The drive from Georgia to Florida was 6 hours and it finally came to an end.
My stomach twisted as we pulled into the parking lot. There were quite a few cars but nothing extra.
"Don't worry. He's probably not even here." She got out the car. I followed holding Lacy close.
"Tonight is smackdown. He could be."
"At 6? We both know how he is with time." I sighed.
"Maybe you're right. I just don't know what I'd do. I'm not ready for confrontation." We walked towards the building and easily got in considering there was no security. As soon as we entered we bumped into none other than Naomi.
"Naomi? Oh my God. You look better in person." I side glanced Celeste.
"What she means is you're a great wrestler. And your outfits are amazing." Naomi smiled.
"Thanks girl. Call me Trinity by the way. Who are you?"
"Celeste Donahue. Top fashion designer for Dream Magazine. And this is Ashlynn Watson, Dream's top photographer."
"Oh snap. Y'all doing my new look? I heard you get featured in the WWE Mag. That's dope. Want the world to feel the glow you know." She spun around. We all laughed. "Lemme know tho."
"Sure. Can you tell us where the CEO and-"
"Hunter and Stephanie. Um...I'm kinda meeting someone but...." Her eyes flew around the room. "Hey, John!" He walked over to us.
"I thought he was on Raw?" Celeste whispered to me. I shrugged.
"Free agent."
"Sup, Trin. Ladies." He nodded towards us.
"Can you take them to Stephanie and Hunter? I gotta meet with the girls. Thanks bunches." She hurried off.
"Welp. No choice now. Hate when she does that." He looked at us then at a sleeping Lacy before talking. "Why do you need Stephanie and Hunter?" He started walking. Celeste followed while I trailed behind? I petted Lacy to calm myself. Every second I got more and more nervous. Celeste did all the talking as I merely looked upon them. I could tell Celeste was flirting with him but he seemed to dismiss it. I would too if I had a girlfriend. Especially Nikki Bella.
"Here we are." He knocked and stepped back. "See you ladies later." I watched him disappear down the hall. The door opened seconds later. Here goes nothing.
"She's a real b•tch. Worse than Lockhart."
"I would quit if that was my boss." She walked to the reception desk. "Wanna share?"
"I'll go solo. Your room is gonna be packed." She nodded and booked two rooms.
"Can't believe they're coming back. This WrestleMania is gonna be epic." I froze. That voice.
"C-Celeste...." She looked back for me and her face fell.
"I know right." The receptionist came back with our key cards.
"Alright. Celeste Donahue?" Celeste grabbed her card. "And you must be Ashlynn Watson." I swear it felt like my name echoed. I knew he heard. They're conversation had stopped. Everything went quiet.
"Ash...?" I glanced at Celeste. She knew.
"Heyyyy. I'm Celeste. Don't worry I know who you two are. I have a few questions about New Day." She hooked her arms with theirs and dragged them a distance away. I slowly turned around.
"Hey....Austin." He just stood there. I didn't know what to say or do.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, Ash. I know why you haven't called. I know why you don't answer my calls. I shouldn't have gotten so mad over something so small. So I'm sorry." Tears pricked my eyes. I threw my arms around him hugging him tightly.
"I thought you were mad at me." He hugged me back tighter.
"You're my baby sister. I should have fixed it sooner. I'm sorry I made you think that.... We're okay now though. All that matters." I slowly pulled back.
"I really missed you."
"I missed you too. Quick question though. What are you doing her?" I laughed
"We're teaming together. Dream and WWE. I'm the photographer."
"That's amazing."
"We even got the list of who outfits Celeste's gonna design. New Day is number one."
"I'm guessing that's what Celeste is going on about?" His eyes trailed to his teammates and friends. I nodded.
"We should save them." Lacy barked jumping out my arms. 'Oops. Forgot about her.' "Lacy!" We both ran after her. She was so small and fast. "Lacy stahpppp." Celeste and the guys were up now chasing her too. To be honest I was on the verge of crying. I loved her so much already. I didn't wanna lose her.
"Woah." She had ran straight for a familiar figure. Everyone stopped.
"Hey, nice timing Colby." He held a small Yorkie in his right and Lacy in his left arm.
"I didn't know you had a pup." He eyed Austin. Austin laughed.
"My sister's." He nudged me forward. His eyes fell upon me. I felt like he could see everything. I felt so...exposed. "She's cute." I nearly choked at his words. Until I realised he was playing with Lacy. 'So embarrassing.' "What's her name?"
"...I-it's Lacy." I watched as Lacy rubbed against him.
"He has a dog fetish. Ask his Yorkie, Kevin, if you don't believe me." Austin whispered to me. I stiffled a giggle.
"I don't. Just can't get over how cute they are." He handed me Lacy gently.
"When Ashlynn went to pick out Lacy, she tried taking the entire kennel." I blushed. " Luckily I was there."
"Shut up. I turned and started walking towards the elevators, my luggage in tow.
"Ashley, wait up." I ignored her and stepped inside. The door nearly closed until her hand stopped it. "What's wrong?"
"You. You're embarrassing."
"I always do that. You never said anything before. Why now?" I shrugged. Turning away. "Was it your brother?"
"My brother knows me. Even if it was embarrassing it wasn't because of him being there."
"His friends?" I didn't say anything. "Which one? They were all cute. Not my type though. Colby?"
"No." I stepped off the elevator.
"Liar. He's really cute though. And he has a cute puppy fetish. Just like my best friend. If you ask me that's a perfect match." I unlocked my door and went in closing it behind me. I hated Celeste sometimes. But she is right. He's cute. And his Yorkie, too.
"I think mommy's insane." I kisses her nose And sat her down as a message flashed on my phone. I fell on the bed and checked it.
From:Big Brudder
Sorry bout wut happened. We r goin out soon. Bring Celeste if you want. Meet at the arena parking lot at 11:30.
I sent a quick message back saying okay and laid down. A nap was in store. Lacy curled up next to me and we napped together.
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