Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Oh wow, so this time he could talk. When Jungkook had slipped into the clothes Yoongi finally could take the time to inspect his face properly. He really did look a bit older than last time. He'd been maybe about seventeen or eighteen when he'd last been here and now he looked more like Yoongi's age. Maybe a bit younger. A year or two, but not much. If he'd been attractive last time Yoongi didn't know what word to use this time.
The boy was stunning. Sharp jaw, strong muscles, but a gentle face. Not in a childish or boring way. In a breathtakingly beautiful way.
Jungkook stood up and Yoongi had to force himself not to stare. That boy must have saved a house full of baby cats in his last life to look like that. He wasn't wearing anything but the t-shirt and shorts, which meant his legs were very bare. Another not so small detail was that, even through the boxers, Yoongi could tell that the boy was more than just well endowed. He really had to stop staring. He was being a creep. He was supposed to be the normal one in the situation of a stranger suddenly appearing out of nowhere, declaring that he was a wolf and then turning into said wolf.
Maybe he really was Jungkook? After all Jungkook was a bit... unique for a wolf. Yoongi really didn't know what to think of this. Usually he always had some sort of plan for what to do or an outline of how to react to certain things happening, but how was he supposed to react to this? To this situation? Was he supposed to be nice because Jungkook was a wolf he took care of? Or was he supposed to call the police? Or should he intorigate that guy himself? Maybe it all was a dream anyways and the whole overthinking thing was for nothing once again. But what if it wasn't?
"Yoongi?" Jungkook had already sat down by the desk, his hands folded in his lap, head slightly tilted to the ground. A pose of light submission. Yoongi had learnt a lot about indicators in behaviour over the last couple of days, so he could tell almost instantly.
He had to keep a cool head. At least for now Jungkook still seemed to have a certain amount of respect for him he really had to keep because he really didn't want him to not take him seriously. No matter who that guy was.
Instead of sitting down he stayed in place. "I know I've asked this already last time, but I will do it again. Who are you?"
The guy looked up at him, seeming a bit fidgety. Nervous. Yoongi was glad he was. That made him feel less like a threat. At least in Yoongi's weird perception of the situation. His head wasn't working right, but who could blame him.
"Jungkook as in the wolf I spent the whole day with?"
A nod. Jungkook didn't meet his eyes.
"And the same Jungkook I saw half a year ago? In that human form. That was you too?"
Another nod. Yoongi exhaled. Maybe he could get answers.
"You can talk now?"
There was a long, drawn out silence before Jungkook looked up slowly, a bit hesitant, before nodding again, this time opening his mouth too. "Yeah. I can."
Yoongi took a second to breathe, thinking of what he could ask. "So what are you? I mean, obviously you're not just human, but what are you then?" he asked, closing his eyes. Maybe things would make more sense now. Once he had gotten his answer.
"I'm not human." Jungkook muttered, sounding hesitant.
"Didn't see that one coming." Yoongi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "If you're not human, what are you?"
The only reaction he got from Jungkook was a shrug. "I-I don't know."
That really didn't help. "So you just are something and you don't know?" He raised an eyebrow.
"It's... I never got a name for it." Jungkook admitted, sounding dejected, his gaze once again directed at the ground.
"Are there more of whatever you are? In this area? Do you know anyone who's like you?" Now all the questions just seemed to pop up in Yoongi's head. So many questions. He had so many questions and hopefully someone to answer them.
"There were. They aren't around here anymore. I was born into their pack, but their alpha didn't want me there. I had to run, they left without me. I haven't seen any of them ever since, neither smelled them, so I think they moved past this area."
Another ten thousand questions shot into Yoongi's head. Why had the alpha gotten rid of Jungkook? Did Jungkook want to meet them again? How had he survived on his own? He had to swallow those questions down, instead focusing on things that could actually have an impact on him. Priorities! He had to keep his priorities straight.
"And the thing you are... you can turn into a wolf? That's it?" Yoongi asked, still standing there, but for some reason he had the urge to sit down. Talk properly, not talk down on Jungkook like he was doing at the moment, but he had to keep his stance. While Yoongi had the urge to reassure Jungkook that everything was okay, he wasn't too sure about that.
A dejected sigh from Jungkook and then he nodded. "More the other way around... but yeah, that's what it comes down to."
"So that wolf that has been spending last summer with me... that was really you? You can remember everything about it?"
"Probably about just as much as you can remember." Jungkook smiled weakly, pushing his hair out of his face. He looked tired. Yoongi remembered that it was the middle of the night. He had almost forgotten due to all the adrenaline that was pumping through his body, but if he focused he could feel how heavy his limbs actually were.
"Tell me something only you could know. Prove it to me." He almost expected, half hoped, for everything to just turn out to be a prank. That his reality wasn't in question and that werewolves did not exist, but Jungkook only took a few seconds to think.
"You showered around three times every day last summer because you couldn't stand the heat and the water inside is colder."
That was pretty accurate. Still, it didn't feel unique enough. "Another one."
"You talk in your sleep."
"You could have found that out through other sources as well."
"Your one dramatic ex's name is Hoseok. Your favorite colour is black. You're awfully close with that ugly next door kid even though you don't hook up with him. What do you want me to say?" Jungkook stomped his foot on the ground, sounding desperate. "I really don't know what special thing you expect me to know."
Yoongi sighed. "All of those are things you could find out just like that."
Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line. "You didn't give me a chance. You mastrubated yesterday evening, the day before yesterday, the day before that did nothing, but you did take a suspiciously long shower and the day before that you mastrubated too. The videos you watched were..."
Yoongi's face got redder and redder by the second. "You're a pervert! That's what you are."
"It's not like you gave me a chance to do anything but watch." Jungkook shot back, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I- You... okay fine, I believe the whole wolf thing, okay? It's still fucking weird, but okay, I accept it. Now why are you here with me? Why did you keep coming back, because apparently you're just as capable of human activity as I am. So why stay here and let yourself be treated like a pet?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow. A wolf staying with him, okay, but idea of staying with someone just to be treated like a dog just didn't make sense to him.
Jungkook bit his lip looking down again. "You're the only family I have. When I was left behind by my pack I almost died in the back of your shed and then you came and helped me out of there. I guess I automatically imprinted on you or something because suddenly you were the only thing I could trust, the only one I wanted to be around. When I kept my distance you didn't force me to come closer. You just let me do my thing. Let me take the time it took for me to get comfortable around someone again.
This is really embarrassing to say but you smell really good too. Your presence just helped me relax."
For some reason that made Yoongi happy. The fact that, even though the person in front of him somehow felt like a stranger, he did tell him about how Jungkook felt comfortable with him. He was really happy to hear that. Because as much as he'd rather not admit to it, Jungkook made his day brighter too. Because he didn't feel lonely anymore.
"I'm all alone here." Jungkook continued, pressing his lips into a thin line. "You're the only family I have. My pack, even though you never officially said yes to that one."
Yoongi could feel his heart tighten. That actually hurt. The thought of being completely alone and on your own... that had to hurt. "I-"
"Please don't take that away from me." Jungkook begged, closing his eyes. "If you want I can just stay in my wolf form. A loyal pet dog. You won't have to see me like this again. The fact that you saw me like this was an accident anyways."
Yoongi shook his head and he could see the fear in Jungkook's eyes at his reaction. He was worried that he'd have to be all alone again. Yoongi knew that feeling all to well.
"Please don't kick me out." Yoongi could see it. Jungkook's eyes. They were just the same as the wolf's. They had the same energy to them. The same almost sad look. The worry.
And then Jungkook stood up and Yoongi could feel himself flinching at the sudden movement towards his direction .But Jungkook simply fell around his neck, wrapping his arms tightly around Yoongi, clinging on to him, his face buried in Yoongi's neck. "Please don't make me leave. Please." Jungkook sounded seriously distressed. In a way that just couldn't be faked. He actually sounded like a child that was panicking after losing his parents in a crowd. Maybe that wasn't the worst comparison either.
Very slowly not to startle Jungkook Yoongi brought his hands up to Jungkook's back, patting down on it soothingly. "Shhhh I won't kick you out. Don't cry. Please don't cry." He was surprised at how calm his own voice sounded. "You still have to answer a lot of questions I have, but I promise you that you won't have to leave." He whispered, patting his hands over Jungkook's hair.
At this point he was almost certain that Jungkook wasn't lying. That he really was the wolf Yoongi had known for two years now. Because he felt the exact same weird urge to protect the boy. Not because of what he had said, but because he felt like it was what his whole body told him to do. Wrap his arms around the boy and soothingly brush his hand over his hair, until he had calmed down again.
"Is that okay? Are you okay with talking?"
"Yeah. Let's talk."
I know I shouldn't fangirl... but like... I love pup!😂💜
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