Chapter 68: She Can't Keep Her Hands Off Him ❤
(The next day)
After another unwanted visit from the nefarious couple of the awful musician and his big forehead girlfriend, the engaged couple of the pure fan and the Goddess looks to move on forward to hopefully a peaceful future together.
Y/N and Alexa were sleeping together in bed until the morning sun woke up the Goddess; she opened her eyes to see Y/N's arms around her body which made her smile. However, Alexa saw the time was 7:00 in the morning, which was too early for them, so she went back to sleep, but before she did that, the Goddess moved one of his hands right on her "chest buns." The Goddess smiled in comfort and went back to sleep.
(An hour and a half later)
It was now 8:30 in the morning, and the pure fan Y/N was starting to open his eyes and wake up; he looked over to see that Alexa has moved his hand up to her "chest bun." Y/N smirked and shook his head as he gave her a kiss to her head and gave her "chest bun" a light squeeze which brought out a soft moan from Alexa as she started to move and eventually wake up.
The Goddess turned around to face Y/N as she smiled at him. The pure fan went to move her hair behind her ear before stroking her soft cheek.
Y/N: I always believe that I'm in heaven because I have a Goddess to wake up to
Alexa: aww, you always say the sweetest words
Y/N: what can I say, I'm very charming
Alexa: you're not wrong there, babe
The Goddess said as she put her hand at back of his head and gently pulled him in for a kiss to start off their daily good morning make out session. Y/N rolled them over to let Alexa be on top of him as he kissed her back with his arms around her back. Then his hands moved down to her thigh before going up to her biscuit butt.
Alexa pulled back for a second, and got Y/N's hand; she then guided his hand under her shorts to give him the soft bare skin.
Y/N: Goddess?
Alexa: now you can give me a proper massage
The Goddess giggled and went to resume kissing on his lips while Y/N gave her a gentle biscuit butt massage. Alexa moaned from Y/N's massaging which made her go down to his neck. Y/N didn't pull back as he now accepted his fate after all of the numerous love marks given upon him from his lovely Goddess.
After a 30 minute make out session, Alexa pulled back and laid on his chest while Y/N took out his hand from under her shorts and placed it on her biscuit butt, giving it light love taps.
Y/N: alright, let's start our day
Alexa: you know what to do, carry me downstairs
Y/N: I got you, baby
As Y/N got up, Alexa wrapped her legs and arms around him tight, so she won't fall off. The pure fan carried her downstairs and Y/N set her down on the dining room chair.
Y/N: there you are, my Goddess
Alexa: thank you, my hubby
Y/N: now you just sit there and relax while I go cook
Alexa smiled and nodded as she watched her fiance started cooking. Then the Goddess saw that WWE has confirmed a match for SmackDown this coming Friday.
Alexa: Y/N, there's a one on one match this coming Friday
Y/N: oh, what is it?
Alexa: it will be Drew vs. Blake
Y/N: hmm, after watching that mixed tag team match a few weeks ago, it does make sense since McIntyre knocked down Blake with a Claymore; the ending sequence of the mixed tag match was wild
Alexa: well it looks like Blake wants revenge for the Claymore he got
Y/N: anything for you?
Alexa: uh, what I see, it's just a contract signing for my championship match against Bayley for the next pay-per-view
Y/N: even the tag team title match is also confirmed?
Alexa: looks like it, they just need to build up the feud between them
Y/N: I can't wait
Alexa continued to scroll through Instagram until she lost interest and she turned off her phone. The Goddess stood up and went to the kitchen to watch Y/N cook and proceeded to hug his arm.
Y/N: yes wifey?
Alexa: nothing, I just want to watch you cook
Y/N: you want to see how I cook?
Alexa: yes, so I can learn in case next time I'll bring you lunch to work
Y/N: okay wifey, watch and learn
The Goddess watched the pure fan cooked the food while she gave him kisses to his cheek which made him smile.
Y/N: are you "thirsty" babe?
Alexa lightly blushed.
Alexa: no, I just want to kiss you, that's all
Y/N: alright baby
Then Alexa wrapped his arm around him as she continued to watch her fiance cook. As Y/N cooked, Alexa moved his free hand on her "chest bun."
Y/N: baby
Alexa: just hold me here please
Y/N: alright, my darling
He said as his free hand gave Alexa's "chest bun" a gentle squeeze which made her moan and giggle.
Alexa: hmm, that feels good
Y/N chuckled and gave Alexa some cooking lessons. After a few minutes, Y/N was done cooking, and at the same time gave Alexa some new cooking knowledge.
Alexa: thanks for the lessons, baby
Y/N: of course, anything for you; shall we eat?
Alexa: let's eat and watch some TV
Y/N: alright
Alexa: I'll go pick our show to watch
Y/N: okay
The Goddess went to the living room to select a movie to watch as Y/N set the food on two plates. He joined the Goddess on the couch as he gave her plate. The couple proceeded to eat and feed each other as they watched a movie.
(Minutes later)
The couple were done eating, and as Y/N went to wash the plates, Alexa held his arm.
Y/N: you need something, babe?
Alexa: let me help wash the dishes
Y/N: okay babe, I'll put soap and you rinse the plates
Alexa: sounds good
The couple went to wash the dishes in an assembly line with Y/N soaping the plates and Alexa rinsing it off and putting them away.
Y/N: teamwork!
Alexa: yup!
The couple high five each other.
Y/N: I'll go get the bath ready, darling
Alexa: okay
As Y/N walked away, Alexa ran her hand up and down on his back which made him arch back and shiver. The Goddess watched him go upstairs as she said to herself.
Alexa: I love you so much, I can't wait for our wedding to come
She said as she looked at her engagement ring.
After a minute, Y/N came down with his towel wrapped around him.
Y/N: wifey, the bath is ready
Alexa: o-okay
As the Goddess walked, she couldn't stop staring at Y/N's six pack; however, she snapped back into reality as she tripped on the stairs. Then Y/N helped her up.
Y/N: babe, be careful
Alexa: thanks Y/N, I'll go get my robe and towel and I'll be in there with you
The pure fan smirked and shook his head as he went upstairs in the bathroom. Y/N was in the bathtub relaxing and saw his Goddess fiancee coming in.
Alexa: hello darling
Y/N: come and join me, my love
The Goddess smiled as she took off her robe; Y/N held out his hand for her to keep her balance. Alexa went in and scooted up towards him.
Y/N: time for to wash your back
Alexa: okay, thank you love
Y/N went to do his work on her back before going in for her "chest buns." Alexa relaxed from his touch as she laid her head on his chest. Y/N finished washing and gave Alexa her turn in washing his back.
Y/N: alright, you're up babe
Alexa: turn around
Y/N: my back is all yours
The Goddess went to wash his back while giving him a gentle massage in the process.
Y/N: ooh, a back massage; that feels good
Alexa: just relax baby, and let the Goddess do her work
Y/N: your wish is my command
The Goddess continued to massage until she stopped and then give him repeated kisses to his back, making him shiver.
Y/N: Alexa, your lips are tickling my back
Alexa giggled and kissed him up to his shoulders. Then she laid her head on him.
After their warm bath, the couple dried themselves off and wore their clothes before continuing on their day. Alexa was cooking lunch while Y/N was outside in the backyard checking on the status of the flowers in the garden; the pure fan gave the plants their water while the sun shined on the growing garden. Y/N could smell the delicious aroma of Alexa's cooking, so he went inside to see what the Goddess is making.
Y/N: what's cooking?
Alexa: the steak I made for you
Y/N: aw yes, that has become my favorite because it's made by you
Alexa: oh you
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then the Goddess set two plates and the couple went to the living room couch to watch while they eat. Their side dish was mash potatoes, but the Goddess turned it into a prank as she smeared some of the potatoes on Y/N's cheek, making her laugh.
Y/N: oh real funny, babe
Alexa: sorry, let me help you clean up
She giggled as she used her lips to clean off the gravy and potatoes; Y/N was shivering as Alexa licked him once again.
Alexa: there you go
Y/N: thank you, babe
The pure fan breathed hard as they continued to eat. After their lunch, the couple spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and playing some UNO. Then they felt sleepy, and decided to go take a nap on the couch.
Y/N went to grab a pillow and blanket; he laid down first and then Alexa went on top of him. Then Y/N pulled up her shorts and placed his hand on her soft thigh, making the Goddess relax and melt from his touch. Y/N's other hand was stroking her hair while he kissed her head; Alexa laid her head on his chest as she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
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