Chapter 24: Taking Care of Her
(The next morning)
Alexa woke up to a huge headache as she put her hands over her forehead.
Alexa: oh my god, my head hurts
She slowly opened her eyes to analyze her surroundings. The Goddess saw she was in Y/N's bedroom, and she checked under the covers that she was still wearing the same outfit from last night. Alexa saw the door open to see Y/N coming in with a tray of food.
Y/N: aww, look who's awake
The Goddess pouted in a cute way.
Y/N: here's some food to help you with your hangover
Alexa smiled.
Alexa: I love you, babe
Y/N: love you too; now eat your food or your headache will get worse
Alexa giggled and started off by drinking the coffee while Y/N was cleaning around the house. After Y/N finished, he joined Alexa in the bed.
Alexa: Y/N, when I woke up, you weren't here
Y/N: yeah because I slept on the couch last night
Alexa: aww, you're so sweet
She kissed him on the cheek.
Y/N: your head still hurts?
Alexa: yes, it still hurts
Y/N: well today I have no work, so that means I'll be taking care of you
Alexa smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.
Y/N: so tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you
Alexa: okay, well first I need to change out of this outfit, so can you give me my bag?
Y/N: yeah sure
He went to grab the Goddess' bag.
Y/N: Lex, did you pack your whole wardrobe in here?
Alexa giggled as Y/N gave her bag. Then he stood up.
Y/N: I'll go wait outside
Alexa: you're so adorable
She giggled as Y/N went outside of the room to give Alexa some privacy to change. Then after a minute she called out for her man.
Alexa: Y/N, you can come in now
Y/N came back in.
Alexa: babe, I know that you're pure and respectful, but since we already showed our love for each other, there's nothing wrong in seeing me without any clothes on
She kissed him on the cheek.
Y/N: yeah you're right, I'm sorry I acted a bit childish
Alexa: it's okay, it's adorable
Y/N held the back of his neck with his hand as his cheeks lightly turned red.
Alexa was done with her food and Y/N took the tray and put the plates in the sink to wash them. Then the Goddess went to the living room to watch some Disney+.
Y/N: you're alright there, Lex?
Alexa: I'm fine babe
Y/N: you need anything?
Alexa: yes, can you come sit and watch with me
Y/N: okay, I'm coming
Y/N walked to the living room and sat down next to the Goddess. He placed his hand on top of hers which made her smile and scooted closer to him to put her head on his shoulder. Y/N kissed the top of her head as he proceeds to put his arm around the Goddess.
Y/N: let me know if you need anything else
Without Y/N's knowledge, Alexa had a mischievous smirk on her face as she had something in mind, but she is saving it for later.
(An hour later)
The Goddess' stomach was demanding her attention.
Y/N: someone's hungry
Alexa: that's me
She giggled.
Y/N: okay, I'll go and cook something; you stay here and enjoy your movie
Alexa: thanks babe
He got up and went to the kitchen to cook up something to satisfy the Goddess' hunger. While Y/N cooked, Alexa took out her phone and recorded him.
Alexa: hey Y/N
Y/N: yeah?
As he turned around to see the Goddess recording him, he couldn't help but crack a smile.
Y/N: Lex, what are you doing?
Alexa: just recording the most sweetest and respectful person in my life
Y/N: I can't with you sometimes
Alexa: hey babe
Y/N: what?
The Goddess blew a kiss at him, and Y/N played along by catching it and put his hand on his heart. Then Alexa faced the camera to herself.
Alexa: I love that guy
She turned off her camera and went back to watching her movie. Minutes later, Y/N was done cooking.
Alexa: smells good
Y/N: homemade burgers
Alexa: give me one, please
He gave the Goddess a burger and the two ate their lunch. After they ate, Y/N got a blanket for Alexa to snuggle in since his apartment is very cold. To make her more comfortable, Y/N wrapped his arms and embraced the Goddess which made her smile.
Y/N: how are you feeling now?
Alexa: my headache is starting to go away thanks to you
She playfully pinched his nose.
Y/N: well here's a remedy that hopes to take it away
He put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her forehead making her hid her face in his chest to hide her blushing cheeks.
Y/N: you're so adorable
They continued to watch the rest of the movie until Alexa told Y/N her next request as her eyes were set on his PS4.
Alexa: hey babe, what games do you have on your PS4?
Y/N I have FF7 Remake, GTA V, WWE 2K19
Alexa: I want to challenge you in WWE 2K19
Y/N: are you sure about that; I'm really good in this game
Alexa: aww, are you scared you're gonna lose?
Y/N: alright, let's play
Y/N turned on his console system and inserted the game disc. He gave Alexa her controller and waited for the game to load up. Then the game went to the main menu.
Y/N: alright what match you want to start?
Alexa: a little one on one
Y/N: alright
Y/N selected the one on one match with the normal stipulation; immediately, Y/N selected one of his favorite male Superstars, Randy Orton.
Alexa: okay, since you want to play as Randy; I'll play as your other favorite male Superstar
The Goddess selected the Scottish Terminator Drew McIntyre.
Y/N: well good luck
Alexa: good luck to you too
The in game entrances were made and the match started. Y/N controlled the Viper and took down McIntyre with a lariat.
Alexa: hey!
Y/N chuckled as he went on the offense early. Minutes later, Alexa fired back with a counter knocking the Viper down.
Alexa: come on babe, you can do better than that
Y/N: alright, you asked for it
(Fast forward towards end of game)
Both Alexa and Y/N had their finishers ready, and Y/N was ready to end it.
Y/N: good night Drew, you're getting the RK- what?!
Miraculously, Alexa pressed the R2 button to counter the finisher. The Goddess knocked Y/N down with a vicious lariat.
Alexa: time for you to eat a Claymore
Y/N: I don't think so
Y/N's finger was on the R2 button as he is ready to counter the finisher, but Alexa has an ace up her sleeve. As the Goddess pressed Triangle for Drew's corner finisher, she distracted Y/N by leaning in and kissing him on the neck.
Y/N: ahh! Alexa! You're trying to cheat!
He tried to crawl away and focus on the game, but couldn't as Alexa got her grip on him and missed the chance to hit the R2 button. The Goddess pulled back and giggled as she went for the pin. Y/N tried to kick out, but failed to press the X button at the right time.
Winner: Drew McIntyre
Alexa: I won!
Y/N put his hands over his face in defeat as he lost in his own game. He put his hand on his neck as he once again felt the tingling feeling.
Y/N: even though I lost, it was fun
Alexa: yeah, I had fun too!
Y/N went to remove the disc and turn off his PS4 when he heard Alexa requesting something.
Alexa: I need something, babe
Y/N: what do you need, Goddess?
Alexa: come here
Y/N sat down next to the Goddess.
Y/N: what is it?
Alexa: come closer
Y/N was confused, but he leaned in.
Alexa: a little closer
He got closer, but what he doesn't know is that he fell into a trap.
Y/N: okay, now what?
Alexa smirked and wrapped her arms around him and went to kiss his neck.
Y/N: ahh! Alexa, not again!
He tried to once again escape from the Goddess, but Alexa's grip was strong; she made her grip tight as she wrapped her legs around his waist. With nowhere to escape, Y/N melted into her arms and took it in.
After a minute, the Goddess pulled back all giggling as she watched her boyfriend taking quick breaths.
Alexa: you okay, babe?
Y/N: I-I'm fine
Alexa: I do have one more thing to ask
Y/N: what?
Alexa: let's take a nap here together
Y/N: I'm okay with that
Y/N went to grab a pillow and set on the couch. He laid down first followed by Alexa laying on top of him while the Goddess put the blanket over them. She smiled and looked at Y/N in his eyes and proceeded to give him a kiss on the lips.
Y/N smiled and kissed the Goddess on the lips and her forehead before Alexa laid her head on his chest. He combed her hair with his hand and rubbed her back with his other hand as the two fell asleep in each others' arms.
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