Welcome Home Ana...Part 1
Don't look back. I keep repeating to myself. Just a few minutes ago I jumped off the roof of a twenty story building. Now I'm using every ounce of strength to run through the forest as fast as I can.
"Once you’re deep in the forest start using the platinum." Seb’s voice is ringing directions in my head. I reach down between my breasts and pull out the gold pouch. I quickly take small pinches of the glittering specks tossing them in the air behind me. Marcos is going to be so pissed when he realizes I've thrown them off the trail. I smile at the thought
"Before you reach the other side of the forest there will be a duffel bag under a marked tree." I mull over Seb’s words still running. I don't know how I'm supposed to recognize a marked tree. No matter, I'm sure it'll be easy once I'm there.
I dodge in and out of trees picking up speed. I can hear rabbit’s underground scurry and birds in the sky. Even though I'm moving fast everything looks crystal clear. It's exhilarating seeing the collage of colors and the full moon lighting the dark sky.
I come to an abrupt stop. There's a scent lingering in the air; a scent I'm all too familiar with. I tilt my nose in the air allowing it to lead me where the scent is growing stronger. When it's the strongest I stop and open my eyes. I'm standing in front of a huge tree with draping branches. Underneath is a large black duffel bag. Seb was very clever to use his scent to lead me here.
I hurriedly rip off the end of my long dress. The material is too heavy. It'll only slow me down. I also break the heels from my shoes. Running through an unknown city in heels won't cut it. The wind hits my bare legs carrying with it the smell of the guards. Damn! They are gaining on me. I toss the bag over my shoulder, throw some platinum to hide both our scents and sprint out the forest
Once I'm far enough away from the woods I stop. I haven't a clue where I am but I do know where I'm going; home. The mere thought of seeing all my tormentors again boils my blood. I wonder if they will even recognize me.
I continue walking, entering the crowded streets of an unknown city. All the chaos I know is due to the New Year’s celebration. People are crammed together screaming and throwing festive colored items about. A group of teen boys wearing happy New Year hats stumble to a stop in front of me
"Whoa! You’re hot! Cool dress" the blond boy wearing ripped jeans and t-shirt says to me. I glance down at my torn dress unsure if he really thinks it’s cool or just gawking at my exposed legs.
"Uh what city is this?" I ask. The boys all stare at me for a minute before the main one leads the group in laughter.
"No way you’re serious! What drugs are you on, because I totally want some!" He says laughing and high fiving his equally stoned friends.
I don't have time to entertain these losers. I turn and disappear quickly into the night. I know I shouldn't move that fast with humans watching but those stoners surely won't remember in the morning.
I walk into a seemingly deserted alley trying to form a plan. What I need is a bus station. Maybe I should crash somewhere for the night? But I need to put as much distance between me and the forest as possible.
I glance down the alley and about a hundred feet away I notice two guys getting handsy with a girl. I focus my ears so I can hear the conversation their having
"Come babe you know you want us"
"No, please no I-I changed my mind. Please don't"
Hearing the girl’s scared voice instantly angered me. The two men had her pushed against a brick wall next to a dumpster. Their dirty hands were running all over her body. She continued to cry and plead for them to stop.
I stood in the shadows of the night contemplating my decision. I know I shouldn't be a hero. Last time that happened a vampire ended up killing me. However this time I'm the vampire.
The sound of her shirt being ripped open made the choice for me. Like wind I gusted over there so fast it was as if I was it. The men's backs were to me but the woman instantly locked eyes with mine. She looked so afraid and helpless. Her overly curly blonde hair and chubby freckle face reminded me of someone I used to know; me.
"I believe the lady asked you to stop" I say smoothly making my presence known to the men. They both snapped around to face me. One was of darker complexion with lots of gold chains. The other was overly tanned wearing a cheap suit and bad haircut. Mr. Suit smiled a crocked tooth smile at me. I could smell the alcohol oozing from their pores, mixing with their disgusting arousal.
"Look Buzz we got ourselves a pretty little party crasher" Mr. Cheap suit said eying me up and down
"Naw, she too skinny for me Skip. You take her. I like my women with meat on her bones" Buzz said laughing and squeezing the woman's cheeks hard enough to bruise.
"Walk away now guys and save us all the trouble of having to watch me hurt you" I say coolly.
Of course the idiots only laughed. This served to piss me off more than I already was. Casually I drop my bag and prepare myself for an unscheduled fight. Skips cocks his head to the side regarding my movements. He still doesn’t look afraid of me but soon I’ll change that. He takes a step forward swinging his right fist at my face I dodge it easily. Skip tries again and again, but I dodge left and right so quickly he doesn’t have a chance to land a hit on me. He stops. Looking confused before trying to kick me. I swiftly block that
“What the hell?” Skip says. I’m done playing with him. I send a forceful punch to his face knocking him out cold.
His buddy Buzz is oblivious to the actions taking place behind him. He slips his hand up her short shirt. The chunky girl tries to squirm from his grasp. I run up behind him grabbing the back of his head and slamming it into the brick wall. The girl yelps in surprise and we both watch his unconscious body fall to the ground.
I can hear the faint beat of his heart so he should only be out a few hours. I promised myself long ago I wouldn’t kill any humans. Now if these guys were vampires, well that’s a whole different ball park.
The shaking girl furiously whips her wet eyes. I don’t say anything to her. I simply walk away, grabbing my duffel bag and walking back down the alley.
Why does it seem like trouble just finds me? I hope that girl just runs off and doesn’t file a report using my description. That’s a new problem I don’t need. I hear the clicking of heels approaching from behind. I groan inwardly. A second later the girl I just saved is trying to keep up with my strides
“Hey wait!” She says taking hold of my arm. I sigh dramatically but stop to face her.
“Thanks for what you did back there.” She pulls down her short, too small skirt and smiles timidly. I nod and continue walking
“Can I give you a ride somewhere?” She asks
“No” I reply not turning back
“Please! If it wasn’t for you those guys would have…Look please let me make it up to you.” She pleads. I stop mid step. I hope I don’t regret this.
Turning around I meet her back where she was standing. She smiled happily as she led me to her car. A few blocks later she stops in front of a black Porsche. Wow nice car! She must be loaded
“My dad is a very successful business man. The car was a gift.” She answers the question I didn’t ask.
Before I get into the car I sprinkle some platinum outside the door. The good thing is if somehow they follow my scent from the forest to here this is where they lose it. Getting into the car here will make it seem as if I disappeared into thin air.
We drive in silence for a few minutes. I take the time to look her over. Her clothes do look expensive but just too small for her larger frame.
“Where can I take you?” She asks fidgeting under my stare
“Bus station” I reply coldly
“No bus station, they’re gross. I’ll drive you anywhere you want, no matter the distance.” She says back getting on the freeway. I can’t let her take me to Mercy Falls. She would be a liability if somehow Marcos found our connection.
“Just get me as far from the city as you can. I’ll be fine from there” I tell her looking out the window at the passing cars and city lights
“My dad has a house just outside Seattle. We could crash there tonight and finish the drive in the morning” She offers as an alternative. That works for me. I’ll just ditch her before she wakes anyway.
We drive in silence for a few more minutes before she speaks again
“Uh you’re like really pretty. Why are you wandering alone in alleys?” She asked curiously. I whip my head to her
“Why are you dressed like a hooker with too tight clothes fucking around with drunk losers?” I snap back. She gasped, tightening her grip on the wheel. I could see her eyes well up with tears. I instantly regretted my harsh words.
“It’s my 19th birthday today; January 1st. These girls told me if I dressed like this, that guys would like me. So I listened. I followed the girls I met at the mall today to the club, paid for everything and after midnight they called me a fat loser and ditched me. I was so humiliated I ran from the club and those men found me in the alley.” She explained with tears running down her face. Now I feel like even more of a jerk than before. This girl reminds me so much of myself in this moment it’s scary.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that” I apologize gently. She smiled a sad smile and shrugs
“It’s okay. I’ve heard worse” She laughed turning up the radio to a song I’ve never heard.
We listen to the music in a peaceful silence. From what I can tell she seems like a good girl. Just a bit of an outsider like me. After an hour’s drive we end up on a country road. She pulls up to a huge white house will tall windows. As I get out I look at the beautiful fountain with fish spitting water from its mouth. Geez the girl’s dad is loaded. I follow her inside into the equally immaculate living room.
“My dad is on his fifth honeymoon, so no one is home” She explained walking up the spiral staircase. I followed behind her glancing at all the expensive looking paintings on the wall.
“You can sleep in this guest room.” She says pushing open a door to a bedroom with a huge king bed with blue and white sheets. The furniture in the room is the same color scheme and there is a flat screen mounted on the wall.
“There is an en suite bathroom if you need to shower or anything.” I look at her standing by door watching me closely
“Thanks.” I say not really knowing what else to say.
“No thank you for saving me tonight. I’m Lily by the way” She offers her hand out. I smile and shake it
“Nice to meet you” I respond casually not offering my name in return
“Cool. I feel like we are totally BFF now!” She says excitedly before turning and leaving the rooms closing the door behind her.
Besides that BFF comment the girl is nice. I hope she doesn’t get all crazy on me. No matter, I’m leaving anyway. I can’t have the extra baggage traveling with me when I have vampires on my trail.
I toss my duffel on the bed and pull open the zipper. Time to see what Seb packed for me. Inside is a couple pair of jeans, shirts, a pair of sneakers and two envelopes. I open the first envelope and am shocked to see it’s filled with money. I haven’t a clue how he came into this money but knowing Seb he probably planned this is advance.
His beautiful face and messy hair fills my mind. The ache in my heart comes back in full force. The pain of his rejection still burns freshly in my hollow chest. I swallow the lump in my throat to help push aside all thoughts of him. The second envelope contains a letter. The scratchy sprawled cursive can only be from one person. I sit on the soft bed and begin reading.
If you’re reading this then the plan has worked and you were able to escape the hotel. I couldn’t be happier for you. Remember the plan. Go back to the abandoned house first because that’s where Marcos believes you are from. After your scent is there leave quickly to your true hometown. Remember to feed regularly. You will be around more humans now and you don’t want to be hungry. You could hype out and hurt someone. The inside pocket of the duffel contains baggies of blood to get you started. Some are mine; others are stolen from blood banks.
Take care Ana. I will find you soon. ~Seb~
I didn’t even realize tears were falling until a blue drop hit the page. I quickly wipe my face and put the letter back into the bag.
Stupid Seb and his stupid letter. How dare he be so considerate and pack me blood! Okay that sounds crazy, but I’m so unsure how to feel when he rejects my love but shows signs of caring. Maybe he’s just a nice guy? That doesn’t make sense because the way he kissed me… I touch my lips remembering my first kiss.
It was better than any movie could have made it out to be. I shake myself from my memories and get to work on the next part of the plan. I take a quick shower changing into jeans in a shirt. Pulling my long hair into a messy bun I reach inside the duffel hurriedly getting out a package of blood.
My fangs extend immediately and I can feel my eyes lose color. I rip it open with my teeth and gulp the room temp liquid. Even though it’s not from a live vein it still tastes just as good. I finish it quickly cleaning up and throwing the duffel over my shoulder.
I use a piece of paper from the desk and write “Thanks” on it, leaving in the bed for Lily to find. I feel bad ditching the lonely girl this way but it’s for her own good.
Several hours later I’m back in the dreaded small town of Chance Harbor. I easily make my way to the abandon house where I spent my last hours human. Two years ago seems like even longer now.
Half of the torn house is burned down, but other than that it still looks just as uninviting as before. I walk a circle around it being assaulted by the memories here. The girl I couldn’t save. Marcos biting me; I biting him back. It still baffles me that I even thought to do such a thing. One day he will pay for destroying me. I know he will eventually find me, but when he does I’ll make sure this time I go out fighting.
Following Seb’s instructions I don’t mask my scent until I get to the dirt road. My newly found vampire grace makes it easier to walk on this time. At the train station I use a little of the money to buy a ticket.
When boarding begins I make my way to the back. This feels like déjà vu. Everything repeating itself, but in reverse order. Going back to the place I so quickly ran from just two years ago.
I wonder how their lives have been since I left. Did anyone search for me? Miss me? Knowing Kim she probably threw a party when I ran away. When I get back there I will make sure to teach her lesson on how sisters should behave. I’m sure she won’t recognize me. I’m actually counting on it as part of my secret plan to get her back.
Seb warned me against this but he doesn’t know what sixteen years of living with her was like. The worst part was she was my sister. She was supposed to protect me, not be the cause behind my suffering. I will not physically hurt her but I will show her that fat Ana is gone and Analise has risen.
All too soon the train ride is over, ending at the bus station at the city limits of Mercy Falls. Looking around so far nothing has changed. Well at least at the bus station that is.
When I enter the first site in my view is the heavy set older woman behind the counter. Verna. She is dressed exactly the same down to the smile.
I sniff the air. Her scent enters me and I know instantly she isn’t human. I march to the counter waiting impatiently for her to finish with the middle aged man ahead of me
“Hello again Analise.” She greets me when I step to the window without even looking up
“Verna.” I say back coldly
“Nice to see you again so soon” She says finally looking at me with that warm smile and knowing eyes
“Cut the crap Verna. What the hell are you? And why did you send me to my death” I whisper harshly. I try to keep my anger under control but it’s harder by the second. She is acting so coolly like she isn’t the one who sent me to Chance harbor where I died.
“Well I’m certainly not what you are. And to answer your second question I merely follow what my visions tell me.” She answers casually, smile not faltering. My eyes shift swiftly to red. I can see it through the refection of the glass. I close my eyes tightly forcing my anger under control.
“What does that mean Verna?” I ask slowly once I have a handle on my emotions
“It means you were on a path and it was my job to ensure you stayed on it. Ana, what happened to you was meant to be.” She explained looking at me like that made sense
“I was meant to fucking die! Do you have any idea what I have become!” I yelled losing the control I just gained. Verna wasn’t fazed by my outburst
“Honey I know what you are better than you do.” She said getting up from her chair and putting a closed sign in front of her window.
“Verna what the fuck does that mean! Verna! What are you?! Don’t fucking walk away from me!” I continued to yell at her back until she disappeared into a back room. I pounded my fist on the counter in frustration. The wood cracked a little. When I turned around a couple was staring at me like I was a nut case.
“What?!” I asked pissed. They shook their heads and turned away from me. Picking up my duffel I burst through the doors back outside.
Damn Verna and her fucking riddles. I’ll try this again under circumstances when I don’t want to rip her throat out in anger.
I walk down the street stopping in front of the Mercy Falls city limits sign.
“Welcome home Ana!” I shout to no one with my arms out wide sarcastically. It’s more like welcome back to hell Ana I mutter to myself as I take my first real steps back into the life I ran from long ago…
********NEXT UPDATE IS PART 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*******************
***************THE COMMENTS ARE GETTING FUNNIER BY THE SECOND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!KEEP IT UP FANGERS!!!!!!!!!!*************
************REMEMBER I HEART YOU ALL AND OF COURSE FANG ON!!!!!!************************
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