Part 2
"Anna loves swimming," Fawn says when the girls were down for their nap cause swimming wore her the devil out, and she loved to splash as well and get her parents wet as well which she loves to do and she loves to kick her little legs as she was swimming, and her parents knew she was going to be a swimmer when she gets older in life and she was going to all maybe all the way to the Olympics, and maybe she will get the gold in some meter relay
"Yeah, I can't wait until we can take little Addy here to her first swim class, and see if she loves the water as her sister does, and I am hoping she is cause she loves the bath," he says as he still plays with little Addy who still didn't want to sleep yet, and she wanted to be up for a while, and play wither parents and maybe she will get worn down that way as well
"Not for a while yet Kevin," Fawn says as she brings a teething ring for Addy cause she was starting to cut teeth a little bit, and she could see that the baby was in a bit of pain, and was hurting, so she was going to do anything to help Addy with her teething
"Do your gums hurt sweetie?" he asks when he sees her drool a little bit, and could it start to build up a lot right now
Kevin gives her teething ring to gum on for a while, and that helps a lot cause she was moving it around a lot right now so that was feeling fairly good right now
"Addy has your blue eyes, and your hair," Fawn says when she sees Addy's blue eyes light up from her tears cause she had been crying a little bit from the pain that she had in her mouth as well
"Yeah, I know I love that about her," he says as he kisses Addy cause she loved daddy kisses a lot right now especially since she was getting her first tooth in at the moment
"Kevin you are great with all of the girls," Fawn says to him as she sees him interact with her
"I know I am I can't wait until we have our own," he says as he holds Addy's teething ring cause she was starting to cut teeth and they were bugging her a lot right now and he was okay with holding her until she was okay with the teething ring
"Me either when do you and Bostyn go to swimming class? Isn't her class coming up soon, and she will learn how to swim as well" Fawn asks him the girls swim classes were spaced out so one went with one and one went with the other one to their class when they were going to go swimming
"Tonight, is our class and I'm kind of nervous about it, and I don't want her to have a meltdown cause she has been really shy lately around others like at the library," he says as he gets up with Addy cause she was starting to get a little sleepy right now cause the medicine was working the trick with her first tooth
'Go put her in her room, and then we can work on her a sibling" Fawn says to him cause she was ready
"I will," he says as he takes Addy to her room, and he was going to follow Fawn to the room where they were going to get started on one of their own cause they were ready
Fawn goes and puts on the cute and sexy outfit that she bought hopefully this time they will get pregnant, and if they didn't, they will take a long break, and if they get pregnant naturally, they will, and if they don't, they will go for adoption again and then go from there again like before, and if they get pregnant, they got pregnant on their own
"Here we go Addy," he says as he puts her in her crib for her after nap cause she was falling asleep in his arms right now
Addy didn't want to go in her crib at all she wanted to be with daddy for the moment, and he was going to let her be with him
"Princess you are too little for a big girl bed," he says as he holds her in his arms once again to see if she falls back to sleep that way cause she was really comfortable with daddy right now and she did not want that ruined at all
Kevin rubs Addy's back as he continued to rock her side to side hoping he will get her to calm down a little bit, and she will go to sleep on her own cause he could see she was fighting sleep, and sleep was winning the fight right now, and he was going to do anything to get her to go to sleep on her own
"Sweetie, when you are older you can get a big girl bed and get in and out on your own without any problems. Until then you have to sleep in your crib baby girl, but I can sleep with you baby girl if you want " he says as he lays her back in her crib one more time for her nap
Addy hated that thing
"Oh no," he says as he takes her to the couch to sleep with her cause he was the only person she will sleep with when she won't sleep in her crib, and Kevin knew he was going to have to sleep with her, later on, that night when it was time for bed
"Oh, Addy, what am I going to do about you?" he asks her as he lays down with her, so she could sleep a little bit maybe for her parents if they were lucky as well
After a while, Fawn came to see about Kevin, and she couldn't help but shed a tear when she saw Kevin and Addy sound asleep on the couch.
"Night my two cuties," Fawn says as she covers Kevin and Addy up with a blanket cause they looked cute sound asleep especially Addy with her thumb in her mouth, and she took off Kevin's glasses as well
Boston come on sweetie it's time for us to go to the community center for our swim lessons" he calls to her after supper was over for the night cause Fawn made the girls favorite
Bostyn goes to him with her favorite teddy that she drags around every place she goes that teddy goes with her and everyone loves her
"Bostyn you can't bring a teddy to the pool he will get wet and soggy, and you won't be happy about that, princess and that means we will have to get a new teddy" he says as he tries to get the bear away from Bostyn so they could go to the community center for lessons that night
Boston still clung to it really tight
"Okay you can bring teddy with you," he says as he takes her out to the car, so they could head to the community center to get ready to swim that evening
Kevin buckles her in, and they set off to the community center that night
(Community center)
"Here we are Bostyn tonight you get to be a fishy like Anna is," he says as he gets her out of the car and brings her into the building for the class cause he had to talk her into letting her bear stay in the van
Boston stayed close to Kevin the entire time they were heading to the lockers rooms to get changed into their swimsuit for the class that night cause she was really shy in front of other kids and adults as well
"You look really pretty Bostyn," he says after he got her into the cute swimsuit that Fawn bought for her that day to wear into the water as she pretends to be a fish in the water
Kevin takes a picture and sends it to Fawn, so she has it, and then he went back out to the van to get the bear for Bostyn cause she was crying out for it
"Come on sweetie let's head to the pool area to wait to get in the water," he says as he walks out of the locker room with her Bostyn stayed close as they headed into the small pool room for class
"Okay now we sit on the bench to wait to be called into the water, so you can be a fishy like Anna," he says as he guides her to an available bench to wait to go in the water
Boston holds her teddy tight as she sat on the bench with daddy
"Sweetie we are going to have fun here we are going to play games sing songs, and do all kinds of fun stuff," he says to her as the teacher get into the pool to call the class to sit on the ledge
"Hello everyone and welcome to parent/ child swim class now I will like everyone to sit on the ledge, and we can get started," the teacher says to the class
"Come on sweetie," Kevin says to Bostyn who was still holding her teddy tight
Boston wasn't moving at all she was parked right on that bench with her teddy
"This is going to be harder then what I thought," he says as he calls Fawn to see if she will go in the water with Bostyn cause Bostyn wasn't moving at all she wanted her mommy to be with her right now he could tell that she was really scared for her life right now
"Boston are you going to get in the water with the other boys and girls?" the teacher asks her
Bostyn shakes her head no as she stayed with daddy cause she felt safe with him
"It's going to be fun," the teacher says as she gets out of the pool to get Bostyn cause this teacher wants everyone who signed up for the class to participate no matter what
Kevin picks her up, and bring her over to the ledge and sits with her while they wait on Fawn to come with the others right now
"Good evening everyone tonight we will learn to jump into and get out of the water and use our legs to help us," the teacher says to the class
"Are you going to jump Bostyn?" he asks her as he was looking at her right now cause he wanted to see what she could do on her own
She shakes her head no
"I think we are going to wait for mommy to come so she can do this with you," he says as he gets up with her in his arms cause she was scared of the water
Soon fawn comes in with her suit on and the others as well
"Hey sweetie," she says as she was going to be with her
Boston was glad mommy was there, and she was just fine
"That's my girl," Fawn says as she was with Bostyn who was a happy camper cause she had both her parents with her right now, and she felt comfortable with them in the water
Boston got more and more comfortable as mommy and daddy were with her
"She is like a koala right now," Fawn says as she was carrying Boston to the lockers right now
"I would not have it any other way," he says as he was kissing all of his girls
Boston slowly warmed up to swimming lessons and she loved getting in the water every class and she was with daddy when mommy could not join her
"That's my girl," he says as she was swimming like a champ
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next chapter is up and that's the playgroup chapter and I got other chapters up as well
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