Chapter 7: Is He Good Enough For Her?
Previously on Pure Heart...
Alexa: the guy that I have a crush on is...
Alexa saw Y/N's free hand on the table and she gathered up her courage before putting her hand on top of his.
Alexa: it's you, Y/N
Y/N was speechless and he had a shocked expression on his face.
And now the newest chapter of Pure Heart begins now.
Y/N was still frozen in shock after hearing that WWE Superstar Alexa Bliss has confessed to having a crush on him.
Y/N: Alexa, I... I don't know what to say; am I asleep?
He pinched himself for a reality check; he blinked his eyes and saw that Alexa was sitting right in front of him, signifying that it was all real.
Y/N: are you serious?
Alexa nodded while her hands were clutched and covering her mouth.
Y/N: I need to process all of this first
Alexa's smile faded away and turned into a little sad frown.
Alexa: you don't like me?
Y/N: no, that's not what I meant; it's just this is all complicated for me right now
Alexa: Y/N...
Y/N: question is; am I good enough for you?
Alexa moved and sat closer to Y/N and laid her head on his shoulder.
Alexa: Y/N, you are the kind of guy that all girls want, including myself; you're respectful, responsible and kind
Y/N: but I'm just an average and regular guy; a college student about to graduate, and you work for the biggest wrestling company in the world
He stood up and paced around the room.
Alexa: Y/N, I know this is all sudden for you, but I just want to get it out
Y/N: I admired your courage to tell me Alexa, but for now I need to think this over
Alexa: I understand
She stood up and walked towards the door. Y/N opened it for her.
Y/N: thanks for coming
Alexa: yeah
The college student watched the Goddess get into her car and drove off.
Alexa's eyes was filled with tears, but was relieved to tell her feelings and that Y/N did not reject her. She heard her phone ring and put it on speaker as it was chat call from Nessie and Erin.
Erin: so did you tell him?
Alexa: I did
Nessie: what did he say?
Alexa: he said that it's a lot to take in, but he did not reject me
Erin: it's a lot to take in for him
Nessie: give him some time, Lex
Alexa: I will
(Meanwhile with Y/N)
Y/N was trying to focus on his work, but still thinking of Alexa's heartfelt confession to her.
Y/N: Alexa likes me
He did managed to finish his work and checked that everything is correct. Then he started a video chat with Mike and Ryan while he turned on his PS4.
Mike: what's up, man?
Ryan: dude!
Y/N: hey
Mike and Ryan noticed the change of tone in his voice.
Ryan: what's wrong, you sound different
Mike: you wanna talk about it?
Y/N: well Alexa came to my house to talk to me privately
Mike: about what?
Y/N: well she confessed that she has a crush on me; Alexa likes me
Ryan: we know
Mike: she told us about it before she came to your house
Ryan: how do you feel?
Y/N: surprised at first, but now I'm processing it
Ryan: Alexa Bliss just told she likes you, man
Y/N: yeah, she likes an ordinary guy
Ryan: an ordinary, responsible and respectful guy
Mike: did you reject her?
Y/N: no, I admired her courage to tell me, but I didn't want to tell her
Ryan: tell her what?
Y/N: I'm not ready for a relationship; I have my whole life ahead
Mike: that is a critical statement there dude
Y/N: I don't want to hurt her, guys
Ryan and Mike listened to their friend's serious talk.
Mike: you got a hell of a story to tell your friends at college
Y/N: I doubt that Victor will ever believe that Alexa Bliss came over to my house and tells me she likes me
The guys chuckled.
Y/N: I don't know if I'm good enough for someone like Alexa
Mike: just think it over while you sleep
Ryan: I agree with Mike, dude
(Back with Alexa)
The Goddess was at her house while she was still talking with the girls.
Erin: well the good thing is, he did not reject you; he admired your courage
Alexa: I'm really in love with him
Nessie: we got the picture, but he has his sights on his graduation and diploma
Alexa: when is his graduation?
Nessie: from what Y/N told Mike and I; it's around May
Alexa: I will make it a special day for him when I show up
Erin: he'll definitely love that
Alexa's cute smile came back while her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.
(Back with Y/N)
Y/N: I don't know guys, having a relationship with someone who works 300 days a year with a hectic schedule is sloppy, and they only go home for holidays like Christmas and New Year
Mike: I know WWE's schedule is pretty messed up
Ryan: it is
Mike: Alexa won't find anyone else like you
Y/N: ...
He couldn't think of anything else to say.
Y/N: so what can I do?
Ryan: well since you now know that Alexa likes you; just get closer, and who knows you might open your heart to her
Y/N: only God knows when
Mike: just follow Ryan's advice and let fate decide
Y/N sighed and he nodded in agreement.
Y/N: Alexa is always happy when I'm around
Ryan and Mike nodded. Then Y/N called it a night and he went to sleep.
(The next day, time skip)
After Y/N was finished with his internship for the day, he drove to the college while his mind was still thinking of his conversation with Alexa the night before.
Alexa: it's you Y/N
Y/N asked himself an important question.
Y/N's mind: why?
He parked his car in front of the campus and walked to his business communications class and gets his mind off the moment, so he can focus on today's lesson.
After an hour and a half of class, Y/N managed to stay focus and complete his classwork with a group. He then got in his car and drove for home.
As he reached his house, he got a direct message on his Instagram from Alexa.
Alexa: are you free to talk; I have time to come over
Y/N stared at the message for a few seconds before responding back.
Y/N: I have thought it over of what you said; I'm free to talk, you can come over
He put his phone away and went to do his work while he waited for the Goddess.
(1 hour later)
Y/N was doing his work until he heard a knock on his door. He went to open it to see it was Alexa.
Alexa: hi Y/N
Y/N: hi Alexa; come on in
Alexa: thanks
The Goddess went inside and the two sat down to talk.
Y/N: Alexa, I had a lot of time to think of what you've told me and I...
Alexa: yes Y/N?
Y/N: I accept your feelings
Alexa smiled and she hugged Y/N tight.
Y/N: okay okay I get it
Alexa: sorry
Y/N: it's alright, but you already know about my objectives
Alexa: I understand; degree and graduation first
Y/N: yes exactly; you're now my inspiration to work hard and achieve my goals
Alexa blushed heavily as she hid her face with her hands.
Y/N: so that's all came here for?
Alexa: yes, that's all
She stood up and headed for the door. Y/N opened it for her
Alexa: good luck on your studies
Y/N: thanks
They stared at each other for a second until Alexa leaned in and kissed Y/N on the cheek, surprising him.
Alexa: see you again, Y/N
Y/N: y-yeah
Alexa smiled and walked to her car before driving off. Y/N closed the door and went back to his work while he put his hand on his cheek where Alexa kissed. He shook his head and finished his work.
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