Chapter 27: Employee of the Month
The next morning, Y/N woke up cuddling in the arms of the Goddess. He had work today, so he slowly and gently got out of her grip without waking the Goddess up. He wrote Alexa a note and left it on his side of the bed. Before he left, Y/N kissed Alexa on the forehead which brought a cute smile on her face.
Y/N drove back home to wash up and change for work.
(At the firm)
The employees were all hard at work until Richard came in to the office.
Richard: everyone, meet me in the conference room, I have an announcement to make
Y/N: we'll be right there, sir
Rick: an important announcement
Y/N: either someone is leaving for retirement or someone is getting promoted
Y/N and Rick went to the conference room and saw the other employees like Albert the mailman, the IT supervisor Luke and Joy.
Richard: thanks for coming on short notice, everyone
Y/N: what's the announcement, sir?
Richard: I'm announcing the employee of the month
Everyone was anticipating for their name to be called.
Richard: this employee showed hard work and passion, so the employee of the month is... Y/N L/N!
Everyone clapped for Y/N while Rick patted him on the back. Y/N stepped up and shook hands with Richard as he was given a certificate and a medal.
Richard: congratulations Y/N, you deserve it
Y/N: thank you sir
Then everyone went back to their stations to continue their work.
(Lunch break)
Y/N took a selfie with the medal and the pose was the traditional Olympic medal bite. He thought about posting it on Instagram, but he had second thoughts about it and decided to surprise Alexa once he's done with work for the day. He put his medal on his desk and went to the break room for lunch.
As Y/N ate, he heard his phone ring; he knew who was calling as he had a smile on his face.
Y/N: hi Alexa
Alexa: babe, I called right on time
She giggled.
Alexa: so how's work?
Y/N: well something good happen to me today
Alexa: ooh, tell me tell me!
Y/N: uhh, maybe it's best that I tell you once I'm done with work; I'll come over when I'm done for the day
Alexa: aww, you're not gonna tell me?
Y/N: I'm not gonna spoil the surprise
Alexa cutely pouted, but couldn't hold her smile and giggle.
Alexa: alright, I'll wait for you to come here and tell me your good day
Y/N: so what are you up to?
Alexa: just relaxing and watching movies with the pets
Y/N: that sounds fun
Alexa: alright, I'll let you get back to do your thing
Y/N: I'll see you later, Goddess
Alexa smiled and blew him a kiss before the couple ended their call. Y/N watched a video on his phone as Joy came and sat across from him.
Joy: hi Y/N
Y/N: oh hey
Joy: congratulations on being employee of the month
Y/N: thanks
Joy: so you have any plans after?
Y/N: Joy, what are you really up to?
Joy: what?
Y/N: why all of a sudden you're hitting on me
Joy: I'm not trying to hit you; I'm just asking a friend to hang out after work
Y/N: Joy, I have a girlfriend
Joy: I'm sure she doesn't mind the two of us hanging out
Y/N: I'm not gonna waste my time with you; I'm going back to work
He got up and went back to work to get out of the conversation with Joy.
(A few hours later)
The work day was done, and Y/N got his medal ready to show to Alexa. He texted the Goddess telling her that he's on his way over to her house.
Y/N drove his way over to Alexa's house.
Meanwhile, the Goddess was both excited and curious of what was the good thing that happened to Y/N. Alexa didn't need to wait too long as she heard a knock on her door. She got up and opened the door to greet her favorite person in her life.
Y/N: hey babe
Alexa: hi!
She grabbed and pulled him down for a kiss on the lips. Then the two sat down.
Alexa: so what is this great news you were telling me about?
Y/N: well, since I'm a very hard worker at the firm; the management decided to...
He said as he pulled out the medal from his pocket.
Y/N: ...award me Employee of the Month
Alexa: aww babe, I'm so proud of you!
Y/N: all my hard work paid off, and it's because of my inspiration
Alexa blushed and hid her face with a cushion pillow. Then she regained her senses.
Alexa: we should celebrate
Y/N: let's invite everyone else
Alexa: good idea; I'll order some pizza
As the Goddess went to call and order the pizza, Y/N called Mike, Nessie and Erin and told them the news.
Mike: dude, Employee of the Month; congrats
Nessie: so how are you gonna celebrate?
Y/N: that's the reason why I called all of you; we're inviting all of you to come
Erin: oh, I love to go
Nessie: same here
Mike: celebrate my best friend's hard work, I don't see the reason not to go, so we'll be there
Y/N: alright, we'll see you later
Y/N ended the call and saw that Alexa has just finished ordering.
Y/N: how long til the pizza gets here?
Alexa: they say 30 minutes, and what did our friends say?
Y/N: they said they'll come and celebrate as well
Alexa: alright, everything is all set
Y/N: so while we wait, what do you want to do?
Alexa: let's watch a movie to pass the time.
Y/N: sounds good to me
Alexa turned on her Netflix account and the two watched.
(30 minutes later)
Alexa heard a knock on her door; the Goddess opened to see that the pizza has come; she paid for the two boxes and set them on the table.
Alexa: hey babe, you want a slice?
Y/N: let's wait until everyone comes
Alexa: okay
She went back and sat down next to Y/N.
(A few minutes later)
They heard a knock on the door.
Y/N: I got it
Y/N got up and went to open the door to see his best friends.
Mike: well if it isn't Mr. Employee of the Month
Y/N bro hugged his best friend.
Alexa: what's up you guys?
Erin: it's all good Lex, what about you?
Alexa: I'm always smiling
Nessie: hmm, I wonder why
The Goddess looked at Y/N while he's talking to Mike.
Alexa: anyways, you guys want pizza?
Nessie: yeah!
Erin: I want pizza!
Alexa: let's dig in!
The five friends ate pizza and talked with the conversation focusing on Y/N.
Erin: so Y/N, it seemed your hard work paid off
Y/N: yup, I worked hard
Nessie: were you inspired?
Y/N smirked as he gazed at Alexa.
Y/N: as a matter of fact, I have someone as my inspiration to work hard
Everyone gave Alexa teasing looks while the Goddess blushed. Y/N smiled and kissed Alexa on her head, making her blush heavily while Erin and Nessie aww'd at the couple.
They spent a good two hours talking until it was time for Mike, Nessie and Erin to go.
Erin: congrats again, Y/N
Y/N: thanks
Nessie: see you two lovebirds soon
Alexa: bye guys
They watched their friends leave before they sat on the couch.
Alexa: and this is a gift for your hard work
Y/N: and what is that?
Alexa: this
She put her hands on his cheek and gave him a kiss on the lips. Y/N kissed her back with his hand on her waist. The Goddess pulled back with a smile.
Alexa: let's take a picture together
Y/N: I got my medal ready
The Goddess got her phone out and pressed the camera. The Goddess gave a smile while Y/N did the Olympic medal bite.
Alexa: there we go
Y/N: Alexa, Joy tried something with me today
Alexa: what did she do now?
Y/N: she wanted me to hang out with her
Alexa: what did you say?
Y/N: of course I said no to her because I have you as my girlfriend
Alexa: if I ever met her, there's gonna be some problems
Y/N: she'll be scared of you, all five feet of fury
Alexa giggled as Y/N kissed her head.
Y/N: well Alexa, I got to go-
As he stood up, Alexa pulled him back down.
Y/N: Alexa?
As Y/N looked at his girlfriend, he can see the look of love in her precious blue eyes while the Goddess' arms were wrapped around his neck. Then the two touched their foreheads together.
Alexa: Y/N, I'm really proud of you; you really worked hard
Y/N: of course Alexa, it's all thanks to you; you inspired me and other fans that no matter the obstacles, you can still reach for your goals
Alexa tearfully smiled.
Alexa: I love you, Y/N
Y/N: I love you too, Alexa
Then the couple connected their lips for a passionate kiss. After a minute, the Goddess pulled back and got up; she pulled on Y/N's arm and he stood up. Then Alexa led him upstairs to her bedroom. Y/N knew what the Goddess has on her mind, and by the time they were inside, he closed the door.
Then Y/N walked to Alexa and the Goddess pulled him in for a kiss. The Goddess started to unbutton his shirt and pulled it off from his body. Y/N helped Alexa take off her shirt and the two went back to kissing. He carried the Goddess and gently set her down on the bed and kissed from her lips down to her neck while Alexa's hands roamed around his back. Then Alexa went on top and kissed on his lips before going down to his neck and shoulders.
Their love session lasted a good 30 minutes and they laid on the bed flat on their backs while they catch their breath. Then they faced each other.
Alexa: I love you Y/N
Y/N smiled and stroke Alexa's cheek.
Y/N: I love you too, my Goddess
He kissed her forehead and then the two cuddled in each others' arms as they fell asleep together.
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