Chapter 19: Flirting and Teasing
It was the weekend, that means Y/N doesn't have any work today, so he decided to sleep a bit more since he saw the time was 7:30 a.m., so he went back to sleep.
Alexa planned a surprise stay at Y/N's apartment after the crazy 24 hours they had when they exposed Ryan Cabrera's true intentions. She saw the time on her clock, and know that it was too early for Y/N to wake up. The Goddess packed a bag full of her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up.
She got dressed and left her house when she saw Nessie.
Nessie: hey Lex, where are you going this early?
Alexa: oh you know who
Nessie: Lex, it's 7:35 in the morning, he's still sleeping at that time
Alexa: I know, I want to surprise him
Nessie: how will you get in, his door is locked
Alexa took out a key from her pocket.
Alexa: after Y/N and I talked and apologized, I went to talk to his landlord and asked for the spare key to his room.
Nessie: he won't know what will hit him
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: I got to go now
Nessie: okay, say hi to Y/N for me
Alexa: got it
She got in her car and drove to Y/N's apartment building.
(15 minutes later)
Alexa parked in front of the building and double checked to see if she didn't accidentally lose the key.
Alexa: okay, the key is safe in my pocket
She grabbed her bag and got out of her car; she went inside and rode to the third floor. Alexa walked down the hall until she finds room 304. Alexa quietly unlocked the door and slowly opened the door.
The Goddess quietly closed the door and saw that Y/N's pet dogs were sleeping.
Alexa: such cute dogs
She giggled and smiled. Alexa set her bag on the couch and quietly tip toe to Y/N's bedroom. She slowly opened the door to see her true love sleeping. Alexa looked over at the clock to see the time was already 8:15. Then an idea flew into her head.
Alexa went over to his bed and slowly got in without waking him up. She smiled and combed the hair from his face. She then slowly dove down and started to kiss his neck.
Y/N groaned as he felt a soft feeling against his neck. Then he heard a soft and cute giggle. Y/N opened his eyes to see blonde and pink tipped hair all over his face.
Y/N: ahhh!
The pure wrestling fan rolled and fell off from his bed with a thud while Alexa laughed as she watched him struggle to untangle from his blanket. After he got himself untangled, he put his hand over his neck.
Y/N: Alexa?
Alexa: hi!
Y/N: wait, how did you get in here, the door was locked
Alexa: I asked your landlord the spare key to your room
Y/N got up and folded his blanket.
Y/N: you really surprised me, especially with you kissing on my neck like that
Alexa giggled.
Alexa: well starting today, you better get used to it
Y/N: my neck is very sensitive, just to let you know
Alexa: oh that's perfect, so I can tease and torture you a lot
Y/N gulped. Then the two went to the kitchen as Y/N was fixing some coffee.
Y/N: want a cup?
Alexa: yes please
As Y/N was preparing the brew, Alexa opened up a conversation.
Alexa: so what are your plans today?
Y/N: well since it's my day off, I'm going to the gym and then the shooting range
Alexa: oh that's exciting, let's work out together
Y/N: wait, don't you have any plans for yourself?
He said as he handed her a cup of coffee.
Alexa: I do
Y/N: so what are your plans?
Alexa: I'm staying over!
Y/N comically spit out his coffee.
Y/N: huh?!
Alexa: you heard right
She went over to the couch and showed him her bag.
Y/N: now that was an unexpected surprise!
Alexa: yes, so that means we're spending the day together!
Y/N: I'll be enjoying it
Alexa smiled and kissed him on the lips.
Alexa: so what time do you usually go to the gym?
Y/N: 10:30 or 11:00
Alexa: well try to stay focus when you're working out because I might distract you
Y/N chuckled and shook his head.
(10:30, at the gym)
The couple arrived at the gym ready for a workout. Y/N went to the punching bags while Alexa went to the treadmill. As Alexa was walking on the treadmill, she watched Y/N hitting away on the punching bag which made her blush. She got off the treadmill and recorded Y/N on her phone without him knowing. She covered her mouth to keep quiet while she blushed. Then Y/N stopped and turned to see Alexa recording him.
Y/N: Alexa
He smiled and shook her head as she blushed heavily.
Alexa: sorry Y/N, you're really good
Y/N chuckled and moved on to the weights.
Y/N: wanna lift some weights?
Alexa: sure!
The two went to the weightlifting area and continued their workout.
The two were done and washed up and changed into their clean clothes. Then they left the gym.
Y/N: now the shooting range
Alexa: I can't wait to see you in action
Y/N: then let's go
They got in the car and drove to the shooting range.
At the range, Y/N met with Jason.
Y/N: hey Jason, this is my girlfriend Alexa; Alexa this is Jason, my instructor
Jason: Y/N here has natural talent
Alexa: well I want to see it to believe it
Jason: so Y/N, what's for today?
Y/N: the M16 again
Jason: alright, let's go
The two were given earmuffs and Jason gave Y/N the M16.
Jason: alright, your targets are ballistic gel dummies
Y/N: alright
Jason: here's your gun, and whenever you're ready, fire away
Y/N: watch this Alexa
Y/N inserted the magazine onto the gun and cocked it. As he was about to pull the trigger, Alexa ran her hand up and down on his arm, making Y/N put down the gun as he breathed while he felt a chill down his spine.
Y/N: Alexa babe, I'm trying to focus
Alexa giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Then Y/N regained his concentration and fired away on the dummies while the Goddess took pictures of him. Y/N reloaded and finished off the targets.
Jason: you annihilated those dummies!
Alexa: I felt the adrenaline
Y/N: so Alexa, want to try something here?
Alexa: you guys have ax tossing?
Jason: ax tossing? Yeah, we have; this way
Y/N: I shoot a gun, you throw an ax
Alexa giggled and the two followed Jason to the ax toss area.
Jason: so do you know how to hold it?
Alexa: yeah, I've done this before
Jason: okay, whenever you're ready, go ahead
Alexa focused her sight on the target as she gripped the ax. As she was about to throw it, Y/N surprised her with a sudden kiss on the cheek, making her blush and distracted.
Alexa: Y/N!
Y/N: hey, I call that payback
Alexa had a cute pout on her face while Y/N and Jason fist bumped. Y/N got out his phone and took a picture of Alexa holding her ax in position.
The Goddess tossed the ax and it hit the target.
Alexa: I did it!
Y/N: nice throw!
Alexa threw another ax and it hit again.
Y/N: wow!
Alexa: I got something I'm good at
Y/N chuckled and shook his head. Then they left the range after they paid the fee before heading back to Y/N's apartment.
(At the apartment room)
Alexa: that was fun
Y/N: I'm still surprised on your ax throwing skills
Alexa: the way you fire the gun, it looked like you were in the military
Y/N: aww stop it
The two remembered they still had their dinner date later, so Y/N went to the kitchen to cook the food while Alexa watched whatever is on Disney+.
(30 minutes later)
The food was done, and the Goddess' appetite was overwhelming her.
Y/N: food's ready
Alexa: coming!
They ate their food while they watched the Lion King.
Alexa: Y/N, where's your bathroom, I'm gonna wash up
Y/N: the door over there
He pointed to the door on the right.
Alexa: okay, I'll be washing up, so no peeking
Y/N: come on Alexa, you know me already; I don't want to look
Alexa: I know, I just want to mess with you
She giggled and playfully pinched his cheek. Y/N took a deep breath as Alexa went inside and locked the door.
While Y/N was on his phone, he heard Alexa calling him from the bathroom.
Alexa: Y/N?
Y/N: yeah?
Alexa: um, this is embarrassing, but can you give me my underwear; I forgot to bring it with me
Y/N: you forgot to bring your what?! Uh, where did you left it?
Alexa: I left it on my bag, can you give it to me please?
Y/N: uh sure
Y/N went to the bag and picked up the garment with two fingers. He then went to the bathroom door and knocked.
Y/N: Alexa, I got them
Alexa: great, give it to me
Y/N covered his eyes and turned his head the other way as Alexa opened the door with her towel over her chest. She giggled as she saw Y/N covering his eyes.
Alexa: thanks Y/N
Y/N: yeah, no problem; can you close the door now?
Alexa giggled and closed the door and Y/N breathed in relief.
(Minutes later)
Alexa was done showering and she can see Y/N watching TV while she thought to herself.
Alexa's mind: he's so respectful
She went in the bedroom and changed. Then she came out and sat down next to Y/N and laid her head on his shoulder.
Y/N: so what time I'll drop you home?
Alexa: uh, I was thinking I should spend the night here
Y/N: are you suggesting a sleepover?
Alexa: you can say that
Y/N: so I'll take the couch and you'll take the bed
Alexa: no, how about we share the bed together?
Y/N: uh, are you sure about that?
Alexa: why, you nervous, hmm?
She playfully poked his sides.
Y/N: I'm not nervous
Alexa: so there's nothing wrong with us sleeping in the same bed
Y/N sighed.
Y/N: alright
Alexa: sleepover!
Y/N smirked and shook his head.
(2 hours later, 10:30 p.m.)
The couple went inside the bedroom as they were tired from today. Y/N laid in bed while he still had a nervous look on his face. Then Alexa got in bed and wrapped Y/N's arm around her as she laid on his chest. She heard his heart beating fast while Y/N felt goosebumps forming on his arms.
Alexa: Y/N, there's no need to be nervous
She calmed his nerves down by kissing him on the lips.
Alexa: feel better?
Y/N: yes
Alexa: now let's get some sleep
She smiled and closed her eyes as she snuggled into his chest. Y/N kissed her head and went to sleep as well while he rubbed her back.
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