Chapter 54: Day Out with the Goddess
Yesterday on SmackDown, the feud between A.R.D. and Bayley and Blake and Murphy has gotten intensified as ever when the former NXT Tag Team Champions have one a number contender's match for Orton and McIntyre's SmackDown Tag Team titles after besting three other teams. Meanwhile, Alexa has bested Bayley as the Goddess teamed up with her tag partner Nikki Cross against the Role Model and the Legit Boss.
Y/N was cuddling Alexa in his arms, but still couldn't get over the events a few days ago when his fiancee once again pressed his face against her chest and her biscuit butt. Y/N was not going down without a fight, but knows where Alexa is most ticklish and sensitive.
Y/N gently set the Goddess down on the bed, and began to move his hand from her biscuit butt to her hips; he kissed her forehead repeatedly which made her smile and eventually wake up.
Alexa: good morning hubby
The Goddess cutely giggled as Y/N kissed her lips. Alexa felt his hand stroking her thigh until she saw the smirk on her fiance's face.
Alexa: baby, why are you looking at me like that?
Then Y/N moved in and pinned the Goddess down and proceeded to tickle her hips, making Alexa laugh uncontrollably.
Alexa: Y/N stop!
The Goddess laughed while she was being tickled on by her man. Y/N tickled her all around while Alexa struggled to escape.
Alexa: baby, you're tickling me! Ha ha!
Y/N: this is payback baby!
Alexa: I'm sorry, stop tickling me, please!
Alexa said in her laugh. Y/N continued to tickle her for a minute until he stopped to let the Goddess catch her breath.
Alexa: all that tickling, but you didn't give me a good morning kiss
The Goddess cutely pouted.
Y/N: sorry my lovely baby Goddess
Y/N dove his lips on Alexa's for a good morning kiss and the Goddess happily and immediately kissed him back. She felt his hand stroking her leg, making her moan in relaxation. Then Y/N pulled back and went to kiss on her neck, making her giggle as it was another part of her body that's ticklish.
Alexa: no Y/N!
She said in her baby voice while she laughed and scratched Y/N's back with her fingers. Alexa then squealed as she felt his teeth nibbling her neck. The Goddess laughed hard as she felt Y/N kissed all around her neck.
Alexa: baby, that really tickles!
Y/N pulled back and chuckled and admired the little hickey he left on the right side of her neck.
Y/N: aww, isn't that cute?
Alexa: what?
Y/N: a little baby mark of love
The Goddess stood up and went to check her fiance's latest mark of love on her neck. Alexa cutely pouted and Y/N wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.
Alexa: lucky it's small, and no one can see it
Y/N: except me
The Goddess playfully punched him in the gut.
Y/N: okay okay, I'm sorry; let me carry you downstairs
Alexa: you're lucky that you're cute and I love you
Y/N chuckled as the Goddess got on his back and Y/N carried her downstairs to the kitchen. He set Alexa down and went to make their coffee.
Y/N: Alexa, I've been thinking...
Alexa: about what, babe?
Y/N: we've done nothing but stay in the house; how about we go out later?
Alexa: yes, I agree babe, but to where?
Y/N: uh, just go around, maybe stop by at a few stores since I got my paycheck yesterday
Alexa: it doesn't matter where, the important thing is that I'm going around with you, my love
Y/N lightly blushed as he mixed the two cups of coffee.
Alexa: and I may want to buy a game I want to play on your console
Y/N: oh, what game?
Alexa: I loved this video game growing up, and I was pumped that they remastered it for the PS4
Y/N: what is it?
Alexa: Crash Bandicoot
Y/N: oh my god, that game
Alexa: why, what's wrong?
Y/N: I always raged in that game because I have to smash every crate to get one freaking colored gem
Alexa giggled and laid her head on his shoulder.
Alexa: do you want me to show you how to play the game perfectly?
Y/N: don't you dare mock me or I'll tickle you again
Alexa: okay okay, I'm sorry
She giggled. Then Y/N went to cook breakfast and the couple ate. After they ate, Y/N washed the dishes while Alexa went up close to whisper in his ear.
Alexa: I'll go warm up the shower, so I'll see you there
Y/N shivered from her breath brushing against his ear as he took a deep breath.
Y/N: o-okay, I'll see you in there after I'm done here
Alexa smirked and ran her fingers on his spine causing him to shiver. The Goddess giggled and kissed him before she went upstairs to warm up the water.
After Y/N finished washing the dishes, he went upstairs to grab his towel before joining the Goddess in the bathroom. As he went inside, the room was all warm and steamy.
Y/N: another steamy shower, babe?
Alexa: yes my love; come to me
Y/N held his hand out and felt the surroundings as he walked through the steam. Then his hand felt something soft while he heard a giggle.
Y/N: I found you, baby!
Alexa: yes, and you're touching my hip; you're tickling me!
She said in between her laughter and Y/N proceeded to lightly squeeze her hip causing to laugh.
Alexa: stop babe!
Y/N: okay okay, I'll stop; here let me wash your back
The couple helped wash each other and Y/N proceeded to wash her "chest buns" as they kissed passionately while the warm water rained down on their bodies.
After they washed up, they got out and got dressed before they left their house to drive around.
Y/N: alright, where to first?
Alexa: just drive while I look around
Y/N: and let's go somewhere different, not always the mall all the time
Alexa: you got a good point, babe
Y/N drove around while Alexa scoped out a place they can go to.
Y/N: find any place yet?
Alexa: not yet
Then the Goddess saw a place that got her attention.
Alexa: let's go to Walgreens!
Y/N: where?
Alexa: the next right
Y/N: okay, I see it
Y/N drove into the Walgreens parking lot and parked his car near the entrance.
Y/N: alright, let's go
The engaged couple got out of their car and went inside.
Alexa: let's walk around to see anything we like
Y/N: okay, I'm gonna go live on Instagram
Y/N took out his phone and recorded a live video for Instagram.
Y/N: here at Walgreens with my lovely fiancee, Alexa Bliss
Alexa giggled as she held his hand while they walked around. The Goddess got some chocolate bars for her snack. Then they walked around the toys aisle.
Y/N: ooh, Hot Wheels cars
Alexa: you collect those babe?
Y/N: yeah, but I have strict picks when it comes to these
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: like what cars do you specifically collect?
Y/N: mostly real licensed cars like Ford and Dodge and those cars you see in movies
Alexa: so anything here that interests you?
Y/N scanned through the racks of the die-cast metal cars, but nothing seem worth his time and money.
Y/N: nah, all of these are mostly old and not my taste
Alexa giggled and playfully pinched his cheek.
Alexa: okay, let's keep walking around
Then they stumbled upon the WWE action figures section, the Goddess looked through the racks while a certain figure caught Y/N's eye.
Y/N got the figure and recorded a video for his Instagram with the caption:
I can't believe THE REAL @alexa_bliss_wwe_ was in my Walgreens!!!
Y/N shifted the camera to the Goddess while he held the figure up.
Y/N: wait oh my god; are you- oh my god!
The Goddess heard this and giggled as she went to see what her fiance was holding while she giggled at his star struck acting voice.
Alexa: which one is that figure?
She saw the figure.
Alexa: oh I like that one
Y/N: oh my gosh, oh my gosh!
Alexa giggled and Y/N stopped recording while he laughed.
Alexa: babe, what was that voice?
Y/N: just something I came up on the spot
Alexa smirked and kissed his cheek. They walked around until there was nothing else that interest them. Y/N paid for Alexa's chocolate bars and the couple went back in their car.
Alexa: they don't have video games here
Y/N: let's go to Walmart, they have a lot of games there
Alexa: okay
The couple drove off to the retail chain store, but before they reached Walmart; Y/N stopped at a Starbucks, which surprised Alexa and made her smile.
Alexa: I love you Y/N
Y/N: I know, I'm the best
They got out and ordered their coffee before they went back into their car and continued their journey to Walmart.
The couple found a Walmart chain and they parked their car. They got out and walked inside the store hand in hand. Alexa and Y/N went to the video game section hoping to find the PS4 game Crash Bandicoot The N.Sane Trilogy; with so many choices, they scanned through slowly and carefully.
Y/N: I found it!
Alexa: yes, get it!
Y/N grabbed the game and gave it to the Goddess; then Alexa pulled him down for a kiss on the lips. They walked around the retail store and bought some more groceries and food for the pets before they left and went home.
(At their house)
Y/N put in Alexa's game and gave the controller to the Goddess.
Alexa: I'm so excited!
Then the screen opened up the main menu. Alexa selected the first Crash Bandicoot game and played through.
Y/N: oh, the memories from the PS1 version are coming back to me
Alexa: I read that for the remastered version, you don't have to smash all the crates; just finish the level without dying once
Y/N: play through a level without dying once for a colored gem? No thank you, I rather just go around and kill the guards in Assassin's Creed
Alexa giggled as she played through the first level flawlessly, which shocked Y/N.
Alexa: see, it's easy; why don't you give the second level a try
Y/N: alright
The second level was Crash running away from a giant boulder.
Y/N: oh crap, not this one
Alexa: make sure to get all the Wumpa Fruit for an extra life!
Y/N: yeah, I'm trying while I'm running from this boulder!
Y/N kept running as collected all the Wumpa Fruit and jumping over the pits while smashing every crate he sees. He jumped the final pit and reached the goal.
Y/N: yes!
Alexa: good job baby!
The Goddess kissed his cheek.
Y/N: yup, this is way better than the original PS1 version
Y/N gave Alexa the controller to let her continue playing until the Goddess felt tired.
Alexa: let's give your console a break, and let's take a nap together
Y/N: yeah okay; hop on
Alexa smiled and hopped on Y/N's back. Y/N gave Alexa a piggyback ride as he carried her upstairs to their bedroom. They got in bed and cuddled in each others' arms as they took a nap together peacefully.
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