Chapter 6: Developed Confession
It was another typical and normal class and work day for Y/N; after he finished his class, he went to the library to do some of his work, so he can relax once he gets home. With a couple months left of the semester, the 23 year old college student made every day count for his hard work to pay off.
As for Alexa, something has developed inside the Goddess' heart and mind, when every time she is around Y/N, Alexa feels comfortable and happy. Not knowing what they are, Alexa went to Erin, Mike, Ryan and Nessie for some answers.
Nessie: now that you mentioned it, you always feel happy whenever Y/N is around
Erin: and I always see your cheeks red when he's around you
Alexa: Mike, since he's your best friend; does Y/N have a girlfriend?
Mike: you know Y/N is very serious about his education; a relationship is not what he wants in the moment
Alexa: oh
She said with a disappointed tone in her voice.
Ryan: wait, do you have a crush on Y/N?
Alexa: I mean...
Mike: you have a crush on your fan?
Alexa blushed lightly.
Erin: aww, look at how cute she is blushing
Ryan: question is, when did the feelings develop?
Alexa: when I met him for the VIP meet and greet and at your birthday party
Nessie: how about when he stood up for you and Ryan at the concert hall?
Alexa: okay that is so sweet of him
Ryan: Y/N took the bullet; well a bottle, you know what I mean
Erin: so Lexi, what is your clear answer to all of this?
Alexa: I do have a crush on Y/N
(Back at the college campus)
Y/N has done most of his work but saw that the library is closing; he exited the library and walked to his car. He got in and drove to the market to buy some more food for himself and the dogs.
(Back with Alexa)
Alexa: I don't know if I want to tell him
Erin: why's that, Lex?
Alexa: you heard what Mike said; Y/N doesn't want a girlfriend because he might lose focus on his graduation journey
Nessie: Y/N is a guy every girl wants; respectful, friendly and responsible
Alexa: that's why I like him
Mike: and remember he's one of the few pure and clean fans
Alexa: there's a ridiculous thing that came to me
Erin: what?
Alexa: I'm 28 and he's 23; a five year age gap
Nessie: Lexi, from what I heard; age is just a number
Ryan: age doesn't matter, Lexi
(A/N: hey chrisdanger204 a little shout out and reference to you bro)
Erin: you may be 28 Lex, but you're still a little girl
Alexa giggled and slapped Erin playfully on the shoulder.
Mike: Y/N and Alexa; a nice ring to it I must say
Erin: I'm on board for that ship!
Ryan: room for one more on that ship!
Alexa: I hate you guys!
They shared a laugh and hung out the rest of the day. Mike called up Y/N and asked if he wanted to hang with the group, but Y/N replied back saying he has homework to do.
Y/N: as much as I want to be with you guys, I'm busy with work
Mike: it's alright man, there's always next time
Y/N: I know
Mike: by the way, Alexa wants to see you again
Y/N: why, anything happened to her?
Mike: no no, she's fine; she just wants to talk that's all
Y/N: about what?
Mike: I can't say, she wants to keep it between you and her
Y/N: I see
Mike: if it's alright with you, can she talk to you tomorrow?
Y/N: sure, where at?
Mike: she wants to visit your house
Y/N: my house? Okay, tell her she can come over
Mike: alright man, I got to go; work hard
Y/N: I always do
He hung up and went back to work on his laptop.
Y/N: I wonder what Alexa wants to talk about
Perplexed, Y/N shook it off and finished his work. After he was done, he went upstairs to his room to see that the dogs were asleep. He changed into his night clothes and got in bed before he fell asleep.
(The next day)
It was Tuesday, so it means Y/N doesn't have work for his internship since his schedule is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He went to do his daily routine, and since he's living on his own, he went to clean around the house.
After an hour, he finished cleaning and he took a rest before showering. He then went to play his PS4 until he got a call from Mike.
Y/N: yo
Mike: hey man, I just got a message from Alexa telling me she's coming over at your house during lunch time
Y/N: I'm very curious on what she has in mind
Mike: remember, she just wants to talk to you
Y/N: a private conversation
Mike: exactly
Y/N: alright, I'll talk to you later
Mike: later man
Y/N went back to playing while he waited for lunch time.
(2 hours later)
It was around 11:00 a.m. and it was time for lunch; Y/N had already showered and he fixed the dogs' food. He played some more on his PS4 while he waited for Alexa. A couple of minutes later, he heard a knock on his door.
Y/N paused his game and went to open the front door to see the Goddess herself.
Y/N: hi Alexa, welcome to my home; please come in
Alexa: thank you; nice place you have
Y/N: well, if you're a college student living on your own while working; you must have a nice place
Alexa: that is true
Y/N: please sit
They sat down at the living room.
Y/N: so Mike told me that you need to talk to me about something?
Alexa: yes, and it can only be between you and me
Y/N: well we're in my house, we can have a private conversation, so what's on your mind?
Alexa: I-I...
She said nervously.
Y/N: take deep breaths, then tell me what you need to tell me
Alexa: there's a certain guy I like
Y/N: certain guy you like? Like a crush?
Alexa: you can say that
Y/N: okay, go on
Alexa: well this guy is one of the nicest people I've met
Y/N: what is this guy to you?
Alexa: well he's friendly, respectful and responsible
Y/N: looks like you've found yourself a gentleman
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: I did
Y/N: whoever this guy is; he's a hard worker
Alexa's cheeks slowly began to turn red, but good thing it wasn't noticed by Y/N.
Y/N: Alexa, this gentleman can totally be your ideal boyfriend
Alexa turned away to hide her blushing cheeks.
Y/N: question is, how am I involved in this?
Alexa: well, I want to tell you that this guy is someone you know
Y/N: someone I know? Is it Ryan?
Alexa: nope
Y/N: Braun?
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: nope, keep guessing
Y/N: oh dear god, don't tell me it's Mike; because if it is, I'm gonna kill him and Nessie is gonna kill him
Alexa: no no, it's not Mike relax; don't need to kill your best friend
Y/N: I'm out of answers Alexa
He chuckled.
Alexa: the guy that I have a crush on is...
Alexa saw Y/N's free hand on the table and she gathered up her courage before putting her hand on top of his.
Alexa: it's you, Y/N
Y/N was speechless and he had a shocked expression on his face.
To be continued...
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