Chapter 61: Y/N Teasing = Thirsty Alexa
(Time skip to the next day)
Y/N woke up first as the early morning sun shined through their room while he felt Alexa's hair all over his face. He moved her hair and looked down at his fiancee sleeping peacefully while she snuggled into his chest. Under the covers, his hand pulled up her shorts and he went to caress on her legs, making the Goddess melt and moan from his touch.
Alexa: Y/N...
He smiled and kissed her forehead before the pure fiance slowly and gently moved her to the pillow, so he can get up. As he got up, he put the covers over her body before he got out of the room.
Y/N went downstairs to see the pets already awake and playing around.
Y/N: well all of you are up, huh?
He kneel down to pet the dogs and gave Larry his rubs.
Y/N: try to stay quiet, your mom is still asleep
The five dogs barked quietly.
Y/N: well come with me to the kitchen, it's time for your breakfast
The six pets followed Y/N in a comical military style single file line which made Y/N chuckle, but he went along with it and played.
Y/N: alright troops, line up!
The six pets lined up and sat down; Y/N saw that they are organized from biggest to smallest in the order: Comet, Larry, Waffle, Teddy, Izzy and Frankie. Then Y/N made their food and gave it to the pets as he watched them chow down.
While the pets ate, Y/N went to cook his and Alexa's breakfast.
(A few minutes later)
The food was cooked, and the pets had already finished eating; Y/N went to wash their bowls. The Goddess was still sleeping, so Y/N decided to play on his PS4 while he waited for Alexa to wake up.
As Y/N played, Teddy jumped into his lap.
Y/N: aww, you can lay here Teddy
Comet sat at Y/N's feet while Larry, Waffle, Izzy and Frankie laid on the couch next to him. The pets watched their owner play as an Assassin going around killing the guards.
Y/N: oh Black Flag, killing guards and plundering ships; a perfect stress relieving recipe from a hard day's work, and I get to be a pirate
(Meanwhile in the bedroom)
Alexa was still sleeping until she felt an empty bed spot next to her, and Y/N's hand not touching her legs. The Goddess woke up and cutely pouted as her fiance was not next to her. However, she heard the dogs barking and TV on, so she got her phone and left the bedroom.
The Goddess went downstairs to see Y/N playing his game while the pets are snuggled up to him. The adorable sight made her smile and heart melt. She got her phone out and took a candid picture of her fiance and her pets.
Alexa went to post the picture on the Instagram with a heartwarming caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: For once in my life, I don't have to try to be happy. When I'm with you, it just happens. 🤍🖤🤍🖤
She then went to sit next to Y/N while petting Izzy.
Y/N: morning love
Alexa: morning hubby
Y/N paused his game to give his undivided attention.
Alexa: I see you took care of things while I was asleep
Y/N: yup, the pets ate and I already cooked breakfast
Alexa smiled and kissed his lips. Then Y/N smirked and went to kiss on Alexa's neck, making her laugh and flail her arms around.
Alexa: ahh! Y/N!
Y/N then went to tickle her hips causing Alexa to squirm around in his grasp in an attempt to escape, but her fiance kept his grip on her body.
After a minute of tickling and kissing her neck, Y/N stopped and pulled back to let the Goddess catch her breath.
Y/N: hello, what do I see there?
Alexa: what is it, babe?
Y/N: a little mark of love
He smirked mischievously while he lightly run his finger on her thigh to playfully tease her. Alexa got her phone and faced the camera to see a small yet noticeable mark of love on her neck.
Alexa cutely pouted and laid her head on his shoulder while Y/N kissed her. He then placed his hand on her leg before proceeding to move to her inner thigh. Alexa bit her lower lip as she moaned his name.
Alexa: Y/N...
Satisfied, Y/N stopped and moved his hand back to her outer thigh, making Alexa pout again.
Alexa: you are such a tease, my fiance
Y/N chuckled and the couple proceeded to eat their breakfast. As the couple ate, Alexa licked her lips as she couldn't stop staring at Y/N. However, she regained her senses as Y/N said something.
Y/N: shower or bath for today, Alexa?
Alexa: let's take a shower today
Y/N: alright
The couple finished eating, and Y/N went to wash the dishes while Alexa was playing and petting the pets. After that, the pure fan went upstairs to warm up the water.
(A few minutes later)
Y/N wrapped himself in his towel and he went downstairs.
Y/N: all good to go, Alexa
Alexa: okay babe
As the Goddess turned around, she hid her face with her hand to prevent herself from looking at Y/N's six pack. However, as she was walking, the Goddess tripped, but Y/N caught her before she fell face first.
Y/N held her arm and placed her hand on his abs.
Y/N: you alright, babe?
Alexa: yeah, thanks for catching me-
Then the Goddess her hand is on his abs; Alexa was now a blushing mess and she was flustered; the Goddess quickly removed her hand and ran upstairs while she covered her cheeks with her hands. Y/N smirked and chuckled as he was a step ahead of his fiancee Goddess. He looked down and patted his abs.
Y/N: thank you revamp self and gym workouts
Then he went upstairs to go in the bathroom for his shower. Alexa went inside and joined her fiance. The Goddess turned her back which made him smirk.
Y/N: why, is my six pack...
Alexa: c-can you please wash my back?
Y/N: alright alright, I'm just having a little fun with you
He kissed her head and went to wash her back. Then he proceeded to wash her "chest buns," making her melt from his touch. Then and idea rushed into Alexa's head; she took one step back, so that her biscuit butt was touching on his "loaded gun." This surprised Y/N, and he couldn't do anything as his "pistol" poked the Goddess.
Alexa: ooh babe, you're poking me; does that mean you're happy?
She giggled and after Y/N rinsed her "chest buns," he turned her around and the two had a heated make out session while the warm water rained down on them. As they kissed, Alexa slid her tongue in his mouth. After they dried themselves off, they got out of the bathroom and wore their clothes.
(An hour later)
The couple already ate lunch, and Y/N was outside cleaning his car while the Goddess played on his game console. Alexa couldn't focus on her game as she saw her shirtless fiance working. The Goddess got up and went to look over at her fiance working.
As Y/N finished cleaning his car, he looked over to see that Alexa was watching him, which made him smirk; he used his shirt to wipe his sweat, and as he went to wipe his six pack, it drove Alexa crazy and made her rush back in the house, making Y/N laugh at his fiancee's blushing expense.
(A few minutes later)
After Y/N took a second shower after cleaning his car, the pure fan went to join the Goddess in the living room to watch another classic Disney movie, WALL-E. Alexa scooted closer and laid on his shoulder while she pulled her shorts up to show her bare thighs for Y/N to place his hand on.
Instead, Y/N lightly traced circles on her knee which tickled her.
Alexa: babe, it tickles
She giggled as he continued to trace circles on her knee. Then Y/N moved up to her thigh and lightly ran his finger on her soft skin, teasing her. Alexa began to pout cutely and begged Y/N.
Alexa: Y/N, stop teasing me!
Y/N could only smirk and chuckle as he proceeded to touch Alexa on her inner thigh, making the Goddess go crazy as she moaned. Alexa couldn't hold back anymore, so she jumped on his lap and grabbed his face for a kiss. The intensity of the kiss surprised Y/N, but he immediately kissed back with his hand caressing her thigh.
The Goddess kissed all over his face and neck before going back to his lips, where she inserted her tongue in his mouth. Then Alexa went down to kiss on his neck while Y/N lightly squeezed her thigh. After their heated make out session, Alexa pulled back breathing heavily with a satisfied smile on her face.
Alexa: babe, you keep teasing me the whole day; it drove me crazy and I really want to kiss you so much!
Y/N: yup, and you did that
He chuckled.
Alexa: your hand on my inner thigh was the last straw for me to kiss you
Y/N: it seems my teasing made you "thirsty" for me
Alexa blushed heavily and playfully slapped his arm.
Y/N: I'm kidding, come here you
He put his hands on her cheek and kissed her forehead.
Y/N: I love you wifey
Alexa: I love you too hubby
The couple kissed each other on the lips and they snuggled together in their arms. Alexa put her bare leg on him as Y/N placed his hand on her leg and gently stroked her thigh with his thumb as they watched the movie together.
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