Chapter 31: Goddess Cuddle
(The next day)
Y/N woke up feeling refreshed; he felt his forehead is not that warm and he can breathe properly through his nose, and it was all thanks to the care of his Goddess nurse Alexa, who was fast asleep on his chest. He lightly stroked her hair and kissed her head which made her smile, and eventually wake up.
Y/N: good morning
Alexa smiled and looked down at him.
Alexa: good morning, how are you feeling?
Y/N: I can breathe properly, and my forehead is not that warm
Alexa: let me check
She kissed his forehead.
Alexa: yeah you're right, it's not that warm like yesterday
Y/N: I'm all better now, and it's all thanks to you
Alexa smiled as Y/N kissed her head.
Y/N: well I have 3 hours before I have to go to work, so let's stay here and cuddle for the mean time
Alexa: oh I would love that because I have a live event later as well
The Goddess went and laid on top of Y/N and she brushed his hair with her hand. Alexa began to giggle which got Y/N's attention.
Y/N: why are you giggling?
Alexa: sorry babe, I just couldn't get over something from last night
Y/N: what is it? I'm so confused right now
Alexa: babe, remember last night when you said that your arm was wrapped around me but your hand is not where it supposed to be?
Alexa was referring to the moment that she put Y/N's hand close to her biscuit butt.
Y/N: yeah, you said it was just a dream because I had very huge headache
Alexa: well...
The Goddess couldn't stop her giggling as she was gonna give Y/N a reality check.
Alexa: Y/N, that wasn't a dream
Y/N: huh?
Alexa: it was...
She couldn't put her words together as Alexa kept on giggling while her cheeks turned red.
Y/N: babe, catch your breath and put your words together
Alexa regained her composure.
Alexa: it wasn't a dream babe, it was all real; your hand was there
Y/N's eyes widen in shock and he lost his breath for a second.
Y/N: m-my hand was on y-your butt?
The Goddess nodded.
Y/N: f-for real?
Alexa giggled and kissed his lips.
Alexa: you're so cute when you're pure and innocent, but relax, it was actually on my lower back almost close to it
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief.
Y/N: Alexa Bliss, you are such a tease
The Goddess giggled as Y/N kissed her forehead. Then the two stared into each others' eyes before Alexa brought her face close for a make out session. Y/N wrapped his arms around her back for a loving embrace as he kissed the Goddess back.
Then the Goddess went to his cheek before kissing down to his neck, and Y/N let her do her thing. However, Y/N felt a shiver going down his spine as Alexa finished her work by nibbling on his earlobe.
Y/N: m-my ear
Alexa giggled and playfully pinched his cheeks.
Alexa: you are too adorable
Y/N: you're the cutest
Alexa: you always know what to say
Y/N: well I have to get ready for work, and you have to get ready for your live event
Alexa: right
Y/N and Alexa got out of the bed and the pure fan washed up first as he had an hour and a half before work. After he washed up, Y/N gave Alexa the bathroom and the Goddess went in to wash up as well.
(A few minutes later)
The couple left the apartment building and were outside.
Y/N: I'll see you later, Alexa
Alexa: Y/N, I'll send you something later
Y/N: what is it?
Alexa: just check your phone during your lunch break
Y/N: alright
The two kissed before the Goddess got in her car and drove off while Y/N walked to work.
(At the firm)
Y/N and Rick were talking while they were working on their computers
Rick: hey Y/N, how are you?
Y/N: I had a crazy weekend, Ricky
Rick: what happened?
Y/N: while Alexa and I were on a date, we ran into Joy
Rick: oh crap
Y/N: Joy said something that really provoked Alexa
Rick: what?
Y/N: she said that I could've end up with someone better like her, and Alexa got all angry and slapped the taste out of her mouth
Rick: oh man
Y/N: and I warned Joy to leave before it gets any ugly
Then Rick's attention shifted over to Y/N's ring.
Rick: say Y/N, what's with the ring on your finger?
Y/N: oh, it's a gift from the Goddess
Rick: wait, are you two?
Y/N: no no, this is a promise ring
Rick: a promise ring; so what did you two promise to each other
Y/N: I promise to be the respectful and kind boyfriend and Alexa promised me to never let me go again
Rick: you two are literally inseparable
Y/N: also, we went public of our relationship
Rick: oh
Y/N: but it was all good; the fans gave their support for the two of us
Rick: curious, what are some of the comments?
Y/N: they said nice stuff like "Goddess is happy, so are we," "huge respect for you, sir"
Rick: wow, and I do agree with them, man; you are a much better man than that other guy
Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: speaking of "that other guy," someone said "that I'm better than Ryan"
Rick: that's a burn right there
Y/N chuckled and the two friends went back to work.
(Lunch break)
Y/N was at the break room eating lunch as he remembered that Alexa was gonna send him something. He put his phone on the table to keep watch for any notifications. He heard his phone ringed and saw it was text message from the Goddess along with two pictures.
Alexa: here's a little motivation for you to work hard, baby 😘
Y/N lightly blushed at the sight of the living embodiment of the Goddess. He replied to the Goddess with sweet messages.
Y/N: why are you so beautiful? 😍
Y/N: my motivation has increased, thanks babe
The Goddess replied back seconds later.
Alexa: work hard, my darling 😘
Y/N smiled at the two pictures of Alexa.
Then Joy came in with a moody look on her face.
Joy: Y/N, we need to talk
Y/N: what the hell do you want?
Joy: it's about your crazy girlfriend
Y/N: oh, you mean my lovely girlfriend who bitch slapped you last Saturday
Joy: Y/N, we could've have something special
Y/N: keyword "could've"
Joy: where's the old Y/N I used to know?
Y/N: you mean that lovesick guy you rejected; he's now revamped
Joy: just why?
Y/N: why what?
Joy: why Alexa? What does she have that I don't?
Y/N: Alexa is someone who is funny, kind, nice and an awesome person to be with. Joy, you weren't there when I lost her the first time to an out of tone singing asshole whose songs are all piles of shit
Joy: ...
Y/N: when I lost Alexa the first time, I was broken and I was depressed, but I gave her a second chance after we apologized and I helped her see the truth. You see this ring here, this ring symbolizes our inseparable bond for one another
Joy: Y/N-
Y/N: Joy, my heart belongs to Alexa and to her only; I am not gonna lose her again, so I believe that it's best for you to find someone else you may have feelings for; just not me. Excuse me, I'm going back to work
Y/N left a guilty Joy alone.
(A few hours later)
The work day was done and Y/N was excited to visit his Goddess girlfriend. He got a text message earlier from Alexa saying that she was at her house after she finished the live event. He got in his car and drove to the Goddess' house.
(Minutes later)
Y/N parked in front of Alexa's house and he saw the door open to see an excited Alexa with the zoo. Y/N got out his car and went to hug his girlfriend.
Alexa: hi, how was work?
Y/N: all great because of your surprise for me
Alexa: come in and sit down, I'm watching Finding Nemo
Y/N: aww, that's one of my favorite Disney movies
Alexa: come watch with me
Y/N: alright
The couple sat down on the Goddess' couch bed.
Alexa: you have a top 5 favorite Disney movies?
Y/N: that's difficult to pick, but if have to pick, here are my top 5
1. three way tie between Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and Snow White
2. The Lion King
3. Toy Story trilogy
4. Finding Nemo
5. Monsters Inc.
Alexa: that's a great list you have
Y/N: I know your number 1 is Toy Story
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: and you're right
Y/N: by the way, Joy was pissed today
Alexa chuckled.
Alexa: about what?
Y/N: when you bitch slapped her
Alexa: she deserved it
Y/N: and she got a little far and asked why I picked you
Alexa: what did you tell her?
Y/N: I told her that you're funny, kind, nice and an awesome person to be with
Alexa smiled at Y/N's words.
Y/N: and I also told her that my heart belongs to you and you only
Alexa's eyes began to fill with tears, but Y/N wiped them away with his thumbs. Then she leaned in for a hug which Y/N happily return with his arms around her back while he kissed her head.
Alexa: I love you
Y/N: I love you too, my Goddess
Alexa: let's watch one of your favorite Disney films
Y/N: okay
The couple watched the movie as they cuddled together with smiles on their face. Y/N made his move by putting his hand on Alexa's leg; the Goddess saw this and smiled as she held his hand while the pure fan stroked her thigh with his thumb, making Alexa comfortable as the Goddess snuggled into his arms with a cute smile on her face.
Y/N and Alexa spent a good 3 hours of a Disney marathon until the Goddess saw her pure boyfriend fast asleep.
Alexa: aww, Y/N must be exhausted from work today
She turned off the TV and gently set him down on the couch to make him comfortable.
Y/N: Alexa?
Alexa: shh, it's okay babe; I see that you're tired, so sleep here with me tonight
Y/N: okay, I'll stay with you, babe
Alexa smiled and laid on Y/N's chest and put her arm over him. The Goddess laid her chin on his chest as the two smiled and looked at each others' eyes. Alexa put her hand on his cheek and kissed his lips. Y/N wrapped his arm around Alexa's back and he fell asleep; however Alexa stayed awake a little longer to move his hand down to her lower back before the Goddess fell asleep as well.
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