Chapter 2 :
- Brooke's P.O.V -
It's been roughly a week since that dreaded detention situation Mr Carlson put me in and that stupid guy has been on my mind ever since... I don't know if it was because of how confident he was to insult me in front of a group of people or because he interested me but I couldn't shake the image of him out of my head every time I fell asleep. The week pretty much existed of cheer practice , AP classes and avoiding detention at all costs.
I got out of my car, locking the doors and grabbing my over sized gym bag. I headed towards the school gym ; Me and the girls decided to get a half a hour early practice since cheer nationals were coming up soon. I walked into the building and greeted the cleaning staff and the caretaker who were the only ones currently in the school the other staff usually arrived in about twenty or so minutes.
Our coach let us use the gym from seven until half eight in the morning before setting up for her classes then after school from three until half six. We've only won nationals once which was last year , so this year we're going all out with practice and hopefully we will win again.
"Hey girls" I smiled at the squad who were all stretching out in a circle.
"HEY... B" They all chorused as I made my way over to them and dropping my bag
"Okay, 20 laps around the hall" I said with a smile.
The other girls groaned but we all ended up running around at least 20 times. we had to be warmed up before we did anything... its one of the most basic rules. After that we began tumbling , my tumbling pass is a round off backhand spring full , which is sort of hard but alright for me. After doing about 3 passes each we worked on stunting... I was a flyer. It took guts to be a flyer you had to trust everybody in the group I mean your life is in their hands if they drop you that could be it pretty tragic.We spent all of our time doing that and it was now eight so practice had to unfortunately come to an end. I walked over to the speakers and unplugged my iPod and grabbed my gym back, wiping my face with a towel.
"Alright , practice is over i'll see you girls after school on the field... Coach said we have to practice out there because there's a girls basketball match tonight'' I said , exiting the room with Katie , Ava and Chelsea.
''WAIT UP PERFECT" a familiar voice called , I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to be faced with the pale , tattooed , pierced faced guy from detention , I sighed heavily to myself. I had been avoiding him for most of the week and doing it pretty well apart from English Literature of course... Where I was forced to listen to him try wind me up.
"Do you know him?" Katie snickered in a judgmental tone.
Michael... I think that is what they call him walked up to me and slung his arm around my shoulder , I froze under his grip feeling uncomfortable but unable to move.
"What do you want Michael?"
"I see you remember my name ?" he smirked that annoying but gorgeous smirk... did i just say that?
"Whatever... leave me alone" I said and walked off towards my three best friends who were already walking ahead of me... Probably embarrassed at the sight of me with this weirdo. A grip on the wrist stopped me from getting far and I cursed under my breathe as he held my grip tightly not letting me out of his grip.
"We have English now , "
"I'm offering to walk you"
"Well i'm declining your offer" I smiled shaking my arm from him and trying to walk ahead of him. His long legs catching up to my short ones causing another curse to fall from my cherry colored lips.
"Too bad... you haven't got a choice" he shrugged his shoulders. With that said he dragged me down the hallway. Everyone stared at me and I tried to keep my eyes glued to the floor hoping it would swallow me up , now like I said everyone always looks at me but this time I felt uncomfortable with the glares that were fired my way.
The whole of English I had Michael making slimy little comments about me , about how perfect I am and how popular I think I am and how cheer leading isn't a sport. He was doing it just to annoy me and it was seriously him asking for a punch. He also made stupid comments about Ryan which total crosses the line. I would have jumped up on his desk and ripped those piercings out if the bell wouldn't have rung...Guess he was quite literally saved by the bell.
After A long day of school,I walked on to the field and plugged the iPod into the wireless speakers , we all began our warm up , passes then our stunts. After practicing all of that we did a few routines , the footballers were just a few feet away so the girls kept stopping too check there make up and hair;pathetic really. But hey I've already got a gorgeous boyfriend so i have no-one too impress really.
We were getting ready for the scorpion hold cradle which basically is when the catchers hold the flyer by one foot in the air during the stunt. ... so as i'm the flyer I would be on top with three people holding me up , I then stand on one foot while pulling the other foot back then after 5 seconds they release me by pushing my foot up , making me bounce so I am in he air for half a second in which I spin around and land in there arms. Pretty simple for me , its on the more advance side but when you've been cheering all your life it comes to you with a lot of practice.
But of course thats how it was meant too go ,instead when I was being held up in the air someone decided to throw a football at Chelsea's face causing her too let go of my leg and leaving the others tumbling down with me on top...Luckily we had pulled a few exercise mats from the hall before the basketball match started and I wasn't too hurt.
"Chelsea what the fuck was that?" I yelled as Katie came to my aide to help me up from the floor.
"Some idiot threw a football at me" she pointed out to a group of boys who stood near the football field bleaches laughing in a group of four. Unfortunately i knew one of the boys a little too well , I jumped up and ran over to the tree.
"Calm down , Its just cheerleading" one of them cackled
"Chill out Sweetheart" Ryan cooed appearing from behind the group of males... Of course
"Ryan it's not funny!" I crossed my arms in frustration
"You need to chill out , Katie seems to be laughing " he pointed at my best friend who was laughing her head off, she soon stopped when she saw me look in her direction.
"So what... ?''
"Just chill out and stop being so fuckin' uptight." he scoffed and walked off with his 'possy'.
I sighed heavily and ran back over to the girls , we carried on practicing until time was up and everyone had to leave.
"Hey" Ryan smiled, catching up with me on the way out of school, taking my hand in his and interlocking our fingers.
"Sorry for earlier " he sighed
"It's fine... I'm sorry to i'm just stressed " I smiled reassuringly at him, I guess he didn't know how important nationals were to me.
"I know... so are you coming to Ethans party tonight?"
"Probably not , I've gotta sort out some more rout-"
"Come on Baby, you can do that another night"
"I can't... "
"Its fine... I understand." He said bluntly letting go of my hand.
"You can come over for a little while before the par-"
"I'll pass... cya later Brooke" he muttered and walked over too his group of friends.
I sighed but carried on walking towards the car park.
"Fancy seeing you here Miss perfect" a familiar but non-wanted voice I wanted to hear said.
"What do you want!" I groaned , trying to find my keys in my gym bag as quickly as possible so I could escape this drama.
"You" I could hear the smirk in his tone and I turned around to face him my eyes growing wide at his choice of words , and yes that smirk was plastered on his face just as I thought.
"Oh please... wait your on the football team?" I stopped my rant in mid sentence , eyeing the football jersey that clung to his muscular body perfectly... what?!
"Never noticed you... and I haven't seen you with Ry-"
"Maybe because I don't hang to closely around you cheer whores oh and Ryan? he kinda hates me" he chuckled
"If he hates you why are you still on the team?" I asked completely dumfolded , if I don't like a girl on the cheer squad I take away their place... kinda like firing them.
"Please I'm the best wide receiver that teams got. He couldn't kick me out even if he wanted to he would either lose the whole championship or coach would rip his head off.'' he laughed
"Oh" is all i said. I finally found my keys and unlocked the door to my car.
"Wow that's your ride!"
"Yup... I suppose you have some pick up truck right? Or a motorcycle..." I smirked
"Nope..." he said clicking the keys , I watched him walk over into his black range rover... nice ride
"Not what I expected"
"I can tell by your shocked expression...Although I do own a motorcycle. " he laughed , I shook my head and let out a small laugh.
"You going to that party tonight?" I asked
"Nah I stay away from the team... I'm only In it for football not for parties and preps like you"
"Ugh... you're an ass" I scoffed.
"And.. you've got a nice ass" he smiled,I turned away quickly as I felt my cheeks burning under the skin and could already tell they were probably heavily blushed.
"Are you going?"
"To the party... are you going?" he asked
"I wasn't... but I might , I'm not sure" I turned back around to face him once I had thrown my bag into the passenger seat.
"Mhm...I'll see you there" he winked and hopped into his car.
I called up Ava to get ready with me , I decided to go to the party I didn't bother texting Ryan I would just meet him there and surprise him like girlfriends do. I decided to wear a blushed pink dress in a bodycon style It went just above my thigh not too revealing but not too conservative. It hugged my body perfectly showing off my curves in the right places. I'm really small so i decided to wear some heels to give me that extra height. I curled my hair and put on a fair bit of make up , concealer , foundation , blush , eye shadow , mascara , eyeliner , lipstick , lip gloss... I know what you're thinking I wear a lot of make up... but hey its a party I gotta look hot right? Ava wore black high wasted shorts , with a silver sequin crop top and some high heels , she looked pretty but not as hot as me...of course. We drove together in her car , I told my mum I was staying at Ava's and studying she would never let me go to one of the footballers parties.
We soon arrived at Ethans house , where to no surprise half of the school were located on the lawn throwing up... gross. Already everyone was either high or drunk and the strong stench of alcohol shot up my nose invading my senses. We walked up the driveway and tried our best to get past the creeps and nobody's who were stumbling across the place. There were a few of the girls from the cheer squad here sucking the faces off of the footballers...No surprise their. I pulled a face but carried on walking , soon enough we were inside.
I pushed my way past sweaty teenagers who were dancing around to the heavy music playing through the speakers. Everywhere I looked people were grinding against one another having intentions of something more tonight in store for themselves. I turned around to ask Ava where she think Ryan may be but to my surprise she was gone... great... just great!!
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a vodka Cruiser. Chucking it back down my throat , I placed the cup down before walking to a not so crowded area to find anyone. Arms slid around my waist and my eyes widened in shock. I looked down at the muscular , tattooed arms and with that I knew exactly who it was...Slightly relaxing a little.
"Hey... Miss Perfect" he whispered into my ear , making me shiver due to his warm breath being so close to my skin.
"Get off of me I have a boyfriend" I struggled to get out of his everlasting grip.
He swirled me around so I was face too face with him... sure enough that was Michael Clifford. He was attractive I guess... but he was not my type. Black hair slightly tousled across his forehead , bright green eyes with long eyelashes , a perfect jawline. A shiny black ring pierced into his bottom lip. A matching piercing on his left eyebrow.
I didn't even realize how long I had been staring this boy down when I looked back up too meet his gaze his bottom lip was pulled between his teeth... lord that was attractive. What no it wasn't?!
I should of pushed him away by now but I felt myself leaning more in towards his arms. I was too overwhelmed with desire and curiosity so I stood there trying to take in what was actually happening. His lips slightly grazed my neck and I made no attempt to move - Did I want this?
''I can tell you want me.'' he whispered softly kissing the skin of my neck, I felt him slightly tug at my neck almost making me whimper a little. He blew soft cool air on my neck , running chills down my spine. A hitched breath released itself from my mouth, before a small moan left my mouth. I bit my lip , looking down.
"I like it when you moan" he smirked , something seems to snap me out of my thoughts as I pushed him back forcefully. He was taken surprise of my sudden gesture and stumbled back a bit.
"Mike." I said softly leaning against the counter behind me.
"Mike?" he smiled at the newly nickname I gave him.
"Michael... This isn't right'' I corrected myself
"Fine... I don't see why though"
"You know why..."
"Tell me?"
"Because you're popular , perfect , pretty , stunning and i'm just a punk ass nobody?" he sighed
"No its not that... well partly because of that but I could get over that , but the real reason is i'm dating Rya-"
"Ryan... you're dating Ryan !! Then why the fuck is he sucking that whores face off" he yelled pointing to a small crowd of people.
There was Ryan... hands around some girls hips sucking her face off like Michael said , my stomach twisted , my eyes became wide , my mouth dropped my throat completely dry... he was cheating on me with ...with... KATIE!!! MY KATIE... MY BEST FRIEND KATIE... CO-CAPTAIN!!! KATIE'' The rage and betrayal I felt overwhelmed me and I felt myself moving faster than ever before in my heels to the direction of my so called best friend.
" WHAT THE FUCK " I screamed pulling Katie by the ponytail away from my boyfriend, A crowd began to form in the dining room around us.
"What the he- ... Oh hey Babe" Ryan said as calm as ever.
"DO NOT BABE ME !!" I yelled my hand raised to his cheek and I gave him a slap across it.
"HOW LONG..." I yelled for a explanation
"Calm down Bro-" Katie tried to speak she cannot seriously be trying to defend this.
"DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN.... HOW LONG!!" I yelled again.
"How long have you been seeing each other'' I said a bit more calmly.
"It doesn't mat-"
"Tell me... or you're off the squad!!" I threatened
"I..- I'm ... Um ... Sorry!" she cried
"Will someone just tell her?"Michael piped in, I shot him a glare. This was not his fight or place to speak right now.
"Since you declined having sex with me" multiple gasped echoed the room as Ryan spoke I was shocked at his remark and quickly tried to add up the dates.
"You... Wha-What? That was 3 months ago" I stuttered , my eyes felt heavy as they started to fill up.
" I got bored and a man needs the pleasure once in awhile... look we both knew our relationship wasn't real it was just forced. Your captain of cheerleaders I'm the captain and quarterback... It's just perfect right? Come on babe" he said trying to reach out for me , my heart dropped... literally, It felt as though it had dropped and rolled out of the door and got run over by a lorry.
"How... could yo- ... I LOVED YOU!!" I yelled
"It's not that big of a deal Brookey...and by the looks of things it looks like you've been getting it from Mr punk over there." he chuckled pointing to the peach bruise on my neck that was turning darker by the second - Michael must of given me a Hickey... everyone began laughing in the background even my so called friends were laughing.
I looked over to Michael whos eyes were narrowed at Ryan and he walked over abruptly and gripped the front of his top slamming him against the wall. The room fell silent all eyes at the tattooed boy holding the so called MAN of the town up 1ft from the air against the cold white bricks.
" Now Now Now... don't be jealous that I could actually pleasure her" he muttered , earning his own laughs.
"Watch your mouth Cliffor-'' Ryan began to fight back but was shut down quickly by Michael
''Or what? You'll kick me off the team... we both know you can't and wont do that" Michael spat back putting him back down then slamming him back into the wall.
"You make me sick... Ryan. The way you treat girls it sickens me!" he spat
"Wait... don't tell me you have feelings for Brooke" he laughed , Michael paused and went quiet slightly loosening his grip as people began to chatter to themselves in the background.
"Aw this is classic... he does actually like her , too bad she doesn't and will never like a nobody like you" Ryan said pushing back at Michael, the inked face boys expression loosened up almost sad-like as he turned his face to me.
"Michael watch ou-" I screamed... It was too late Ryan had punched him square in the jaw, causing him to place his hand automatically to the side of his face in pain. Michael gazed back at Ryan once he had gathered himself up and pushed him to the floor punching him again and again. Everyone was cheering and I had to put a stop to it... sure Ryan deserved it but he didn't need to die.
I rushed over and gripped Michaels arm , pulling him back. No use I was too weak for him, I pleaded for people to help me but they just watched in excitement taking videos on their smartphones.Michael had his arms around Ryan's neck strangling him. Ryan was turning bright red and I couldn't do anything to stop him.
"Michael stop please you're going to kill him!" I cried out
"I'M CALLING THE POLICE" Someone yelled from the back of the group of people catching everyones attention as people began fleeing. I knelt down on my knees and tried to get closer to Michael just so he could slightly see my face - It seemed to work after a few calls of his name as his eyes looked at me for a split second and he released his grip
"Let go" I whispered and he did. I stood up and grabbed Michaels hand guiding him out of the room through the floods of people. I could hear the police sirens going off in the background and I knew we had too get out of here.
"Back door..." he spoke quietly... I held his hand tightly not letting go and rushed out of the back door then out the back gate into a ally way. Michael Ran in front pulling me behind towards the outside of the house.
"I didn't bring my car"
"That's alright I can drive you home" he said quietly.
"Oh no no... look at the state of you i'll drive I didn't drink a lot."
"How is that going to work" he smirked
"I'll have to stay at yours..."
"Really..." Michael said wiggling his eyebrows... well he was back to himself.
I grabbed his keys and opened up the car door , sliding in and turning on the ignition I listened to his directions and drove towards his house.
'' Thanks... by the way '' I whispered.
We had been sitting in Michaels room for the past couple of minutes in silence , at first we got know each other by asking random questions just to fill up the silence surrounding us. I found out his mother was a nurse and his dad owned a car dealership company- they were newly divorced and his dad worked a lot across the country so rarely go to see him anymore. He had no siblings and was the total opposite of what they wanted in a kid. I didn't get to meet Karen as she was working a night shift. I also found out he was in this band called 500 years of winter... with three other guys.
"For what?" he asked turning his attention to me
"For hitting... Ryan"
"He deserved it and you know it." "-I'm sorry it happened to you that way especially with your best friend" he relaxed slightly
" It's fine, I don't know what I am going to do... It's not my decision to get rid of her from the squad... it's coach's decision since she's co-captain plus I would have too get the rest of the squad to agree with me and like hell thats going to happen they all love Katie... As much as I hate her she's good at what she does." I sighed. The thought of having to spend most of my senior year seeing her everyday is going to kill me.
" That sucks" he mumbled.
"I think i'm better now I can drive you home if you like" he suggested
"Unless you want to stay" he smirked
"Take me home please... '' I sighed reaching down for my shoes and putting them back on.
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