Chapter 44: Karaoke Triple Date
Hey Punisher4life I put some hidden gems and it references your Liv Morgan double date chapter!
Y/N woke up first the next day and was relieved that it was the weekend, so that meant it was his day off. His face and chest were all covered in blonde and pink tipped hair as Alexa was sleeping on him, making the pure fan her personal bed.
Y/N looked over to the drawer beside him where he hid his great-grandmother's engagement ring that was passed on to him from his dad. Then he looked back down at the sleeping Goddess as he visualized the future events.
The pure fan attempted to move Alexa, so he can get up, but the Goddess felt it and tighten her grip. Alexa woke up and cutely pouted at him.
Alexa: where do you think you're going?
Y/N: uhh... I need to use the bathroom
Alexa: oh no you're not, you're staying here in the bed with me, soldier
Y/N: Alexa, I really need it; I cannot hold it in for much longer
Alexa: fine, but you better come back here when you're done
Y/N: yes, my Goddess
Alexa got off Y/N to let him use the bathroom. While she waited, the Goddess got a facetime group chat call from Erin and Nessie.
Alexa: hey girls!
Erin: ooh, someone is very happy and energetic this early morning
Nessie: Erin, we all know why
Erin: so how are you two doing?
Alexa: we're doing really great, so what's up?
Erin: well I was thinking that we all should have a triple date tonight
Nessie: oh that sounds nice!
Alexa: count me in on that!
Nessie: so where are we going?
Erin: well Jimmy and I talked about it, and we agreed on a karaoke date night
Alexa: yes, time to bring my singing talent out!
Nessie: when Mike sings, cover your ears
The three girls shared a laugh.
Erin: okay, so we're all in for tonight?
Nessie: I just need to talk to Mike
Alexa: same with Y/N
Erin: okay, we hope to see you all tonight
The girls ended the group call. Then Y/N came back to the room after he finished washing up. As he got in bed, Alexa immediately straddled and got on top of him.
Y/N: good thing it's my day off
Alexa: Erin just called earlier
Y/N: about what?
Erin: she and her boyfriend Jimmy are inviting all of us on a triple date at the karaoke bar
Y/N: karaoke huh? Alright, you will melt from my singing voice
Alexa: you have to impress tonight then
The Goddess giggled and dove her lips in for the couple's daily good morning make out session. Alexa went down to his neck while she giggled from the feeling of Y/N's hand going up from her thigh to her biscuit butt.
Alexa brought her face back up to Y/N's lips for a deep and loving kiss. The Goddess pulled back and laid her chin on his chest.
Alexa: I love you babe
Y/N: I love you too, Goddess
The Goddess smiled and the couple laid and cuddled in bed for another good hour and a half. Then the couple went downstairs and ate their breakfast.
After they ate, Y/N helped Alexa fixed her Disney ears collection.
Alexa: don't need to take them out, just fix them and keep them straight
Y/N: I gotcha
The pure fan carefully straighten out the ears.
Alexa: thanks for your help babe, especially since I can't reach the ones on top
Y/N: short girl problems
Alexa playfully punched Y/N in the arm before playfully putting him in a side headlock.
Alexa: say that again
Y/N: that's why they call you Little Miss Bliss
The Goddess smirked and tightened her headlock on him.
Y/N: you want to play it like that?
Alexa: try me babe
Y/N powered out and carried Alexa bridal style while he tickled her.
Alexa: ahh! Y/N!
The Goddess laughed as Y/N carried her over to the couch and tickled her on the hips. Alexa laughed and tried to crawl and escape, but Y/N kept his grip as he lightly poked her hips.
Y/N stopped and let Alexa catch her breath.
Alexa regained her composure.
Alexa: oh you are gonna pay for that
Y/N: uh oh...
As Y/N stood up and attempted to escape, the Goddess ambushed the pure fan as she jumped on his back and locked in her version of the sleeper hold. The Goddess added more to the hold by kissing on his neck.
Y/N: I'm not submitting!
Alexa: how do you like this then?
The Goddess lightly nibbled on Y/N's neck and Y/N felt his legs like jelly as he got on his knees. Then he fell flat on his stomach until he eventually submitted to the Goddess by tapping out.
Y/N: I give up!
The Goddess pulled back and giggled as she straddled Y/N.
Alexa: baby, I may be short, but I'm strong and fierce
Y/N: they don't call you a six time women's champion for nothing
Alexa smiled and kissed his lips before helping him to his feet.
Erin has sent Alexa a text message to let her know of the time and place for the group's triple date tonight. Nessie replied back saying that Mike has agreed to the night as well. The Goddess sent a message saying that her and Y/N are going as well.
Alexa: well everyone is on board tonight, and I just sent our confirmation
Y/N: so what are you gonna sing?
Alexa: don't know until we go there
The triple date wasn't until later tonight, so the couple passed the time by watching one of Y/N's favorite Disney movies, Cinderella.
As they watched, Alexa put her legs on Y/N. The pure fan caressed her thighs while the Goddess wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder in comfort.
Then the movie went to the scene where Cinderella was sharing a dance with Prince Charming.
Y/N: there's the song we danced to
Alexa: yup
The pure fan stood up and held out his hand.
Y/N: may I have this dance, Alexa?
Alexa smiled and grabbed his hand.
Alexa: you may
The Goddess stood up and the couple danced along with the prince and the princess in the movie as they moved exactly like them while they followed the sound of the soothing music.
(A few hours later)
Y/N and Alexa were already dressed up for the triple date tonight.
Alexa: you really look handsome wearing that black jacket
Y/N: and you look really cute and beautiful wearing that gray jacket
Alexa smiled and hid her face in his chest while he embraced her. The couple kissed each other on the lips until they heard a car horn.
The couple went outside to see a van outside with their friends inside.
Erin: hey are you two ready?
Alexa: we're coming!
Nessie: you guys need earplugs when Mike sings?
Mike: real funny, Vanessa
Y/N and Alexa laughed and went in the van.
(Minutes later)
Erin pulled up and parked in front of the karaoke bar.
Erin: you guys ready to sing?
Jimmy: you know I am, babe
Nessie: let's go!
The six friends got out of the van and went inside. Erin and Jimmy paid and rented a private booth and ordered some food. They got inside and got the songs list ready.
Jimmy: so who is singing first?
Nessie: me first!
After the others sang, it was now Alexa's turn.
Nessie: at least the next to sing is someone who can actually sing
Mike: the songs were not my type of music
Jimmy: at least you gave it a try, man
Y/N: first attempt in learning, Mikey
The Goddess went to select a song from her favorite band, Bowling for Soup. Alexa sang while the others were cheering and clapping for the talented Goddess.
Y/N: the sound of an angel right there
Nessie: Alexa has a talent for singing
After Alexa finished singing, the group gave her an ovation while Y/N kissed the side of her head. The Goddess stood up and took a bow.
Jimmy: now we all saved the best for last; Y/N, you're up man
Y/N: alright, let me look for the song I want
The pure fan scanned through the songs list until he found a song that was familiar to him. Y/N typed in the numerical code.
Erin: Wildflower
Y/N: yup, this version is sang by a Filipino singer
Nessie: alright, let's hear it
The song started and Y/N began to sing, and to everyone's surprise his voice sounds really well. Alexa was in a trance as she listened to her boyfriend singing.
As Y/N went on to sing the song's high notes, the group cheered and clapped while Alexa was still staring at him. The song was nearing its end, so Y/N turned to the Goddess and serenaded her.
Alexa blushed heavily and hid her face in Y/N's shoulder. Y/N kissed her head while the group applauded for him.
Jimmy: if this was a singing competition, Y/N is already the winner
Erin: yup, I agree
Nessie: extra points for serenading his Goddess girlfriend
(Minutes later)
The six friends were done for the night, so they said their goodbyes and drove back home.
(At the Goddess' house)
Alexa was in the bathroom washing up for the night; while she did that, Y/N was scrolling through Instagram to entertain himself; he put his phone down momentarily to reach for the engagement ring.
Y/N opened the box to admire the family heirloom ring. The next critical move for the pure fan is how he'll plan to propose to the Goddess.
Y/N heard the bathroom door open, so he hid the ring back in the drawer just before Alexa came in. Y/N went back to his phone as the Goddess came.
Alexa went in the bed and got on top of Y/N by straddling him. Y/N put his phone away to give his attention to the Goddess.
Y/N: hi
Alexa smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips.
Alexa: thank you, babe
Y/N: for what?
Alexa: you just being you
She laid her chin on his chest.
Alexa: you make me laugh, make me smile and you respect me
Y/N smiled and stroked her hair gently.
Alexa: give me your hand please
Y/N: here you go
He held his hand out for Alexa; the Goddess grabbed it and placed it on her biscuit butt.
Alexa: I have a wish, Y/N
Y/N: what is your wish, my Goddess?
Alexa: I wish we can spend the rest of our lives together
Y/N's peripheral vision shifted to the drawer where the ring is as he replied to Alexa.
Y/N: I wish for that as well, babe
Alexa looked at him in the eyes as she smiled and kissed him on the lips. Then the Goddess went down to kiss his neck while Y/N gently squeezed her biscuit butt. The Goddess planted small kisses all over his neck, cheeks and shoulders.
Alexa: let's get some sleep
Y/N pulled the covers to their bodies. Alexa got his hand and placed it on her "chest buns." She got his other hand and placed it on her biscuit butt.
Y/N: are you feeling comfortable?
Alexa: yes
The Goddess said as she smiled and giggled. Y/N kissed her forehead and the couple cuddled in their arms as they fell asleep happily.
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