Chapter 18: A Second Chance
Now that the truth of Ryan Cabrera has come out, it was now Alexa's move to end things with him and cut him off from her life now that she has reconcile with the guy who is really the greatest person she ever met, Y/N.
Y/N woke up feeling refresh and full of motivation as he got ready for work. After he washed up and changed to his work clothes, he got a Facetime call and as he saw the name, he smiled.
Y/N: hello?
Alexa: hey Y/N
Y/N: oh hey Alexa, what's up?
Alexa: oh nothing, just calling to tell you to have a great day at work
Y/N: thanks
Then their call went serious.
Y/N: so how are you gonna deal with Ryan?
Alexa: I'll expose him
Y/N: and how will you do that?
Alexa: Ryan thinks that we're just gonna hang out with Mike and Nessie, but that is just a trap
Y/N: ooh devious
Alexa: and that is when you come in with your phone playing the video
Y/N: good thing I didn't delete the Confessions of an Asshole
Alexa giggled.
Y/N: so what time is it going down?
Alexa: after your work, come straight to Mike's house
Y/N: gotcha
Alexa: you're amazing
Y/N: oh stop, you're gonna make me blush
Alexa giggled.
Y/N: I have to go to work now
Alexa: okay, I love you
She blew a kiss to the screen.
Y/N: love you too
They ended the call and Y/N left for work.
Alexa was carefully putting her plan together to expose and end her so called "friendship" with the out of tune singer. Then she heard a knock on the door; Alexa opened it to see Erin.
Erin: hey Lexi!
Alexa: hey!
Erin: whoa, you're in a good mood today
Alexa: I am
Erin: did something happen?
Alexa: yes, and you should take a seat for this
The two best friends sat down.
Alexa: Erin, I did what you told me last week; you know look it up myself to see that the things about Ryan were true
Erin: right
Alexa: I did, and I never felt stupid in my life
Erin: you saw the articles?
Alexa: yes
Erin: then what happened?
Alexa: I went to visit Y/N at his apartment
Erin: apartment? Y/N moved out?
Alexa: yes, he moved out because I broke him, I was blinded by lies
Erin: so now you know
Alexa: Ryan's "greatest person I've ever met" crap, that is all smoke and mirrors
Erin: how about with Y/N?
Alexa: while I was at his apartment, he showed me the true colors of my so called "close friend"
Erin: how?
Alexa: a video he secretly recorded on his phone showing what the real Ryan was; he said that he used me to boost his popularity
Erin: what a total asshole
Alexa: he is...
Erin: so what happen between you and Y/N?
Alexa: I told him he was right and then I tearfully apologized to him
She wiped a tear that was falling from her eye.
Alexa: and I told Y/N I still love him, that my heart was still thinking about him
Erin comforted her best friend by giving her a back rub.
Alexa: he told me he was sorry also, and he shouldn't have left, and then we...
Alexa's cheeks were turning red.
Erin: and then what?
Alexa: we kissed
She grabbed a couch cushion and hid her blushing face.
Erin: aww, so that means you and Y/N are back together?
Alexa: he has given me a second chance
Erin: Lexi, do me a favor?
Alexa: yes?
Erin: don't let him go again; Y/N is a wonderful person
Alexa: cross my heart Erin; I won't let him go again
Erin: so where's Y/N now?
Alexa: he's at work
Erin: and what of Ryan?
Alexa: leave it to me
(Meanwhile with Y/N)
Y/N was humming happily while he was organizing some files; Rick took notice and was curious, so the accountant went over to Y/N's cubicle.
Rick: hey Y/N, you're in a good mood
Y/N: oh I am, Ricky
Rick: what's going on?
Y/N: before I tell the story, you must watch this video I recorded
Rick: video of what?
Y/N: the piece of shit known as Ryan Cabrera
Y/N went to his gallery and pressed on the video.
Y/N: I suggest you put these earphones on
Rick played and watched the video that Y/N recorded yesterday. The accountant was shocked as he heard Ryan's confession.
Rick: dude, what a fucking asshole he is
Y/N: the idiot doesn't even know I recorded him
Rick: so what about Alexa?
Y/N: well, we talked and she told me I was right
Rick: go on
Y/N: we forgave each other, Alexa told me she still loves me and then we... kissed
Rick: ooh, so that means you two are back together?
Y/N: yeah, I gave her a second chance
Rick: Y/N, you are a rarity and Ryan was just fabricating and pretending
Y/N: Rick, have you heard Ryan sing?
Rick: oh jeeze, he sounds bad; you remember Jillian Hall?
Y/N: oh god, she is worse! Every time she's on, I always mute my TV
The two co-workers shared a laugh before going back to their work.
(Back with Alexa)
Alexa has told her plan to Mike and Nessie and the two were on board.
Nessie: expose that liar? I'm in!
Mike: count me in
Alexa: thanks guys
Mike: so Lex, did you went to Y/N's place?
Alexa: I did, and everything went well
Nessie: ooh, what happened?
Alexa: I told him he was right and I was stupid for leaving him; then we apologized to each other and we kissed
Mike: whoa!
Nessie: so you two are back together?
Alexa: yes, Y/N has given me a second chance
Nessie: awesome!
Mike: so what now with Ryan?
Alexa: I messaged him saying that we're gonna hang out at you guys' place to watch a movie
Nessie: what movie?
Alexa: a movie directed by Y/N called, Confessions of an Asshole
Mike smirked while Nessie chuckled.
Nessie: Y/N is on it too?
Alexa: yup, he's coming there after his work
Nessie: I can't wait for this to go down
Alexa: Ryan and I will be there this afternoon
Mike: alright
Nessie: later Lex
(A couple of hours later)
Y/N's work day was done, so he texted Alexa to let her know.
Y/N: hey I'm done with work, is everything set?
Meanwhile at Mike and Nessie's house, Alexa and Ryan arrived and the Goddess put her phone on vibrate to avoid suspicion from the singer.
Ryan: so what movie are we watching, babe?
Alexa: it will be a surprise
Ryan: oh okay, I love surprises
Alexa replied Y/N back.
Alexa: everyone's here, come over
Y/N: on my way
Y/N smirked and drove over to Mike's house to put the plan in action.
(20 minutes later)
Y/N texted Alexa, letting her know he's here.
Y/N: I'm here
Alexa: go to the backyard
Y/N walked to the backyard and saw Alexa there. The two hugged and kissed.
Alexa: you got your phone?
Y/N: the video is ready to play on your go
Alexa: great, so just hide behind the doorway to the living room and wait.
Y/N: perfect
Y/N and Alexa got inside and the pure fan hid in the corner.
Alexa: okay, it's movie time
Mike: okay!
Erin: yes!
Ryan: I'm so excited!
Alexa connected Y/N's phone to the TV.
Ryan: so what's the title of the movie, Lex?
Alexa: it's a little something I called "Confessions of an Asshole"
Alexa pressed play and the video played. Ryan was shocked to see himself.
Ryan: what is this?
Then the video went to the part.
Ryan on video: I am using Alexa for my popularity and the little bitch doesn't know it because I'm playing the role of the "most awesome person she ever met"
Ryan: what is this? Turn this shit off now!
Alexa kept the phone away and slapped Ryan across the face while her face was seething with anger.
Alexa: well Ryan, you got what you wanted; you want to be famous, so there you go!
Ryan: Mike, Nessie, Erin; you don't believe that's real right?
Mike: well that's you right?
Nessie: and those are your words coming out of your mouth
Erin crossed her arms and shook her head.
Ryan: wait wait, who recorded this video?
Alexa: I think you know who; oh Y/N!
Y/N came out of his hiding spot and smirked at Ryan and waved at him Tommaso Ciampa style.
Ryan: you...
Ryan lunged at Y/N, but the pure fan took the singer down with a straight right hook.
Y/N: man, that feels good; better than hitting the punching bags at the gym
Ryan: Alexa, h-he's just trying to get between-
Y/N: oh save the bullshit Ryan, you've been exposed
Ryan: no no
Alexa: I can't believe you; using me to boost your notoriety
Mike: you're such a lowlife, Ryan
Nessie: ruin a good relationship like Y/N and Alexa
Ryan: wait Alexa-
Alexa: we're done Ryan!
Ryan turned to Y/N.
Ryan: this is all your fault!
The singer got up, but Y/N took him down with another right hook to the jaw. Then Y/N knelt next to Ryan while he held his jaw in pain.
Y/N: Ryan, you try to be someone you're not, and newsflash boy, you failed miserably
Y/N stood back up and put his arm around Alexa.
Y/N: to quote my favorite TV show host Steve Wilkos, "get the hell off my stage!"
Alexa: Mike, Nessie, take out the trash will you?
Mike: with pleasure
Mike and Nessie picked up Ryan and dragged him out their house, cutting the horrible singer from their lives.
Y/N and Alexa were outside leaning against Y/N's car while they embraced.
Alexa: I'm so glad you've given me a second chance, Y/N
Y/N: you're too precious
Alexa smiled and turned around to wrap her arms around his neck.
Alexa: by the way, I blocked Ryan from all of my social media platforms
Y/N chuckled and combed her hair from her face.
Y/N: Alexa, I was thinking...
Alexa: yes?
Y/N: want to have dinner at my place tomorrow night?
Alexa: is this another date?
Y/N: you can say that
Alexa smiled and pecked him on the lips.
Alexa: I would love that
Y/N smiled and stared right into her precious blue eyes. They slowly got closer and the gap closed as they gave each other a passionate kiss with Y/N's hand on her cheek while Alexa's hand was on the back of his head and her other arm wrapped around his neck. After a minute, they pulled back.
Y/N: come on, let me take you home
Alexa: okay
Y/N opened the passenger door for the Goddess and she happily got in. Then Y/N got in and dropped the Goddess off at her house.
Alexa: thanks Y/N
She gave him one last kiss on the lips.
Alexa: good night
Y/N: good night, Alexa
He watched the Goddess went inside her house before he drove off to his apartment.
(Minutes later)
Y/N was in his apartment and he got ready for bed. As he laid in bed, he got a text message from Alexa.
Alexa: good night 😘❤
Y/N smiled at the message as he replied back.
Y/N: good night Goddess ❤
He then put his phone on the table and went to sleep.
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