Chapter 25: A.R.D.
(Time skip to the next day)
Alexa woke up first and saw that it was Friday which meant she has SmackDown tonight. The Goddess got out of Y/N's grip without waking him up. She got her clothes and put them in her bag.
Alexa messaged Nessie to come pick her up from Y/N's place. While the Goddess waited, Alexa wrote him a note and left a little something for his hospitality. Then the Goddess received Nessie's message telling the Goddess that she's here. Alexa kissed Y/N's forehead and quietly left his room.
(One hour later)
Y/N woke up and stretched; as he opened his eyes, he saw that Alexa and her bag were gone. However, he saw the note on the coffee table.
I woke up early and went home because I have SmackDown tonight; don't worry, Nessie picked me up from your place. I left you a ticket for tonight's show, I can't wait to see you.
Love, your Goddess Alexa
He smiled at the note and picked up the ticket. Once again, the Goddess has hooked Y/N up with a front row seat ticket along with backstage access.
Y/N: best seat in the house
He put the ticket on his dresser in his room as he did his usual daily routine. After he fed his two dogs and ate his breakfast, Y/N got a facetime call from his Goddess girlfriend.
Alexa: good morning!
Y/N: morning to you too
He saw that the Goddess was giggling which made him crack a smile.
Y/N: what are you giggling about?
Alexa: your hair, it's all Doc Brown like
Y/N: I have crazy hair, and I just woke up
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: so are you coming to the show tonight?
Y/N: hell yeah, front row seat; I'm not gonna miss it
Alexa: awesome, and just to give you a preview; me, Randy and Drew are teaming up again
Y/N: against who?
Alexa: ah ah ah, I'm not gonna spoil the surprise, you just have to come and see for yourself
Y/N pouted.
Alexa: aww, don't be like that; come on, give me a smile for luck, so I can win
Y/N gave Alexa his cute smile which made her blush.
Alexa: aww, I just want to pinch those cheeks
Y/N chuckled.
Alexa: so you have work?
Y/N: yeah, I just finished eating breakfast and I was gonna wash up
Alexa: okay, have fun at work and I'll see you tonight at the show
Y/N: I'll be there
Alexa: I love you
Y/N: love you too
The Goddess blew a kiss at the screen before the two ended the call.
(Later at the firm)
Y/N was calculating some numbers on the Excel spreadsheet of the firm's overall profits for the month.
Rick: ah crap!
Y/N: what's wrong Rick?
Rick: my computer crashed
Y/N: were you doing any work there?
Rick: yeah, but luckily it's auto saved in my drive; Y/N, can you do me a favor and go to IT and ask for a new computer
Y/N knew that Joy is working there, but he remembered what Rick had told him.
Y/N: alright, you need a new computer anyway because that thing is a piece of crap
Rick: whatever man
He left the office and went to the IT office. He knocked on the door and Joy saw him.
Joy: oh hi Y/N
Y/N took a breath.
Y/N: hey
Joy: what's up, do you need anything?
Y/N: well Rick's computer crashed, and he told me to get a new computer for him
Joy: alright, I'll get a new one and give it there
Y/N: thanks
Y/N nodded and went back to his station.
Y/N: Joy is gonna give you your new computer
Rick: thanks man
A minute later, Joy came in and gave Rick a new laptop. Before she exited the accounting office, she gazed at Y/N for a second before her supervisor called her.
(A few hours later)
The work day was over, and as Y/N was about to get in his car, Joy called out to him.
Joy: Y/N wait!
Y/N: what is it?
Joy: I want to ask you if we can have dinner together
Y/N: for what?
Joy: catching up after all these years
Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: no thanks, I have plans later
Joy: oh okay
Y/N got in his car and drove back home to his apartment. As Y/N was at his apartment, he changed his work polo into his Twisted Bliss shirt. He got his ticket and left for SmackDown.
(At the arena)
Y/N presented his ticket to security and was given access to walk backstage. He walked around until he saw a familiar five foot blonde hair and pink tipped figure. Y/N waved at Alexa, and the Goddess ran up to him for a tight hug and kiss.
Alexa: you're on time, babe
Y/N: of course, I can't miss my favorite female Superstar in action
Alexa: aww
Y/N: so now will you tell me who you, Orton and McIntyre be facing?
Alexa: nope
She giggled and booped his nose.
Alexa: it'll be a surprise, and also the WWE Universe has come up with a name for our alliance
Y/N: I know you won't tell me, so I just have to see for myself
Alexa: that's right
Y/N: I'm gonna go take my seat, kick ass out there
Alexa: I always do
Y/N and Alexa kissed and the show was about to start. The pure fan was at his seat cheering as SmackDown went live. He was still very curious of Alexa's team name and their opponents.
(An hour and a half later)
It was the main event which was a six person mixed tag team match. Y/N was on the edge of his seat as he heard Bayley's theme played. The SmackDown Women's Champion made her entrance as the crowd booed her. Then Dolph Ziggler's theme played and out came the Showoff.
Y/N: Bayley, Dolph Ziggler; who is their third partner?
His question was answered as Bobby Roode's theme played and out came the Glorious One. Roode made his entrance and stood side by side with Bayley and Ziggler.
Then Alexa's theme played and out came the Goddess with the Viper and the Scottish Terminator flanking her. Y/N saw on the screen the letters: A.R.D. which is confirmed by WWE, the name of the faction. Y/N saw the reference of Alexa's past alliance in NXT with Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake when they called their faction B.A.M.
Y/N nodded at the team's name and got ready for the action up close.
The match was chaotic between the two teams, but it was all A.R.D's advantage after Orton dropped Roode with an RKO and McIntyre nailed Ziggler with a Claymore. Then Y/N stood up to see his girlfriend flattened Bayley with Twisted Bliss, pinning the champion in the process.
Y/N had a big smile on his face as he clapped for A.R.D., the team of his three favorite WWE Superstars.
(Outside the arena)
Y/N: damn, that was a good show; A.R.D., I like that
As he went to his car, he heard Alexa calling him.
Alexa: Y/N babe!
Y/N turned around to see Alexa running to him. She leaped into his arms for a loving hug.
Y/N: that was a great match, you pinned the champion
Alexa: aww, thanks babe
Y/N: and I'm really digging your group's name: A.R.D.
Alexa: did you catch the reference in that?
Y/N: when you, Murphy and Blake were together; you guys called yourselves B.A.M.
Alexa: you passed the test
The two shared a laugh and touched their foreheads together. Then the two got in the car and drove off. After a 15 minute drive, Y/N dropped off Alexa at her house.
Alexa: thanks for the ride, babe
Y/N: of course, love
Alexa smiled and leaned in for a kiss on his lips. Y/N kissed her back and before he knows it, Alexa went down to his neck.
Y/N: A-Alexa...
The Goddess giggled in the kiss and pulled back after a few seconds.
Alexa: good night babe, I love you
Y/N: love you too
He kissed her cheek and the Goddess got out of his car.
Alexa: drive safe
Y/N: I always do
He smiled and watched the Goddess getting inside her house. Then Y/N drove back home for a good night's rest.
A/N: a quick shoutout to McKeku10 for suggesting the faction name. Thanks for that, man!
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