WrestleMania 33
April 2, 2017
Camping World Stadium, Orlando FL
Everything was really smooth. Superstars had they're correct attire. Some still being fitted. Photos were perfectly taken by myself of course. I even made a few acquaintances. But I had this...sorta eerie feeling. Like something was off.
"You okay?" I jumped at the voice of Celeste.
"Jesus. Don't sneak up on me like that."
"Well... Mickie has been waiting for her picture to be taken." She motioned in front of me.
"Sorry." I got behind my camera and snapped a photo as she posed. She walked off afterwards.
"What's up? This isn't you." I leaned my head against her shoulder.
"Something's wrong."
"What is?"
"I don't know. I just feel like there is. Where's Austin?"
"I dunno. I just saw him in catering after he went out. I doubt anything happened. Maybe you're stressed. Today has been hectic after all."
"Maybe. I'm gonna go get Lacy. Just need our pics." I set the camera up for automatic flash and we walked in front posing together. Seconds later the picture was taken. "I'll talk to you later." I grabbed my equipment and searched for Lacy. She was being passed from Superstar to Superstar. Her high pitch bark helped me easily spot her. She was with...Dean Ambrose? "Uh hey. Thanks for watching her but I have to go."
"Sure thing." I reached for her but he moved back.
"Can I have her back?"
"Sure sure. I just need a small favor."
"See, I'm looking for the perfect girl you know. And frankly I think I've found her."
"Excuse me." He rolled his eyes.
"Don't flatter yourself, Doll. I'm talking bout ya friend."
"Celeste? I don't know if you'd be her type..."
"Don't worry bout that. I'm everyone's type. So how bout it?"
"I.... Okay. I'll tell her to call you or whatever." I held out my phone and waited as he typed his number.
"Nice doing business, darling." He handed me Lacy and my phone and walked off. I merely rolled my eyes and headed for the exit. I passed by the entry curtain in my way out only to run into commotion.
"I'M FINE!" My steps slowed.
"Colby you aren't. You reinjured and injury. We all know how risky it is." I pushed my way through the crowd. Colby was leaning against the wall practically pushing everyone away.
"I said I'm fine. Just leave. LEAVE!" I jumped out the volume of his voice. The crowd started to disperse.
"What!" I stepped back. Lacy barked in disapproval. He looked up and hid face instantly softened. "Sorry. I'm really sorry. I thought you were the stupid medics."
"Need help? Ice? Anything?"
"No, I got it." I watched as he stood or tried. He barely took a few steps before he fell to the floor. He might've said a few choice words. "Maybe not." I sat Lacy and my camera on the metal box and helped him up. I struggled to get everything and hold him but I did.
"Where do you need to go?" He nodded towards the exit.
"I'll grab my stuff whenever." We slowly made it out the building. Lacy following close behind.
"Don't you need keys?" He groaned. "I'll go get it okay. Can you just watch Lacy?" He leaned against his car and grabbed Lacy. I hurried back inside. I searched up and down the halls until I found his locker room. I pushed it open and went in. I packed his stuff back in his bag and grabbed his keys then my camera before going back out. He was where I left him. I clicked the unlocked button and pocketed the keys.
"Can you drive?"
"Yeah. And I can crash and-" I only stared at him. "No."
"You mind?" I referred to myself. He shrugged. I helped him in the passenger seat and got in the driver's seat.
"Did you lose?" I asked as I started the car.
"Not even close. It's all kinds of messed up when you can't celebrate your win." I began driving.
"You still can. You and Kevin can have a movie night. Order pizza or something. Since you probably won't go in tomorrow." I glanced over at him. He just stared out the window, Lacy sat still in his lap. I sighed. The rest of the drive was silent.
I pulled in the parking space and got out. I grabbed his bag and my equipment before opening the passenger door. He pulled himself up. I wrapped an arm around him and we both went inside and up to his floor. I slid the key card and pushed open the door with my foot and led him to his bed. Lacy pounced on him right along with....Kevinnnnnn. My babykins.
"Aww." I pulled out my camera and took a photo.
"Delete it."
"What, no. I'll just blur your ugly face."
"I'm not ugly." I put my camera away.
"You are. You yelled at me and then ignored me again in the car. That's pretty ugly." I instantly regretted my words. I didn't mean to get upset. But I did. His face dropped. "Come on, Lacy." I reached for her. He grabbed my hand.
"I'm sorry. Don't leave....please." I pulled my hand back.
"Let me get you some ice." I grabbed a spare face towel and went to the connected kitchen. I filled a clear Ziploc and went back. "Here." He took it putting it on his injured knee.
"Thank you. For everything." I only shrugged. "I'm just really stressed. I didn't mean any of it. I just got where I wanted and this could end it all, you know?"
"It's okay." I smiled slightly.
We spent the night watching movies and eating pizza. And cuddling our babies.
I dunno when I fell asleep but I woke up to groaning. I sat up quickly looking around.
"D•mn it." Seth sat at the end of the bed....trying to pull his ring gear off. I stiffled a giggle. He turned around. "...uh morning..."
"Morning. Need help? I know you do." I got up and stepped in front of him. I grabbed his pants and tugged them as gently as I could as to not irritate his knee.
"Blame Celeste." I tugged really hard. He yelled falling back on the bed. "Sorry...but it worked." I pulled them all the way off. His body was to die for. But I didn't wanna make it awkward. His arms covered his face. So me being me, I slowly picked up my camera and...click.
"Ugh why do you do that?"
"Off guard pictures are the best. Shows true emotion."
"All I feel is pain."
"Because you're stubborn. The medics only wanted to help. Now you're stuck with my inexperience-ness."
"Worth it." I shook my head.
"When do you have to go back home?"
"Today.... Around 2."
"You look too disappointed to have just met me four days ago."
"Eh, glad actually. Kinda tired of you." I scoffed. He laughed pulling me beside him. "I'm just messing."
"Mhmm. Sure."
"I think I would miss you. It's been fun....sorta. Sucks I can't be in the magazine.
"You're hard headed. You had to take the picture before your match."
"I was in the zone." I hummed in response. It was silent like it'd always get. Sadly it got interrupted by knock on the door.
"I got it." I got up from the bed ad pulled the door open.
"Hey Austin."
"What are you doing here?" He looked past me and saw Colby. Before I could respond he grabbed my arm pulling me out the room.
"Ow! What is wrong with you?" I pulled my arm away.
"You apologized for this exact same thing Ashlynn. Not even four days ago. And you're just gonna stoop so low and do it again?"
"I haven't done anything."
"That's bull. Why would he be nearly naked with you in the room looking like that?!" My eyes widened.
"You think I slept with him? Your best friend. After how hurt I made you before you think I would do that to you? Again?" I blinked back the threatening tears. "Okay. I see." I pushed open to door and grabbed my equipment and Lacy. He followed of course. Colby stood against the wall. "I was actually caring for him after he hurt his knee last night. A best friend would have known. But whatever. I'm just your whore of a sister, right?." I walked out slamming the door before he could say anything.
Celeste's Room
"He really said that?"
"I just want to go. I'm never coming back."
"Never." I walked to my room and packed all my stuff. My phone kept buzzing. Three names kept popping up. I turned off my phone and grabbed Lacy and my luggage.
"You tell her?" I spun around to see Dean.
"Sorry. I'll text her before I go." I pulled out my phone. His hand covered mine.
"What's wrong, Doll?" I shook my head dismissing him. "Believe it or not I'm a good listener. And you look like you need someone."
"I...it's stupid." He led me to the lounge chairs. "I don't know if you saw but Colby got injured. He was the only one who talked to me beside my brother since I got here so I figured I could help him out, you know? He didn't want to see the medics."
"Typical. Was like that in the Shield days."
"Anyway, I ended up driving him back here and we ended up staying in the same room because...I felt like he needed me or something. I don't know. Now this morning Austin comes to the door and drags me out the room because he thinks I slept with him."
"Did you?" I shook my head.
"A few years back I slept with his best friend. And now he's using it against me."
"I'm sure he'll get over it. Colby will make sure of it. If he doesn't I will." I smiled softly.
"Thank you." I hugged him before getting up. "I'll let Celeste know to call you."
"Anytime." He walked off. "Text or call if I'm needed again, darling." I didn't bother responding. Celeste walked out as soon as he was gone.
"....Why are you smiling?"
"You won't believe me but I've found the perfect guy for you."
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