Chapter 43: Family Heirloom
Y/N's point of view
Day 30 of 30
Today is the final day of the punishment, and I can honestly say I'm feeling a little disappointed, Alexa has helped me come out of my shell while still respecting my purity. I wear her marks of love proudly on my neck.
This is the last day my hands are on her biscuit butt and her "chest buns."
End of point of view
Y/N heard his phone ringing while he and Alexa were still asleep together. The pure fan groaned and woke up to see it was a text message from his father.
F/N: son, your mom and I are coming over for dinner, and we have something for you and I believe it is time we pass it on to you, but you should not let Alexa find out
Y/N: mom and dad are passing on a family heirloom, I wonder what will it be, and why should I hide it from Alexa?
He thought to himself as he put his phone back and went back to sleep with the Goddess in his arms. Y/N saw his hand on her biscuit butt, but now knew that this is the final day of the punishment, so he moved his hand up to her back.
(An hour later)
Alexa woke up and felt Y/N's hand on her back, she giggled and peppered small kisses to his face to wake him up which made him smile.
Alexa: good morning
Y/N: morning blissful Goddess
Then Alexa looked at him with a smirk on her face.
Alexa: let me ask you a question, Y/N L/N
Y/N: ooh, using the full name; that's not good
Alexa: don't worry I'm not mad, just surprised
Y/N: surprised about what?
Alexa: why is your hand not on my butt?
Y/N: I'm sorry Alexa, but it's the last day of the bet, so I have to keep my hands to myself, and it's much as it pains me since I don't want it to end, I have to honor the rules
Alexa: who said you can't stop putting your hands there?
She smirked mischievously and placed Y/N's hand back on her biscuit butt.
Y/N: Alexa?
Alexa: shh, babe it's okay; even when the bet is over, you can still put your hand there because I feel comfortable, even on my chest
Y/N: so?
Alexa: it's all fine, you can still put your hands there even after the punishment is off
The Goddess smiled and kissed his nose; she stared at Y/N for a second before diving her lips in for their now usual good morning make out session. Alexa got on top of him with their lips still connecting. Y/N went down to kiss on her neck, making Alexa giggle as she is ticklish there.
Y/N gently nibbled on her neck which brought out a light moan from the Goddess; the pure fan went back to kissing her lips. Then the Goddess pulled back and Y/N smirked.
Y/N: I left a little something
Alexa blushed and went to the mirror to see that Y/N marked her neck.
Y/N: a mark of my love
The Goddess was now a heavy blushing mess; Y/N got up and embraced her as she hid her face in his chest. Y/N put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her nose.
Y/N: my dad texted me earlier
Alexa: about?
Y/N: they are coming over for dinner
Alexa: oh that's great; your mom and I already bonded the first time they came over
Y/N: that's my mom for you, she's a very friendly person
Alexa: well, I'm gonna wash up
Y/N: I need to wash up, but Goddess first
Alexa: aww, how gentlemanly of you
Then Alexa got an idea, but she wanted to surprise Y/N. The Goddess grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom while Y/N went downstairs to feed the zoo. The pure fan was about to cook until he heard Alexa shouting out for him.
Alexa: Y/N!
Y/N: yeah?!
Alexa: can I borrow your towel for my hair?!
Y/N: okay, I'll go and give it to you
Alexa: thanks babe!
Y/N turned off the stove and went upstairs to get his towel. Then he went to the bathroom door and knocked.
Y/N: babe, I got my towel for you
Alexa: can you come in and hang it on the rack?
Y/N: you want me to go in there?
Alexa: please babe
She said in a cute baby voice, which made Y/N immediately give in.
Y/N: alright, you cute Goddess I'm coming in
Y/N opened the door and went inside, but what he doesn't know that Alexa is hiding behind the door.
Y/N: Alexa, where are you?
Then Y/N heard the door closed and locked; he turned around to see Alexa wrapped in her towel.
Y/N: Alexa?
The Goddess put her finger over his lips to silence him.
Alexa: Y/N, you said you need to wash up as well, so I was thinking that we should shower together
Y/N was surprised and taken aback by the Goddess' request.
Alexa: besides, I need help with my back
Y/N: you scratch my back, I scratch yours; alright, let's shower together
The Goddess smiled and kissed him.
Y/N: ladies first
Alexa went in the shower first while Y/N took off his clothes before getting in with the Goddess. The warm water ran down their bodies as they washed together. They washed each others' backs and Alexa let Y/N wash her "chest buns." As they rinsed, Alexa pulled him in for a kiss and it immediately turned into a make out session as Y/N kissed her back while the water run down their bodies.
Y/N already finished cooking the food and gave Alexa her plate as the two ate and watched some movies. While they did that, Y/N was thinking of what his parents will bring him, given the fact that it is a family heirloom.
Y/N's mind: could it be a valuable coin? A pocket watch? A piece of jewelry?
His hunch was more on the third option, but he was snapped back into reality by Alexa.
Alexa: babe, you okay?
Y/N: oh yeah, I'm fine
Alexa: you seem out of thought
Y/N: it's nothing babe
Alexa: okay
The two finished eating and Y/N went to wash the dishes. Then he sat back down and the Goddess snuggled up to him. Y/N sneaked in small kisses to her head which made her smile.
(An hour later)
The couple still had hours before Y/N's parents arrive, so they decided to go out and by some groceries for dinner later. Alexa saw Y/N carrying the heavy bags of groceries.
Alexa: you got it, Y/N?
Y/N: yeah, I'm all good
The pure fan put the bags in the trunk and closed it.
Alexa: good job, your reward is an ice cream cone
Y/N: thanks
As Y/N was about to grab his cone, Alexa smeared ice cream on his neck, making him shiver.
Y/N: ahh! S-should've seen that c-coming
Alexa giggled and gave his cone.
Alexa: here, I'll clean you up
The Goddess cleaned up the ice cream by nibbling and licking his neck. Y/N shivered from her soft lips.
Alexa: there you go, all clean
Y/N: thanks babe
They drove back home as they ate their ice cream. Then the Goddess saw that Y/N has a text message.
Alexa: you got a text from your dad, they're coming in three hours
Y/N: well then, we have to get ready
They made it home and put the groceries away.
(2 hours later)
It was an hour away and the couple were preparing for Y/N's parents. Y/N cooked dinner while Alexa was fixing and organizing the dining room table.
Y/N: everything set?
Alexa: all good here
Y/N's parents were on their way over to the house.
F/N: you got it, dear?
M/N: it's here in my purse
F/N: it's now the right time to pass it on to our son
M/N: I agree dear
(Back with Y/N and Alexa)
Everything was set, and now the only thing for the couple to do is wait.
Y/N: still have 30 minutes before they come, so what you want to do to pass the time?
Alexa: wanna make out?
Y/N's eyes widen in surprise as Alexa jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips. Y/N brought them over to the couch and went on with their make out session.
(Minutes later)
Their make out session was stopped when they heard a knock on the door.
Y/N: that must be them
The pure fan got up and opened the door to greet his parents.
Y/N: hey mom, hey dad!
F/N: how are you son?
Y/N: doing well as always
M/N: and how are you Alexa?
Alexa: happy and great as usual
Y/N: well I cooked dinner, so let's eat
F/N: I can smell it, son; it smells good
The four went to the dining room and sat at the table.
F/N: so son, how's work at the firm been treating you?
Y/N: I'm working as usual, dad; oh by the way, do you guys remember Joy?
M/N: isn't she the girl you used to have a crush in high school?
Y/N: yeah, and she also worked at the same place where I'm working
F/N: oh, and what happened?
Alexa: Y/N told me Joy got fired
Y/N: it's true
F/N: what did she do?
Y/N: she couldn't keep her pants on in the workplace, that's all I have to say
Y/N's parents chuckled.
M/N: so son, how is your neck?
Y/N choked on his water after hearing his mother's question.
Y/N: I'm sorry mom, what is that?
M/N: how is your neck?
Y/N: my neck's fine
F/N; oh come on son, don't hide it from us any longer
Alexa and Y/N blushed lightly.
M/N: you think we didn't see the marks on your neck?
Y/N: I was hoping that
M/N: don't need to be scared Y/N, they show how much you love each other
Y/N: okay, because I gave Alexa one as well
F/N: that's my boy
He patted his son on the back as he chuckled.
Y/N and Alexa were washing the dishes as the pure fan's parents talked.
M/N: you give it to him
F/N: I got it
Then the couple went back to the table.
M/N: Alexa, let's talk; we already bonded the first time we met
Alexa: yes please
F/N: son, let's talk outside
Y/N: alright
Y/N and his dad went outside to talk.
F/N: son, it's clear to me and your mother that you and Alexa are really made for each other
Y/N: of course dad; I'm living with her and taking care of her
F/N: you are a real man, son, so your mom and I talked and we have decided to pass this family heirloom to you
Y/N's dad got a small box from behind his back and opened it.
F/N: this was your great-grandmother's engagement ring, which was given by your great-grandfather when he proposed to her. Then it was passed on to your grandparents before it came to me, so now it's yours
Y/N: you and mom are giving me this?
F/N: yes, you and Alexa are like husband and wife already, and the hints were obvious; the promise rings, the marks on your neck and you two living together
Y/N: it's a beautiful ring, dad; beautiful like Alexa
F/N: I'm very proud of what you become, son
Y/N nodded and he went to hug his dad.
Y/N: I have to hide this from Alexa
F/N: it's all on you, my boy
Y/N nodded and the father and son went back inside.
The parents said their goodbyes and drove off. Then the two went upstairs for bed. Alexa was in the bathroom washing up while Y/N looked at the ring that belonged to his great-grandparents. Then as the Goddess came out, Y/N hid the ring in the drawer beside him.
Alexa got in bed and laid next to him.
Alexa: the punishment is done, but you can still hold me
Y/N: you really love to mess with me
Alexa giggled and went on top and straddled him.
Alexa: I did it because I love you
Y/N smiled and put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her nose and lips.
Y/N: I love you too
Then the Goddess laid on his chest as Y/N pulled the covers over their bodies.
Alexa: put your hand on my butt please
She whispered in his ear and Y/N put his hand on her biscuit butt. Y/N saw the smile of comfort on Alexa's face as she snuggled her face in his neck while she sneaked in small kisses to it. Y/N lightly tapped and gently squeezed her biscuit butt as he kissed her head while he thought to himself before falling asleep.
Y/N's mind: soon, the day will come
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