6 months later
I flipped the sign to open and smiled. The day was perfect.
I turned and fixed up anything out of place. Which was nothing since I've checked fifty times. The door bell chimed and I spun around to see Celeste and Lacy.
"Hey, it looks really good." She spoke as she took the collar off of her.
"Thanks. It's just like I pictured." I watched as Lacy crawled into one of the doggy beds and got comfortable. "Thanks for watching her."
"That's what friends are for. But, I do have to go. We have this snow project happening. For the upcoming Winter."
"Oh, okay." I hugged her before she left. I sat beside lacy until the first customer walked in.
"Hi, I'm Ashlynn. The owner. How may I assist you today?"
And that was the start.
1 month later
I slipped on my jacket and grabbed my phone as it went off.
Hey, darling. Are you busy?
I was gonna take Lacy for a walk, why?
Open your door.
I pulled open my front door and...nothing
What game are you tryna p-
⚫End of Phonecall ⚫
"BOO!" I scream punching the culprit dead in the face.
"Ow! What the hell?"
"Jon?? Oh my God. Why would you do that?"
"Tried to surprise you." He held his cheek.
"Well you did. Are you okay?" He chuckled at my questions.
"I'm fine."
"Good. Now what are you doing here?"
"You are very rude young lady." He pushed past me and looked around. "Nice place." I didn't say anything. "Fine. I came to see my girlfriend but she was too busy so why not see the next best?"
"She has a Winter shoot." I hooked the leash on her collar.
"You're coming by to Survivor Series."
"I don't know yet."
"No, you are. Get someone to cover for you."
"Who are you?"
"Someone who will literally drag you all the way to Texas is you say no again. Celeste already said she was coming so you have to, too." I sighed for like the 100th time since he's been here.
"What's so important?"
"If you actually watched you would know." He snatched the collar from me. "Go pack." I crossed my arms. "Fine. You don't want to come with me? Joe's in the car right now. Two against one." I rolled my eyes.
"I hate you."
"I love you, too. Now go." I huffed and walked to my room and packed necessities I'd need. When I'd finished I dragged myself back to the front room and followed him out. I slipped a spare key under the mat and sent a quick message to Mika, my trustworthy employee. Now I'm off to wherever in the heck Survivor Series was set.
5 hours later
Celeste decided she'd drive the day before the event since she had so much work to do. Which meant I was stuck with Joe and Jon for 3 days. I turned around and saw Lacy lying on a sleeping Joe. My camera was sadly in the trunk so I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture.
I sat back and posted it with the caption.
The Big Dog and my baby Lacy.
"How much longer?" He chuckled.
"I don't think you want to know."
"Just tell me."
"Alright. Approximately....7 hours."
"Are you serious?? Where the heck is Survivor Series?"
"You are so dead to me. You knew all this and didn't tell me and now I'm stuck God knows where when I didn't wanna come in the first place." He smirked and turned on the radio. I huffed and turned towards the window. "Jack•ss."
Seth's POV
I laid back on the bed and scrolled through Instagram. I mean I had nothing else to do since Jon and Joe disappeared on me. Just when I thought we were cool. I shook my head and began scrolling. The Shield was still trending. As was the SmackDown raid on Raw. Unbelievable.
Tap tap tap
I looked at the time. 12:15a I slipped on a shirt and opened the door. Austin.
"Hey...?" We haven't spoken but onscreen in months.
"Did you really send your rats to get my sister?"
"Excuse me?" He showed me a picture on his phone. It was of Joe and... "Lacy? I didn't send them. Heck I didn't even know they left the state."
"Sure you didn't." He turned to walk away.
"What's your problem? It's obvious we did nothing that night and you're penalizing both of us for it." He didn't say anything. "You have nothing to say now? You're gonna let everything go to sh•t because you're mad over nothing, huh?"
"I am not mad over nothing." He turned and faced me again. "If you hadn't figured it out yet let me enlighten you." I crossed my arms. "Four days. You spent every single second with her. I couldn't even see my sister because she was with you or busy working. Then after she's gone you wanna go and befriend Joe and Jon and leave me high and dry. Haven't talk to either of you in 7 months. Basically lost my sister again and my best friend. But that's nothing." His expression flashed from angry to sad. I instantly felt bad. "I didn't have a problem, you know? I could see that you liked each other. I just knew that once you got together I'd be forgotten. Like now."
"That's not true. You're my best friend. You stood by me through every horrible thing I'd ever done. Don't ever think I'd leave. I figured if...or when you wanted to talk you'd talk." I bro hugged him. "I'm sorry. Alright. I'm sorry."
Ashlynn's POV
7 am
I woke to someone nudging me. Slowly, I peeled my eyes opened and noticed we had arrived at a hotel.
"You wanna bunk with us or?" I nodded tiredly and got out the car. Lacy jumped out behind me and rubbed against be.
"Carry my stuff." I walked towards the door and waited. Joe ended up carrying everything. Jon led us to the booked room and I crawled in the first bed going back to sleep.
"Where is she?"
"You know who, Jon. Where's my sister? I have the right to see her.
"Who is your sister again?"
Silence filled the air.
"...One sec." I heard the door close.
"I'm not ready."
"You can't avoid him forever. He seems to be taking it hard, too. His eyes are red. Now I'm no scientist but it could be one of two things. Either he's been smoking like hell.....or crying like hell."
"Probably smoking. He doesn't cry." I tried to convinced myself. I sat up pushing the sheets off of me. "Make him leave." Jon sighed but got up.
"She's busy."
"Jon so help me-"
"Would you like to leave a message?"
"Whatever. I'll see her before she leaves." The door closes again and I let out a small breath.
"Sure." I sat Indian style as he fell on the opposite bed.
"Where's Joe?"
"Lacy was pouncing on him. He figured she'd want to go on a walk, maybe let her blow off some energy. Happened like twenty minutes ago."
"Oh. Can you tell me about Survivor Series then?"
"Nothing really to tell. SmackDown started it by invading Raw. Kicked our asses, too. We countered obviously by doing the same. Did you see us get back together?" I shook my head no. "Yeah, Colby, Joe and I. It was bound to happen. We're set to go against the New Day since they caused us to lose our titles. Basically, everyone on SmackDown against everyone on Raw." He shrugged liked it was nothing.
"Shouldn't you train or something?"
"What for? We're The Shield. We aren't gonna lose."
"How are you so confident? I've seen New Day win some." He laughed.
"We're gonna win sweetheart." The door opens just as he finishes. I'm immediately pounced on. I giggled hugging Lacy.
"She's too hyper for her own good." I looked up at Joe and he looked tired.
"Thanks, JoJo."
"Yeah yeah. I'mma shower." He disappeared to the bathroom.
"JoJo? It'll be weird when you meet baby JoJo."
"I want to. She's gonna be at Survivor Series? I bet she will be. You and Celeste should have kids. Then you could have playdates. It'd be so cute." He stared at me with a blank face.
"I thought I was crazy. You're clearly insane. Kinda fits you." He got up. "Let's grab breakfast."
"What about Joe?"
"He's probably sleeping in the shower." He slipped on his leather jacket. "I can go solo but you haven't really eaten." Just as the words left his mouth my stomach grumbled.
"Fine." I slipped on my Uggs and jacket and kissed Lacy before leaving behind Dean.
"I want waffles."
"You say steak weird." I rolled my eyes and silently followed.
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