Chapter 3: BBQ Party
(A week later)
After Y/N finished his class, he went to the school cafe to get something to eat before he went home. As he ate, Victor came.
Victor: hey man
Y/N: what's up
Victor: just had a pop quiz for College Algebra
Y/N: oh jeez, how did you do?
Victor: I think I did okay
Y/N chuckled.
Victor: so what was going with you?
Y/N: the usual, and I was a VIP
Victor: a VIP for what?
Y/N: Alexa Bliss sent me this VIP package, and I got to hang out with her
Y/N took out and showed Victor the pass along with the picture he had on his phone with her.
Victor: dude, you're so lucky
Y/N: I got the VIP experience
Victor took a close look at the picture.
Victor: your hand is hovering
Y/N: yeah, what about it?
Victor: it's just-
Y/N: I don't want to invade her personal space, that's not who I am
Victor: I have so much respect for you, man
Y/N: call me a gentleman if you want, that's how I am
Victor: then why don't you have a girlfriend?
Y/N: no time for that, remember I'm graduating and I'm laser focused
Victor: alright alright, I'm just asking
After that, Y/N drove back home as he had a lot of work to do along with two online quizzes. As he went out of his car, he was greeted by Mike.
Mike: so how was your meet and greet with Alexa?
Y/N: it went great, just talked about WWE and stuff
Mike: well do you want to meet her again?
Y/N: what are you talking about?
Mike: Nessie planned a barbecue party tomorrow on my birthday; Alexa is bringing her friends Erin and Ryan, even Mojo Rawley is coming, so I was wondering if you can come as well
Y/N: if I can finish my work and my quizzes; then sure I'll be there tomorrow
Mike: alright man, work hard
Y/N: I always do
They shared a chuckle and fist bumped before they separated.
(Mike and Nessie)
Nessie: so Y/N's coming tomorrow?
Mike: he confirmed that he is, depends if he finishes his work
Nessie: anymore people coming?
Mike: Drew is also coming
Mike had also invited another of his best friends, WWE Superstar Drew Gulak.
(With Y/N)
With his two dogs fast asleep in the living room, Y/N went to do his work in the dining room, so he won't make too much noise to wake them up.
Y/N: alright, let's see what work I have
He opened his laptop to see what was his work for the week. It was just to answer some questions from the book along with a problem from his instructor to apply what he learned from the lesson.
After an hour, he was done, so he was ready to tackle the two quizzes next.
Y/N: the earlier the better, so I can rest and relax
The two online quizzes were 15 questions each and a time limit of 1 hour each.
Y/N: jeez, that was a bit nothing; one hour per quiz
With his weekly work done, Y/N went to the living room to play Final Fantasy VII Remake on his PS4, in which he bought a few months ago using his left over scholarship refund money.
(The next day)
It was Mike's birthday, and Nessie wasted no time preparing for the party. Hours later, Mojo and Drew came to their house to come help out.
Mojo: is this gonna be a small party?
Mike: Alexa, Erin and Ryan are coming as well, and my other best friend Y/N
Drew: Y/N
Mike: he likes the stuff we like
Drew: comics, games
Mike: yup
Mojo: I can't wait to meet him
Mike: anyways, help yourselves to some barbecue
An hour had passed and Alexa came to the house with her best friend Erin and her close friend, singer Ryan Cabrera.
Mike: so glad you guys can make it
Alexa: of course, I can't miss my friend's birthday party
Erin: who's here also?
Mike: just Drew and Mojo, I'm not sure if Nia is coming
Alexa: you didn't want a big party?
Mike: nah, just friends that's all
Ryan: so this is everyone?
Mike: not yet; my other best friend Y/N is coming
Alexa: Y/N is coming?
Erin: sounds like you know him, Lex
Ryan: who is he?
Alexa: he's just a fan of me; I invited him to a VIP meet and greet
Erin: why just him?
Alexa: I'll show you
Mike: come in, and help yourselves to some food
It didn't take too long for Nia to come as she just drove up to Mike's house. However, Y/N has not come yet.
Mike: where is he?
Nessie: give him time babe, you know he's a hard worker
Mike: yeah, good point
Nessie: come on, don't keep the food waiting
As the party went on, Alexa showed how much of a respectful guy Y/N is to Erin and Ryan.
Erin: he's not part of that group of fans who disrespect you
Alexa: no, he's clean and pure
Ryan: and I noticed that his hand is hovering over your body
Erin: I really want to meet this guy, he sounds like a gentleman
Thirty minutes have passed, and everyone was enjoying the party, but Mike's fellow comic book "brother" still didn't show up.
Nessie: not here yet?
Mike: let me call him
Mike dialed Y/N's phone number and he picked up.
Y/N: hey Mike
Mike: dude, where are you? The party has started and everyone's here
Y/N: oh sorry, I was playing Final Fantasy VII and lost track of time
Mike: are you coming?
Y/N: yeah, I'm coming; I just turned off my PS4; I'll be there in a minute
Mike: alright man
Mike hung up and went back to joining with his friends. A minute later, Y/N came over.
Nessie: hey Y/N, glad you can make it
Y/N: sorry I'm late
Nessie: it's alright, you're lucky Mojo didn't finish the food, come in
Y/N: thanks
Nessie: Mike is with the boys
Y/N nodded and went to grab some food.
Mike: how's Final Fantasy VII, man?
Y/N: well I put Cloud in a dress, so that's something
Mike: take a break
Y/N: that's what I do
Mike: oh Alexa is here
Y/N: oh
Mike: she's over there with Erin and Ryan; I'll go introduce you
Mike led Y/N to Alexa, Erin and Ryan.
Mike: hey guys, this is my best friend Y/N
Y/N: nice to meet you
Alexa: Y/N!
The Goddess stood up and hugged him by surprise.
Erin: did she do this to you?
Y/N: pretty much
Erin: that's Lexi for you; I'm Erin, her best friend since childhood
Ryan: and I'm Ryan
Y/N: Ryan, Erin; okay, uh Lexi can you let go
Alexa: sorry
She giggled as she sat back down.
Ryan: so Y/N, Lexi has told me that you're a complete opposite of the toxic fans
Y/N: I am; I've seen all the disrespectful comments targeted at you
Ryan: yeah, Lexi and I are just close friends
Y/N: but the idiots don't see it
Alexa: let's leave you two to talk; Erin, come with me
Alexa and Erin left Y/N and Ryan to talk.
Y/N: I just hate how people online assume, you're a nice guy, man
Ryan: yeah, I know
Y/N: you two are friends, that's all
Ryan nodded and the two toasted their cups.
Ryan: by the way, are you free tomorrow?
Y/N: what's going on?
Ryan: I'm having a concert and everyone is going, and since Alexa couldn't stop talking about you, I want you to come as well
Y/N: lucky I finished my quizzes for my class, so yeah I can come
Ryan: sweet, here's a VIP pass for you; everyone else has one too
Y/N: alright thanks
Meanwhile, Alexa and Erin saw the two men talking.
Erin: I like Y/N, he's a nice guy
Alexa: he is
The party went on as the guys were playing Mortal Kombat 11 with Y/N beating everyone with Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
Y/N: never underestimate ninjas
Mojo: I almost had you with Johnny Cage!
Drew: I didn't last too long with Kano
Mike: Y/N is too good in this game
Y/N shrugged and smirked.
Nessie and Mike took group pictures of everyone to highlight the party.
Another hour passed and the party was now over. Drew and Mojo had left already. Y/N was outside the house getting some fresh air.
Ryan: so I'll see you all tomorrow at the concert
Nessie: we'll be there
Alexa: can't wait to hear another of your great songs
Erin: I'm so excited!
Mike: this will be fun
Alexa: wait, where's Y/N?
Mike: I saw him going outside for some fresh air
Alexa: Ryan, did you ask if he wants to come?
Ryan: I did; he said sure and I gave him a VIP pass, so he's coming as well
Mike: I'm gonna see how's he doing
Mike went outside the house to see his best friend on his phone.
Mike: Y/N
Y/N: oh sorry, I just need to get some fresh air
Mike: so Ryan said you're coming to the concert?
Y/N: yeah, I am; good thing I finished all my classwork
Mike: you work hard man, you need a break
Y/N: I know, and that's why I can't wait for tomorrow
Mike: Alexa is happy that you're coming
Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: I wonder why she is always happy when I'm around
Mike: remember dude, you're the complete opposite of WWE's toxic fan base
Y/N: I agree on that; I have to go man; happy birthday
Mike: thanks dude, take care
Y/N nodded and he walked back to his house. Then Mike went back to his house where he saw the rest of everyone about to leave.
Alexa: we're going
Nessie: okay, thanks for coming
Ryan: see you all tomorrow
(With Y/N)
Y/N was in his bedroom where his two dogs are fast asleep. He changed into his night clothes and went to sleep, but he heard his phone notification sound and went to see that Nessie posted the pictures from the party on Instagram. He liked the post and then put his phone away before he fell asleep.
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