Chapter Thirteen-Party Time
Chapter Thirteen
Party Time
Just as I'm about to fall into bliss, I feel the ghost of hands on my throat and I jolt awake, not wanting to delve further into that dream. Hearing Steve and Bucky's heavy breathing, I guess they're still asleep. Very, very carefully, I extricate myself from between them and slip out of my room, grabbing my phone as I go. Once I'm out of my room and the doors are shut I go into my contacts and only hesitate slightly before pressing Tony's contact. I hold my phone up to my ear and he answers on the second ring.
"Josie? What's going on?" He asks, worry coloring his tone.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just...where are you? Are you in your lab?" I ask, already heading that direction.
"Yeah, I'm in my lab-" He starts, but I cut him off.
"On my way," I tell him and hang up, jogging there and nearly screaming when I enter and he rushes me.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks seriously, his hands cradling my face tenderly. Gently, I remove his hands.
"Nightmares. Thought I'd just come stay down here for a while?" I change the inflection into a question so he knows he can turn me away. His concerned expression lessens a little as he straightens up.
"Stay as long as you want, Josie." He gestures to various objects on tables, a couch on the wall, and a couple of chairs in between.
"Thanks. What are you working on?" I ask, eager to get my mind off things. Tony walks to a table with multiple doohickeys strewn across it and shrugs, still watching me carefully.
"Well, actually I was working on something for your suits." He admits, picking up a tiny little mechanical chip.
"What is it?" I ask, staring at the chip with interest.
"Now, I'm still tweaking it." He warns before moving it onto a glass part of the table. Instantly, screens pop up in an oval around us with various pictures and writings on it that I can't understand. "Once this is added you'll have your own A.I. of sorts. There'll be a heater, air conditioner, a scope for the masked suits, coms, and a nice little voice in your head when the rest of us aren't talking to you already." He explains while pointing to various things on the screens.
"So, I'll have a Friday?" I question with a small smile. Tony shakes a hand in the air.
"Sort of. Your own version of her." Tony specifies before collapsing the screens and turning to look at me. "Listen, Josie, you've got to tell me what's going on. You're driving me crazy with worry here." He tells me and I can feel it coming off him. I swallow and look down at my feet.
"I just need time..." I start slowly, trailing off. Gently, he sits me down on a stool and crouches in front of me.
"You take the time you need, but Josie, you've got to take steps to get better. I'll get you the best shrink in the world if you want. Just don't punish yourself by bottling it up, you hear me?" He tells me firmly, those dark eyes shining like stars. Emotion rises up to choke me and I swallow multiple times before talking.
"I...uh. I killed people, Tony." I whisper, making sure to maintain eye contact with him. His expression doesn't change.
"Okay. Everyone on this team has killed at least one person, Josie. They weren't good people." He tells me gently, but I shake my head.
"No, you don't understand. It wasn't self-defense. Well, I guess it almost advance..." I think aloud, losing myself in the memory.
"Josie," Tony calls me back out with an expectant look on his face.
"I uh...I made them explode. Their heads burst right in front of me." I try to explain, as my tears begin to escape. Tony's face is shocked, but he stands and cradles my head against him.
"Okay..." There's a pause filled with silence before Tony's firm voice speaks again. "Now, Josie. I'm going to tell you something not many others on this team would." He stops a moment and runs his hands over my hair. "I'm glad they're dead. They deserved it and I don't want you to feel guilty for it for one second. Not a single second, Jo." He says and his sincerity leaks onto my skin, tainting me with it. Once I've calmed down enough to speak properly, we both sit on the floor. "Now, let's do some verbal affirmations." He says in a much lighter tone.
"Tony," I complain a little.
"Repeat after me, 'I am not guilty.'" He starts, staring at me until I say it too. We go on like that all night, changing the words every once and a while into something different. Eventually, we both fall asleep on the floor, exhausted but infinitely lighter. Although...I will never forgive myself.
* * * * * * * * * *
*The Christmas Eve Party*
"You look beautiful, Jo," Natasha tells me as I straighten out the fabric of my dress.
"I do?" I ask in a nervous laugh. Natasha was kind enough to help me with my make-up and help me get ready. My bruises have healed, so now my skin is only decorated with scars. I asked Natasha to do the minimal amount of make-up on my face, I can't stand the feeling of it being caked on.
"Yes, you do." She assures me and pins my hair to the side, letting it drape over my shoulder to show off my back and the scar on my face. I take a deep breath and look at her instead of my reflection. She's wearing a short, tight, off the shoulder dress that's dark red in color and has a slit that goes from her knee to the top of her thigh. She faces me as well and sighs, putting her hands on her hips. "Don't worry about the looks you get from others. You just be you and if they don't like it, make them regret it." She advises me gently. I smile and nod.
"Thanks," I respond shortly, the nerves taking a tole on my conversation skills. We head out of my room and into the hallway, walking down it to a part of the tower I don't venture to. Natasha convinced me to wear heels and has had me practice walking in them every day. I must say, the clicking on the floor makes me feel hella powerful.
The rest of the team are waiting there, although Wanda and Vision look like they've already gone in. Bucky and Steve look nice but comfortable, both wearing button-ups in shades of blue and grandpa shoes. Bucky's in black slacks while Steve's in khaki colored pants. Tony contrasts nicely in his full suit with a blue tie to match the boys. He also holds a small violin case in his right hand. I take a deep breath and they all turn to stare at me.
"Aw, you look like a real lady, Josie." Tony compliments.
"Do I not usually?" I quip instantly, relaxing a little in the presence of my friends. He rolls his eyes at me and hands me the violin case. Bucky steps forward and lays his left arm over my shoulders.
"You ready for this, kiddo?" He asks, briskly brushing his lips across my hair.
"Nope, but the sooner it's over the sooner I can drink champagne," I respond, smirking teasingly in Steve's direction. We'd voted on it, so I can have a few glasses. Steve voted for it, but the concern twinkling in his eyes is almost tangible.
"Not too much, though." He reminds me with a smile. Tony checks his watch and looks at me.
"Time to go everyone. Don't throw up, Josie." He shoots me a wink before slipping out the doors, briefly letting in the noise of people talking and music playing. Bucky squeezes my shoulder and heads through as well, Natasha on his heels after smiling softly at me.
"You'll do great, Jo. Save a dance for me, huh?" He teases lightly, getting a smile out of me before slipping out as well. After a deep breath, I head out and instantly turn right when the music stops and Tony starts talking.
"Hey everyone, don't worry I'm not going to be talking for long. I just wanted to introduce someone who is going to play some beautiful music for you all." Knowing that's my cue, I start making my way onto the small stage and get out the beautiful cherry wood violin Tony bought me a week ago. "Her name is Josephine Leigh and we're very fond of her here in the tower." A small smile works its way onto my face at the compliment.
"She's in training now and is an exciting addition to the team. She's even taken on our very own Captain America and won!" I look at him on the other side of the stage and shake my head, scolding him slightly. With a smirk on his face, he points to me as I settle the violin under my chin. "Josephine Leigh, everyone!" He says finally and steps away clapping.
I look out at the crowd and nod my head once before shutting my eyes and trying to forget they're there. When my bow hits the strings I exhale, then just play. My choice is 'For the Love of a Princess' from Braveheart. After a lot of research and bingeing Celtic woman as well as YouTube violin videos, this song just called to me. It's calming and sad and beautiful all at the same time. My eyes stay closed the entire time and my audience is silent. At least, they're silent until I finish.
When my eyes open my ears are bombarded by cacophonous applause. I freeze in shock before blinking and lowering my violin, putting it back in its case and leaving it there with the band. I stand there a moment, then wave and quickly scurry off the stage. I'm sure I was the picture of grace. I retreat towards the wall as the applause quiets and more music starts to play. A couple of people look at me and nod, but thankfully none try to talk to me. Of course, until I run into one of them. A man, most likely in his late twenties in a white button-up shirt puts his hands on my upper arms and steadies me before we both take a tumble.
"I'm so sorry." He apologizes instantly. I look up and find green eyes complimented by dark hair. I shake my head.
"I wasn't looking, completely my fault." I excuse him, brushing his hands off me before reading anything.
"You play extremely well, by the way. Josephine, right?" He asks nicely, offering his hand for me to shake.
"Just Jo." I correct him and reluctantly shake his hand. Thoughts swirl around, pretty average thoughts; wondering about my scar, admiration for how I play, things like that. It's only when he starts thinking about how old I am and his eyes keep wondering to my lips that decides that I don't like him. I rescind my hand from his and nod, getting ready to slip away.
"Would you like to dance, Jo?" He asks, his hand reclaiming mine. After a moment of roaming in his mind, I smile and nod.
"I'd love to...?" I trail off, waiting for his name.
"Kent." He tells me, escorting me onto the dancefloor.
"Kent," I say sweetly, positioning my hands correctly as we begin to dance. "So, Kent, just so you know, I think you're very charming." I compliment him with my brightest smile. A smile graces his face as we sway back and forth.
"Thanks. You look absolutely gorgeous." He compliments me in return, his eyes once again floating to my lips as his fingers move up and down my bare back.
"That's sweet of you, Kent. What I think is the most charming thing about you is that I almost can't tell when you're looking over my shoulder at women's asses." I tell him in my most innocent voice, savoring the way my words seem to hit him in the face. "Also, the fact that one of your first thoughts when you felt my dress had no back, was that I'm not wearing a bra, really makes me want to sleep with you." His brows furrow and we stop moving as he looks at me in confusion and burgeoning anger.
"How do you know that?" He asks, more concerned with that than his thoughts. I lose my fake smile and roll my eyes.
"I'm an Avenger, bitch. Get the fuck out of here." I snap, stepping away from him and pointing to the door. He flusters for a moment but does as I ask when I zap him a little on the ass. The next time a champagne tray passes I grab a flute, savoring the bubbly taste on my tongue after taking a sip. I sigh in relief when I see Steve, chuckling when I see he's clearly looking for me. I navigate through the throng of people to him and put a hand on his arm. He turns to me and sighs in relief.
"I thought maybe you'd gotten lost." He teases lightly. I shake my head.
"No, I'm doing great," I assure him. The last thing I want right now is a hovering Steve, so I'll tell him about Kent later. At least, that was the plan.
"I can't believe how well you dealt with that asshole, Josie! God, I love you!" Tony exclaims happily, throwing an arm around my shoulders. I'm grinning when I wrap my arm around Tony's waist in return, then I look sheepishly up at Steve. He has a resigned smile on his face and he's shaking his head at me. "I'm off to find Peter, you need to meet a nice guy your own age."
"You act my age, Tony." I tease and receive a kiss on my cheek before he's off again. Steve offers me his hand and I take it, setting my glass on the bar behind him. We start to sway and I prepare myself for a lecture.
"You could have just told me, Jo. Believe it or not, I actually believe you can handle yourself. Most of the time." He adds the end with a little smile. I press my lips together to hide my smile.
"And what would you have done if you had seen an older man feeling me up?" I ask him, already knowing his answer. He hesitates and I laugh, wiggling my fingers against his hand. "I can see your answer already and honestly I would've paid good money to see you punch someone in public." I tease with an easy smile. Steve sighs in resignation.
"I'm sure America would love seeing that." He says, then glances over my shoulder and smiles. "Just please don't kill Peter. He's a good kid." He tells me and stops dancing, walking me over to where Tony stands with the young man everyone's been talking about. His thought is projected so loud I can hear it without trying. 'Wow. She's beautiful. And what a cool scar!'
"Alright, Jo. This is Peter. Peter this is Jo. Don't make her angry." Tony warns and gets an eye-roll from me for it. Peter smiles shakily.
"Uh, hi. I'm Peter Parker. Well, you already knew that because Mr. Stark just said it. Uh, you played really well up there. The violin." He says nervously, calling a smile to my face. Suddenly he seems to remember he hasn't shaken my hand and shoots his hand out in front of him. I shake it gently and have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at his jumbled, nervous head.
"Nice to meet you, Peter. Thank you for the compliment." I tell him in a calm voice, emanating a little to get him to chill out. I glance at Tony as Peter continues to look over at him like an overexcited puppy. "Tony, you're making him nervous. Why don't you and Steve get a drink at the bar?" I recommend. Tony smirks and winks at me, then smacks Steve's shoulder and drags him to the bar. Peter relaxes noticeably, but not completely. "Would you like to come out on the balcony with me to get some air?" I ask, thinking maybe he'll be calmer out of the crowd.
"Sure. Actually, I'd love to learn more about you. Mr. Stark introduced you as an Avenger but what can you do? And what do you do in training? And, uh, how did you get Mr. Stark to let you call him Tony?" He fires off question after question as we walk, but I can't help but laugh at the last one. He's quick to move ahead of me and open the door, ducking out after me. Cold air swirls around the two of us as we walk to the edge. I lean against the edge and face his brown hair and big brown eyes, replaying his questions in my head.
"Okay, so I have the ability to heal, read minds, influence emotions, absorb temporary abilities, and send electrical impulses via my mind. I do pretty much everything in training. Strength tests, flexibility tests, uh, combat. I call Tony, Tony because that's his name." I shrug. "It's what I've always called him," I explain the best I can as his eyes sparkle with the addition of new knowledge.
"Wow! That's amazing, that's all amazing!" He shouts happily and I laugh again, crossing my arms to keep the chill away. "Oh shit, you must be freezing. I'm so sorry!" He apologizes and instantly pulls off his suit jacket, draping it across my shoulders. Laughter fills my mouth when I look at him and see his Spiderman suit under the white fabric of his button-up.
"It's not your fault it's cold Peter, but thank you. I think we should also switch spots," I put my hands on his shoulders and spin us so I'm blocking him from the view of people inside. "so, people can't see your suit through your shirt." He gasps in surprise and looks down, putting his hands on his chest as if he could hide it.
"This...this isn't a suit. I mean, it's cold outside so these are like...these are long johns." He lies horribly as I watch, shaking my head slowly with a smile on my face.
"Tony told me, don't worry about it. Your secret is safe with me." I reassure him gently, sincerity rolling off me in waves. He seems to relax instantly, leaning back against the wall with the city as his backdrop. Instantly, my mind catalogs the picture to draw later.
"Uh, do you mind if I ask you more questions?" He asks, his expression a little sheepish.
"Ask me whatever you like, Peter." I allow, looking forward to his questions. He tosses question after question at me about my abilities, my life at the tower, Tony, and I answer all of them to the best of my ability. I ask a few of my own, fascinated with his abilities.
"Well, you said you could absorb abilities, right? Why don't you absorb mine, then we can go off together?" He offers and my eyes widen a little at the insinuation. "No, no. I mean, not go off together...not like that. I just...I meant do stuff together. Climb! Climb and flip and...stuff like that." My lips are pressed tight together to keep from laughing at his struggle, but it's a losing battle. I like him, especially when he's flustered and blushing.
"How about tomorrow? Tony said you were staying at least one night before going back with your aunt. Scaling the side of the building now would call a little too much attention." I point out and get a quiet laugh out of him.
"Sounds good. Uh, my aunt is here. Would you like to meet her?" He asks nicely, pointing to inside. Nodding, I hand him his jacket back.
"I'd love to meet her," I respond, turning back to the doors and almost reeling at how thin the crowd is now. "How long have we been out here?" I ask as he opens the door. He checks his watch and chuckles.
"Uh, wow. Nearly two hours." He answers, his tone surprised. "You're really easy to talk to." He continues, his hand hovering over the small of my back to guide me to his aunt. I blink in shock at the compliment.
"I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before," I say with a tint of dry humor in my voice.
"Here she is. Aunt May!" He shouts and a woman in a gorgeous, violet dress turns towards us. A smile instantly blooms on her face when she sees Peter, widening when she sees me. We reach her and I shake her hand instantly, smirking when her thoughts float to mine. 'Thank god he's found another friend. A pretty one, too.' "Aunt May, this is Jo. She's the newest Avenger." Peter introduces me.
"Yes, I heard. Nice to meet you, Jo." She greets me kindly with a bright smile.
"Nice to meet you as well. You have a very nice nephew." I tell her genuinely, smiling when I see Peter look at his shoes and blush. Aunt May notices as well and looks at him with a knowing glance.
"Thank you." She responds simply. "And thank you for the invitation here. We've had a lovely time."
"I'm glad. You know, you and Peter are welcome to stay as long as you like here. It's no trouble." I tell her. She glances between Peter and me and turns a little nervous.
"I don't know..." Her eyes settle on Peter's pleading ones. The gears start turning in my mind and I spy the entire team at the bar watching me and Peter. Resisting rolling my eyes, I wave them over.
"If you need more reassurance you can talk to the rest of the team. You've already met Tony, haven't you?" I gently turn her around towards Steve, Tony, Natasha, and Bucky. Tony kisses her hand, then passes her onto Steve. Each member introduces themselves politely as I move next to Tony. "I was just telling Peter's aunt that they can stay as long as they like," I tell him and he instantly catches on.
"Absolutely! We'd love to have another brain in the tower and I'm sure Jo would enjoy hanging out with someone else her age." He goes on like a parent; of me or Peter, who knows. Aunt May bites her lip, looking back at Peter.
"I'd like to stay." He tells her softly. Tony steps forward and lays an arm around May's shoulders.
"I could set up a spa day for you tomorrow, how about that? Pepper has really been wanting a day off, I can set up something between you two. You both would really get along." Tony goes on as he guides her towards the floor of spare bedrooms.
"You can stay! Just, behave!" Aunt May yells back at us before Tony shows her out.
"Yes!" Peter shouts and holds a hand up for a high five. I return it, not remembering the last time I actually gave a high five to someone.
"You've met the rest of the Avengers, right? Vision and Wanda have probably already gone to sleep, so this is it for tonight." I gesture to them as they look at Peter. Steve crosses his arms the same time Bucky does, looking a little threatening. Natasha doesn't have to do anything to look threatening but look at him. I hear Peter swallow nervously. "Cut it out, guys," I warn them, but they don't relax. "Fine. This is Steve Rogers. His favorite Disney movie is Hercules." I introduce him and try to surprise the rude, threatening look off his face. It works and his face bursts into a smile.
I continue on, "This is Bucky Barnes and he likes to watch say yes to the dress." Bucky does a good job of maintaining his poker face, but I see the corners of his mouth turn up. "And this is Natasha. A wonderful dancer." She smirks and loses the scary eyes. "They're all softies, so don't let them fool you." I turn back to Peter to see how he's faring. The fear in his eyes has calmed, but I can still feel his nervous energy. "Here, let me show you around, Peter." I offer and walk towards the doors, letting him go first. I turn around and flick off my friends before ducking through the door Peter's holding open for me.
Oh sweet, soft, awkward Peter. You are my heart. <3 What do you all think of Peter? And what do you think he thinks of Jo? Will they be friends? Tell me!
Keep reading, loves!
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