Chapter 13: Worst Birthday Ever
F/N = Y/N's dad
M/N = Y/N's mom
Y/N was now a 24 year old hard worker as today was his birthday. At 9:30 in the morning, he heard loud knocking on his door.
Y/N: jeeze, who is knocking loud so early in the morning?
Y/N got up and went downstairs.
Y/N: I'm coming, don't break my door
As he opened his door, he was ambushed by a confetti gun and a cake to the face by Mike and Nessie.
Nessie: surprise!
Mike: happy birthday man!
Y/N: that was a waste of good cake, dude
He tasted the flavor.
Y/N: vanilla cake?
Nessie: your favorite flavor
Y/N: aww, you guys know me so well
Mike: while you were busy working hard as usual, Nessie and I were preparing for your birthday party
Y/N: so who else is coming?
Mike: Erin is obviously coming
Nessie: got any people you want to invite?
Y/N: my coworker Rick, he's a big WWE fan and Victor, my old college friend and also a WWE fan
Mike: anyone else?
Y/N: of course, I would never forget my girlfriend Alexa
Nessie: have you thought it over on how you'll tell her about Ryan?
Y/N: I did, I'll tell later at the party
Mike: well that can wait, so what are you gonna do now?
Y/N: firstly clean up my face, then take a shower and then call Rick and Victor
Nessie: okay, we'll see you at the party later
Y/N: yup
Mike: get yourself cleaned up
Y/N: says the guy who got pied last night
Mike playfully pouted while Nessie giggled.
Mike: whatever man
Mike and Nessie went home and Y/N washed the cake from his face. Then he heard his phone ring; he saw the number and it was his parents.
Y/N: mom, dad
F/N: happy birthday son!
M/N: you're 24
Y/N I know, I feel old
They shared a laugh.
M/N: as much as we want to be there, we still have to work
Y/N: it's fine, I understand
F/N: son, your mother has a question
Y/N: oh, do tell mom
M/N: that Alexa girl, are you two?
Y/N: I had a feeling you were going to ask that
F/N: your mother wouldn't stop talking about it
M/N: so son, are you two together?
Y/N: you always know I always tell the truth
F/N: we raised you to be that way
M/N: so what son?
Y/N: alright, I'll tell you; Alexa and I are dating
M/N: I knew she'll be perfect for you
F/N: how long have you two been dating?
Y/N: a little over a month
M/N: why hasn't Alexa posted about it?
Y/N: she doesn't want to see any hate comments and backlash; I agree with her to make our relationship private
F/N: you got a good point, son
Y/N: anyways, Mike and Nessie have been busy preparing my party later
M/N: again, you got great friends son
Y/N: sometimes they're crazy
F/N: well anyways son, happy birthday and enjoy your party
M/N: and tell Alexa we said hi
Y/N: will do
Y/N waved goodbye to his parents. Then he saw a facetime call from his love.
Alexa: happy birthday!
She blew kisses at the screen.
Y/N okay, my birthday has got even better
Alexa: aww, is it because of me?
Y/N winked at her which made Alexa blush.
Alexa: Nessie told me about the party
Y/N: yeah you're coming right?
Alexa playfully acted by thinking about it which made Y/N frown.
Y/N: Alexa?
Alexa: of course, I'm coming; it's my boyfriend's birthday
Y/N: you got me good
Alexa: can Ryan come too?
Hearing Ryan's name made him thought of the other day as he found out of his past and a total jerk he was. Y/N has only told Mike and Nessie about him, and has yet to tell Alexa, so the party was his only chance.
Y/N: sure... he can come as well
Alexa: aww, you're the best, just like him
Y/N: yeah
Alexa: anyways, I have to get washed, I'll see you tonight
Y/N: yeah
She smiled and blew kisses at him before she ended the call. Y/N was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. He went on Instagram to see Alexa's latest selfie post.
alexa_bliss_wwe_: Good morning ☀️☕️
He admired her natural beauty and liked the photo. Then he scrolled down to the comments and saw some dirty minded users which disgust him.
User1: nice legs Alexa
User2: dem legs thoo
Then he found that Ryan commented, and what he said irked Y/N.
ryancabrera: Yur soooooo deep babe
Y/N clenched his phone tight, but calmed himself down. To relieve his stress, Y/N played one game on his PS4 that always takes his stress away, Grand Theft Auto V. Playing as the psychopath Trevor, Y/N went on a rampage firing with the shotgun, assault rifle, RPG and minigun.
(5 hours later)
Y/N washed up and got dressed for his birthday party over at Mike's house. He went over to the house and was given the welcome wagon.
Erin: happy birthday, Y/N
Y/N: thanks Erin
Rick: there he is
Y/N: what's up man?
The two coworkers hugged.
Victor: hey, how about me?
Y/N: come here you
He hugged his old college friend.
Y/N: I see you two have met
Rick: Victor has told a lot about you
Y/N: hopefully not everything
Victor: don't worry, I only told him about you being a WWE fan and taking your education seriously
Y/N: alright, I believe you
Mike: hey guys, want some food?
Y/N: hell yeah, come on guys
Rick: right behind you
Victor: give me some food!
Everyone was having a fun time at the party as they talked and ate.
(20 minutes later)
Nessie heard a knock on the door.
Nessie: I got it
She opened to see Alexa and Ryan.
Nessie: Alexa, Ryan; glad you two made it
Alexa: are we late?
Nessie: nope, you came in time; come on in
As the two went in, Nessie got a worried look on her face.
Nessie: this is not gonna end well
Then Mike saw the two.
Mike: oh no
The WWE announcer went to find his best friend who was talking with Rick and Victor.
Mike: Y/N, can you come with me please?
Y/N: why what's wrong?
Mike: look who came
He saw Alexa and Ryan together.
Y/N: I see them
Mike: what you gonna do?
Y/N: I'll handle this myself
He patted Mike on the shoulder and went to them.
Y/N: so glad you two made it
Alexa: hey
She kissed him on the lips and hugged him. He stared coldly at Ryan while he shook hands with the singer.
Alexa: I'm so happy you two are getting along
Ryan: that's right
Y/N silently nodded.
Alexa: I'll be with Erin in the kitchen
Y/N: I'm gonna be with Victor and Rick if you need me
He went back to talking with Rick and Victor.
(An hour later)
Ryan went outside to the backyard to get some air, which gave Y/N the opportunity to talk or in this case interrogate him. He went to Mike and Nessie to tell them.
Y/N: time to have a chat with Ryan
Nessie: we got your back, Y/N
Mike: we're here if you need us
Y/N nodded and went to the backyard.
Ryan: hey dude, get some fresh air also?
Y/N: you can say that
He stared coldly at Ryan.
Y/N: Ryan, if you don't mind me asking; how is Alexa to you?
Ryan: she's a wonderful person to be with; I wish I could date someone like her
Y/N felt his anger build up.
Y/N: really? When I accepted your Instagram request and saw your latest post; someone said you're a cheater and an abuser under Alexa's comment when she called you the most amazing person she ever met
Ryan: I don't even read the comments since there's a lot
Y/N: alright then, I'm gonna tell you a person's name and tell me if it sounds familiar
Ryan: alright...
He got up close Ryan's face.
Y/N: Audrina Patridge
Ryan started to sweat bullets, and he tried to come up with an excuse.
Ryan: I-I don't know who that is
Y/N: really? Audrina's name doesn't ring a bell? Didn't you used to date her before
Ryan: we broke up years ago
Y/N: then you two back together only to break up again
Ryan: well...
Y/N: and Audrina said in an interview that the reason she broke up with you is that you were partying too much which made her have doubts of you cheating on her
Ryan was getting irritated.
Y/N: and Audrina also said that you two faked romantic scenes for your TV show, The Hills
Ryan: you damn right, I used her for fame! My music wasn't doing good, so I had to resort to this
Y/N: and now you're using your friendship with Alexa just to boost your popularity
Ryan: that's why I hate her fans, including yourself!
Y/N: your music sounds like something people listened to 20 years ago, this is 2020 you dip s***
Ryan: okay, that's it!
Ryan punched Y/N in the face knocking him to the ground. Y/N was now mad and he tackled Ryan to the ground.
Ryan: get off me!
Y/N: I won't let a user and cheater like you get in the way
Inside, everyone saw the scuffle.
Mike: guys!
Victor: oh crap
Everyone went outside and separated the two. Rick and Victor held Y/N back while Mike held Ryan back.
Y/N: let me get him!
Victor: calm down man
Then Alexa and Erin came to see the aftermath.
Alexa: what's going on here? Y/N? Ryan?
Ryan: Alexa, your so called wonderful boyfriend just attacked me
Y/N: well your true colors are out Cabrera
Alexa: can someone tell me what's going on?
Ryan: Y/N is calling me a cheater and a user
Y/N: it's true, you used Audrina for fame because your music sucked!
Alexa: wait, who's Audrina?
Ryan: she's just one of my exes years ago
Y/N: Alexa, believe me, this jerk is using girls including yourself to boost his popularity
Alexa had an angry look on her face. She went to Y/N and slapped him across the face.
Alexa: I can't believe you're calling one of my closest friends a cheater and a user
Y/N: you're gonna believe this lying asshole than your honest boyfriend?
Alexa: I know Ryan longer than you have, he would never do something like that
Y/N: Alexa-
Alexa: save it, I don't need to hear anymore; you and I are done. We're breaking up!
Y/N had a heartbreak look on his face as he watched the Goddess tend to Ryan.
Alexa: come on Ryan, I'll take care of your bruises
She stared back at Y/N coldly before she left; Y/N's one month relationship burned up in an instant.
Rick: you alright, man?
Victor: you were in a relationship with Alexa?
Mike: guys, I think this is not the best time right now
Nessie: yeah, let's continue the party
Y/N: no, the party is done; I'm gonna go home
Victor: dude-
Y/N: I'm not in the mood right now
Y/N walked back to his house leaving Victor, Rick, Mike and Nessie in a serious predicament.
(At Y/N's house)
Y/N couldn't believe that Alexa has chosen a liar, a cheater and a poser over someone who is honest, pure and responsible. He didn't even had the mood to play his PS4, instead he went upstairs and flopped on the bed until he fell asleep as he faced the end of his relationship with Alexa Bliss.
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