Chapter 39: Blisskrieg Intensifies
Y/N's point of view
Day 9 of 30
Yesterday, my parents came over for a visit and they have gave their blessings to my and Alexa's relationship; mom however planned things way too ahead again as she said that the next time they meet Alexa will be at the church altar.
As for Little Miss Bliss' punishment on me, she has found the weakest and most sensitive part of my neck, the front side where my Adam's apple is. Luckily for me, mom or dad did not notice the small hickey. This is just day 9, and I don't think my neck will take anymore, but I don't know what my girlfriend has in store for me.
End of point of view
Alexa was sleeping on top of Y/N as part of her month long punishment on him. The Goddess woke up as she smiled at a sleeping Y/N; she looked down at his hand on her biscuit butt as an idea came to her head while a mischievous smirk was on her face.
The Goddess slowly got out of his grip and rolled to her side of the bed. Alexa saw Y/N changed his position by rolling over and put his arm on the Goddess' stomach. Alexa smiled and thought to herself.
Alexa: you make this too fun and easy for me, Y/N
She giggled and moved his hand up before placing it on her "chest buns." Alexa blushed lightly as she put the blanket back on them and tried to hold her laugh as she thought to herself before going back to sleep.
Alexa: let's see how you react to this, babe
(2 hours later)
The Goddess woke up and stretched while Y/N was about to wake up as well; the pure fan looked into the blue eyes of the Goddess.
Y/N: good morning
He kissed her lips.
Alexa: how's your neck?
She giggled while Y/N pouted.
Y/N: don't you start
Then Y/N felt something in his hand.
Y/N: Alexa, what am I touching?
The Goddess giggled at Y/N's clueless question. She came up with a lie to cover and mess with him.
Alexa: it's my butt, babe
Y/N: no, I don't think so
The pure fan removed the blanket to see his hand on the Goddess' "chest buns." Y/N's eyes widen in shock as he frantically removed his hand.
Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't mean- whoa!
He comically fell off the bed while Alexa laughed at his expense. As Y/N got back up he saw the Goddess doing her cute pose.
Y/N: wait, did you had this planned all along?
Alexa: maybe
Alexa got off the bed and went to wrap her arms around his neck while she examined the hickey on the front side.
Y/N: good thing my parents didn't see that hickey
Alexa: don't call it a hickey, call it a mark of my love
Y/N: you are unbelievable sometimes
He proceeded to tickle her by poking her hips, making Alexa laugh.
Alexa: ahh! Not there!
The Goddess laughed while she tried to get away, but Y/N got Alexa trapped.
Alexa: I'm sorry!
After a few seconds, Y/N finished tickling Alexa to let the Goddess catch her breath, but what he didn't know is that he has fallen into a trap. After the Goddess catch her breath, she stood back up.
Alexa: you are gonna pay for that, babe
Y/N's smile disappeared as the Goddess walked towards him; that is his signal to escape.
Y/N: Alexa...
He dashed out of the door while the Goddess chased Y/N.
Y/N: no more please!
Alexa: get back here!
Alexa giggled and smiled as she chased her pure hearted boyfriend around the house. Y/N managed to get out of the house, but the Goddess was right on his tail. Alexa chased Y/N to the backyard and the pure fan went through the back door.
Y/N: open you piece of crap!
Y/N went through, but the Goddess was still hot on his tail like a heat seeking missile. The zoo were watching the ongoing playful commotion between their owners.
Y/N managed to cut off Alexa's trail by running upstairs to the bathroom. The Goddess stopped in front of the door.
Y/N: time out, I need to use the bathroom!
Alexa: fine, but I'm not finished with you, babe
She said flirtatiously and thought of a plan to ambush Y/N. Alexa went inside the bedroom and hide.
After a minute, Y/N was done using the bathroom; he slowly open the door and cautiously got out as the Goddess was nowhere in sight.
Y/N: Alexa?
Y/N checked all around for a Goddess ambush as he put his defenses up. Then as he went in the bedroom to check his clothes, what Y/N didn't know is that Alexa was hiding behind the door. The Goddess quietly closed the door and sneaked up behind Y/N, before jumping on him.
Y/N: ahhh!
Alexa: I got you!
Y/N stumbled and lost his balance and fell on the bed with the Goddess on top of him.
Y/N: you are having too much fun at my expense, aren't you?
Alexa: I just love to tease and mess with you
Y/N: you got me trapped, so what are you gonna do?
Alexa smiled and dove her lips on his for a loving and passionate kiss; Y/N kissed her back and it turned to a make out session. The Goddess got one of Y/N's hands and placed it on her biscuit butt. Alexa kissed from his jaw down to his neck while Y/N gently and firmly gripped her biscuit butt.
After their loving make out session, Alexa got off of Y/N.
Alexa: I'm gonna wash up because of all that running around
She said as the Goddess grabbed her towel and playfully hit him with it. Y/N got some payback by lightly smacking her biscuit butt making Alexa gasp and blush. Then the Goddess retaliated by running her fingers lightly on his back, making him shiver; he put his hands up in surrender.
Alexa: yeah, just what I thought
She giggled as she went in the bathroom. Y/N went downstairs to cook food until he heard his phone ring to see a facetime call from Mike.
Y/N: hey Mikey
Mike: 9 days
Y/N: jeeze, Mikey you look like a mess, what happened to you?
Mike: Y/N, it's been 9 days since I last uploaded a video of Nessie getting scared; why did we agree to that bet in the first place?
Y/N: you and Nessie were the ones who made the bet in the first place
Mike: you got a point, what's up with you and Alexa?
Y/N: Mikey, I have been wounded; look at these
Y/N showed Mike the hickeys on his neck.
Mike: oh man, Alexa has been all over you, huh?
Y/N: I'm honoring the bet, man
Mike: well you're doing alright there, and I'm about to lose my mind
Y/N: Mikey, just hang in there; only three more weeks
Mike sighed.
Mike: alright, I'll talk to you later
Y/N: good luck, my friend
He ended the call and went back to cooking. The Goddess came downstairs all freshened up; she saw Y/N cooking and went to the kitchen. Alexa kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his.
Y/N: I'm almost done here, give me a minute
Alexa: later, let's go out
Y/N: okay where?
Alexa: just around
Y/N: that's fine with me, as long as I'm with you
He kissed her head, making Alexa blush. Then the couple ate their food.
Y/N finished washing up and wore his casual clothes as the Goddess wanted to go out and around. The couple got in their car and drove off to the open road. Alexa held his hand on the brake and then placed it on her thigh; she laid her head on his shoulder while she smiled.
Y/N doesn't know where the Goddess wanted to go, so he decided to drive to a quiet beach to admire the peaceful scenery. The couple got out of the car and walked along the beach hand in hand.
Alexa: this is nice and peaceful
Y/N: the sound of the waves, and the blissful scenery
Alexa giggled and blushed at Y/N's pun.
Alexa: you always make me laugh
The two walked along the beach for another good hour until Alexa requested something.
Alexa: Y/N, let's go to Starbucks
Y/N: alright, it's lunch time anyway
The couple went back in the car and drove off to the coffee joint. After a few minutes, they found a Starbucks and Y/N parked his car. The couple got out and Alexa jumped on his back.
Alexa: piggy back ride!
Y/N: alright, let's go in
The coupled ordered their coffee and Y/N paid for the both of them. Then they went back in their car and drove to a quiet park.
(An hour later)
The two were at their house relaxing and watching some movies until Alexa noticed Y/N was yawning and about to lay down.
Y/N: I'm gonna take a nap
Alexa: me too
Y/N got the couch pillow and laid on it while Alexa got on top and laid on his chest. Y/N put his arm around her back and embraced her gently. The Goddess then kissed his lips which made him smile; she laid her head back down and fell asleep.
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