Ruin the surprise
(Dean's POV)
I sighed as I sat at dinner.
It had been a week since I had told Axel that I was going to come out to my parents and I finally felt ready to tell them. As we all finished our food, I set down my knife and fork and cleared my throat, bringing both of their eyes to my face.
"Mum, Dad. I need to tell you something that I've known since I was fourteen. I've been too nervous to tell you but I like boys and girls." I decided just to spit it out and not prolong it or I may just cry.
"Oh, honey, we know. You think I don't see the way my own son looks at our neighbour?" My dad chuckled, patting my shoulder comfortingly.
"You knew? I didn't mention it to you because I thought I'd ruin the surprise!" My Mum whined at my Dad.
"You both knew? What the hell was I scared about for the past four years?" I groaned, "All that time I spent treading on egg shells. Wait, what do you mean about neighbours?"
"Honey, we're your parents. We're not blind. You've been infatuated with Jeremiah since you were fourteen." My Mum chuckled, taking my plate to load it into the dishwasher.
"I am not infatuated with him." I huffed with my cheeks tinged red, "Besides, I sort of am seeing somebody at the moment."
"Oh honey! What are they like?" My Mum cooed, pulling me to sit down on the sofa with her and dad as they leaned in for details.
"Erm, his name is Axel." I blushed, "Hold on, I have a photo."
I pulled out my phone and tried to find a photo of Axel. I had quite a few of us laying in his bed cuddling or of him sprawled out shirtless in bed, smoking, or close ups of his tattoos and stuff but I didn't particularly want to show my mum any of those for obvious reasons.
I found one of him sat on the bleachers from when he had picked me up earlier that day. He was sat there, wearing his usual jeans, doc martens, leather jacket, and a bright pink band t shirt, grinning at the camera as I approached him. I showed her with a blush and she raised an eyebrow, nodding.
"He's certainly attractive, underneath all of the leather and piercings." My Mum nodded, showing my dad with raised eyebrows.
"I'm sure he likes him with all of that, honey. It's part of the appeal." My dad chimed in, making me mortified to exist.
"Oh my god, please stop." I cringed.
"Naturally, we'll want to meet him when he asks you out properly." My dad gave me a pointed look.
"What makes you think he'll ask me? I could ask him!" I huffed, crossing my arms.
"That guy is like six foot six and looks like he could use you as a toothpick. He's asking you." My dad deadpanned.
"He could be a power bottom, honey. Jeremiah was telling his Mum that..." My Mum started but I cut her off by slapping my hands over my ears and screaming.
She did not just suggest that I was a power bottom.
"I'm going to my room. Conversation over." I cringed, darting from the sofa and up the stairs.
Other than the whole power bottom comment, that went better than expected.
I grabbed my phone and shot Axel a text, telling him as much. He replied almost instantly, congratulating me. He had been out to his family for years. They weren't really phased by anything he did now after everything else he had done. He then shot a text asking if that meant he could kiss me in the halls now and I blushed.
He still hadn't made it official and I was waiting on it but we did all of the typical couples things: kissing, cuddling, sending cute texts, etc. We even had a date scheduled for Saturday night. I told him I still had to tell one more person and then he could go for it.
I dialled Adam's number and he picked up far too quickly; he must have been scrolling through his phone.
"Hey, Dean." His voice came through the receiver.
"Hey, Adam. Can I come round to yours? Not for long, I just needed to speak to you." I nibbled on my lip nervously.
I could have waited till' tomorrow but the suspense would be too much. I heard some shuffling on his end.
"Yeah. Sure." He mumbled.
I slipped on my shoes and jogged to the front door, yelling be back soon to my parents and climbing into my car. I got to Adam's in no time at all.
"Hey, dude. What is the sudden spontaneous urge to see me about?" Adam teased, leading me into his front room.
"I just came out to my parents." I blurted, making Adam stumble and trip over the sofa in surprise.
I helped to pull him up guiltily and he looked at me in surprise.
"You're gay?" He asked, his voice coated in surprise.
"Bisexual, actually." I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.
He sat down on the sofa slowly and I followed suit, bouncing my knee in nervousness. He still hadn't said anything and I guess that was partially my fault. I had kind of sprung this on him rather quickly. It was too awkward building up to it; a lot of umming and awing. I just wanted to rip it off, like a band aid. Sudden realisation crossed his face and he looked at me with an unreadable expression.
"You and Axel?" He asked, his voice thick with realisation.
"Kind of, he hasn't asked me yet." I shrugged, blushing.
"You've got a weird taste in guys." He wrinkled his nose, "Who would have thought: Dean and Axel. Now that I think about it, it makes total sense. You were obsessed with that tattooed guy in the mall."
"Don't say taste!" I gasped while blushing profusely, "It makes it sound... Sexual."
"Well, isn't it? If not, get your money back." Adam sent me a lopsided grin, making me hit him with a sofa pillow.
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