Chapter 4:
"Its rude to lie" he whispered , his warm breathe blowing on my lips. Before he pulled away i did the unthinkable...
I kissed him.
As my lips touched Michaels I felt his sharp intake of breathe. I have no idea what I was doing ...I don't know what came over me but the events from today , just made me attractive to Michael? Okay thats a lie I guess since the party I've thought Michael was attractive... okay maybe the first time I saw Michael I thought he was attractive but I just pushed my feelings out of my mind because he wasn't my typical choice in boy but I guess the whole bad boy image was kind of a turn on for me.
I know I should stop but I can't. Michael's mouth tastes like cigarettes and soda pop... which was probably just a sugary alcoholic drink; A weird mixture but slightly addictive. His warm tongue runs along mine as the kiss deepens and I can feel the cold metal of his lip ring on the corner of my mouth. My entire body feels tingly and weird. Ryan never made me feel like this, he placed his hands to my face , cupping my cheeks gently as if I would break it he held me too tight , both hands go to my hips; he pull back a little and plats a small kiss on my lips,
''Brooke'' he breathes and pushes our lips back together , his tongue sliding in again. My mind no longer in charge , the sensation has taken over all of me. Michael squeezes my hips and I'm unsure of what to do next but I want more.
''Jump'' he mumbles , disconnecting our lips for half a second. I jump wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist he holds the bottom of my thighs and begins to move carrying me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Our lips never coming apart , I open my eyes to reveal a room... a bedroom. Its painted all white , a few band posters hung up on a wall and a guitar in the corner. Michael places me on the bed and crawls on top of me , so he is hovering above holding one of his arms on the mattress to support his weight.
His mouth soon leaves mine making me whimper slightly at the loss of contact, soon enough their back pressed against the pale skin of my neck. I feel every swipe and lick his tongue makes, the feeling is like no other feeling I've ever had apart from the sneaky love bites Michael gave me at that party last week... but even that was not even near to how incredible this feels now. His teeth graze my collarbone and I moan , the feeling ignites my whole body as he gently sucks on my skin. I have never kissed anyone like this... not even Rya-...
Ryan! I forgot i told him I would go back out with him today and yet here I am in a steamy make out session with Michael.... but wait he made a bet with some jerks that he would take my virginity for money... but still, I haven't dumped him yet and this is still cheating and I don't wanna be one of those girls.
''Michael Stop'' I say in a low and husky tone.
''Michael'' I say again my voice more desperate and he pulls back , his eyes much darker yet more beautiful , his lips ... oh his lips were a deeper pink and swollen from kissing me.
''We can't-''
''I know'' he whispers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and moving away sitting at the end of the bed leaving me to stare into space playing back what the hell just happened.
''Sorry'' I whisper. I don't know why I'm apologizing I just felt like I needed to say something and that's what came into my mind first.
''Sorry for what?'' he sighs standing up walking towards the door.
''For...kissing you I have no idea why I did that'' I shrug avoiding eye contact. Michael stops dead and his tracks and lets out a deep breathe.
''It was just a kiss ,'' he mumbles and I can't help but feel slight hurt from his harsh words.
''Okay... you can't let anyone know this happened'' I say running a hand through my messy hair.
''Why? People will think different of you because you kissed me? ..-''
''No let me finish,'' he growled
''...Thank you , as I was saying... Why? People will think different of you because you kissed me? A nobody like me... oooh no don't tell anyone or your life will be over well reality check Brooke nobody gives a fuck. Once high schools over you'll be a lonely girl with a broken heart and bitches as friends and anyone and everyone who you made fun of or didn't give any time of the day too will be successful and laughing in your face , I'm so sick and tired of hearing everything about you and your snotty ass boyfriend who doesn't even love you? I thought long and hard and you know why doesn't he love you? I know why now... because you're just like the rest of the little perfect cheer whores in school you're all the same thinking you're perfect... but ask yourself this... are you even happy?'' he rambled clear frustration in his voice.
My jaw dropped as the words left his mouth my heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly ... how dare he say any of this too me. I stared at him in disbelief and stood up without saying a word , running down the stairs and out the front door. I didn't exactly know where I was or where I was going but I sure as hell was not being in the same house as somebody with that opinion about me... one question that he said replayed in my head ... ''Are you even happy?''... of course I was... wasn't i?
I have friends; who all bitch about you behind your back...,
A boyfriend; who doesn't love you and cheated on you... ,
A family who loves me; A mum who expects a perfect daughter , a brother who you never gives the time or day to and a work-a-holic father.
I have money ; money doesn't buy happiness.
I bit my lip as i finally realized for the first time ever... that my life wasn't perfect , my life was perfect in my parents eyes... but I wasn't even happy? How can you live a perfect life without being happy? How have i been so blind? Michael was right.
Michaels P.O.V
Kissing Brooke wasn't like any of girl I've kissed it was less fast and pushy and more slow and innocent? I loved it in every way the way her mouth tasted of mint and the taste of cherry chap-stick that lingered on her perfect small lips.
''Michael Stop'' I heard her mumble but I didn't stop she was addictive and the kiss was just too good to stop.
''Michael'' she said again her voice clearer and I pulled back straight away looking at her. I could tell by the way her eyes looked at me something was wrong.
''We cant'-''
''I know'' I whispered tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and moving away sitting at the end of the bed running a hand through my hair.
''Sorry'' she says after a long silence
''Sorry for what?'' I sigh , i stood up and walked towards the door.
''For...kissing you , Ihave no idea why i did that'' Ouch. Was it that bad? I stop myself from walking out the door and leaving her here.
''It was just a kiss ,'' I say trying to brush off any awkwardness.
''Okay... you can't let anyone know this happened'' she blurts out
''Why? People will think different of you because you kissed me? -'' I begin before getting interrupted by her
''Mi-''she tries to say my name but I cut her off
''No let me finish,'' I growled clenching my fists together.
''...Thank you , as I was saying... Why? People will think different of you because you kissed me? A nobody like me... oooh no don't tell anyone or your life will be over well reality check Brooke nobody gives a fuck. Once high schools over you'll be a lonely girl with a broken heart and bitches as friends and anyone and everyone who you made fun of or didn't give any time of the day too will be successful and laughing in your face , I'm so sick and tired of hearing everything about you and your snotty ass boyfriend who doesn't even love you? I thought long and hard and you know why doesn't he love you? I know why now... because you're just like the rest of the little perfect cheer whores in school you're all the same thinking you're perfect... but ask yourself this... are you even happy?'' The words just came spiraling out one after another - I was hurt and pissed off.
Brooke just sat there eyes glossy like she was about to burst into tears , mouth hung open. I don't care how she was feeling she can't just... Well, maybe I took it a little too far with the whole... no she deserved it didn't she? She stood up without saying a word shaking her head a little and looking down at the floor she ran out of the room and down the stairs before I could stop her.
''Brooke wai-''...
''-t' and with that she was gone.
Brookes P.O.V
Its been two weeks since I kissed Michael I haven't spoken to him and he hasn't spoken to me. He still makes little gestures around the school like winking and smiling and biting his lip while looking at me (which is extremely hot) but I just tried to ignore him the best I can... I've officially broken up with Ryan and never going back there again I dumped his sorry ass the same day I found out the bet. Nothing what Ryan could say could make up for the fact he was going to take my virginity for dirty money. The big rant Michael said... I eventually forgave him he kept sending me annoying text messages and notes in English apologizing and everyone was starting to get suspicious the only way to get him to stop was to forgive him.
''Bye Girls'' I said to the squad as I picked up my bag and exited the gym. I decided I would maybe wait for Katie and see if she wanted to come over today.
I waited and waited and watched as the other girls exited and the footballers exiting the locker rooms too. I was about to give up and let out a sigh when I saw Katie run out and towards... RYAN? is this girl honestly crazy I told her what had happened and she still is dating that asshole.
A hand covered my mouth and a arm went around my waist pulling me back into the supply closet I tried to scream out and dropped my back but the scream was unheard by the hand blocking my voice. I elbowed whoever it was in the stomach and the person unattached himself from me and groaned falling on his knees and clutching his stomach it was then I realized the person was Michael.
''Oh my god i'm sorry'' I squealed leaning down to see if he was okay.
''Hey , I guess we're even now'' he groaned I slapped him hard on the shoulder.
''Ouch. What was that for?''
''For scaring the shit out of me'' I pouted , Michael laughed and stood back up adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
''I guess I deserved that as well'' he smirked
''Why did you drag me into a closet?'' I asked
''Because it looked like you was about to lose your shit with that Katelyn girl..''
''Katie'' I corrected him
''So.... can I go now?''I raised my eyebrows
''Why are you busy or something''
''Well no bu-''
''Why have you been ignoring me?'' he blurted out and his cheeks flashed a light pink as he was embarrassed himself by his sudden desperate question
''I haven't... I've just been keeping my distance in case i'm too tempte..- ,''
''I mean I'm keeping my distance because we're different people we're total opposites and you will get shit for talking to me and I will get shit for talking to you''
''You were going to say you was tempted by me'' he smirked
''Yeah ,'' he smiled
''Shut up'' I blushed helping him stand up straight before looking at the floor. Michael reached up pushing a piece of hair behind my ear which just made me blush even more.
''I get your point though but opposites attract don't they?'' he asked.
I looked at him and we stared at each other for a second. I looked from his eyes to his lips to his eyes to his lips again , a small smile broke out on Michael's face and he leaned down. I closed my eyes ready for the beautiful but crazy sensation to overtake me but it never did I opened my eyes and Michael chucked softly into my ear.
''Cya around perfect'' he whispered , and with that he walked out of the closet leaving me to stand there and get my breath back I didn't know i wasn't breathing until he left.
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