Chapter 48: Zoo
Y/N woke up still feeling a lost of words after last night when his fiancee Alexa Bliss has given him a steamy and loving surprise reward as Harley Bliss for his promotion as assistant manager of the accounting department at the business firm.
The pure fan turned to see his fiancee sleeping happily on his chest. He gently moved the Goddess and laid her down on the pillow without waking her up. Y/N kissed her lips which made her smile. Then Y/N got out of bed and put on his clothes that were scattered on the floor from last night.
Y/N went downstairs to see the legendary pig Larry Steve just woke up and walked in.
Y/N: oh morning Larry, where are your siblings at?
The pig turned his head to the direction of the sleeping dogs.
Y/N: well since you're awake, you want some breakfast?
The pig snorted happily and followed his owner to the kitchen.
Y/N: your mom is sleeping like a Goddess
Y/N prepared Larry's breakfast which was a large dish.
Y/N: I know you're a pig, and you a lot, so here you go
He gave the pig his food and Larry dug in. Then as Y/N was about to cook his food, he heard the dogs running in.
Y/N: well Larry, your siblings are awake now
Frankie, Izzy and Teddy along with Y/N's corgi Waffle and his golden retriever Comet came rushing in.
Y/N: all of you woke up in time for breakfast, alright just give me a moment here
Y/N got five bowls and filled it with dog food; he then gave the bowls to the five dogs and they all dived in.
Y/N: Alexa, you're running a zoo here
He chuckled to himself as he went on to cook breakfast for himself and his fiancee Goddess.
In the room, Alexa slowly woke up all satisfied from last night after giving her fiance a very heated surprise and reward in the form of Harley Bliss. She saw that Y/N wasn't laying next to her, but heard barking from downstairs. The Goddess put on her shirt and her shorts and went downstairs to see Y/N cooking while the pets were eating.
The Goddess saw Y/N was done cooking, so she sneaked up behind and wrapped her arms around his body for a loving embrace.
Alexa: good morning
Y/N smiled and turned to face the Goddess before giving her kiss to her forehead and lips.
Y/N: good morning to you, wifey
Alexa: I see you took care of the pets' breakfast
Y/N: well when I went downstairs Larry was up, so I gave him his food, and then the five dogs came in and I gave them their food as well
Alexa: thank you for that babe, I really need help taking care of the pets
Y/N: I said to myself earlier, you're running a zoo here
Alexa: it is, and now I have you, it'll be easier for the both of us
Y/N: of course, I'll always be there for you
Alexa smiled and pulled him down for a kiss on his lips. Then the couple got their food and sat down to eat.
Alexa: later, can you help me with the zoo's bath?
Y/N: of course
Alexa: well to let you know, Frankie is a bit hard to work with when it comes to his bath
Y/N: I'll take the challenge; even Comet is hard to work with when it comes to bathing
Alexa: so Comet and Frankie will be the challenge
Y/N: if we work together, Comet and Frankie will be easy customers
Alexa: hopefully
After they ate, the couple and the zoo were outside in the backyard to get some fresh air. The zoo were running around while the couple sat on their love-seat cuddling in each others' arms. Alexa put up her shorts to let her fiance touch her thighs. The Goddess melted in comfort as Y/N's thumb stroked her soft leg.
They looked and smiled to see Waffle and Teddy tugged on their chew toy, Frankie and Larry running around and Comet and Izzy passing a ball around. Then Alexa straddled Y/N and a make out session ensued.
The Goddess went down on Y/N's neck while her fiance lightly gripped her biscuit butt. Alexa pulled back as she finished her work on Y/N's neck, leaving a hickey or in the Goddess' words, a mark of love.
It was time for the couple to give the zoo their baths. They got a big tub of water and shampoo ready.
Y/N: alright who is our first customer?
Alexa: Larry Steve
The Goddess called the pig over, and the couple proceeded to give him his bath.
Y/N: well Larry cooperated with us, so who's next?
Alexa: I'll go get Teddy
(Minutes later)
Teddy, Izzy and Waffle already had their baths and they cooperated with their parents. Alexa got her phone and she and Y/N took a selfie of them while giving Waffle her bath. She then posted on Instagram with the cute caption:
alexa_bliss_wwe_: we're animal people 🐶🐷 @Y/N_L/N
Now the next of the zoo to get their bath was Y/N's golden retriever Comet.
Y/N: Comet will splash all around, so be ready
Alexa: okay, go get him
Y/N called Comet over to the tub, and as they began to wet the dog's fur, the golden retriever started to move around splashing water all over the place.
Alexa: babe, we're suppose to give Comet his bath, not him giving us a bath
Y/N: I told you he likes to splash around in the water
After some playing around, Y/N and Alexa managed to clean up Comet and the dog got out of the tub and shook the water from his fur.
Alexa: now we're both wet
Y/N: yeah, Comet also does that
Alexa: thanks for the heads up, babe
Y/N: no problem
Frankie was the last member of the zoo to get his bath, and as Alexa put him in the tub, the little dog tried to run away, but was caught by the Goddess.
Y/N: little Frankie doesn't want to take his bath
Alexa: he's the baby of the group, and a bit of a rebel
After some hard time to get Frankie in the tub, the couple managed to clean him up well. Then Alexa and Y/N sat on their love-seat as they were tired.
Y/N: we're done
Alexa: not yet
Y/N: we already gave the zoo their baths, who needs a bath now?
Alexa had a mischievous grin on her face as she went to answer Y/N's question.
Alexa: let's go take our bath together
The Goddess said in a seductive tone which brought Y/N under her control. The pure fan took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck. Alexa giggled and stood up.
Alexa: I'll go prepare the bath
Y/N: okay
The Goddess giggled and booped his nose before she went inside and got the tub ready while Y/N hung his wet shirt outside before he went in the house.
Y/N washed his face and hands until he heard the sweet and seductive voice of his fiancee Goddess.
Alexa: oh Y/N, the bath is ready and I'm waiting for you
Y/N: I-I'm c-coming, love
Y/N felt his legs shaking as he grabbed his towel and went upstairs. As he stood in front of the bathroom door, he took a deep breath. Then he opened the door to see the Goddess in the tub with a cute smile as she lured him in with her spell by waving her finger.
Alexa: come and join me, Y/N
Y/N took out his clothes and joined the Goddess in the tub. As Y/N got in, Alexa immediately laid and got on top of him before proceeding to kiss his neck. Y/N ran his hand down from her back to her biscuit butt.
After their little make out session, they helped wash each other's backs while giving each other light neck kisses. Y/N washed the Goddess' "chest buns" while giving her soft kisses to her neck.
Alexa: oh, that feels good babe
Their bath helped them relax from the tough challenge of washing their pets.
After their bath, they got out and dried themselves; then they changed into their clothes and went downstairs to order a pizza for lunch while giving their pets their lunch.
Their pizza came and the couple ate while they watched Captain America on Disney+.
They finished their pizza and the Goddess cuddled up to Y/N. Y/N put his hand on the Goddess' thigh and stroked it with his thumb, making Alexa relax in comfort.
(An hour later)
The pure fan saw that Alexa was yawning.
Y/N: let's take a nap together babe, I see that you're tired
Alexa: yes babe, I agree, let's sleep on the couch together
Y/N: okay
Y/N turned off the TV while Alexa went to get the blanket. Y/N laid on the couch while the Goddess laid on top and put the blanket over their bodies.
Y/N's hand gently stroked her thigh before going up to massage her biscuit butt. Alexa melted in comfort as she closed her eyes to rest.
Then Y/N kissed her head and fell asleep as well.
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