Chapter 37: So This is Love
Y/N's point of view
Day 7 of 30
It's been four days since I have moved in and lived with WWE's Goddess Alexa Bliss; however it's been a week of her fun teasing aka my month long punishment. My neck has been a prisoner of war under the Goddess, and more hickeys formed. I have never complained since then because as her loving boyfriend, my job is to make Alexa happy.
If you're all curious to know what were some of the things Alexa has asked me to do besides making me her personal bed and putting my hand on her biscuit butt; she made us drive to Starbucks for her coffee since I know how much she loves the morning brew there while I gave her piggyback rides. Since I'm living with her, we decided to split our working salaries for the monthly rent.
I don't know how much my neck will take her kisses, but I wear my hickeys like the U.S. military Purple Heart medal.
I'm wearing a ring on my left finger, and I'm living with Alexa; it's like we're a married couple already.
End of point of view
It was Friday, so that meant tonight was SmackDown; Y/N saw that one of the matches for the show was six person mixed tag match as the team of A.R.D. will take on the team of Bayley, Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro. Y/N was already pumped for tonight as he'll see his girlfriend and his two favorite male Superstars in action.
Y/N woke up as he felt Alexa's hair brushing his face; he smiled and looked down at the sleeping Goddess. His hand lightly tapped and squeezed the Goddess' biscuit butt which brought a light moan and giggle from Alexa.
A few seconds later, the Goddess woke up and opened her eyes to see her love as she smiled.
Y/N: good morning, my Goddess
The Goddess smiled and kissed him good morning.
Alexa: I always love to wake up next to you everyday
Y/N: me too
He smiled and pecked her lips as he gave Alexa's biscuit butt a light squeeze which made her giggle.
Alexa: Y/N, that tickles!
The pure fan went to kiss on her neck making her laugh.
Alexa: ahh! Y/N, babe!
The Goddess laughed as she tried to crawl away, but she was wrapped by Y/N's arms. After a minute, he pulled back to let her breathe.
Alexa: revenge huh?
Y/N: that's for my neck, babe
Y/N smirked while Alexa had a cute pout on her face, but it instantly turned to a smile as he kissed her lips.
Alexa: piggyback ride to the kitchen
Y/N: hop on
The Goddess hopped on his back and Y/N carried her downstairs while Alexa began kissing on the back of his neck which made him shiver. As the Goddess got off his back, Y/N began to ease the tingling sensation on the back of his neck.
Alexa giggled and walked up and kissed his cheek.
Alexa: I'll go make the coffee; you go on ahead and wash up because you still have work
Y/N: y-yeah, hope the warm water will ease my pain
Y/N kissed Alexa and lightly smacked her biscuit butt before he went upstairs, leaving a blushing and smiling Goddess.
(Minutes later)
Y/N had an hour and a half before work, so he used his time to drink coffee and watch some TV with Alexa; she laid her head on his shoulder while he put his hand on her leg and stroked her thigh with his thumb. The Goddess put her hand on top of his. Then she lightly pecked on his neck.
Y/N: A-Alexa, c-can we put my punishment on hold for the day?
Alexa playfully thought about it while she had her cute smile on her face.
Alexa: hmm... nope
She giggled and went to kiss on his neck before nibbling on it leaving another hickey.
Y/N: you did it again, didn't you?
Alexa giggled and gave him a kiss on his lips.
Alexa: just look at it as my love for you
Y/N pouted while the Goddess giggled before she embraced him.
Y/N: it's work time
Alexa: don't forget this
The Goddess gave Y/N his ticket for tonight's SmackDown.
Alexa: sorry, it's not front row seat this time; they're all sold out, but this one is the second row and you still have backstage access
Y/N: it's okay, just as long as I see the ring; alright, bye Alexa
Alexa: bye babe
The two kissed each other goodbye and the Goddess watched him get into his car and drove off. She went back in and closed the door while she looked at her promise ring as she thought to herself.
Alexa: hopefully someday...
The Goddess went back to the couch and watched her show.
(At the firm)
Rick saw Y/N's new Goddess hickey.
Rick: aww, your blissful Goddess has marked you again
Y/N: shut it, Ricky
Rick: how many days in for your bet?
Y/N this is one week already, the seventh day
Rick: and I can see Alexa is enjoying it every single day
Y/N chuckled and shook his head.
Y/N: well I can't let her have all the fun because I sometimes get my revenge
Rick: a counter strike, huh?
Y/N: exactly
The work day went by fast for Y/N as he didn't had to deal with Joy because every Friday is her day off, and to make it better, it was pay day at the firm, so Y/N got his bi-weekly paycheck.
After he clocked out, Y/N got a text message from Alexa telling him that she's at the arena ready for SmackDown tonight. He replied back to her telling Alexa that he'll be buying stuff from the supermarket.
Y/N got in his car and went to the bank first to exchange his paper check to cash. Then he went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. As he walked around to look for more food; he stood in the cold drinks section and remembered that certain spot. The memory he recalled was his fateful encounter with Alexa when the two broke up during that time and the pure fan revamped himself.
Y/N deeply sighed and thought to himself.
Y/N: I'm so happy that I gave you a second chance, Alexa
He smiled and went to pay for his groceries.
Y/N drove up to the arena where SmackDown is held; he got his ticket scanned and was given a backstage pass. He walked around until he found Alexa talking strategy with Randy and Drew. Y/N signaled the Viper and the Scotsman to keep quiet as he sneaked up behind the Goddess. Y/N got close and wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N: boo!
Alexa screamed while Randy and Drew held back their laughs. The Viper and the Scotsman left, leaving Y/N and Alexa.
Alexa: don't scare me like that
Y/N: hey, I can't let you have all the fun babe
Alexa: I can't with you
Y/N smirked and kissed her lips.
Y/N: I'm excited to see A.R.D. in full force again
Alexa: this is the final SmackDown before the pay-per-view, so I need all the momentum I need to defeat Bayley for the championship
Y/N: well I know you will win babe because I believe in you
Alexa: aww thanks babe
Y/N: I have to go and take my seat now
Alexa: wait, give me my good luck kiss
Y/N: of course, why did I forget?
Y/N pecked Alexa on the lips, but saw the frown on her face.
Alexa: that's not enough to satisfy me, babe
She leaped into his arms and went to kiss on his neck. Y/N held Alexa while the Goddess did her work. After a minute, Alexa pulled back with a giggling smile.
Y/N: kick ass out there, babe
Alexa: I always do
Y/N kissed Alexa on the lips before he left to go to his seat.
The main event was about to start and the SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley made her entrance. Then her partners came as the King of Strong Style and the Swiss Cyborg made their entrance.
A minute later, the faction known as A.R.D. made their entrance as Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre flanked the leader, Alexa Bliss. Y/N cheered on from the second row for his girlfriend.
(Fast forward)
Nakamura leveled McIntyre with the Kinshasa; then Orton slid in and flatten the King of Strong Style with an RKO; Cesaro took out the Viper with an uppercut before he was met by a sudden Claymore from the Scotsman. Bayley got McIntyre's attention and was arguing with the Scotsman, not knowing Alexa is sneaking up behind her.
Drew motioned Bayley to turn around and the champion was met by the Goddess and her snap DDT; Alexa pinned Bayley for the win. Y/N got up from his seat and clapped for Alexa, Drew and Randy.
Y/N waited for Alexa outside the arena, and he didn't had to wait too long for the Goddess to show up.
Y/N: great match as always, babe
Alexa: thanks Y/N, now I have momentum heading into my title match
Y/N: I can't wait for that
Alexa had planned something for Y/N to thank him for all of his support for her. The pure fan parked his car in the driveway and got into their house.
Y/N: I'll bring your bag to the room
Alexa: okay, when you're done, come back here
Y/N: what for?
Alexa: it's a surprise
Y/N was a bit cautious of what the Goddess has as he is still under the one month punishment, but he trusted Alexa. As Y/N went upstairs, this gave the Goddess time to play a certain piece of music from one of Y/N's favorite Disney movies.
She recalled that Y/N did not went to his prom during his high school senior year, so this is something she can do for him. The music Alexa played was from the original Cinderella animated movie titled "So This is Love."
Y/N came down to hear the music playing; then he saw Alexa holding her hands out for him.
Alexa: come here, Y/N
Y/N: what is this?
Alexa: remember when you told me that you didn't go to your high school prom in your senior year?
Y/N: yeah
Alexa: we can have our own prom here
Y/N: what is this for, Alexa?
Alexa: just to thank you for your love and undying support for me
Y/N felt a tear coming down from his eye, but he wiped it away.
Alexa: shall we dance?
Y/N: let's do it
The couple interlocked one of their hands; Alexa put her other hand on his shoulder while Y/N put his hand on her waist. The couple waltz around and swayed side to side to the sound of the Cinderella music. They smiled and looked at each others' eyes as they continued to waltz until the song was finished.
Then the couple touched their foreheads and Alexa wrapped her arms around his neck while Y/N's arms wrapped around her waist. They stared into each others' eyes and saw the love; they brought their faces closer and closed the gap for a passionate kiss. After a minute, they pulled back.
Alexa: carry me to bed, Y/N
Y/N: up we go
He carried the Goddess upstairs to their bedroom. Y/N set Alexa down on the bed and laid down next to her.
Y/N: now that's a prom I'll always remember; thank you for that, babe
He kissed her forehead which made her smile. Then Alexa laid on his chest; this is a signal for Y/N to put his hand on her biscuit butt.
Alexa: you remember
Y/N: it's my duty to honor the bet
Alexa: let's get some sleep now, babe; good night
Alexa yawned and closed her eyes.
Y/N: good night, babe
He kissed her head as he rubbed her back and lightly tapped her biscuit butt repeatedly before falling asleep.
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