Chapter 21: The New Employee
(The next morning)
Y/N woke up early as he has work today and remembered it was the day that the business firm is welcoming in the new employee for the IT department. He slowly untangled himself from the Goddess without waking her up and slowly left the room.
He went downstairs to grab his work clothes from his bag. Then he went back upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, Alexa was still sleeping until she felt the empty space. The Goddess woke up to see that Y/N was gone.
Alexa: Y/N?
She went outside of her room until she heard the shower running and Y/N whistling. Alexa smiled and went downstairs to make her cup of the morning brew.
After 5 minutes, Y/N was done and he got out of the bathroom. He then went back to the bedroom and saw that Alexa was already up. Y/N wore his work clothes and went downstairs to see the Goddess drinking her coffee.
Y/N: good morning love
Alexa: good morning, I made you a cup
Y/N: thanks, I need the energy because today the new employee is coming
Alexa: you really are enjoying your job
Y/N: your job is way more fun
Alexa smirked and flipped her hair. Y/N looked at the time on his watch.
Y/N: I have to go now
Alexa: wait, where's my morning kiss?
She cutely pouted and puckered her lips.
Y/N: I knew I forgot something
He chuckled and put his hand on her cheek and gave her a kiss on her lips. Then they embraced and Alexa watched Y/N leave for work.
(At the firm)
Y/N and Rick began their duties while they talked.
Y/N: so what do you think the new employee would be like?
Rick: friendly and easy to get along with
Y/N: sounds like a living incarnation of the firm's code of ethics
Rick: yup
Y/N: did Richard say what time they're coming in?
Rick: boss said around 10:00
Y/N: well it's only 9:15, so let's do some work to pass the time.
(45 minutes later)
Richard walked in to gather the two employees' attention.
Richard: Y/N, Rick
Y/N: yes sir?
Richard: our new IT employee is here; she's on her way up
Rick: ooh, the employee is a girl
Y/N: Rick, professionalism!
Rick: sorry sorry
Richard: anyways, you two know what to do
Y/N: yes sir
Then they heard the elevator bell and the doors open to reveal a lady. She walked towards Richard, Rick and Y/N, but as Y/N saw the female employee, he can't help but put his finger as he barely recognized her face.
Richard: Y/N, Rick; this is Joy, our new employee working for IT
As Richard said her name, Y/N remembered a Joy he used to know back in high school. Then it hit him, the firm's new employee was Y/N old high school crush.
Richard: I'll be in my office in case you need me
The manager went back to his office.
Rick: I'm Rick, employee for the accounting department, and this is Y/N, he's working with me
Joy: Y/N? As in Y/N L/N
Y/N: hello Joy, it's uh, great to see you again
Joy: yeah, nice to see you too
Joy went for a hug, but Y/N stopped her by holding his hand out for a casual handshake in which she happily return.
Rick: wait you two know each other?
Joy: uh huh, Y/N and I were in the same high school class
Y/N: well technically she was just a junior with senior credits
Rick: uh anyways Joy, let's give you the tour of the office
Joy: okay, sounds good
Y/N and Rick showed Joy the working areas, the break room and the higher ups respective offices. The last stop of the tour was the IT room.
Rick: and this is where you'll do your tasks, and over there is Luke, he's the IT manager; he'll be the one assigning your tasks
Joy: awesome, thanks guys
Then Rick and Y/N went back to their office. The accountant noticed Y/N feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Rick: hey Y/N, you okay?
Y/N: yeah, why you ask?
Rick: dude, you were silent when we gave Joy the tour
Y/N: it's just awkward to see her
Rick: Joy mentioned that you two went to high school together
Y/N: well Ricky, get ready for a story
Y/N went on to tell Rick of the first day he met Joy, from their days of the Filipino Club to their college years, in which they lost touch of each other since then.
Rick: oh dude, that was rough
Y/N: 3 years of having a crush on her, all for nothing
Rick: sorry you had to went through that
Y/N: it's fine, I already moved on
Rick: and you have Alexa Bliss as your girlfriend
Y/N: yeah, my Goddess
Rick: well dude, word of advice; don't hang on to the past
Y/N: I will, thanks Rick
Rick patted him on the back and went back to his station.
(Lunch break)
Y/N: Rick, it's lunch break time
Rick: you go on right ahead, I'm almost done here
Y/N: alright
Y/N went to the break room and got out his lunch as he sat down and ate. Then minutes later, Joy came in and saw Y/N.
Joy: Y/N
Y/N: oh hey
Joy got some food and sat down with Y/N.
Joy: how you doing?
Y/N: I'm okay
Joy: how long has it been since we last talked?
Y/N: two years, we were still in college
Then their conversation was interrupted by Y/N's phone.
Y/N: sorry, I have to take this
Joy: oh no, it's fine
Y/N stood up and answered his phone.
Y/N: hi Alexa!
Alexa: aww, how do you know it was me?
Y/N: who is the only lovely person who calls me on my lunch break and has Goddess on the caller ID
Alexa: your lovely girlfriend
Y/N: ding ding ding
Alexa: I can't with you sometimes
Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: so what are you up to?
Alexa: Erin and Nessie are here, we're just watching some movies
Y/N: aww Nessie left poor Mikey all by himself?
Nessie: I heard that!
Alexa and Y/N shared a laugh.
Alexa: anyways, your break is almost over
Y/N: I'll come over after work
Alexa: okay, I love you
Y/N: love you too
They ended their call and Y/N sat back down.
Joy: who is Alexa?
Y/N: Alexa is my girlfriend
Joy: oh
Y/N: you think I still have feelings for you after all these years?
Joy: I was hoping that
Y/N: oh grow up Joy; yes, I had feelings for you, but that was before, you were supposed to be my first girlfriend
Joy: ...
Y/N: but I didn't want to confess because I was afraid to break our friendship and our education, and I understood that you weren't ready and I got that
Y/N stood up and was about to leave.
Y/N: Rick told me something, "don't hang on to the past;" I moved on and I have a girlfriend now
Y/N left and went back to his station.
(A few hours later)
Y/N clocked out and exited the business firm. He then drove to Alexa's house and the Goddess answered the door.
Alexa: hi, how was work?
Y/N: pretty interesting
Alexa noticed a nervous look on her man's face.
Alexa: well let's sit and talk about it
The two sat down on the couch and Alexa rubbed his upper arm and back to calm him down.
Alexa: tell me what happen at work
Y/N: we welcomed our new employee as planned
Alexa: that doesn't sound bad
Y/N: well you can't believe who it was
Alexa: who was it?
Y/N: Joy
Alexa: Joy? Wait, as in Joy your old high school crush you told me about
Y/N nodded.
Alexa: how did it feel seeing her again?
Y/N: awkward; my supposed first girlfriend is now working with us at the firm
Alexa: are your feelings for her coming back?
Y/N: hell no, I already moved on; and I have you
He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her which made the Goddess smile.
Alexa: are you still feeling stressed from today?
Y/N: well now that Joy is apart of the team, I do feel a bit stressed
Alexa: well then, I have a stress reliever that can help you
Y/N: you want to go to the shooting range again?
Alexa: oh no, I got something even better
Y/N: what can be more better than the shooting range?
Alexa: well this...
The Goddess mischievously smirked and caught Y/N with a loving kiss on his neck.
Y/N: ahh! Alexa, not again!
Y/N tried to crawl away, but Alexa kept her grip on as her arms were wrapped around his upper body. Y/N couldn't do anything, but breathe fast as he felt her lips on his sensitive spot. Alexa giggled and pulled back as she watched Y/N shiver and put his hand over his neck.
Alexa: feeling relieved now, love?
Y/N: y-yeah
She kissed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder as they held hands. They watched some movies for a good couple of hours until Y/N told Alexa he has to go home.
Y/N: well tomorrow is my day off, so do you want to spend another night at my place?
Alexa: yes!
Y/N: already excited, huh?
Alexa: can we also go out?
Y/N: you sure about that? What about the paparazzi?
Alexa: well I have you to protect me
She hugged Y/N and kissed him.
Y/N: okay, it's a date; I'll see you tomorrow
They kissed on the lips and the pure fan drove back home.
(At the apartment)
Y/N changed into his night clothes and got in bed for a good night's rest, but he still felt the tingly feeling on his neck from the Goddess' kiss. He rubbed his neck to ease the feeling before he went to sleep.
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