Chapter Twenty- two
It had been two days since it had been revealed in Belandi of Vera and Antonio's wedding. It had been two days of Vera and Zasha struggling to maintain their relationship with grace and love, Vera wasn't one to spoil her girlfriend in flowers and jewellery neither which Zasha had been given over the two days instead Vera just gave truths and apologies whenever Zasha mentioned something.
It had been two days since it had been revealed in Belandi of Vera and Antonio's wedding, in those two days Antonio and Mr Tonio had left Vera alone. Vera didn't know their plan, instead she had her own and she was going to use it to her full advantage when the time was right.
Zasha busied herself in the kitchen as Vera sat at the dining table.
It had been one day since Tommy and Vera had found their envelopes in the safe, it had been one day since Vera asked Tommy if he was trying to take the reigns from her or if he was trying to reclaim the Deadcull title. Neither had spoken about either of those topics since.
Tommy hadn't come out of his house unless it was absolutely necessary.
Tony felt like he was the only one not caught in Vera's crosshairs even after the threat to she made to him and Tommy two days ago, he still popped into the Melana house even if Vera didn't leave her house in two days. He didn't leave until Vera instructed him to leave.
Tony pulled the SUV into the gravel driveway, he sat silently in the car for a moment. He noticed a car drive in behind him, he bravely stepped out of the car as he waited by the driver's door.
The car parked behind the SUV; Tony nodded his head slightly at the driver in the car. Tony recognised the driver, the passenger and the person in the backseat.
Zasha flung open the front door as she rushed out to the car, Vera slowly followed behind.
"Mum! Dad!" Zasha beamed as her parents car.
Viola, a woman in her mid-sixties stepped out, she wrapped her arms around Zasha "Sweetheart."
Zephan noticed Vera by the steps of the porch, Vera attempted a warm smile even though she knew Zephan had it out for her.
"Sweetie." Zephan felt his daughter jump into his arms, he lowered his gaze to Zasha as he kissed her cheek.
Viola moved to the boot of the car as Zasha pulled out of dad's arms, she pulled open the door of the car "Christopher." She scrunched up her nose playfully at her nonverbal brother in his seat.
Christopher made a sound that seemed exciting to see his sister.
Unlike Vera's family, The Baker's didn't hide anything from their children, nor did they force their children into a world the kids didn't want to be part of.
Zephan was a police officer, who'd not only do anything to protect his family but also do almost anything to protect his community.
Viola was a woman who struggled to hold down a job due to being her son's near-fulltime career.
Vera stepped towards the Baker's car "Mr and Mrs Baker."
"Vera, honey." Viola unfolded the wheelchair and placed it by the side of the car "How are you?"
"Grounded." Vera made her one word answer sound like a joke.
Neither Zephan or Viola understand what Vera meant, Zephan helped his son out of the car and into his wheelchair.
"Tony, can you please help." Vera called over to Tony.
"Tony." Zephan politely spoke.
"Sir." Tony helped Zephan push the wheelchair over to the porch before lifting up the wheelchair onto the porch.
"So, this is the famous Melana house?" Viola closed the car door before wrapping her arm around her daughter and girlfriend's waist.
"It's not that impressive, mum." Zasha smirked as the three woman walked to the front doors.
Tony had already lead Zephan into the lounge room, Christopher sat by the lounge as Tony found the light switch. Zephan stayed standing behind his son's wheelchair.
"It is to me, remember. Your father and I haven't been here before, even when you said that you were moving in here."
Vera carefully pulled out of Viola's touch as she allowed mother and daughter to reconnect.
Viola was in awe of the house as she stepped inside the Victorian two storey home.
Vera stood by the entrance of the lounge room as she watched Viola take in all the family details etched around the room, from the various family Melana photos throughout the generations to the Melana crest that sat proudly on the wall in full display.
"I see your quite proud of your name" Zephan spoke.
Vera shrugged a little "Mr Baker, my family has a history to take pride in our family name."
Tony stood by Vera's side.
"Your Tony, the driver. Right?" Zephan tried to remember the details his daughter had told him.
"Yes, sir." Tony felt no fear in answering his question.
"I bet you must know the Melana's quite well then."
Vera could tell that Zephan was fishing for answers for his job.
"Not quite, sir."
"Meaning?" Zephan questioned.
"Zephan, that's quite enough. This isn't work, we're here to see our daughter and her girlfriend." Viola took a seat on the dust covered lounge; she shook the dust away from her face.
"Apologise, Mrs Baker. This room barely gets used. We mostly just use the dining room and kitchen." Vera stated.
Zephan found Vera's excuse quite odd.
"I'll be back with a few drinks and something to eat." Zasha excused herself, she shifted her glance to Vera before leaving the lounge room.
"I see your using my daughter as the help." Zephan stayed behind his son's wheelchair.
"No, sir. Your daughter's the better cook out of the two of us." Vera watched as Zephan finally took his seat next to his wife.
Zasha came back carrying a tray of glasses filled with iced water before placing them down on the dusty coffee table. She disappeared back to the kitchen before returning with a tray of various biscuits, she placed the tray on the table before sitting in the middle of her parents.
"Excuse me" Vera excused herself as she lead Tony out of the house, she stopped at the SUV "You and Tommy have the afternoon off, keep Tommy away until they leave."
Tony nodded, he watched as Vera made her way back into the house.
"Sorry, about that." Vera sat on the lounge across from the Baker's. She listened as she heard Zasha mention the catering job she had just been given.
"It's a wedding, We had the engagement party several nights ago and everyone loved what I baked. Even the cake was..." Zasha sighed with pride as she kept the conversation with her family.
Christopher's non-verbal sounds happily interjected his sister's proud moment.
Vera sat and watched, she had met the Baker's several times since she had begun dating Zasha, she had unfortunately up until this moment had never invited the Baker's over. Maybe it was out of protecting them or out of protecting that Vera hadn't outed herself to anyone other than those closest to her.
Zephan almost choked on the air he was breathing "The Ariovaldo's?" He glanced at Vera "My daughter is catering for the Ariovaldo's!?"
Vera took shame as she nodded "I tried to talk her out of it."
Zasha remained quiet as she felt her mother's hands touch her hands.
"Clearly didn't try hard enough, If I find they've hurt my daughter" Zephan began to threaten.
"Dad, enough." Zasha tried to calm down her father.
Christopher made a squeal that made his family realise he felt unsafe.
Viola rose to her feet and tried to soothe her son down.
Zasha hadn't told her parents that Antonio had threatened her.
Everyone turned their attention to Tony as he stopped in the lounge room entrance "Sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor."
Zephan cautiously watched Vera.
"Any chance you can handle it?"
Tony shook his head "Asking for you personally."
"Sorry about this." Vera rose to her feet, she followed Tony out of the house, she closed the front door behind her.
"You're kidding, right!? She brings home business!? Where you live!? No!" Zephan jumped to his feet as he shook his head "I want you to pack your stuff, I don't want my daughter living here any longer."
"Zephan" Viola reprimanded her husband "Are you even sure business is conducted here? If Zasha was in trouble, our daughter would've said something .Right, sweetie?" She turned her attention to her daughter.
Zasha nodded "Dad, Vera doesn't do business here. Hell, she doesn't even acknowledge me when I step out that door." She just realised what she said as her dad turned his attention to his daughter.
"Is she ashamed of dating a black girl?" If Zephan wasn't disgusted before, he was now. He didn't understand how a woman like Vera could date his daughter. He slightly peered out the curtain as he looked outside, seeing the red head male standing by the cars.
Tony stood behind Vera.
"Trouble?" Vera hugged him; he wrapped his arms around her.
"Thought I'd touch base after the other night, but I see you have company." He looked at the Baker's car.
"The in-laws are over."
Trouble stood in shock.
"No, not them. I'd rather be suffocated by spiders." She smirked "I've been dating for a while. Very hush hush."
Trouble noticed Zephan peering from behind the curtains "I'll come back later."
Vera turned her attention to the window, noticing at the curtain returned to it's place "Defiantly." She looked back at Trouble "This place isn't the same without you."
"Night, V." He kissed her cheek before walking back down the gravel driveway.
"Night." She made her way inside the house as Tony returned to Tommy's house. "Sorry about that, they had the wrong address." Vera mentioned as she stepped back in the lounge room.
"That was Trevor 'Trouble' Taylor, wasn't it?" Zephan questioned.
"I'd prefer not to answer that question, Mr Baker." She stayed standing.
"Zephan." Viola mentioned as she tried to defuse the tension.
"You invite us to this house. You know who I am, you know I am quite capable of arresting you right now."
Viola and Zasha watched; Christopher's non-verbal sounds were the only thing stopping the lounge room from being silent.
"Mr Baker, I didn't invite your family over to incriminate myself. I asked your family over to." She took a breath as she looked at Zasha "I wanted to ask your permission." She looked at Zephan.
"No. I won't give you permission for anything." Zephan stood his ground.
"Zephan, let Vera ask her question." Viola remained calm as Zasha watched on.
"Mr and Mrs Baker, I would've preferred to ask without Zasha in the room."
Zasha felt like she was going to be excluded from an important conversation.
"But I won't ask your daughter to leave the room." Vera softly glanced at Zasha before returning her gaze to Viola and Zephan. "I wanted to ask permission to marry your daughter."
Zasha was in shock; she didn't know how to react.
Viola beamed instantly "Of course, dear. We'd love for you to be part of our family."
Zephan's top lip twitched as he struggled to hold back his snarl "No."
Vera didn't fight his no.
"Zephan, Vera is a lovely woman. Our daughter loves her, Christopher loves her. I love her." Viola gave Vera hope.
"I said no. She's ashamed of our daughter. Did you not hear Zasha mention that Vera doesn't acknowledge our daughter."
Vera lowered her gaze to the dusty carpet "Apologise, Mr and Mrs Baker." She returned her gaze to the people in front of her "I'm not ashamed of dating Zasha, I'm ashamed of myself. My family and the males I work with are ashamed of me and talk as if should marry a man." She bravely spoke "your daughter is my first girlfriend and I pray my last." She attempted a loving smile at Zasha before retuning her gaze to Viola and Zephan "I'm not out to anyone that isn't in this house right now."
"But your driver knows?" Viola questioned.
"Everyone in this house including my driver." Vera failed to mention Tommy. "I have a ring, it's a family heirloom. With your permission, I would love to give it to Zasha."
Zasha finally found her words "V..why now?"
"Because I love you." Vera proudly admitted.
Zephan failed to hide his disgust.
"V..." Zasha started.
"With everything that's happening, Zasha. I would like to marry you." Vera tried to carefully explain.
"What's happening?" Zephan questioned.
"Shh." Viola hushed her husband.
Christopher made a sound that seemed like he was hushing his dad.
Even though the surprise for Zasha had been slightly ruined, she still managed to make a joke out of it "I'm not going to answer you, until you do the thing." Zasha beamed.
Vera laughed a little as she stepped over to a glass cabinet, she carefully opened a glass door and picked up the ring box before carefully closing the glass cabinet. She knelt down in front of Zasha.
Zephan silently prayed his daughter would say no as Viola and Christopher watched on.
Zasha and Vera both felt like giggly little girls as Vera opened the ring box, revealing the family ring; etched outside the gold band was the words to here and there but never in pain, with a black heart diamond stone sitting proudly in the middle of the words there and but.
"Zasha Nevaeh Baker, will you marry me." Vera took hope in her words.
The Baker family watched on as Christopher continued his non-verbal sounds.
Zasha thought for a moment, she needed a moment. A moment to understand what was happening, neither of the woman had ever once thought of talking about marriage. It wasn't until Antonio's wedding announcement that really changed what the girls wanted in their relationship.
Zasha finally burst out in giggles as she nodded her head.
Zephan's face dropped as he watched Vera slide the family ring onto Zasha's ring finger.
Viola couldn't hold back her excitement as she wrapped her arms around the two girls.
Vera and Zasha let into Viola's arms; Vera felt like she had finally formed her sense of normalcy amongst the Baker's.
Christopher made a sound that seemed like he was excited for his sister and her soon-to-be wife.
"This doesn't change anything, Ms Melana. I know who you are." Zephan's cold words broke the excitement.
Vera rose to her feet as Zasha's eyes drifted to her fiancée's face "Sir, I can promise you. Your daughter won't be caught up in my mess."
Zephan didn't accept Vera's words as he excused himself from the lounge room and out to the family car.
Viola and Zasha fussed over the ring; Vera turned her attention to Christopher.
"How about we make Christopher one of the groomsmen?" Vera suggested.
Viola and Zasha looked at Christopher.
"I think he'd like that" Viola smiled as Christopher showed what looked like a smile.
Vera helped Viola lift Christopher in his wheel down the porch before pushing his wheelchair with struggle on the gravel driveway.
"Sweetie, we'll have to organise dress shopping and catering. You're not catering your own wedding." Viola mentioned as she noticed her daughter open her mouth to speak.
Zasha closed her mouth and nodded slightly "Don't worry, mum. Everything we do, you'll be part off."
Vera stopped the wheelchair by the car as Zephan stayed in the driver's seat "I would like to cover all the costs of the wedding."
"We don't want your hand outs." Zephan spat.
"Shh, you." Viola tried not to let her husband's words ruin the moment "You don't have to Vera."
"Please, let me. It's the least I can do. If Zasha wants a princess themed wedding, I'll pay for it. No matter the cost." Vera wasn't doing it for the sake of charity even though she knew that the Baker's did struggle with trying to afford Christopher's medical expenses and their costs to live, Vera was doing this because she felt like she owed it to her fiancée. Vera felt like she had forced Zasha into doing too much, that cover the cost of the wedding was the start of what Vera could do.
Zasha and Vera helped Christopher into the seat before Viola folded down the wheelchair.
"Maybe you could have the reception at Belandi's?" Viola dreamed out loud "I've always wanted to dine there."
Vera and Zasha shared a look.
"We can do better than that." Zasha stated as her and Vera stepped back from the car.
"Better than Belandi's?" Viola felt like that would be a hard bargain.
"Don't worry mum, we'll figure out it." Zasha wrapped her arms around her mother.
Viola kissed her daughter's cheek before stepping out of her daughter's arms, she wrapped her arms around Vera. Vera felt the love in the hug.
Viola pulled out of the hug before stepping into the passenger side of the car "Every detail the two of you make, I want to hear it. Okay?"
Vera and Zasha nodded.
"You'll be the first, mum." Zasha wrapped her arm around Vera's waist.
The coldness that was between the two woman over the past few days had suddenly disappeared as Zasha felt like she was on cloud nine.
Zephan started the car engine "Remember, Zasha. If you don't feel safe, I'm just a phone call away."
"I know, Dad."
Vera didn't take Zephan's words to heart.
The two woman watched as the Baker car began to roll out of the driveway, Vera and Zasha waved bye as they stood in the dark.
They waited until the car was out of sight before Zasha finally spoke "So, a wedding. huh?"
"Our wedding." Vera rested her head on Zasha's shoulder.
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