Chapter 38: Parents Visit
Y/N's point of view
Day 8 of 30
Codename Blisskrieg has been raining loving kisses on my neck, a part of me wanted to fight back, but Alexa has overwhelmed me with her cuteness and sweetness. Last night, she has filled that gap in my heart when I didn't go to my prom in senior year. Alexa Bliss completes my heart. We have been dating a little more than two months and the Goddess has been always happy especially since this is just barely one third of the monthly punishment.
We are strong together and we love each other for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish til death do us part...
End of point of view
Alexa woke up and saw she's been embraced by Y/N's arms; she looked down and blushed at the sight of Y/N's hand on her cute biscuit butt. The Goddess saw the time was 8:45, so she gently shook Y/N to wake up, but he didn't budge.
Then the Goddess got an idea; she planted and peppered small kisses all over his face which made him smile and eventually wake up. Alexa pulled back and smiled at him.
Alexa: morning
Y/N: I see in my eyes, a picture of heaven
He said as he stroked her cheek, making her blush.
Y/N: thank you again for last night, Alexa; I had that gap in my heart for years until you filled it up
Alexa: it's the least I can do for you, my greatest fan
She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.
Alexa: but don't think that as your get out of jail free card because you still have 22 more days
Y/N: my charms failed me
The Goddess giggled and she playfully booped and pinched his nose which brought a cute pout on Y/N's face.
Alexa: come on, carry the Goddess downstairs
Y/N got out of bed and stretched his back; then Alexa got on his back and wrapped her arms and legs around him. The Goddess set her sights on his neck and didn't waste any time to dive in for a kiss. Y/N couldn't do anything but shiver from the soft lips of the Goddess. She pulled back and whispered in his ear.
Alexa: set me on the couch
Y/N: y-yes Goddess
He shivered from Alexa's breath; Y/N set her down on the couch. Then as Y/N was about to go to the kitchen, he heard his phone ring.
Alexa: who is calling you?
Y/N: let's find out
He picked up his phone to see it was a call from his dad.
Y/N: it's my dad
Alexa: answer it
Y/N: give me a minute
Y/N answered the call.
Y/N: hi dad
F/N: morning son, how are you doing?
Y/N: doing really well, dad; I just had my pay day yesterday
F/N: good good, always working hard
Y/N: you know me
F/N: well son, your mother and I are flying in later for a visit
Y/N: oh you're coming here?
F/N: yes, so are we gonna meet you at your apartment?
Y/N: uh dad, there's been a change in that
F/N: what do you mean, son?
Y/N: I moved to another place again
F/N: oh okay where?
Y/N: I'll send you the address, and I have a surprise for you and mom
F/N: we can't wait for that, son
Y/N: I'll see you guys later
He ended the call.
Y/N: my parents are flying in for a visit
Alexa: oh that's nice!
Y/N: and I'm planning to surprise them about us
Alexa smiled.
Y/N: you did meet them before at my college graduation
Alexa: I remember, so what time are they coming?
Y/N: my dad said this afternoon, so I need to send them the address
Alexa: here, I'll tell you
The Goddess told Y/N the physical address and the pure fan sent it to his dad.
Y/N: alright, my dad got the message
Alexa: I'm a bit nervous of meeting your parents
Y/N was concerned, but he immediately recalled of that fateful night.
Y/N: yeah... I told my dad about our first breakup, and I guess he told my mom too
He sat down next to Alexa and put his hand on her cheek.
Y/N: don't worry, we'll surprise them about our second chance, and they'll love you
He calmed her down with a kiss to her forehead.
Y/N: just sit back and relax while I make the coffee
The Goddess smiled as Y/N went to make two cups of the morning brew. While he was doing that, Alexa looked at him as her vivid dream began to flood back to her mind; she looked down at her promise ring as she thought to herself.
Alexa: I can't wait for that special day to come
The Goddess went back to her phone as Y/N came with the two cups of coffee.
Y/N: coffee for the Goddess
Alexa: thanks Y/N
She kissed his cheek.
The couple watched some movies to pass the time as they're ready for Y/N's parents to come over.
Y/N was only eight days in his punishment for his loss on the bet, and his neck was feeling stiff, so he did some neck rotations to help ease the pain. Alexa saw this and giggled.
Alexa: what's wrong babe; stiff neck?
Y/N gave Alexa a cold look while the Goddess smirked mischievously. She scooted closer and laid her chin on his shoulder as she gave him a cute look. Y/N tried to keep his bearing, but couldn't hold back his smile.
Y/N: you're too cute
Alexa giggled as he kissed her forehead. Then the Goddess wrapped her arms around him, and went to kiss the right side of his neck. Alexa kissed Y/N's neck softly which made him shiver and melt from her touch. The Goddess pulled back and went to kiss his lips and Y/N immediately kissed her back.
The Goddess pushed them down while their lips were still connected. Their make out session lasted for a few minutes until Alexa pulled back and laid her head on his chest.
Y/N: you really really are enjoying torturing and teasing me, huh?
Alexa: the way I make you uncomfortable is so adorable
She playfully pinched his cheeks as she giggled.
Y/N: I'm a bit cautious of what you gonna do to me for the next 22 days
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: you won't know until it hits you
Y/N: I'm gonna go cook now
Alexa: let me hang on to you again
Y/N: piggyback ride again?
Alexa: yes, but this time the other way around
Y/N: huh?
Alexa: stand up first
Y/N stood up.
Y/N: okay, now what?
Alexa jumped into his arms for a front lift carry as the Goddess wrapped her arms and legs around his body.
Alexa: it's like you're carrying a baby
Y/N: a cute baby Goddess
He smirked as he went to the kitchen.
Y/N: don't try any tricks on me, Bliss
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: I'll try not to
Y/N got the ingredients needed and proceeded to cook while Alexa played with his face. While the pure fan cooked, the Goddess peppered small kisses all over his cheeks.
Y/N: having fun there?
Alexa: yes
She giggled as she continued giving kisses to him. Then Alexa licked her lips and kissed on the front side of his neck, the most sensitive area of Y/N's neck. Y/N nearly dropped the spatula as he felt her soft lips against the front.
Y/N: o-oh dear g-god
The Goddess now knows the pure fan's weakest spot, so he can put him under her spell; Y/N pushed through and managed to finish cooking without the food burning.
Y/N: b-breakfast i-is r-ready
Alexa continued to kiss the front side for a few seconds before pulling back to see Y/N taking breaths while his cheeks lightly blushed as the Goddess saw a hickey.
Alexa: aww, you look so adorable
Y/N: y-yeah, let's eat
The pure fan carried the Goddess and the food to the table. After they ate, the Goddess went upstairs to wash up.
Y/N's dad sent the pure fan a message that they'll be at the Goddess' house around 5:45. The couple just spent their day watching movies while they cuddle together.
As they watched the movie, Alexa looked at Y/N with a mischievous grin; Y/N saw the look.
Y/N: babe, what's with the look?
The Goddess slowly scooted closer to the pure fan, but Y/N went into defense mode as he stood up and ran with Alexa closely right behind him.
Y/N: Alexa, no!
The Goddess chased after Y/N.
Alexa: get back here, so I can kiss your neck!
They ran around the house until the Goddess caught up to him by jumping on his back and tackling him to the ground. She flipped him over and held him down.
Alexa: gotcha!
Y/N: no, Alexa please!
Alexa: no matter how much you beg, you can't change my mind baby because you still have to do what I say for 22 more days
Y/N: not my neck again
Alexa went down and kissed on his lips which surprised him. Y/N immediately kissed back as he wrapped his arms around her body. After a few seconds, the Goddess pulled back and helped Y/N to his feet.
(A few hours later)
The clock read 5:30, so the couple only had 15 minutes left to ready themselves for Y/N's parents. The pure fan's father texted him saying that they're driving their rental car and made their way to the house.
Y/N: you ready to meet my parents again, babe?
Alexa: yup, I am
(A few minutes later)
The coupled heard a car pull up and the door knock. Y/N opened it to see his parents.
F/N: hi son
M/N: Y/N, how are you, son?
Y/N: I'm doing fine, mom
He hugged his parents.
Y/N: mom, dad; there's someone I want you to meet, but I believe you've met her
Alexa walked up to his parents.
Alexa: hi again
M/N: hi Alexa
Y/N's mom hugged the Goddess.
F/N: son, are you two?
Y/N: it's a long story, dad; why don't you and mom sit down and talk about it
The parents sat down and Y/N went to explain about his revamping process along with him helping Alexa seeing the truth of her ex-boyfriend.
M/N: Alexa, I'm sorry you had to go through that
Alexa: it's okay, I was blinded by someone who pretends, but Y/N helped me see the truth
Y/N: I gave her a second chance, mom
F/N: I agree son, you are much better man than that other guy, and I'm happy you guys are strong together
Y/N's mom noticed the promise ring on the Goddess' finger.
M/N: so can you two explain the rings you have?
F/N: are you two?
Y/N: I know what you're thinking, but no we're not; these are just promise rings
Alexa: Y/N promised me that he'll be the best boyfriend ever
Y/N: and she promised me to never let me go again
M/N: you two are really made for each other
F/N: you showed her how much of a great man you are, son
Y/N: I did dad; she completes me
He said as he kissed Alexa's forehead.
M/N: I would hope in the future, Alexa is our daughter-in-law
Y/N smiled while Alexa hid her face in shoulder as she blushed.
F/N: dear, don't rush things; they're old enough to make their own decisions
Y/N's dad said as he put his hand on his son's shoulder.
The four talked for another hour until it was time for Y/N's parents to leave.
Y/N: how long are you guys gonna be here?
F/N: a week
Alexa: it was great to meet you again
M/N: when we see each other again, hopefully it's at the church altar
Y/N: mom...
F/N: alright dear, you've embarrassed them enough for the night; we'll be going now, son
Y/N: bye mom, bye dad
The pure fan's parents got in their rental car and drove off.
Y/N: sorry about my mom, she can be too ahead
Alexa: it's alright
She giggled.
Y/N: it's still early, so let's watch some movies
Alexa: you read my mind
The couple say down and binge watched some Disney classics until the Goddess yawned.
Y/N: bed time
Alexa: carry me
Y/N: I got you
He carried her bridal style upstairs to their bedroom. Y/N set her down on the bed and laid next to her. As Y/N laid flat on his back, Alexa rolled over and laid on top of him.
Alexa: be my bed, Y/N
Y/N: okay
He wrapped his arms around her back in a gentle and loving embrace; Alexa got one of his hands and placed it on her biscuit butt. Y/N lightly tapped it as the Goddess fell asleep in his arms. Y/N kissed her forehead before he fell asleep as well.
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