Chapter 32: Baby Goddess
(The next day)
Y/N slept over at Alexa's house last night when the Goddess suggested to stay with her for the night as he was tired from a hard work day at the business firm.
He reached over for his phone to see that the firm was closed in observance of Independence Day which meant he can spend the whole day with his girlfriend. Y/N looked down to see Alexa fast asleep and cuddled into his arms. Then Y/N looked down to see that his hand was on her lower back nearly to her biscuit butt. Y/N's eyes widen in shock, but he slowly move his hand back on her upper back.
Y/N gently rubbed her back as he went back to sleep.
(Minutes later)
Alexa woke up to see her boyfriend sleeping peacefully, and felt his hand on her upper back which made her giggle as she whispered to herself.
Alexa: oh babe, you're so adorable when you're pure
The Goddess lightly kissed his cheek. Then a mischievous smirk came across her face as she moved his hand back down, but now it's on her biscuit butt. She giggled and went back to sleep with a cute smile on her face.
(2 hours later)
Alexa woke up first and she whispered into Y/N's ear.
Alexa: Y/N babe, it's morning
Y/N groaned.
Y/N: five more minutes, Alexa
Alexa: I'll wake you up
She began to pepper him with kisses to the face which made him smile; then Alexa went down to kiss on his neck which has now become the sweet spot.
Y/N: alright alright I'm awake
Alexa: morning
Y/N: I love when I wake up, the first thing I see is your cute face
The Goddess blushed and giggled.
Y/N: why are you so giggly?
Alexa: Y/N, look where your hand is
Y/N: my hand?
Y/N looked over to see that his hand was directly on Alexa's biscuit butt. His eyes widened and he took his hand off while he blushed in embarrassment.
Y/N: I'm sorry Alexa!
Alexa laughed at his expense.
Alexa: you are so adorable
She playfully pinched his cheek while she kissed him.
Y/N: admit it, did you put your hand there just to tease and torture me?
Alexa smirked and giggled.
Alexa: maybe I did, maybe I didn't
Y/N: you are such a tease
Alexa did her cute pose.
Alexa: you should go or you'll be late for work
Y/N: ah, I don't have work today
Alexa: huh?
Y/N: I just got an email from Rick; the firm is closed in observance of Independence Day, so that means I can spend the whole day with you
Alexa's eyes lit up and she smothered kisses all over Y/N's face which made him smile.
Y/N: well in the mean time, let's cuddle for a while before I head back to my apartment to wash up and change
Alexa: yes, I love that
Y/N smiled and put his hands on the Goddess' cheeks as he admired her natural state.
Alexa: what you looking at?
She smirked.
Y/N: just admiring the Goddess
Alexa: oh you
She leaned in to his lips and gave him a passionate kiss which instantly turned into an innocent make out session. Y/N's arms were wrapped around Alexa's back while the Goddess' hands were on his cheeks.
After their make out session, Alexa went down and kiss on his neck, and Y/N saw no reason to fight it as he was now used to it. A minute later, Alexa pulled back with a cute grin.
Y/N: alright, I'll come back here after I wash up
Alexa: okay, what do you want to do?
Y/N: no matter what the plans are, what's important is that I'm with you
Alexa smiled.
Y/N: although there's something I want to watch on the WWE Network
Alexa: what?
Y/N: question, were you with Blake and Murphy since the beginning?
Alexa: you don't know
Y/N: remember, I started watching you when you came up to SmackDown in 2016, and the only remnants I remember of you in NXT was your alliance with Blake and Murphy
Alexa had a puzzled look on her face as she forgot to mention to Y/N her early singles career prior to her alliance with the former NXT Tag Team Champions.
Alexa: uhh, maybe I'll show you when you come back
Y/N: okay, I'll come back here straight
Alexa: okay babe
The Goddess watched Y/N leave and drove off to his apartment. Alexa began to blush heavily as old memories of her early NXT career started to flood back into her mind. She was afraid that Y/N might laugh at her old gimmick, but that was only her assumption.
Alexa sat down on her couch bed and watched some TV while she waited for Y/N to come back.
(Minutes later)
Y/N had already washed up and changed and got ready to spend the day with the Goddess while he was curious to know of Alexa's early NXT career, but he thought to himself that Alexa has always been the Goddess. He left his apartment building with a packed bag of clothes for the night and drove back to her house.
(Alexa's house)
Y/N: hey, I'm back
Alexa: hi babe, I got the Network ready
Y/N: so are we going to watch your NXT debut?
Alexa: uhh, before we watch that, can I suggest something first
Y/N: sure what is it?
Alexa: first, let's watch my match in TLC 2016
Y/N: ah, your tables match against Becky Lynch for the SmackDown Women's title
Alexa: yes
Y/N: and then your NXT debut
Alexa: yeah
Y/N: okay
Y/N sat down beside Alexa and the Goddess selected her match from TLC 2016.
(15 minutes later)
Y/N: that was your first championship in your career
Alexa: my first of five women's championships
Y/N: now, let's watch your NXT debut
Alexa: babe, before we start watching that, I want to tell you, don't laugh
Y/N: why would I laugh? I want to see how my girlfriend made her mark in WWE
Alexa: well just to let you know, my hair didn't always had the pink or red tips
Y/N: hmm?
Alexa: and I wasn't always the Goddess you and the fans know today
Y/N: now I'm even more curious, let's watch it
Alexa had an embarrassed look on her face as she selected her debut match against Alicia Fox.
Y/N: to be honest, I wasn't too into NXT back then, so I'm now excited to see you, babe
Alexa blushed and cutely pouted as the match started. Alicia Fox made her entrance for the NXT Women's title tournament.
Alexa: here we go...
Y/N: let's see it
Then a young Alexa Bliss came out wearing a fairy ballerina tutu as she blew glitter. Y/N was surprised to see the young Goddess and saw her hair had blue tips.
Y/N: oh my god...
He put his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing.
Alexa: I said not to laugh
Y/N: I'm not laughing, I'm just surprised; your first gimmick was a sparkle fairy
Alexa: they gave me last minute to come with a character, and... that happened
Y/N: you look so cute, a little baby Goddess
Alexa: stop!
She blushed and hit him playfully in his arms.
Y/N: sorry sorry, let's watch; I'm not gonna laugh
The couple watched the end of Alexa's NXT debut where she pinned Alicia in a small package pin for the victory.
Y/N: wow, I'm impressed
Alexa: I hated the gimmick
Y/N: it's cute though; I could never imagine you in that as a bad girl
Alexa: well here, I'll show you the turn that rise me to fame
Alexa selected NXT Takeover: Unstoppable and fast forwarded to the tag title match between Blake and Murphy and Enzo and Cass. The couple towards the end where the sparkle fairy attacked Carmella and knocked Enzo off the ropes allowing the champions to retain and the young Alexa to align with the champions.
Y/N: yup, to be honest, that turn really helped your career
Alexa: if I had stick to that awful fairy gimmick, my career would've never been like what is today
Y/N: sparkle fairy or Goddess, you're still cute
Alexa: you always know what to say, babe
She kissed his cheek.
Alexa: and now, let's watch the beginning of A.R.D.
Y/N: I might see myself in the crowd
The Goddess giggled and selected the Raw episode which saw the debut of the alliance between her, Orton and McIntyre.
The coupled were done with the WWE Network and they switched over to Disney+ to watch the Incredibles. Alexa got some snacks for the both of them and they ate while they watched. The Goddess scooted closer and cuddled with Y/N by laying her head on his chest; Y/N wrapped his arm around her and put his hand on her thigh and stroked it with his thumb.
They spent the whole day binge watching all the Disney classics until the night.
Alexa: I really enjoyed spending the day with you, babe
Y/N: me too, I always love to be with you, Alexa
Alexa: aww, you're the sweetest
She leaned in to kiss him which instantly turned into a make out session. Alexa pushed him down and got on top of Y/N while their lips were still connected. After their little make out session, the Goddess whispered in his ear.
Alexa: carry me to bed babe, I'm tired and sleepy
Y/N: alright, up we go
Y/N got up and carried the Goddess bridal style upstairs to her bedroom. He set Alexa down gently on the bed; then the Goddess grabbed him by the arm.
Alexa: come sleep with me
Y/N: give me a minute, I need to use the bathroom
Alexa: okay, you better come right back here
Y/N: that's a promise
Y/N went to the bathroom and washed up; he then went back to the bedroom and laid next to the Goddess as she put up the covers on their bodies. Alexa scooted closer and laid her head on Y/N's chest while he wrapped his arm around her.
Y/N: feeling comfy?
Alexa: I am now
Y/N chuckled and kissed her head.
Y/N: I love you, Alexa
Alexa: I love you too, Y/N
Y/N fell asleep, but Alexa had something in mind as she smirked mischievously. She moved Y/N's hand to her biscuit butt as she giggled and whispered to herself.
Alexa: now I'm really comfy
She fell asleep with a cute smile on her face. Meanwhile, Y/N opened his eyes to see where his hand was on. He blushed lightly and attempt to move his hand, but then he saw the smile on the sleeping face of Alexa. Y/N sighed and shook his head as he kissed her head and whispered to himself before falling asleep.
Y/N: you're such a tease
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