Chapter 14
Chapter 14
I made my way down the stairs smiling at Michaels mum Karen as she unpacked the shopping and began putting the food away.
''Hi Mrs Clifford.'' I said leaning on the side counter
''Hello Brooke. I told you call me Karen.'' she shook her head smiling taking a pause before speaking again. ''-Are you feeling better sweetheart?'' she asked my face heated up in embarrassment for throwing up in her toilet last night but I nodded my head... I didn't even remember seeing her last night.
''Need any help?'' I asked
''No she is fine.''Michael mumbled wrapping an arm around my waist, she looked up raising her eyebrows at her son.
''Yes I would love some help Brooke as my own son feels like he lives in a hotel.'' she grinned at me, I let out a small laugh moving from Michaels grip and helping her unpack the stuff.
''I feel so outnumbered right now.'' he mumbled
''Now you know how I feel with you and your father'' she laughs.
Thomas was a guy Karen had been seeing for the last four months. He worked at the hospital as an emergency surgen and bumped into Karen one evening finishing a night shift, they got on really well and he was very supportive of the space she needed during the time of the divorce. He hasn't quite moved in yet but he stays here a lot when they get days off together - he seems nice enough and Michael seems to get on well with him too.
''Don't lie to Brooke and pretend you don't get your own way all the time.'' A middle aged man said walking into the room and kissing Karen on the cheek.
''Hello again.'' he said holding out his hand I shook it giving him a sweet smile.
''Nice to finally meet you.'' I smiled back looking towards Michael who had taken my hand in his caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.
Although I had met Thomas before it was only ever a brief encounter so it was nice to finally have a conversation with him.
''I'd better take you home now.'' He said and I nodded. I picked up my bag from the bottom of the stairs and my shoes in the other hand.
''Going so soon we haven't even got to know each other yet?'' Thomas said, I looked at Michael whos face was angered and then back at Thomas giving him an apologetic smile.
''Maybe another time. I'd love to see some baby photos , '' I grinned looking back at Karen who chuckled softly.
''We'll have to do a dinner with your parents and all''Thomas suggests. I paused feeling uncomfortable at the mention of my parents.
''Umm , Yeah I'll ask them. They work a lot I'll see if they have any time off.'' I half smiled
''Okay lets go , lets go!'' Michael rushed pushing me softly out the door , I yelled a goodbye and Michael closed the door walking in front of me.
''That was rude Michael.'' I mumbled speed walking to catch him up.
''I don't like it when he plays happy families. He's not my father.'' he mumbled
''Hey Michael... don't say that.'' I said grabbing his hand and making him stop in his tracks. I trailed my hand over his cheek leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.
''Want to talk about it?'' I asked and he shook his head taking my hand , walking towards the car and opening my door for me.
Michael pulled up outside of the house and I let out a deep breath before undoing my seatbelt , I looked out the window then back at Michael.
''You can take a minute.'' he said tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
''Sorry, I'm just dreading the next few minutes.'' I half laughed as I sunk back into the seat.
''Hey... Its alright I'm just a phone call away.'' he said smiling. He picked up my hand placing a kiss on the back which made my heart flutter into a million butterflies.
''How romantic...'' I teased poking his cheek he scrunched up his face letting go of my hand.
''Stop making fun of me.'' he rolled his eyes ''-You do need to move in a minute or I'll miss my shift at the store'' he laughed
''Oh right...'' I laughed in return , I opened the car door but was pulled back from getting out with Michaels hands on my face kissing me forcefully.
''Sorry I couldn't resist.'' He smirked slapping my ass as I got out of the car.
''Michael!'' I squealed shaking my head at him and slamming the door shut.
''Show yourself some respect Brooklyn'' My mother said standing at the bottom of the steps as I walked through the front door.
''What?'' I say dropping my bag and heels on the floor.
''Partying? getting drunk no doubt... what is that smell. Brooklyn have you been smoking pot?'' she scrunched her face up in disgust. ''-Get to your room now.''
''GO before I tell your father , and trust me I'm nothing compared to him'' she muttered, I let out a sigh and walked up the stairs to my bedroom and went straight into my bathroom to shower to get that awful smell off of my body that was lingering there.
When I got out of the shower my mother was sitting on my bed, I sighed and placed my dirty clothes in the wash bag before joining her on the other end of the bed, wearing just my pink dressing gown. We sat in silence for a moment before she began to speak.
''I don't know what has happened to you. You've changed so much and its scaring us all.'' she said. I sat there almost paralyzed I didn't know what to say. Yeah I have changed a little bit but at first I guess I was trying to change to fit in all over again with Michael and his friends. But now... I feel free I can wake up every morning without trying to look perfect .
'' All I want is for you to understand that I'm so much happier now... yeah I do miss cheer but I'm not going to do it forever and I learned all of those 'friends' were in fact just there for me because of my position.''
''I don't like him Brooke. That boy... look at him he looks disgusting.''
''Someone once taught me to not judge a person on their looks but their qualities and how they teach you.'' I reminded her
''Yes but I didn't mean you could go out partying till late with a tattooed punk''
''Mum please. I-I-I love him.'' I said finally getting the words off my chest. I am moving way too fast I know but he's helped me so much and I feel I can do anything around him.I love him? Is it so bad to love someone you have only known for such a short time.
''You do don't you...'' she sighed ''- Your brother ... he told me about Michael helping him out when he was getting bullied. Also about the whole Ryan thing and Michael being there for you. I didn't want to believe he was a good guy but the more I hear from people the more I am proved wrong'' she finished looking at me with sad eyes. ''- I've been a terrible mother Brooke. I didn't even know my son was getting bullied.'' she laughed hysterically. I took her hand in my squeezing it and resting my head on her shoulder.
''You're not a bad mum. You just make mistakes. It is human not everyone can be perfect all the time.'' I said
''You're becoming such a strong person. I'm so proud of you , I cannot say your father agrees with me... He is stuck in his ways and he certainly doesn't like Michael. I've tried to make him see some sense he just doesn't understand.'' she says.
''Just knowing you are on my side. It has helped me so much , we'll work on dad. One day at a time right?'' I said giving her a big hug. The door slammed shut and I could hear the thump of footsteps coming up the stairs.
''He's home..'' My mother said standing up and walking out of the room.
I could hear my mother pleading to my father to leave me alone and say that she has spoken to me. I heard him curse a few times and heard her cry, I could of sworn I heard him ranting to her ''Do you know who that kids dad is?'' - but it couldn't of been about Michael? Our dads didn't know eachother did they?. He opened my door looking at me with anger in his eyes , I gulped standing up and looking towards him.
''WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?'' he yelled
''Out.'' I said bluntly
''Stop shouting at me. Yes I was out at a party like normal teenagers of my age does. Yes I was with my BOYFRIEND. I don't see what the problem is ?''
''Do not raise your voice at me.'' he muttered pointing at me, My mother came rushing in the room trying to pull his arm away and get him out the room.
''Stop it !! '' my mother yelled. My fathers head snapped in direction to her as he grabbed her arm the one she was trying to get him to stop with. She winced in pain as he pushed her away she hit the wall with force and sunk down onto the floor. I stared in disbelief , shock and was frightened.
''Oh get up!!'' he yelled , pulling her back up on her feet. He pushed her out the room and looked back at me.
''Leave her alone.'' I said with gritted teeth.
''You're grounded Brooklyn.'' he mumbled walking out and closing my door. I ran over to the door trying to pull it open... it was locked. I screamed banging on the door as I broke down into tears.
I rushed over to my phone and dialed Michaels number he didn't pick up after three calls so I stopped. I scrolled down my contact list and clicked on Chase name maybe he was in his room... maybe his door was unlocked and could go stop dad from doing anything stupid. Would my dad do anything stupid ? I have seen him angry plenty of times but something in his eyes this time was different - the way he threw my mum like she was nothing I was terrified.
''Hey... Wait whats wrong?''
''Its mum... she-she - Dad pulled her off of him and he pushed her to the wall... she fell and I'm so scared. He locked my door I can't get fucking out Chase!!'' I cried panicking walking up and down my room.
''Calm down. Look I want to help but I can't...''
''Chase! This is our mum for god sake.''
''I know I'm sorry I can't.''
''Where the fuck even are you?''
''WHY are you at Grandmas... wait prove it let me face time you.'' I said to make sure he wasn't lying. I would hate to think he wasn't taking me serious but I needed to know he wasn't messing about this was serious I clicked the facetime button he accepted and showed me the surroundings.
It was grandmas house alright the red out dated carpet, the gold chandlier and the grandfather clock situated in the corner of the room.
''Chase show me your face...''I said
''No.'' He muttered
''Chase...'' I said again having a bad feeling. He obliged and turned the camera around and I gasped at the sight of my brother. His cheek was red , his bottom lip cracked open and he had a black eye on his right side.
''W-what happened.'' I cried placing a hand over my mouth.
''He got angry when I didn't tell him where you were. Then he started pushing Mum around so I lashed out and so did he... Im sorry Brooke I tried to lie I didn't mean to rat you out!'' he rambled on tears in his eyes
''Chase! Why didn't you call me or Michael someone could of helped you last night.''
''It all happened so fast and Mum kicked me out the house I just ran.''
''What the fuck?''
''I need to go. Grandma has an appointment.'' he mumbled
''Please what am I going to do? I'm fucking scared Chase'' I cursed
''I'll go get Michael where is he?''
''Leave him out of it.'' I mutter
''What has happened now?''
''Nothing he just isn't answering my calls.'' I whispered
''I'm going to go get him.'' he said
''CHASE N-'' I am stopped from shouting at him when the camera goes off and he has hung up.
After waiting what feels like hours my door is unlocked and my mother walks in. She looks fine , her wrist was a little red but she looked fine. She came in placing some clothes into my draws and cleaning up my dressing table.
''Dinner is ready.'' She said walking out the room and going down the stairs.
I hesitantly went down the stairs and made my way into the dining room. I paused upon seeing my dad sitting at the end of the table with dinner in front of him and a glass of scotch in his hand.
''Sit down.'' he said. My mother looked at me then sat down , I sat down opposite my father and looked at my food picking at it.
''Not hungry? Your mother worked hard putting this together.'' he said
''What is this?'' I mumbled
''A pasta salad.'' my mother said taking a bite of her food.
''No what the fuck is this?'' I gestured around the table.
''Language Brooklyn!'' she scolded.
''What is wrong with you? Are you blind or just stupid. He hurt you mum! Chase told me it wasn't the first time either. Why are you just sitting here playing happy families with him..''
''You will not speak about your father with little respect Brooke.'' she said
''Respect? Respect! Where was his respect when he threw you at a fucking wall mum!'' I said standing up pushing my chair out from the table.
''STOP IT. NOW SIT DOWN AND EAT YOUR FOOD.'' She yelled slamming her fist on the table.
''I can't believe you both.'' I said shaking my head.
''She said sit down. So I think you should SIT DOWN.'' My father said.
''NO.'' I yelled back.
''Brooklyn just sit down please.'' My mum whispered quietly and I laughed.
''I'm not going to let him push me around mum. I'm a strong women remember? SO are you , I don't understand why you are putting up with his shit.''
''SIT DOWN!!'' He shouted, standing up and placing his scotch glass down with force causing it to smash and glass shards to splatter everywhere. My mothers eyes screwed shut fast and gulped , biting her lip to keep in the tears.
I sat down quietly, picking at my nails under the table as we all sat in painful silence. I wanted to scream , cry and run away. Yet I just couldn't do it , so I sat through the dinner in silence. We all did , my father tried to make small talk with my mother who replied with short sentences. I excused myself from the table and said I was going to bed. My mum gave me a small hug and my dad kissed my head and all of it made me want to throw up. I ran up the stairs shutting the door and letting myself cry hard.
There was a tap on my glass window I turned around shocked when I saw a person standing outside of the window. I rushed over I tried to pull the door open but it was stuck , locked. I was trapped here I shook my head at Ava and she pointed to the toilet , I was confused but went and stood in there. I heard a smash and ran out looking at Ava with wild eyes.
''Did you just throw a brick through my door?''
''Shut up come on.'' She said , I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs so I ran for it with her.
Ava showed me the way to get down and I followed.
I ran up to a black car and got in , Ava jumped in the passenger side and I was hurt when I realized it wasn't Michael. It was Luke driving and Chase was in the back with me. He hugged me tight , kissing my head and we drove off in a rush.
''What about mum?'' I whispered
''I gave her the choice she wouldn't come. '' Chase said
''But we can't just leave her there. She is probably scared Chase , we need to go back. TURN BACK!!!'' I yelled at Luke who just carried on driving.
''She doesn't want to Brooke. We called the cops they will be there later on, I gave a statement earlier she is going to be fine. Look, you're going to stay at Avas tonight I'm going to Lukes.'' he explained
''What happened to grandma?''
''She doesn't need anymore problems Brooke.'' he mumbled
''Luke... '' I asked
''Where is Michael?''
''I-I can't tell you.'' he said and pulled up the car into Avas driveway.
We all got out the car well I thought we all did and before I could question Luke any further on Michaels whereabouts he drove off. I looked at Ava who raised her hands up in the air shaking her head.
''Don't ask me, I have no idea.'' she said unlocking her door.
Avas mum rushed over giving me a tight hug in which I returned. ''Are you okay? Ava told me everything, You can stay as long as you want okay.'' she said.
''I'm fine Jackie thank you.'' I half smiled.
''Is the sofa okay?'' Ava asked and I nodded as she started making it up for me to sleep on.
''I'm going to bed now. '' Jackie said walking into her room.
''You're not okay are you?'' Ava asked as I sat on the sofa with my head in my hands. I shook my head letting out my sobs as Ava cupped me in her arms hugging me tight and stroking my hair.
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