Well, That Was Insane
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***Sebastian's POV***
"Maybe we should pace ourselves." I hiccup during my warning. I was not prepared to party with these peeps. I am not on their level.
"Lighten up, boy. You are only getting married once. You might as well have a good time." Martin winks at me. I want him to put that charm inside of a bottle and toss it into the sea.
"If we keep going like this, no one will make it down the aisle on two legs." Mark cringes as he swallows yet another shot of liquor.
"Don't be a pussy, Uncle Mark." Gavin giggles hysterically after Mark throws his middle finger towards our nurse angel.
"Sebastiaaaaan," Mak reaches his hand out to me as he stumbles backwards to the dance floor. Quickly, I down my next drink before following Mak. I catch the guy as he spins into my arms.
"Mak, maybe you have had enough for a bit." I sway clumsily while Mak leans into me, dancing.
"Not my Daddy," Mak proclaims to me with his finger bopping the tip of my nose.
"Noted," I agree tiredly. It is only midnight. I will pass out before this bachelor party ends.
"It's beautiful." Mak hiccups adorably before belching directly into my face. I smile at him before waving my hand in front of my nose. The mixture of liquor and dinner is not appealing.
"Sorry," Mak lays his head on my shoulder. "I love weddings."
Smiling once again, I hold on tighter to Mak as we move gently to the music that comes through the speakers.
"How drunk are you?" Grey picks up Mak's chin while gauging his husband's current state. I can feel Grey's broad shoulders brush against me as he looks over my shoulder at the adorable guy in my arms.
"Not. At. All." Mak's lie would be more believable if he could stop hiccupping in between words.
"I doubt that. Just let me know if you need anything." Grey kisses Mak sweetly on the crown of his head before turning his attention to me.
"How are you holding up Mr. Royals?" Grey moves to stand to our side as I continue dancing with Mak.
"Honestly, I'm a bit nervous." I try my best not to wince while thinking of my own current state.
"I was nervous when I married Mak. It will be fine. Once the wedding is over, you will think of how ridiculous you were at this point in time." Grey completely misconstrues my feelings.
"Not the wedding. I'm nervous that I am going to pay for this night during my honeymoon. You guys are animals." I clarify exactly why I am worried.
"Dude, man up." Grey claps me on the shoulder before walking away with his head shaking. I swear I don't know what these machines are made of. They are not human.
"May I cut in?" My pondering is interrupted as Mario takes Mak. I am not surprised. The two of them have always been thick as thrives.
My mind becomes confused as Mario hands my precious dance partner over to Kip. The next thing I know, I am being spun by Mario. The dizziness is real.
"Water. Drink water. Take ibuprofen, motion sickness medicine and anti-diarrheal before bed. Also, I slipped meds for period cramps in your pocket. Trust me, drink it all with Gatorade." Mario's words are comforting yet, I have to question why we will be downing female medicine. I shrug and smile while continuing to sway in Mario's absurdly large arms.
"Thank you," I whisper softly to Mario as I accept the drink that Martin hands me. Martin laughs when I chug back the mixed drink with a grimace.
"Put some hair on that chest." Martin pushes Mario away as he grabs me to start dancing along with him.
"I have hair on my chest." I argue. I do. It is not much but, I have a little.
"Just an expression. It is sort of my thing. I get you boys drunk and then help you feel better in the morning." Martin laughs loudly when I roll my eyes.
"Maybe not a great idea to get the grooms drunk before the wedding," Alex shakes his head after imparting extremely wise words into Mark's father figure.
"Depends on who you ask," Martin shrugs before walking away with bouncing shoulders. I get the distinct feeling that Martin does not care if we have hangovers while swapping vows. At the moment, I happen to care very much.
Mario passes me away to Gavin. I wrap my arms around the small framed boy's stomach. Gavin appears to weigh much more than usual. As Gavin throws his full body weight into my chest, I have to steady my own feet to keep us from tumbling backwards.
"I don't want alcohol at my wedding." Gavin gags while he shakes his whole body. If I did not know better I would think the boy was having a mild seizure. Gav sends me a weak smile that seems more like a plea for help.
I completely understand how this evening would scare our nurse from having a wet bar. I am rethinking the booze at this point. Although, it is a little late seeing as we have already had enough spirits to have most of us swaying without music.
" I will remind you of this request." I spin Gav purposefully, finding a slight twinge of remorse when Gav holds his tummy on his way back into my arms.
"I need a medic." Gavin bends over. I watch helplessly as he pukes on my boots. That is not going to clean up well.
"You need a break, baby boy." Alex swoops in to lift Gavin into his arms. I look at my shoes in complete regret. I bet I am going to have to replace these fuckers.
"Lightweight," Mak howls as Gav is sat down in Alex's lap. Alex puts a wet cloth to his fiancé's forehead.
"Don't be an asshole." Mark playfully scolds Mak. Mark's reprimand may have been more effective if Mark wasn't still hissing the 's' of his offending word.
"I have had way more than THAT kid." Mak argues while pointing at Gavin, who looks worse for the wear.
"You have had quite a bit. I am a little surprised that you are still so coherent." Grey looks suspiciously at Mak. I laugh knowingly. I bet Mario prepared Mak while pre-gaming. I suddenly wish that I had taken the time to get closer to Mario. I could definitely use someone looking out for me tonight.
"I'm a machine." Mak pumps his fist into the air, causing laughter to fill the area in which our crowd occupies.
I immediately identify a shift in the atmosphere. In the exact moment that the music becomes hyper-active, I realize how committed we are to this being the most regretful day in our existence.
Martin walks over with a tray full of shots. My mind reconciles the quantity of liquor as enough for the entire crowd. Feeling satisfied that we will not have to consume the entire tray, I happily grab two shots, one of them is intended to hand to Mak.
It isn't until the third round of doubles are swallowed, that I come to the conclusion that I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong. The shots were all for us. Not a single ounce of the shots on that tray went to anyone outside of our party. We have made a grave mistake.
"Abort mission." Mak's battle cry has me nodding my head in adamant agreement.
"We did not come this far to abandon the ship." Kip winks at me while somehow managing to swallow two more shots. I go to the gym. There is not enough time in the day to let cardio work off this amount of alcohol consumption.
"I think we are good for a few minutes." Martin accepts the white flag of failure that we silently wave. A brief wave of relief washes over me. I snatch a bottle of water from the server, drinking it too quickly.
"Time for a toast." Gavin finds his bearings as he climbs clumsily onto the bar stool he had just recently occupied. The unstable podium rocks back and forth before Alex braces his hip against the seat.
"Raise your glasses." Gavin lifts his champagne flute high above his head while scanning the crowd for verification that we are all following suit. I notice that the entire bar has their attention directed to our smallest party member.
Gavin smiles broadly. I have to return the gesture, knowing that Gavin is in his element with so many people focusing solely on our precious nurse.
"Tonight, we celebrate Mark and Sebastian. I have had the extreme," Gavin takes a pause for air as he belches. The hushed giggle that follows has all of us chuckling. Gavin is so fucking adorable.
"I have had the pleasure of being Sebastian's nurse and his friend. Meeting you Sebby has been the highlight of my life. You brought my daddy to me." Gav stares down on Alex as if his daddy holds the world in his large palms. I guess to Gavin, Alex holds his world tightly.
"Being a part of Uncle Mark's circle has brought me my best friend. Mak you are one in a million, well two if you count me." Mak and Gavin blow one another kisses. I roll my eyes. Of course those two would become besties.
"To love, friendship and the best that life has to give. May we always be as close as we are now." Gavin throws his drink back dramatically. It happens so fast, too fast.
"His hea," The words do not announce themselves quick enough. It is too late. In a moment of sheer terror, I watch as Gavin's head bounces off of the bar top. Alex immediately picks up Gavin to assess the unnecessary trauma. A loud laughter causes my worry to be replaced with a deep guffaw.
"I am okay. I'm okay." Gavin throws his hand behind his head, showing off his clean palm in what seems to be his signal that if you are not bleeding at all, there is no need to call it a night. I am thankful for the small miracle. That could have been ugly.
"Let's get down off of high furniture." Alex brings Gav to his chest after pulling him away from his makeshift podium.
"I want a dance off." Gavin scurries out of Alex's hold as he bolts towards the dance floor. We follow diligently, knowing that there is literally no way to stop the kid once he has set his mind to anything.
"DJ get this party started." I laugh raucously when Mario yells his demand into the bar air.
Things get dicey when I find myself holding my side from laughing too hard. Martin faces off against Mario in what is surely a spectacle for the bar. Martin's moves are smooth yet, his towering stature makes every minute shift of his weight seem lethal. Mario makes a show of going low. Kip stands to the side, encouraging the shenanigans.
Grey spins Mak in and out of his arms. The two of them appear to be dancing to a completely different song. I would guess they have a melody that speaks to only the two of them as they come together fluidly, looking as if only they exist in this room full of intoxicated patrons.
Feeling inspired, I grip Mark by the waist. As I pull him towards me, I am enraptured by the serene smile that lights up his face.
"You are beautiful." My lips fall over his quickly. I lick at his warm flesh while taking my time to enter into his soft mouth. His fingers feel perfect as he cups the back of my head with one hand while holding tightly to my shoulder with the other.
Without breaking our connection, I spin us gently. Letting the music guide our bodies, we sway slowly to a pace set by our lips. I let every ounce of what I feel for this amazing man seep into the spaces between our bodies. I can feel Mark as he melts under my touch.
I feel self-conscious when I open my eyes to gauge the sudden lack of noise in the bar air. When scanning the crowd, I realize that Mark and I have become the center of attention. Mark is none the wiser as he deepens our kiss, stealing my breath from my lungs. I grip tighter as I give the crowd what they apparently want.
When Mark breaks our kiss, he pants into my shoulder. I can feel the arrogance rolling off of me as I hug Mark tightly, covering him from the crowd that he seems to have been unaware of. I chuckle when I feel his boner poke into my hip. There is no doubt that I will pay special attention to that issue later. I cannot wait to slip into Mark so we can spend the last night before we are married screaming one another's names.
"He is embarrassed!" Kip goes completely out of character as he points at Mark. I am at a loss for why Kip would believe that my fiancée would be embarrassed. We have not done anything that we usually don't.
Looking suspiciously, I make a quick assessment of Mark. I notice right away, Mark has a warm blush kissing his cheeks. My hands move on their own accord to feel his heated skin beneath my finger tips. I pull him back in for a sweet kiss.
"What's wrong, love?" I almost chuckle out my concern.
"I thought they were occupied." Mark whispers quietly into my ear as he brings me closer as if I could hide him from the crowd. The sudden demure nature that he is displaying is both a turn on and a cause for confusion. We are never secretive about physical affection. I would not believe that alcohol would work against our nature.
"It was only a kiss." My voice is tender in hopes that Mark finds comfort in my excuse. I am not at all put off that anyone witnessed our kiss. We fucking love each other. We are allowed to kiss.
"Not the crowd." It is when I feel Mark's back become tight that I begin to look around the room. I zero in on the 'they' that Mark is referring too. My eyes wind tight with tension as they lock on Mark's biological parent's staring at us from the corner of the bar. I immediately shift Mark so that he is covered by the crowd around me.
"Grey," My call for help comes out as a growl. They are uninvited guests at this affair.
"Sebastian, take Mark to the bathroom." Mario immediately catches where my attention is directed. Without further instruction, Mak follows behind me while I guide Mark towards a private bathroom reserved for our VIP party.
"It is okay, Mark. Grey will take care of it. Martin would not let them ruin this." Mak says all of the correct words with just enough confidence to make them comforting.
"I was not expecting them." Mark breathes heavily while my fingers run over his neck and down his back.
"Uncle Mark," Gavin busts through the doors with two drinks in his hands. I take them, offering one to my fiancée who is showing his nerves on vibrant display.
"Uncle Mark, I don't want you to let them do this. They do not get to do this to you. They are being escorted out. We are going to continue our celebration. We are going to have fun. I am probably going to puke at least one more time tonight. This is the night before your wedding and we are going to fucking celebrate." With his final declaration, Gav hugs both me and Mark to the best of his ability with his short arms.
"I am with Gavin on this, no surprise. Mark and Seb, we are here to ring in the big day. They were not invited. Therefore, they do not matter. Mark you are about to become Mr. Mark Royals. Let that sink in. You are going to be the husband of one of the hottest runway models in the world. You did it. You found your soulmate. Do not let those assholes ruin that." Mak smiles. I notice how that catches my man's attention. With a release of his breath, Mark smiles largely before nodding his head.
"Follow me. We have a love story to celebrate." Without another word, we let Mark lead us out of the bathroom to enjoy the rest of our night.
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