Chapter 11 :
A'N Guess whos back... back again :)
Chapter 11 :
After school I tried to avoid everyone from cheer so that I didn't have to stay for practice but I ended up running into my coach who escorted me to the gym. I tried to get out of it when we had to change but Katie made sure I was there. It seemed Ava was also caught up here for some reason. I took out my iphone and sent a message to Michael explaining things as I was supposed to be going to the beach with him after.
''How come you're here?'' I asked Ava... Ava had skipped the last few practices after she had sprained her ankle during a race between her and Calum at the beach last week.
''I am on the squad.'' she laughed ,
''-Lets just say coach wasn't happy with my absences and told my mum... Apparently even when Injured I'm supposed to turn up... some kind of crap that is.''
''Oh my god what did she say?''
''She asked why I was skipping, I explained that I would rather study than watch everyone prance around while I couldn't''
''I wish my mum was that understanding, she already went bananas when she found out I missed two'' I replied, The coach interrupted out little chat with the blow of her whistle and signaled for silence she folded her arms she looked pretty pissed.
''Girls I'm making some serious changes around here. I don't think some of you are taking this very seriously. I mean skipping practice ? Look if you don't want to do nationals I can pull out the cheer team all together and you can all just be here to look pretty for football games.-' a chorus of what! no and whys filled the room.
''Girls you're not organised I mean Brooke sorry to point you out you're the captain and you've missed at least three practices this week alone' all eyes were suddenly on me.
I pushed a piece of my brunette hair back behind my ear then opened my mouth to speak ,
''she's been revising with me in the library'' Ava spoke up saving me from what a mess I was going to make. I nodded and sent her a small smile in which she returned.
'Brooke is this true?!' , ''Yeah... I've been really struggling lately with my classes and college is coming up...'' I lied. My grades were perfectly... they slightly slipped at times where I have been occasionally late as Michael has overslept but I usually always catch up by the next morning.
'' I can't really complain with that. But practice needs to come first, this is your team Brooke they need your support and try to fit revising in another time.''
'Oh please.' Katie scoffed.
'Got something to say Katie?''Katie looked towards me with a smirk upon her face my heart began to race I knew what she was planning.
''We all know she hasn't been revising she's been occupying her time elsewhere...'
''Do you want to explain yourself Brooke?''
I shook my head as to say no and Katies smile grew bigger her eyes looked up as did everyone else's. There stood in the upstairs halls were Michael and Luke. There was multiple gasps around the room from the girls even though the majority knew we were seeing each other.
Luke waved through the window making Ava giggle slightly when Michael hit his chest.
''So what if I'm dating him. I have a right to do whatever I want outside of this class.''
''I don't like the fact you just lied to me Brooklyn''
''Don't call me that who do you think you are my mother?'' The dissapointment in my coaches voice angered me... she was barely ever here to teach us let alone lecture me.
''I think you need some time to cool down. Out now !'' She said her anger boiling up her face was slightly red as she blew her whistle like she was like a kettle ready to explode. I got up letting out a deep breath and walked out of the gym, pushing the heavy doors open and letting them slam behind me.
''Ava I didn't say your name sit back down!'' I hear the coach call from behind ,e
'' I do what I want !!' She yelled and followed me out of the class sitting with me on the changing room bench
''I'm going to be in big trouble.'' I sighed. '' join the club'' Ava laughed.
When we walked back into the gym all of the girls looked towards me. The room fell into a silence and it was freaking me out a bit. looked back up noticing Michael and Luke had left so I carried on walking towards the Coach.
''You wanted to see me?''
''The girls and I have decided as of today we're revoking you from being cheer captain of north shore high.''
'What !!' I exclaimed.
''We did a mutual vote. They wanted you out. You're still apart of the team just not captain... I need someone who can give one hundred and ten percent Brooke... That just isn't you anymore.'
''Coach you cannot be serious. She's the only reason we won nationals last year!'' Ava said
''This is a mutual decision. I've made up my mind it's done Katie will now take over the cheer team.''
'What!' Me and Ava chorused.
''Look the doors there if you don't want to work. This is a team and will only work if you're a team.''
''This has never been a fuckin' team!'' Ava said flipping off the coach and the rest of the girls walking out of the doors clearly pissed off with the betrayal. I don't suppose she had thought of what she was doing but I'm certainly thinking it was a good idea.
'I'll see you Monday.'' Coach said and walked off leaving me standing in the same place shocked and embarrassed. I looked around at the other team members who were all looking at me and whispering. When I finally managed to move I walked into the changing room , got changed and walked straight out. I took out my phone and sent a text to Michael.
'Just finished , where should I meet you?' I then threw my bag into my gym bag and made my way to my car.
I dropped Ava at home we just ranted to each other about Katie being captain.
''What are you going to tell your mum?' I said pulling up outside her house.
''That the grade A-asshole has been made captain.'' She laughed
''No seriously.'' I asked , she let out a sigh resting her head against the seat.
'I have no idea... The truth?' My phone bleeped and I searched through my bag pulling it out and opening the text from Michael.
''Meet me at Laylas record store'' I had no idea where this even was.
''Let me guess Michael ?'' I looked towards her nodding.
''Do you know where this is?'' I held up the phone to her and she nodded.
''Have you got a navigation system?'.' she asked fumbling with the buttons on my entertainment system. Ava punched in a postcode and then gathered her things together to say goodbye.
''Well I'll see you later thanks for the ride.'' She said opening the door and hopping out. I undid her window and yelled out 'good luck' she held up a thumbs up and walked towards her front door.
I went home quickly to shower as I didn't feel very clean after a long hot stuffy day at school and tried to avoid any contact with my mum. I got back into the car and followed the directions to the place Michael had asked me to meet him. I parked up outside of the record shop. It was the other end of town I don't usually shop this side so no wonder I never have heard of it. It's not a very good part of town but wherever Michael goes I shall follow.
I clicked the button to lock my car and made my way into the shop , a bell rang as I opened and closed the red painted metal door. Over a dozen records were in front of me labeled by all kinds of genre , artist and year. I scanned my eyes around the room spotting the tattooed boy from afar. He was stood behind the counter and I had now realized he must work here... or he's stealing money.
''Hello.'' He smiled reaching over the counter to peck me on the lips.
''Hi.'' His eyes softened and he looked down at me to read my expression.
Me and Luke thought we were making things worse as we watched our girls downstairs in the gym be lectured... we also thought we probably looked a bit creepy so left. I dropped Luke home as I started my shift at the record store in an hour and wanted something to eat before I started, I texted Brooke to meet me at work hoping she'd know where it was... I know it wasn't her typical place but maybe Chase would help her.
I hear the bell sound and immediately walk out of the stockroom towards the counter, A smile appears on my face as I see Brooke walking up to me. Her expression wasn't what I was expecting from her, what happened once I left?
''What's wrong ?'' I asked concerned.,
''Nothing I'm fine.'' She shuts me down quickly and I can't help but feel that she is lying to my face.
''Brooke?'' I ask again, reaching for her hand. I hopped over the counter and pulled her into my arms.
He wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me tight to his chest. His familiar smell of ciggarettes and soda pop... which I learned was actually a fruity flavour gum he always is chewing in class. The two smells were polar opposite, a bit like us.
';Michael come on back to work I don't pay you to stand around hugging girls '.' A voice spoke breaking us apart.
''Oh you must be Brooke the girl he does not stop talking about.'' A middle aged woman said walking out from the back room.
I opened my mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything to say instead I looked at Michael with a smirk upon my face as he broke eye contact looking at the floor blushing. Michael blushing never thought I'd see that.
''Brooke this is my aunt Layla. Layla this is my beautiful girlfriend Brooke''
''Well, Its nice to finally meet you.'' She said walking over to us and giving me a small delicate hug.
Laylay had bright red curly hair with a black top on that showed her cleavage , black shorts with fishnet tights and black Dr martens. She had a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm of all kinds of artwork. It gave me no surprise they were related and I questioned whether Michael had spent most of his life with her since they were so close and he looked more like her son.
''I'm going now.'' Michael said
''Oh are you now?'' She folded her arms looking up and down at Michael.
''Yes you'll manage.'' He pecked her on the cheek and took my hand walking us out.
''Behave now kids!'' She yelled before we left.
'' She was nice. Are you close with Layla then?'' I asked
''Yeah she looked after me a lot when my parents worked really long shifts.'' he said
I started to picture a young Michael being dropped off at this place and playing around with all the records helping his aunt and her showing him all the records she loved. It was a nice happy image I had of him.
''Nice.'' I said looking around the place exploring the new surroundings.
'You've never been here before have you?'' he chuckled at my half confused expression.
''Honestly. No I think I was forced to drop my brother off here once though'.'
He stopped to let out a little laugh then we carried on walking. I eventually told him about everything at practice today and he listened I then had to convince him not to kill the bitch.
We stopped at a Bar/Grill place called Humphreys. It looked a little run down and the big red sign was flashing as if it needed a new light bulb.
''They have great food here.I promise.'' He assured me.
He then escorts me to a table with all of his friends I have previously met some of them at Calums party and of course Ava was there. I wondered how her mum took the news she doesn't look too happy.
Hi just to let you know. My other fanfictions Falling for you and the sequel Falling Apart are complete if you would like to read a Calum Fanfic.
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