm sorry babe, close your eyes and hold your hands out, I promise no more funny business
Y/N: alright
He closed his eyes and held his hands out and Alexa got the passes from behind her back. The Goddess placed one pass on his hands.
Y/N: it feels like a card
Alexa: you're correct, what else do you feel?
Y/N: a cloth like a lanyard
Alexa: you're getting warmer babe, open your eyes
The pure fan opened his eyes to see what he was holding. Then Y/N saw that the card was a Skillet backstage pass. Y/N's eyes widen in surprise.
Y/N: you got me a Skillet backstage pass?!
Alexa: surprise baby!
Y/N: how did you get these? They're sold out
Alexa: I ordered them in advance last week
Y/N: darling, thank you so much, I wish you were coming with me
Alexa: well your wish has come true
The Goddess said as she got the other backstage pass from behind her back.
Y/N: oh yes! We're going together!
Alexa: baby, this is for your love, gratitude and your loyalty to me
Y/N: of course babe, you're my fiancee, and soon-to-be my wife, you are my number one priority in my life, I love you Alexa
The pure fan said as he put his hand on her cheeks and kissed her forehead which made her smile and cry tears of joy.
Alexa: I love you too, Y/N
The couple shared a kiss on their lips. Then they went to eat their food.
The couple finished eating and the pure fan went to warm up the shower while Alexa washed the dishes.
(A few minutes later)
Y/N came downstairs with his towel wrapped around him as he called Alexa.
Y/N: babe, the shower is ready
Alexa: okay baby
The Goddess bit her lower lip as her eyes were set on his six pack. Y/N smirked and grabbed her hand to place it on his six pack as Alexa blushed heavily.
Y/N: this is payback for your "chest buns" prank earlier
He smirked as the Goddess' cheeks were red. The Goddess removed her hand and rushed upstairs. Y/N smirked and went up to the bathroom.
(In the bathroom)
Y/N was in the shower stall getting a head start. Then Alexa came in.
Y/N: join me in here, my love
Alexa: I'm coming
She removed her robe and stepped inside the stall to see steam blocking her vision. Alexa stuck out her hand to feel her surroundings until she touched something.
Y/N: oh hey baby
Alexa: hi love, wait, what am I touching?
Y/N: your hand is touching my "loaded gun" again baby
Alexa's cheeks immediately turned red and she quickly removed her hand from him.
Alexa: sorry baby!
Y/N: it's okay, babe; so shall we shower?
Alexa: yes, so let me wash your back first
Y/N: my back is turned
The Goddess went to wash his back before she let her fiance wash her back and her "chest buns" while Y/N kissed her neck.
After their hot and passionate shower, the couple got out of the stall and dried themselves off. Then they wore their new clothes and continued their day as Y/N cooked lunch while Alexa fed the pets.
(Hours later)
The concert wasn't until 6:00 p.m. tonight, so the couple spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching movies.
Alexa pulled her shorts up to show her bare legs as she said.
Alexa: babe I'm cold, can you put your hand here please?
The Goddess said as she patted her thigh.
Y/N: of course
The pure fan went to put his hand on her thigh and gently stroked her soft skin with his thumb.
Alexa: I feel comfortable babe, thank you
Y/N: of course
He smiled and kissed her head. Then as the couple watched, Y/N move his hand towards her inner thigh, making Alexa gasp and bit her lower lip; Alexa moaned his name as she felt his hand.
Alexa: Y/N...
Then Alexa's hunger overwhelmed her as she lunged at Y/N for a kiss. Y/N kissed her back as he continued to stroke on her inner thigh. After a few minutes, the couple pulled back and Y/N placed his hand back on her outer thigh.
(A few hours later)
It was now 5:30, and the couple were already dressed up for Skillet's concert.
Y/N: ready to go, darling?
Alexa: yes, let's go!
Y/N: alright!
The couple left their house and drove off to the concert venue.
(20 minutes later)
They arrived at the concert hall and presented their passes to security. They took their seats and Y/N couldn't contain his excitement to see his favorite band performing live in person.
(Minutes later)
The show started, and Skillet's lead singer John Cooper greeted the full capacity crowd. The Christian rock band opened up the show with their song, Lucy.
As the band performed the song, Y/N wrapped his arm around Alexa and pulled her close as he sang along. The Goddess smiled and kissed his cheek.
The band finished singing and the crowd gave a loud round of applause.
The next song Skillet started to sing was one of their hits, Rise.
Y/N and Alexa cheered as John started to sing followed by the band's drummer, Jen Ledger.
(A couple of hours later)
The show was over, and the crowd gave a standing ovation as Skillet gave a final bow as John thanked everyone for coming.
Alexa: babe, we can go meet them since we have backstage access
Y/N: oh yeah, let's go
The couple presented their backstage access and the security guard let them through. The two were amazed of all the musical instruments that were used. Then they saw Skillet themselves: John and Korey Cooper, Jen Ledger and Seth Morrison.
Y/N: oh my goddess, Alexa it's them
Alexa: let's go meet them
The couple approached them; Jen saw them and smiled as she greeted them.
Jen: oh hello there
Y/N: hi, my name is Y/N and this is my fiancee Alexa
Alexa: Y/N is a huge fan of you guys
Jen: I can see by the shirt he's wearing.
The drummer giggled as the rest of Skillet came.
Seth: you two enjoyed the show tonight?
Y/N: yeah, the songs you guys sang were my favorites
Korey: oh wow!
John: we appreciate that, thank you
Alexa: is it cool we can take some pictures with you guys?
Jen: sure!
John: alright, let's all huddle in
Alexa got her phone out and faced the camera to the six of them and went to take a couple of pictures with the band.
Y/N: thank you guys, you're awesome!
Alexa: I really like your songs!
Jen: thank you for coming!
John: wait, before you two go, I want to give you something
Alexa: sure what is it?
The band's lead singer went over to grab their latest album.
John: our latest album
Y/N: oh wow, thank you!
John: and as you can see, it's signed by all four of us
Y/N: okay, that is more awesome
Korey: we're glad you two enjoyed the show
Y/N: we did; oh, we're going to go now; it was great meeting you guys
Jen: drive safe!
The couple waved goodbye to Skillet as they left the hall and drove for home.
(At their house)
The couple were in bed cuddling while Y/N gave her kisses all over her head and face.
Y/N: babe, you really made my night
Alexa: it's all for your love, respect and loyalty to me baby
Y/N smiled and kissed her lips.
Y/N: I got to go a concert of my favorite band with my most beautiful Goddess
Alexa: aww baby, you are always so sweet to me
Y/N: I love you so much, babe
Alexa: I love you too
The couple kissed each other on their lips. Then it was time for them to sleep; Y/N pulled the covers over their bodies while Alexa went to lay on his chest and pulled her shorts up. Y/N placed his hand on her leg and gently stroke her thigh as the couple kissed one more time before falling asleep.
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