Chapter 33: Meet the Parents
(The next day)
Y/N and Alexa woke up feeling all refreshed after spending the whole day together yesterday. The Goddess greeted her boyfriend with a kiss to the lips.
Alexa: good morning
Y/N: morning Goddess, how did you sleep last night?
Alexa: I slept well because I felt really comfy
Y/N: you felt comfy?
Y/N remembered his hand was on Alexa's biscuit butt after the Goddess moved and sneaked his hand down there last night. He looked down to see his hand was still there; then he looked back at the Goddess.
Alexa: I did
She giggled.
Y/N: hmm, I wonder what's the reason
He smirked and gave Alexa's biscuit butt a light squeeze causing the Goddess to gasp and laugh.
Alexa: babe, that tickles!
Y/N: that's what you get for being all sneaky
He then moved in to kiss on her neck causing Alexa to laugh more while she tried to get away.
Alexa: ahh! Y/N!
She said in between in her laugh while she tried to escape, but Y/N kept his grip on the Goddess as she was still laughing.
Alexa: I'm sorry!
After a few seconds, Y/N pulled back to let Alexa catch her breath, but what Y/N doesn't know is that he fell into a trap. Alexa took a breath while she said to Y/N.
Alexa: now that you have your fun...
She smirked mischievously, and Y/N knew that he only has seconds to move.
Y/N: what are you gonna do?
Alexa: oh, well this...
Alexa lunged at Y/N while he tried to escape, but he was instantly trapped by Alexa's grip as the Goddess kissed on his neck behind his ear.
Y/N: A-Alexa...
He shivered at the feeling of her soft lips against his neck, but what send chills down Y/N's spine was when Alexa pull back and nibbled on his earlobe.
Alexa: come on you
Y/N: I'm coming
As Y/N got up, Alexa hopped on his back and wrapped her arms and legs around his body.
Alexa: carry me downstairs
Y/N: alright, I got you
As Y/N carried her downstairs, Alexa saw the open window of opportunity to mess with him by kissing him on his neck; she thought about it for a while and she made her choice by attacking his neck again.
Y/N: Alexa!
Y/N could feel his legs like jelly as the Goddess attacked his neck once again with her lips. After a few seconds, Alexa got down from his back and giggled while Y/N put his hand over his neck.
Alexa: thanks for the ride
Y/N: you are enjoying this too much, aren't you?
Alexa nodded and giggled. Then she went to make coffee for the two of them. Y/N went over to his bag for a clean set of clothes.
Y/N: I'm gonna go wash up first
Alexa: okay babe
Y/N went upstairs to the bathroom for his morning shower. While Alexa was mixing the coffee, she heard her phone ring; the Goddess saw that it was a phone call from her mother, Angela.
Alexa: hi mom!
Angela: hi Lexi, how is my baby girl doing?
Alexa: fine as always mom; so what's up?
Angela: well Lexi, your dad and I are coming to your house to visit you!
Alexa: oh that's a great surprise, mom!
Angela: so Lexi, how is things between you and that Ryan guy?
Alexa frowned at the mention of Ryan's name.
Alexa: mom, Ryan and I broke up
Angela: what happened?
Alexa: he was using me for fame
Angela: your dad and I always had a bad feeling about him
Alexa: it's okay mom, I have found a better guy
Angela: ooh, your dad and I can't wait to meet him
Alexa: you and dad will love him, mom
Angela: well we can't wait to meet him, Lexi
Alexa: I can't for you guys to come over
Angela: we'll be there this afternoon
Alexa: I can't wait for you guys to come and meet him
Angela: we'll see you soon Lexi; bye!
Alexa: bye mom!
The Goddess hung up her phone and was now excited to tell Y/N the news.
(A few minutes later)
Y/N came down all freshen up and Alexa handed him his cup of coffee.
Alexa: Y/N, I just got off the phone with my mom
Y/N: your mom?
Alexa: yeah, she said that her and my dad are coming over a visit later
Y/N: oh that's wonderful
Alexa: and I kinda told her about you
Y/N: huh?
Alexa: I told them how much of a wonderful guy you are and I want you to meet them
Y/N: wait, you want me to meet your parents?
Alexa: exactly babe
Y/N gulped as he had a nervous look on his face which made Alexa concerned for him.
Alexa: what's wrong, babe?
Y/N: I-I'm just nervous about meeting your parents; what if they don't like me after that crap you went through with that other guy
Alexa put her hands on his cheeks to calm him down.
Alexa: babe, it's okay; they'll like you; you are much better than my ex
Y/N: I'm just nervous because it's my first time meeting my girlfriend's parents
Alexa: as I said babe, they'll love you, trust me
Y/N took a deep breath as Alexa brought his head closer to touch foreheads.
Alexa: I just have a piece of advice for you, babe
Y/N: what?
Alexa: just be yourself, don't put on an act to impress them like what Ryan did
Y/N: being myself, I can do that
Alexa smiled and kissed him.
Y/N: so what time are they coming?
Alexa: later this afternoon
Y/N: okay
Alexa: don't be nervous babe
She kissed him on the lips which helped calm Y/N down.
(A few hours later)
Y/N and Alexa were watching some movies while they waited for the Goddess' parents to arrive. They didn't had to wait too long when they heard a knock on the door.
Alexa: ooh, that must be them!
Y/N took a deep breath.
Alexa: babe, you'll be fine
Y/N: yeah, I'll be okay
She kissed his cheek and opened the door to greet her parents, her mother Angela and her father Bob.
Alexa: hi mom, hi dad!
Angela: hi Lexi, it's great to see you
Bob: how are you doing, honey?
Alexa: I'm feeling fine, dad
Angela: so Lexi, where is your wonderful friend?
Alexa: he's right here, mom
The Goddess went to Y/N as she whispered to him.
Alexa: babe, it's okay
The Goddess pulled on Y/N's arm and brought him to meet her parents.
Alexa: mom, dad; this is Y/N, my wonderful boyfriend
Y/N: hello, nice to meet you both
He said nervously as he held his hand out for a handshake.
Angela: hi Y/N, it's great to meet you; I'm Angela, Lexi's mom
Angela said as she smiled and shook his hand.
Bob: and I'm Lexi's dad, Bob
Y/N: a pleasure to meet you, sir
Alexa: mom, dad come in and take a seat
The Goddess' parents went inside and sat down on the couch while Y/N and Alexa sat down next to each other.
Angela: so Y/N, you're Alexa's boyfriend
Y/N: yes ma'am
Bob: are you being a gentleman to her?
Y/N: I am, sir
Alexa: mom, dad; Y/N is a fan of mine, and he is different from the others
Angela: oh how so?
Y/N: well I don't say disgusting and disrespectful things online when it comes to Alexa; I just mostly commented on her wrestling skills and abilities
Alexa: it's true mom, Y/N is very respectful to me; here, I'll show you guys some pictures when I personally invited him to for a meet and greet
The Goddess showed her parents the pictures of Y/N's VIP meet and greet with her; Angela and Bob noticed Y/N's hand in the picture.
Bob: his hand seemed to be hovering over your body
Y/N: I didn't want to invade her personal space, sir
Alexa: unlike the others who wrapped their arms around me
Bob: well Y/N, tell us about yourself
Y/N went on to tell the Goddess' parents of his hard working college career to his current working job at the business firm. He also told them of his pure and clean personality like he doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs.
Angela: wow, I can see why Lexi loves you
Bob: he's the total opposite of Lexi's last boyfriend
Y/N: well sir, that guy is a jerk
Angela: Lexi, it seems you have found yourself a one of a kind gem in Y/N here
Alexa: yes mom, Y/N is so sweet and loyal to me
Y/N: and I promised her to be the best and respectful boyfriend to her
Bob: and it seems you are keeping that promise, son
Y/N: I do, I really love your daughter
Angela: I can totally see that and by the rings you two are wearing
Alexa: it's our promise rings, mom
Bob: what did you promise Y/N?
Alexa: I promised to never let him go again
Angela: again, you two were dating before?
Y/N: yes ma'am, until that other guy came in
Angela: I see
Alexa: mom, I made the biggest mistake of my life when I chose that guy over Y/N
Bob: Lexi, we all know he wasn't good for you
Alexa: I know, but then Y/N helped me see the truth
Y/N: and then I gave her a second chance, and we are stronger than ever
Angela: I just want to say that you two are so cute together
Y/N chuckled while Alexa blushed and hid her face in his shoulder.
The Goddess' parents stayed over for dinner and after they ate, Y/N and Bob went outside for some guy talk.
Bob: you know Y/N, I first thought that you would be just another guy for Lexi, but you proved yourself to be the man you truly are
Y/N: thank you sir
Bob: you graduated with honors in college and you have a good job; that's very impressive
Y/N: Alexa is my inspiration to work hard and achieve my goals, sir
Bob: don't need to be formal Y/N; you can just call me Bob
Y/N: okay Bob
Bob: although, I would like to be called dad in the future
The two men shared a laugh.
(With Alexa and Angela)
Angela: I really like Y/N for you, Lexi
Alexa: he is the perfect guy, mom
Angela: I hope he'll be my and your dad's son-in-law
Alexa: mom...
The Goddess blushed heavily.
Angela: promise me, Lexi
Alexa: what is it, mom?
Angela: don't let him go
Alexa: I promised Y/N, and I promise you mom
Angela: there's not many guys like him, sweetie
Alexa smiled and hugged her mom.
(Minutes later)
It was time for Angela and Bob to go.
Angela: well this has been a great visit, and it was really nice to meet you Y/N
Y/N: it's nice to meet you too, Angela and Bob
Bob: take care of her, alright?
Y/N: I always do, Bob
Alexa: thanks for coming!
The couple waved goodbye and watched the parents drove off.
Y/N: your parents really love me
Alexa: see, I told you there was nothing to worry about
Y/N: yeah, it really went well today
Alexa: yup...
The Goddess yawned.
Y/N: aww, somebody is sleepy
Alexa pouted and giggled.
Y/N: here, I'll carry you
He carried Alexa bridal style up to her bedroom and gently set her down on the bed. Y/N walked over to his side and laid down next to the Goddess as she instantly moved closer to him and laid her head on his chest.
Y/N: you better not put my hand on your butt again while I'm sleeping
She giggled and kissed him.
Alexa: again, you are adorable when I make you uncomfortable
Y/N: you are too cute
He kissed her while Alexa blushed. Y/N wrapped his arm around the Goddess' body and soothed her with a gentle back rub. Alexa put her arm and leg over him and brought his other hand down to her leg.
Y/N: are you feeling comfortable, babe?
Alexa: I am
She kissed his cheek while Y/N gently stroked her thigh with his thumb.
Y/N: let's get some sleep, good night babe
Alexa: good night Y/N
She kissed his lips as he fell asleep first. The Goddess saw her opportunity and slowly moved his hand down to her biscuit butt. She giggled quietly and kissed his cheek one more time before she fell asleep with a cute smile on her face.
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