Chapter 49: Monthsary Celebration
(Time skip)
It was September 24, 2020, which is one day before Y/N and Alexa's one month celebration on the day they got engaged.
The pure fan woke up first and went to wrap his arms around Alexa's body. Then Y/N went to plant kisses on the back of her neck which made her smile and giggle. Then Y/N's hand went to touch her legs and stroked her thigh with his thumb.
Alexa woke up and face her fiance as she smiled and put her hand on his cheek. Y/N went to give Alexa a kiss on her lips and the Goddess immediately kissed him back.
The pure fan pulled back and combed her hair with his hand.
Y/N: good morning, my Goddess
Alexa: good morning, my love
Y/N: you know what's today?
Alexa: the 24th
Y/N: yes, and do you know what's tomorrow?
Alexa: the 25th
Y/N: September 25th is not just an ordinary day, my love
Then the Goddess realized that tomorrow is exactly one month since the two got engaged.
Alexa: tomorrow is our engagement monthsary
Y/N: exactly, I can't wait for that day
Alexa: me too
The couple embraced each other while Alexa gave Y/N's back a relaxing massage while Y/N did the same thing to her legs and biscuit butt.
The couple were downstairs eating after giving the pets their food.
Y/N: babe, how much Larry eats a day?
Alexa: Larry eats a lot and whatever he wants
Y/N: noted
The couple finished eating and Y/N went to wash the dishes.
Alexa: babe, I'll wait for you in the shower
Y/N: no bath today?
Alexa: let's alternate bath and shower
Y/N: okay so shower today
Then the Goddess went closer and whispered in his ear.
Alexa: I'll need help with my back
Alexa said as she ran her hand up and down on his back causing shivers to run down his spine. The Goddess giggled and went upstairs to the bathroom.
(Minutes later)
Y/N put the dishes away and went upstairs to the bathroom. He opened the door and was greeted by the Goddess wearing her robe.
Alexa grabbed his hands and held them.
Alexa: let's shower together
Y/N: okay, my love
The pure fan said as he kissed her hands. Then Alexa untied her robe while Y/N helped removed it. Y/N took out his clothes and the couple stepped in the shower stall.
Alexa turned on the warm water and it ran down their bare bodies. They put shampoo on each others' hair. Then they rinsed their hair and stared each other in the eyes.
The Goddess pulled him down for a heated kiss. Y/N reached for the soap while he still kissed her.
The Goddess' fiance went to kiss on her neck while he put soap on his hands and washed her "chest buns."
After their warm and heated shower, the couple got out of the stall and the Goddess wore her robe while Y/N wrapped himself in his towel.
(Minutes later)
While Alexa was feeding the pets their lunch, Y/N was on browsing through the replica titles section; he sighed and shook his head at the prices.
Y/N: $330 for this?
Alexa heard his commotion and went over to him after giving Izzy her food.
Alexa: what's wrong babe?
Y/N: you know I've been a long time WWE fan right?
Alexa: yes you are
Y/N: throughout my life, there's one thing I really wanted, and it's a replica title
Alexa: why didn't you buy one, darling?
Y/N: price is not right, and I'm financially responsible as I use the money I earn to pay the bills and buy groceries
Alexa: aww
She rubbed his back.
Alexa: anything else you like there?
Y/N: two pairs of side plates
Alexa: who's side plates?
Y/N: yours and Randy Orton's; I put one of yours and one of his on my title, but I can only dream of owning one; I mean $460 for the replica title and the side plates, no deal
Alexa: aww, I hope you'll get that soon
Y/N: I can only dream, my love; I'll go cook lunch now for us
Alexa smiled and kissed him as her fiance went to the kitchen and cooked. Then the Goddess turned her attention to Y/N's laptop as an idea came to her head.
The couple already ate their lunch, and they relaxed on the couch as they cuddled while watching The Big Show Show on Netflix.
Y/N: Big Show's series is funny and good
Alexa: it's one of my favorites to watch on Netflix
As Y/N and Alexa watched, the Goddess got a silent notification on her phone is that her order has been confirmed and placed. Alexa held his hand and placed it on her thigh as the couple watched.
(Later that night)
Alexa was in bed on her phone as she the time of arrival of her order, which was one day.
Alexa: perfect, it's coming tomorrow; that's my monthsary gift to my baby
Then the Goddess put her phone to the side as Y/N came in and laid next to her. Alexa got closer and laid her head on his chest. Then Alexa put her shorts up to let Y/N stroke her thighs with his hand.
Y/N: I can't wait for tomorrow
Alexa: me too, one month to the day you got down on one knee
Y/N and Alexa shared a kiss and the pure fan pulled the covers over their bodies as they fell asleep; the Goddess melted in comfort as she felt Y/N's hand went from her thigh to her biscuit butt.
(The next day, September 25, 2020)
Today was the one month anniversary of Y/N and Alexa's engagement. The Goddess woke up first of the two and she turned to faced her sleeping fiance.
Alexa: one month to this day, my love
The Goddess smiled and planted kisses all over his face until he woke up with a smile on his face.
Y/N: happy monthsary, my Goddess
Alexa: happy monthsary, my love
The Goddess went on top and straddled Y/N. She got his hands and placed them on her legs for him to stroke and massage.
Alexa: time for our good morning monthsary make out session
Y/N smiled.
Y/N: come here
She smiled and dove her lips on Y/N's for a loving and passionate kiss. It instantly turned into a make out session as Y/N's hand went from the Goddess' back to her biscuit butt; he gave it a light squeeze, making Alexa lightly moan in comfort.
After their make out session, the couple touched their foreheads together.
Alexa: I love you so much
Y/N: I love you too
The Goddess buried her face in his neck and gave him light kisses on his neck; Y/N lightly and gently massaged her biscuit butt.
Y/N: I'll cook breakfast and we'll eat here
Alexa: ooh, like a bed and breakfast
Y/N: exactly, so while I cook, you lay here and relax like a Goddess
He kissed her cheek making her smile. Then Y/N left the room and went downstairs to cook their breakfast.
Meanwhile, the Goddess went to her phone to see that her package she ordered will arrive in 4 hours at her door, which is around lunch time.
(A few minutes later)
Y/N came back up with a table tray carrying two plates of omelettes and sausage.
Y/N: breakfast is served
Alexa: thanks baby
The pure fan got in bed and gave the Goddess her omelette and the couple proceeded to eat together. As they ate, they shared each other's sausages by doing the Lady and the Tramp sharing technique.
After breakfast, Y/N got their plates ready for the wash, but then the Goddess asked him a question.
Alexa: so where are we going for lunch later?
Y/N: I was thinking we have it here, and I'll cook the steak you always loved
Alexa: yes, that's a great idea, babe
Y/N: I'll go down and wash these plates
Alexa: great, and after you're done, it's time for our bath
Y/N: o-okay
Alexa: I'll go get the bath ready
As Y/N went downstairs to wash the plates, Alexa went to the bathroom to heat up the tub.
(A few minutes later)
Y/N has put the dishes away and then he heard the sweet voice of the Goddess calling out to him.
Alexa: oh Y/N, come to me my darling
Y/N: I'll be right there!
Y/N took a deep breath and went upstairs to the bathroom. He grabbed his towel and took out his clothes before he went inside to the bathroom where he was greeted by a blissful sight.
Alexa; come to me, Y/N
Y/N: as you wish
The pure fan removed his towel and got in the tub with the Goddess. Alexa scooted to him and laid her head on his chest.
Y/N went to wash her "chest buns" while Alexa kissed him on his neck. Then they helped each others' backs as their bath got more heated. The Goddess ensued a heated make out session and Y/N kissed her back while his hands massaged her biscuit butt and thighs.
After their bath, they dried themselves and changed into their clothes.
Y/N and Alexa were downstairs and the pure fan was cooking their lunch while the Goddess went to give the pets their food.
Alexa: I can smell the steak as you put it in there
Y/N: I marinated it, so that's why it smells good
Alexa: I can't wait to taste it
(Minutes later)
Y/N was done cooking the steak and he set two plates of the protein with mashed potatoes as the side dish.
Alexa: babe, let's take a picture together for our monthsary
Y/N: okay
The Goddess got her phone camera ready. The couple's pose was of them closing their eyes while Y/N kissed her forehead and the Goddess had a dream smile on her face.
Then Alexa went to post the picture on Instagram with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: "'Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are" 🎼 @Y/N_L/N
Y/N pulled out the chair for Alexa to sit.
Alexa: thank you, my love
Y/N sat down and the couple ate their steak.
Alexa: this is so good
Y/N: I'm happy you liked it, my love
They finished eating their steak; before Y/N went to wash the plates, he gave the Goddess a kiss on her cheek, making her smile and blush.
As Y/N washed the dishes, Alexa was notified on her phone that her package has arrived; she went to her front door to see a large box.
Alexa: it's here
The Goddess grabbed the box and set it down on the couch. Y/N was done washing and saw the large box.
Y/N: you ordered something, babe?
Alexa: yeah, but it's not for me; it's for you
Y/N: for me? What is it?
Alexa: open it up and find out
Y/N grabbed a small knife and sliced open the box. While he opened up the box, Alexa got her phone and recorded him for Instagram with the caption:
Happy Monthsary @Y/N_L/N 😘
Y/N dug through the package papers until he pulled out a black cloth bag. He turned it over to see the WWE logo. He then knocked his hand and heard metal sounds, and his eyes widened.
Y/N: no way
Alexa giggled as Y/N unzipped the bag and pulled out the WWE Championship replica title.
Y/N: oh my goddess, it's the replica title I always wanted; babe, did you do this?
Alexa: happy monthsary, my love
Y/N: aww, thank you
He kissed the Goddess on the lips.
Alexa: there's more in there, babe
Y/N: more?
He dug deep down in the box and pulled out two small boxes. He opened one of the boxes to see a pair of Alexa's championship side plates.
Y/N: it's your side plates, babe
Alexa: open the other one
Y/N opened the other box to reveal the personalized side plates of Randy Orton.
Y/N's eyes began to fill with happy tears as his fiancee got him the one thing he wanted for a long time as a WWE fan.
Y/N: babe, thank you so much, but I didn't get you anything
Alexa: oh you did give me something
Y/N: what is it?
Alexa: your love, respect and undying support for me
Y/N smiled and hugged Alexa before sharing a kiss with her.
Y/N got a small screwdriver and went to apply the side plates to his replica title. He put one of Alexa's plates on the left side and one of Randy's plates on the right side.
Alexa: now your replica title is beautiful
Y/N: not as beautiful as you
He put his hand around her shoulder and kissed her head, making Alexa smile and blush.
Alexa: let me take a picture of you with your replica title
Y/N nodded and posed with his title by holding it out; Alexa took his picture and posted on Instagram with the caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: @Y/N_L/N the champion of my life 😍😘 #monthsary
Y/N: let's watch Toy Story together
Alexa: yes please!
The Goddess peppered his face with kisses before they sat down and Y/N turned on his Disney+ account to select Toy Story. Alexa laid her head on his shoulder and she put his hand on her thigh after she put her shorts up to show her bare legs.
They spent the rest of their monthsary watching movies and Y/N cooked dinner. They continued their Disney marathon to the night until Alexa yawned and was sleepy.
Y/N turned off the TV and carried his fiancee to their bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed and got in next to the Goddess and he pulled the covers to their bodies.
Alexa laid her head on his chest as she smiled at him.
Alexa: that's the greatest monthsary ever, babe
Y/N: I really loved this day because I got to spend it with you
Alexa smiled as Y/N went to kiss her lips. The Goddess pulled up her shorts and got his hand and placed it on her thigh. Alexa melted from his touch as Y/N massaged her thigh and biscuit butt while she lightly moaned in relaxation.
Y/N: I love you, Alexa
Alexa: I love you too, Y/N
They kissed each other on the lips before they cuddled and embraced each other as they fell asleep after a happy monthsary celebration.
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