Kasperl is looking for Summer
K: Kinder seid ihr alle da? (3x)
K: Wir wollen euch heute eine Geschichte über den Sommer erzählen.
G: But in English!
K: In English?
G: Yes, Kasperl. In English!
K: Okay, then let's do it!
1st scene: House of Kasperl
K: Where is summer?
G: I don't know where, but I know summer is when the sun is shining and when it's really hot outside. This is why everyone wants to be in the shadow of a big tree in summer.
K: Oh, that sounds really nice, but where can we find summer?
G: I don't know but let's go on a journey. Maybe we will find summer then.
K: Great idea! Let's go!
!Song + Movement 1!
2nd scene: swimming pool or lake
K: Puh, it's so hot!
G: Then let's go swimming!
K: Now?
G: Yes, Kasperl, now!
K: But I want to find summer!
G: Take your time. First, we will go swimming.
K: Okay, then let's go!
!Song + Movement 2 (swimming)!
3rd scene: forest
K: Puh, it's so hot!
G: Then let's go for a walk in the woods/forest!
K: Now?
G: Yes, now, Kasperl!
K: But I want to find summer!
G: Take your time. First, we will go for a walk in the woods/forest.
K: Okay, then let's go!
!Song + Movement 3 (going for a walk)!
K: That was fun!
G: Yeah, it was!
K: Let's do another activity!
G: All right! What about riding a bike?
K: Great idea! Let's go!
!Song + Movement 4 (riding a bike)!
4th scene: country road or forest track (two horses)
K: That was A LOT of fun!
G: Yeah, it was! Do you want to do another activity?
K: Yes, for sure!
G: What about horse riding?
K: Horse riding?
G: Yes, Kasperl, horse riding!
K: Okay, let's try it!
G: Then let's go!
!Song + Movement 5 (riding a horse)!
5th scene: beach or sandpit
K: That was fun, too!
G: I thought so!
K: But now I am exhausted!
G: Okay, let's do something relaxing.
K: What about building a sandcastle?
G: That's a great idea, Kasperl! Let's go!
!Song + Movement 6 (building a castle)!
6th scene: beach or sandpit (sandcastle)
K:Yeah, we did it! Look at our nice sandcastle!
G: For sure it's the biggest and most beautiful sandcastle in the world!
K: I don't doubt that!
G: Is there another activity you want to do, Kasperl?
K: No, actually I want to find summer now.
G: Okay, Kasperl, let's continue our journey!
K: But where can we find something like summer?
G: I don't know but let's continue looking for summer at the beach volleyball court over there.
K: Okay, let's go!
!Song + Movement from the beginning 7 (going on a journey + marching)!
7th scene: wildflower meadow (ball)
(Two Children are playing with a ball, then they lose it!)
Ch: Have you seen our ball?
K: No, sorry. We are looking for something by ourselves.
G: Let's ask the children in kindergarten if they have seen the ball.
K: Great idea!
K: Children, have you seen the ball?
(Children answer and bring the ball back.)
Ch: Cool, thank you very much!
K: Since you have your ball back now, would you like to help us, too?
Ch: Sure, what are you looking for?
G: We are looking for summer!
S (one of the two children): Oh, I am Summer!
K: Great, we have found summer!
Ch: Do you want to play (with the) ball with us?
K + G: Yes, sure!
!Song + Movement 8 (playing with a ball)!
K: That was fun!
G + Ch: Yes, it was!
K: I am so happy! Now I can do all those summer activities we did today with my new friend Summer!
S: I would like to do all of them with you this summer!
!Song + Movement 9 (summer + having/making friends)!
The End
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