Chapter 3:
Brooke's P.O.V
The air was filled with silence again as I sat in the passenger side of the car gathering my thoughts on what has happened tonight trying to get my head around it all.
''Where do you live?'' Michael asked snapping me out of my thoughts , I told him my address and he followed my instructions. A were a few drops of rain water started hitting the window, It hadn't rained in weeks here and was nice to see.
What started as a few droplets turned into a full on shower, the rain was hitting the windows hard and Michael turned the window wipers on. The wind was blowing hard to the trees swaying viciously in the wind. Michael pulled up in front of my house and I unbuckled my seat belt about to open the door but Michael stopped me.
''Hold on'' he said sitting up slightly and taking off his leather jacket, It smelt heavily of cigarettes and strong aftershave. He placed the jacket on my lap and nodded for me to put it on.
"No its fine I don't need it i can just run in' I said thankful for his kind gesture but he had done a lot for me tonight the least I could do was not steal his jacket.
''Just put it on'' he muttered rolling his eyes at my stubbornness. I decided to give in and unfold it and slipping it on my small torso , it was huge on me and went down to my knees. It was warm and the smell was intoxicating.
''Thanks'' I said quietly trying to avoid another awkward silence. '' For everything' I added , opening up the door and running towards my front door. I walked inside and looked out the window seeing Michael in the car pulling off once he saw I was inside.
I turned towards my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took some paracetamol to tame my hangover I will most likely have in the morning. I slipped off my heels and carried them through the hallway and tip toed up the stairs making sure no-one would wake up.
"Brooke... what are you doing home?" My mother said , walking out of the bathroom...crap I was supposed to be at Avas.
"You went to that party didn't you" she let out a deep exaggerated breathe and her eyes fixated on my attire... I definitely can't get out of this one.
"You know how I feel about lying and parties... what is that smell ? have you been drinking...HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING" she raised her voice a little louder - her tone surprising me at these hours of the morning.
"I..- What? No... I mean yeah I had a little but no I wasn't smoking... You know I don't like that.''
"What is that you're wearing... and what is that on your neck that better not be a love bite'' she whinced coming close and tilting my head up so she could take a better look.
"It's a jacket Michael gave it to me when he dropped me off... and yeah it is I'm a teenager what do you expect'' I explained rather rudely to my surprise and stepped back away from her.
"Who the hell is Michael? You better not be cheating on Ryan''
"He's nobody..." I whispered
"You better not be lying to me Missy!"
"I'm not ... he is normally a jerk he just offered me a ride home'' I said scratching the back of my neck not really knowing how to explain my relationship with the tattooed boy.
"What happened with Ryan? You know what i think i'll ring his mothe-'
'NO! Christ mother its 3am''
''In the morning I meant and why not?''
"Because you don't need to worry about him anymore... we're O-O-over'' I choked up saying the words I never thought I would say- I had always thought me and Ryan were PERFECT for eachother and would be together for the rest of our lives... Go to college together , find our own place and get married.
"I don't want to talk about it'' I sighed
"Well i do ,"
"Because my daughter has just come home at 3am smelling of Alcohol and cigarettes and got dropped off by somebody she doesn't even know and borrowing their clothes... now your telling me you've dumped your boy-" she began to hysterically ramble on and I couldn't take another word of listening to her anymore.
"He what Brooklyn?" she said calling me by my full name.
"He cheated on me..." I spit out , tears fogging my vision for the second time tonight
"Oh sweetheart... i'm so s-" her expression soon changed and I could not deal with her or anyone elses pity as this point.
"Leave it... I just want to sleep" I sighed done with the arguments and walked back up the stairs
"WE WILL TALK IN THE MORNING" she yelled up the stairs
"No we won't" i muttered.
I undressed myself putting on my PJs and tied my hair into a messy bun, removed my makeup and stared at myself for a second in the mirror before breaking down and crying tears of heartbreak I had never felt before.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned and reached over to turn it off. Surprisingly my headache wasn't that bad. I got up and went into the bathroom brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower to rinse off any reminder of last night. My outfit was quite nice today I chose a plain white long sleeved top matched with a black denim skirt with a pair of black ankle boots . I put my hair into a high pony tail and didn't bother for much make up as I knew I would probably have a few more breakdowns today. I picked up my bag and folded my cheer uniform placing it neatly in then gathered up my phone , watch and car keys before leaving my room.
"Good Morning" My mother chirped happily from the kitchen.
"Have you got practice tonight?" she asked , placing down the newspaper on a counter and going to the fridge to pour me some fresh orange juice.
"Yeah." I said taking the glass from her and having a sip.
"Alright have fun darling," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking into her office to answer the phone that had been ringing.
"How does it feel to be single sis?" Chase asked
"What?" I know for a fact Chase wasn't at that party last night and I don't think his crowd was there either its not his scene so how did he already know?
"You and Ryan br-"
"I know that! How did you know?"
"The whole school knows its all over socials...nice bruise by the way" he laughed , grabbing his car keys and walking out of the door.
Great... the whole school knows I'm going to be the laughing stock , I quickly looked in the mirror at the purple bruise still clear on my neck. I rushed up the stairs and quickly covered it up with some foundation. I ran back down the stairs and walked out of my house and got into my car.
I got out of my car and pretty much ran into the gym to find all the girls already there practicing with...Katie. We didn't do early practice on tuesdays so I was very confused.
"Hi Brookey... Look I just want to say I'm so sorry I really am." she apologized I just nodded my head.
"What are you all doing here?" I asked
"What does it look like B" Chelsea grinned getting up from her position on the floor to walk over to me.
"Katie brought us in early for an extra practise" Ava mumbled clearly not happy with the idea.
"So you all forgot to invite the captain?" I said raising an eyebrow it went silent for a moment as everyone began to think of what to reply to me.
"Oh no we just thought that you wouldn't be in since what happen-" Chelsea started
"I don't want to talk about last night. What happened has happened. I want nobody speaking about it or giving me any pity treatment... got it?"
"Got it" they all replied in unison
"Alright... 10 laps around the gym go" I ordered dropping my bag on the floor.
The day went better than expected , nobody even spoke of last nights events well to my face anyway. I walked up to my locker and shoved some books into it from the previous class. I closed my locker and almost fell on the floor when Ryan appeared behind it.
"RY- RYAN!! You almost gave me a heart attack" I gasped my hand placed to my chest, Ryan just laughed and snaked his arms around my waist
"What are you doing?" I said surprised by his actions.
"Can't I hug my girlfriend?" he coo'd in my ear trying to pull me even closer.
I pulled away from his grip and his eyes softened slightly
''Look baby if its about last night I'm sorry. We are PERFECT for eachother Brooke you know that''.
My eyes suddenly found interest in the school floors and I tried my hardest not to punch him square in the face. "Maybe we used to be... but not anymore" I sighed.
"Brooklyn" he said placing his hand on my cheek lifting my head up to look at him.
"Please babe... I love you" he whispered.
My throat suddenly became dry. I can't forgive him that easy can I? No I can't I can't make him believe that every time he does something stupid I'll run back to him. I looked around the hallway to find somebody anybody I could use to get me out of this situation , that's when i saw Michael walking towards me with a smirk on his face, his undereye slightly bruised purple from the cheap shot Ryan gave him last night.
"Fine one more chance" I squeaked... why did i just say that?
"Thank you baby" he said pulling me close once more and connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.
But there was nothing, no spark. I pulled away from the kiss and looked back at the place Michael was walking but he was gone. I smiled at Ryan then turned around to see Michael walking through the halls pushing people out of his way. What was that all about?
"I got English Lit... I'll see you later" I said quickly giving him a small smile and made my way to class.
I walked into English and sat in my normal place next to Amanda. I pulled out my text book and did the work that was asked on the board. 15 minutes into the lesson the door swung open , I looked up and saw Michael walking in and taking a seat.
"Nice of you to join us Clifford" Mr Carlson rolled his eyes. Michael muttered something under his breathe making a few people around him laugh but I didn't quite catch what he said. I tried to make eye contact with Michael but he seemed to just ignore my glance, I sunk back into my seat and carried on doing my work.
"Yes?" Mr Carlson huffed as I walked up towards the desk.
"Can I get a toilet pass" I said , the teacher just nodded and I picked up the toilet card and walked out of the room into the bathroom. I did my business then touched up on my makeup and sorted out my hair. I walked out of the bathroom to be pushed back into a locker. I let out a shriek and looked up at Michael, his eyes dark his breathing heavy and that famous smirk on his lips.
"Michael get off me" I squirmed pushing at his weight, his strength was no match for mine.
"Look at me...babe" he smirked , I looked up at him and he just smiled.
"What do you want?" I finally choked out
"You" he whispered seductively and connected his lips to my neck... I let out a shaky breath before realizing what he was doing.
"Michael no..." I said and pushed him.
"I can-"
"Why? because you're back with that asshole again?" he exclaimed stepping back and balling up his fists.
"This is bullshit Brooke... he cheated on you with you best friend all he wants is sex" he yelled pointing the obvious to me.
"You know its funny because I thought you actually liked me... but I guess not Who would like me anyway? I'm damaged I'm broken I'm not perfect... and i'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like Ryan'' he yelled , before connecting his fist against the locker inches away from my head. I dropped down to the floor in shock.
"I.. I didn't mean to do that i-" he began , but I didn't want to listen I just shot up and ran back to class. Taking a seat I wiped my tears, Amanda asked if I was alright and I ensured her I was with a fake smile plastered on my face. Michael never returned back to class...what I witnessed...that violent side of him i didn't want to be around he was worse than Ryan. At least Ryan never got that angry with me especially over something as stupid... Why was he so defeated by me? It's not like I had declared my love for him yesterday we weren't even friends in my eyes we were just - I I don't know.
"Alright. Great work today Girls see you tomorrow bright and early!" I said clapping my hands together.
I grabbed my bag and decided I would just head home in my uniform today. I took my ipod out of the speakers and placed it in my bag , grabbing my car keys and walking out of the gym.
I walked passed the field and thought I'd meet Ryan here and maybe we could go out and do something tonight to forget about this horrible day. I waited outside the changing rooms when I heard Ryan and his friends talking so I paused.
"Dude I can't believe you're back with that prude..." one of them said , I was intrigued with what they was talking about so I hid behind one of the many bags of footballs.
"Hey... I didn't expect her to forgive me" Ryan replied
"Isn't she still a virgin?" another said
"Yeah... not for long though if you get what I mean" Ryan said... my heart dropped. Michael was right... all he wanted was my virginity.
"How about we make this interesting?'' A different voice announced ''-I'll give you 2 weeks to do it, if you do i'll give you what? 100 bucks?" he explained multiple chants of encouragement were heard afterwards.
"How about we make things interesting how about a week and 500?"Ryan.
"Deal" deal?! Is that all I was worth a couple hundred.
"This is going to b-" I heard a loud crash and Ryan was cut short from talking , I heard yelling and chanting. The coach came running passed me and starting blowing his whistle loudly as other members of staff came rushing towards the changing room. I got up and followed behind them gasping at the sight.
Michael was straddling Ryan throwing punches at his face. The coach was trying to break it up. My feet were glued to the floor as I watched the blood drip from Ryans nose at this point it didn't care if Michael killed him.
A few other boys came running out of the showers only in their boxers and two of them pulled Michael away and threw him on the floor...punching him in the jaw and gut. My eyes widened and I squeaked trying to pull away one of the boys away from Michael. The other boys just laughed at my attempt to get them to split up. My eyes started to water as I saw the amount of blood leaving Michael's mouth and nose.
"GET OFF OF HIM... " I screamed , banging my fists against one of the guys backs him just laughing in response. Next thing I know i'm being lifted in the air and thrown over some guys shoulder I began screaming and crying.
I am carried outside and placed on my feet , I look up at the person who just abused my personal space...ready to slap the shit out of them. The person I stand in front of is unrecognizable he is very tall and has black hair ,a black rip ling between his really pink lips , an eyebrow piercing on the left , Multiple tattoos on his very big built arms.
"Hi i'm Calum" he let out a grin
"WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID YOU JUST CARRY ME OUTSIDE WHEN A GUY IS BEING KILLED IN THERE" I screamed at him , he stumbled backwards and his eyes widened probably in shock from my sudden outburst.
"Calm down he's fine" he chuckled
"WHAT DO-... What do you mean he's fine?"
"The boys are sorting those jocks out... trust me relax" he laughed and sat down on the side of the street patting the spot next to him. I awkwardly sat down next to him and began picking at my nails which I do when I'm very nervous... Michael and his 'friends' could already be dead by now and we wouldn't know.
"Shouldn't you be more worried about your boyfriend..."
"That Ryan asshole..."
"After what he said no." I sighed
"What did he say?"
"He wanted to take my virginity just to win 500 hundred bucks" I sighed , Calum sucked in a breath and bit down on his bottom lip.
"Ah... sorry to hear that , he's just an asshole. ''-So how'd you know Michael?''
"He's in my English class"
"Oh wait... no fucking way?! You're that Brooke girl am I right? Didn't expect you to look like that."
"Um yeah?" I scrunched up my eyebrows.
"Michael has not stopped speaking about you" he nudged me and my cheeks flushed a bright shade of red.
"R-... Michael!" I stopped in mid sentence too see two other tattooed boys arms slung around Michael's shoulders helping him limp out of the school.
"Brooke?" he swallowed hard , we heard police sirens and ambulance sirens and the other three boys ran to a near car and jumped in. Michael grabbed my hand and pulled me with him into the car.
"What the heck?" I spat
"Do you want to be involved in answering thousands of questions at a police station"
"Then shut up" he said , so I did.
The car came to a stop and we were at Michaels house again. The boys all got out and I wasn't sure if I was invited to join them.
"Coming or not?" Calum smiled I returned the smile and got out of the car following the boys up the driveway and into the house.
"Shouldn't we take you to hospital?"Ii asked Michael
"No i'm fine" he muttered
"At least let me clean you up a bit?" I said chewing the inside of my cheek
"Fine..." he sighed and the other boys chuckled.
- Michaels P.O.V -
I overheard Ryan , Tyler and Daniel talking about a bet. A bet for Ryan to take Brookes virginity for money I don't know what came over me I just lunged myself over at Ryan and my fists connected with his face multiple times. I heard one of the coaches blowing their whistle and trying to split us up but I didn't stop this bastard deserved to die and I didn't care if i went to jail for it.
I got pulled away and thrown to the floor fists were thrown at my jaw and gut causing me to whimper out in pain.
"GET OFF OF HIM... YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM" I heard someone scream...Brooke? it sounded like Brooke? I couldn't see anything as two big idiots were blocking my view still throwing punches at my face I couldn't move two others held my arms in there grip blocking me from throwing punches back. I heard more screams come from the same voice as before and my heart raced the screams got quieter and quieter if somebody hurt Brooke I swear I will kill them.
A couple seconds after the guys beating me up were pulled off and thrown to the floor. I looked up at Ashton and Luke my good friends who were finishing off anyone and everyone who came near me. They helped me up and I walked with the help of them outside. I looked over to the street curb and saw Calum sitting down sitting with someone... Brooke. Relief washed over me that she was okay but why was she there in the first place and how much did she hear.
" Michael!" she screamed and ran over to me.
"Brooke..." i choked out
Police sirens and ambulance sirens echoed the street , i looked at the boys and they nodded jumping in the car. I took Brookes hand and lead her into the car.
"What the heck?" she said
"Do you want to be involved in answering thousands of questions at a police station"
"Then shut up" i said , and she was... the whole ride she was quiet.
We got inside and I walked into the kitchen and sat on one of the stools.
"Shouldn't we take you to hospital?" Brooke asked biting the inside of her cheek
"No i'm fine" I rolled my eyes
"At least let me clean you up a bit?"she whispered
"Fine..." I muttered and the other boys chuckled and walked out of the room.
Brooke walked over to the cabinet where she found the first aid kit she had last time she fixed me up from beating the shit out of Ryan ... I guess things never change. She walked in between my legs , me being sat down meant we was sort of the same height.
She stood in between my legs and dabbed the wet cloth on my face. I took in a sharp breathe and she pulled away. Damn it that hurt like a bitch.
"Sorry, it may sting a little" she whispered and bit her lip , she placed the cloth back on my face cleaning up the wounds. I watched her as she concentrated on cleaning them her eyes squinting her mouth hung half open , her eyebrows knitted together.
"Stop staring at me" she laughed , looking into my eyes. I just smirked and rolled my eyes. She shook her head and told me to place my hands on the counter so I did and she cleaned up the bloody knuckles.
"All done ," she whispered looking back at me.
"Thank you again..." I said
"How much did you hear... you know about Ryans conversation"
"What conversation?" she raised her eyebrows up.
- Brookes P.O.V-
I could feel Micheals eyes burning holes into my as I cleaned up his wounds.
"Stop staring at me" I laughed looking up to catch him still looking, he smirked and rolled his eyes.I shook my head and let out a small smile as I quickly cleaned up the dry blood from his knuckles.
"All done ," I whispered looking up at him.
"Thank you again..." he said
"How much did you hear... you know about Ryans conversation." he asked I decided to have a bit of fun with him and pretended I didn't know anything about it.
"What conversation?" I raised up my eyebrows in confusion, he definitely brought it as his eyebrows rose up and his eyes widened.
"Uh...Not- Nothing ..Um don't wo-.."he muttered I couldn't help it i let out a laugh
''Wait... your fucking with me aren't you?
"Fuck you" he said seriously , making me chuck my head back in laughter
"You should of seen your face" I said mimicking the face he did , he let out a deep raspy chuckle but hid it with a cough after it.
"I heard it all..." i said ,
"You were right i guess , " I shrugged my shoulders and bent down to place the first aid kit back under the sink. When I got up and turned around Michael was stood right behind me , I jumped a little and he let out a goofy little grin.
"I'm always right babe." he whispered , we stood there awkwardly and looked at each other.
I never realized how hot he was. His eyes were a beautiful Green colour they were perfect , but I rarely noticed them. His lip ring seemed to fit perfectly between his lips , my eyes traveled down to his arms and how built they looked the tattoos seemed to make them looked much more muscular. I looked back up at his face.
He smiled at me, "Enjoying the view?"
"No." I blushed , trying to look anywhere but him.
''Sure..." he laughed , he leaned in a bit more so our foreheads were touching.
"Its rude to lie" he whispered , his warm breathe blowing on my lips. Before he pulled away I did the unthinkable...
I kissed him.
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