Chapter 12
Chapter 12.
After spending time with some of Michaels friends he drove me back home. It was a really nice way to meet the people Michael spends most of his time with, they were all nice and welcoming...Apart from that Roxy girl but I wasn't too surprised by it. Well he had drove my car home since he didn't bring his own. He told me how he was busy tonight with the band and I was invited to go with him but I decided against it since I'm already late for my curfew and I need to finish some school projects before I get into serious trouble.
He parked outside the house. We both got out and he tossed me the keys in the air, luckily with my athletic ability I managed to catch them in time before they hit the floor.
"I drive better than you" I teased.
"Don't get carried away" he whispered coming closer to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. I rolled my eyes at him which caused him to raise his eyebrows in slight surprise from my gesture towards him.
''Sassy.''I quickly pecked him on the lips, breaking apart as we heard the loud noise of feet walking across my porch stones. It was my father dressed in his usual white button up shirt , colorful tie and black slacks.
''Brooklyn.'' he said sternly eyeing up me and Michael. I coughed suddenly pulling away from Michael standing a few feet away from him.
''Hi dad.'' I said quietly.
''Hello Sir. My name Is Mi-''
''Brooklyn get inside now. ''
''...My name Is Mic-''
''I have no time for you.'' he spoke before getting into his car.
It was a little late for him to be driving out but I am guessing he had left something at his office down-town he needed.
''Sorry.'' I apologized looking at Michael who looked a little flustered, either from anger or pure embarrassment.
''Tough dad.'' He mumbled so only I can hear. I nodded my head a laugh escaping my lips. I wrapped my arms back around his neck and kissed him once more. Before my dad decided to ruin the moment by honking his horn and almost running over Michael.
''See you tomorrow.''
''Bye.'' I waved.
I watched outside the window for Michael as he waved me off then made his way down the street with hands in his pockets. I had offered to drive him to Ashtons but he insisted it was only a little while away and he wanted to make sure I got home safe.
''Where the hell have you been Brooke?'' said the devil herself. Oh wait it was just my mother.
The next day I avoided seeing coach or the girls for that matter, I couldn't be bothered with her since I missed practice earlier that morning.
Ava had a bit of a breakdown, her mum was giving her a bit of grief since she quit the team. Her mother was a Dallas Cowboy chearleader and I think she wanted her daughter to be a legacy... So I can see why she would be so upset with her, but Ava had to make her own choices in life. In order to cheer her up we decided to be a bit rebellious and go shopping in the afternoon which meant skipping gym class. I would of never imagined doing anything like this before but It gave me a rush of adrenaline when running past the teachers office. We met up with the other guys as well including the other people I met at the bar-grill yesterday.
''I've never been to any of these shops.'' I laughed looking at the various skinny jeans and band tees that lined up the isles.
''Yeah because you shop at all the fancy places.'' Ava laughed shoving me playfully. I ended up buying a few pairs of skinny jeans and some plain t-shirts god they were so much more comfortable then my regular skirts and shirts. What have I been doing my whole life?
I didn't buy too much that was out there like Ava did because it just wasn't who I was. Michael told me he liked me for who I was and to not try to be something I am not. I did find myself toning down my wardrobe a little to be more casual as it was a lot easier and comfier.
''I think we should hook you up with a few party dresses as well. Your pale pink frilly ones are starting to drive me crazy.'' Alexis, A girl Calum was newly seeing joked to me.
Alexis was a very alternative girl. She had black hair with green streaks in it and she usually wore fishnet tights with over-sized tops that fell just above her knee. Her makeup was dark but not too heavy and she always rocked those platformed Dr Marten shoes.
''Hey I do not own dresses like that.'' I snapped.
''YES you do liar!'' Ava laughed joining in. I groaned looking around Ava threw a pile of what I thought was clothes for her at me but turned out she was picking stuff for me and she pointed to the dressing room.
''So are you going to come to the party tonight?'' Alexis asked looking at the menu as we stopped off at the Grill for something to eat again... Michael was right this place hadgood food.
''I didn't know there was one?'' I said looking towards Michael who shrugged his shoulders taking a fry from my plate and eating it.
''There is alway a party going on. I just didnt think you were interested in coming?'' he said
''I cant tonight. But you could of at least offered.'' I said. I didn't want to stop him from going out with his friends because he thought I wouldn't enjoy myself
''Well, Im offering now.'' he grinned then leaning down to kiss me. I was never a fan of public displays of affection but something about Michael made me forget about everyone else.
''Oh stop guys. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.'' Ashton squirmed. I lifted my middle finger up flipping him off causing Michael to laugh into the kiss pulling apart.
''Thats my girl.'' He winked wrapping his arms around me and leaving a sloppy kiss on my cheek causing my face to scrunch up and him laugh. If I could listen to one sound for the rest of my life it would be his laugh I loved it.
''Aw why can't you come tonight Brooke?'' Alexis asked
'' My grandma is coming around so my mum makes this big fuss for us all to be there at dinner.'' I groaned running a hand through my hair.
''Good luck... Better get out that pink frilly dress'' She laughed which gave the lads a confused expression as the three of us girls exploded in laughter.
Michael had pinned me against the wall, out of breath as he sucked on and moaned against my neck my head was leaned back fully because of the pleasure, I wanted nothing more then Michael right then and there, I wasn't sure how long I'd last as I discarded his shirt and felt all over his chest, he soon enough discarded mine and his hands found the bottom of my bum, having me jump and wrap my legs around his waist, he pushed me against the wall once again causing me to gasp into his mouth. After a while of heated kisses Michael pulled away out of breath and began kissing my jawline and then nibbled on my ear, breathing into it.
"How about we take this," he paused with a suck on my neck "to the bedroom." I just nod as Michael carries me to the bed, laying me down and climbing on top on me, immediately sucking on my chest, leaving me breathless.
I soon found myself on top of Michael, grinding my hips into his and begin to kiss along his bare chest and bite along his neck as he lets out breathy moans. My hands eventually finding the top of his pants, unbuttoning them then suddenly stopping my motions as I hear a door slam and a soft voice call Michaels name.
''Fuck sake.'' He curses causing me to giggle rolling over him and rushing to grab my clothes from the floor. Chucking his t-shirt to him as a blonde women walks in her eyes widening letting out a chuckle.
''Hello. I'm sorry am I interrupting something?''
''Not at all.'' I blush coming face to face with Michaels mum again.
''Well its lovely to see you again Brooke. Do you want to stay for dinner?''
''You too Karen. I wish I could but I have to go actually my Grandma is coming over and i'm already later'' I smile turning to Michael waiting for him to tie his shoes up.
''Another time then?''
''Of course.'' I promise her then take Michaels hand as we make our way out the room and down the stairs.
''I'll better walk if they find out I'm late because of you again my dad might beat you up.'' I joked he rolled his eyes kissing me on the cheek then whispering. ''I dont really care im not letting you walk in the dark. Plus I can drive to the party straight after.'' he said grabbing his car keys and yelling a goodbye to his mum.
He pulled up outside my house just as my grandma was getting out of the my dads car. My mother walked out with my brother joining them on the driveway
''What is this a family reunion?'' I groaned leaning back into the car seat as Michael pulled up outside.
''Have fun don't miss me too much.'' He grinned looking over to me happy with my angered reaction to having to come home to see everyone on the driveway.
''Try not to get too drunk at the party.'' I said looking over to him
''I think Im just gonna stay at home tonight.'' He said shrugging his shoulders. Something made me wonder whether he was skipping the party because I wouldn't be there but lets not get too carried away.
''See you tomorrow.'' I said kissing him on the cheek.
Michael pulled my arm softly connecting our lips together in a soft slow passionate kiss leaving me breathless as he pulled away before whispering in my ear. ''We will finish what we were doing tomorrow.'' gesturing to the heavy make out session we had in his room which caused me to blush.
My parents both looked angered at me as I turned around and made my was towards them and I was dreading the lecture ahead of me.
''Who was that lovely young man?'' My grandma asked as she sat down at the dinner table as I started to set it out.
''Michael.'' I said smiling at the mention of his name.
''Your new boyfriend? Ah lovely why didn't you invite him in... I'm sure we have room for one more!!''
''Mum and dad don't really agree with him'' I said honestly sitting down next to her... I told grandma everything she always was supportive of me and Chase and were never quick to judge people.
''Nonsense. Let me ask you a question lovely. Does he make you happy?'' she asked and I nodded.
''Then don't take their advice.'' she smiled patting me on the hand.
''Mum I really wish you wouldn't get involved in how I raise my children.'' my mum said from across the table.
''Im just saying Melissa.''she said holding her hands up in surrender and then looking at me with a wink.
''Well you don't know what he looks like. Scum he is.'' My dad said rolling his eyes.
''What the fuck dad.''
''Excuse me? LANGUAGE BROOKLYN.'' My mother yelled from the kitchen as she started to serve up the cooking she had just done.
''I'm not going to sit here watching you bad mouth my boyfriend when you don't know anything about him.''
''Boyfriend!? Since when!'' My dad said raising his voice looking over to me sternly.
''Is he the reason you were skipping school this morning?'' My mother glanced over to me. My dad almost choking on his food.
''She skipped school? Brooklyn this is not like you. This has that punk written all over him.''
''It was nothing to do with him.''
''You missed Gym class Brooke. Gym class! I've had your coach on the phone. You're not head captain anymore? What is going on here... I've spoken with Avas mum she's distraught because her daughter is ruining her life to follow you around!'
''I'm not going to be a cheerleader for the rest of my life mum.''
''That does not mean you throw it all away! You could use it to get you scholarships for college next year.''
''Well I am. I'm quitting tomorrow and you cant do anything about it okay?'' I said to her standing up from my seat
''Do not raise your voice at your mother now sit down'' My father says sternly as he slams his fists on the table.
''-I forbid you to see him any longer.''
''No. You're not going to do this to me. You haven't put in any effort to acknowledge who he is and how he treats me. He makes me feel so special and happy and you don't care because he doesn't look like the typical doucebag you wan't me to date.''
''Its just a phase you'll grow out of it. I mean look at you Brooke. You don't even look like our daughter anymore.''
''You know what dad. I wish I weren't.'' I said walking out of the room running upstairs grabbing my phone from the side and leaving the house dialing Michaels number.
''Hello Brooklyn?'' he said through the phone
''So about this party....'' I said wiping the tears running down my eyes.
''You want to go seriously''
''I need a break from this family come pick me up.''
''On my way.'' He said laughing down the phone.
I quickly change into a small black dress I had brought earlier and grab some shoes then run down the stairs ignoring my mother call me from behind.
I am surprised when Michael turns up on a motorbike and the surprise is evident on my face as he laughs when he sees me then focuses his eyes up and down my body swiping his tongue over his bottom lip then biting it to hold back his smile.
''Like what you see?'' I teased twirling around for him to see the whole thing.
''Not going to lie I'm a bit terrifed. Is this safe?'' I said my voice is worried as I stand a safe distance away from the large bike
''I wouldn't be taking you on a ride if it wasn't, babe." Michael signature lopsided smile is cocky, but reassuring. He hands me a helmet without any further comments. I place it on my head, and Michael helps me snap the straps in place.
"You ready?" He asks as if I have a choice now. I vaguely nod my head before Michael pulls me by my hand to his motorcycle. He hops on and motions with his head for me to follow. I slowly get on the bike behind him, feeling like I'll tip over at any moment.
"Relax," He instructs. I take a deep breath and firmly embrace his torso.
''Hold on.'' He laughed as he sped off leaving my mother standing there in a panic the motion caused me to squeal and hold him tighter. This was absolutely mental!! Before I know what is happening, I'm are flying down the streets. , by the end of the ride, there is an irrepressible smile on my face.
Let me know what you think.
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