The Truth Hurts
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***Mark's POV***
"Mark." Sebastian steps into my office, closing the door softly behind him before turning towards me.
Staring at him quietly, I don't say anything. A thousand emotions are running through me all at once. I'm angry because we are fighting. I don't want to fight with him. I am disgusted at the fact that he believes Mellison would attempt to get in between us. I am hurt that he believes that I could actually fall for it if she decided to try.
I just want to be a friend. I want to be there for her, unlike how our lives together ended. I feel obligated to pay penance for how my family broke my ex-girlfriend.
"Mark, we have to talk. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to push you away. However, I don't feel bad about asking you not to go tonight. Not sure how to fix this, but I do want to fix it." Sebastian takes a seat across from me. My desk sits between us. If that was an apology, it is not good enough.
"You don't trust me." That is the main issue here.
"It's not you who is the issue. I hate to assume Millicent would attempt to take you away. However, I am not willing to chance it." Sebastian is all business. I'm not fond of that at all. His face is etched in worry, while I don't think he has anything to be worried over.
"If you think I can be so easily swayed, you don't know me." That is my argument; take it or leave it.
"I'm saying why you would take the chance. Mark, she is getting divorced. You have history. I would be the world's dumbest man if I took that for granted." Sebastian looks incredulously at me as if his theory is flawless.
"Well, congratulations, now you are the world's smartest single man. Please leave." I'm standing my ground. He doesn't fucking own me. I'm going to that dinner. He can kick rocks on that note. I turn my chair away from him, so I don't have to engage any further. He made his empty bed. Sebastian can fucking lay in that cold motherfucker.
"Over a fucking argument?" Sebastian's voice booms throughout my office. The sheer volume is overwhelming. I have never heard him talk in that tone.
"Get out!" Turning around, I stand. I slam my hands on my desk. He stirred the bull. He can have the god damned horns.
"We are talking about this." The yelling is far more abrasive than I would have imagined.
"GET OUT!" My voice carries high above his. I'm fucking done.
"You are throwing away everything over an ex. You think there isn't a problem here. Mark, what the fuck are you thinking?" Sebastian stands up. His chair knocks backward as he tries to make it out of my door. When he turns the knob, he can't pull it open.
"Get out," I scream once again. He has to fucking leave. I'm angry. I don't want to say anything I will regret.
"I'm trying." Seb's voice shakes. The treble makes my heart stutter.
"It's not that fucking hard." I walk behind him, yanking on the door. It won't budge. I shake the knob before slamming my fist against the wooden barrier.
"You two are fucking talking this out. You're not leaving until you do." Mak yells through the door. That boy is not strong enough to hold out against me. I rattle the door again while trying to pull it open.
"Mark, if you break that door, I'm kicking your ass." Mario's loud vibrato makes my hand leave the knob. I can't win against that.
"Talk fast. I want you to leave." I practically spit my demand towards Sebastian.
Sebastian doesn't talk. Instead, he takes a seat on my couch. I watch as he slowly sinks into the cushions. His hands cover his face as he places his elbows on his knees. I'm better at the silent treatment than him. So, I take a seat in the wingback chair. I guess we will just sit in here all day.
"I love you so fucking," Sebastian starts. He sounds defeated.
"Don't," I begin.
"Shut UP. You be quiet. You sit there, and fucking listen for once. Just don't talk." Sebastian stands up. He puts himself against my wall. I'm in total shock that he just spoke to me that way. I don't say anything else.
"I love you so fucking much. I will not apologize for loving you so fucking hard. I won't feel guilty that my first thought is to protect what we have fought so hard for. Excuse me for believing that someone could look at you and decide that you are worth shooting their shot for. I know who you are. You, Mark, you're one in a million. I won't get another chance to be this happy. I can't just hope to randomly look another man in his piercing denim blue eyes and fall madly for him. He won't just know that this is our one opportunity to find eternal bliss. I don't want to try. I won't. Millicent is an ex. She is the past. Leave her there. Please, let it go. You might think that this is some kind of support meeting. You are not her sponsor. You owe her nothing. If I don't fight for us, I can't live with myself." Seb turns away from me. I don't miss the tears as they quickly leak down his face. The shift in his voice is apparent as he gulps for breath.
"You don't trust me. I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me." My soft tone tells me that I am hanging on to that validation by a very fragile thread.
"I wish it were so simple. I'm just fucking scared. Frankly, I'm seriously disturbed. You fighting so hard to see her has shaken what I thought to be solid. I would never disrespect you by asking if I could go on a solo date with one of my exes. I wouldn't put you in a position to have to risk the consequences of saying no. Nothing or no one is worth making you feel uncertain. Maybe I am just built differently." My heart physically shatters as I register what he just said. The thought that he would feel insecure makes me want to vomit.
"I," my lips seize up, disallowing my words to be exposed. My hands tremble as I try to breathe through the tremors. It's not worth helping Millicent if I am breaking Sebastian.
"Mario, Mak; please open the door. I need to go." Sebastian sniffles before he frantically wipes the tears from his eyes. He pushes through the small opening as Mak and Mario look at me as if I am vile. The sheer look of disappointment is painful to witness. Seb disappears as I stand up.
"Sebastian." My feet move quickly. I run towards my office door, squeezing in between the door frame and Mak.
"Sebastian Royals, stop. Please. Listen to me." My plea is desperate. Sebastian stops moving. He stands still, facing away from me.
"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Don't you dare give up on me. I'm sorry. Don't throw us away just because I'm a fucking moron. I love you. I won't see her. I won't ever mention her name. I will never threaten you with our relationship again. Please just forgive me. Come back. Love me, please." The decision to beg is already made. I will do whatever it takes.
Sebastian turns, moving towards me with an incomprehensible pace. His breath fans across my face as his warm hands slide down my jaw. I close my eyes while inhaling his scent like life-saving oxygen.
"Look at me, " Sebastian stares at me while my eyes slowly pull open. So much hurt shines through his blue eyes. It makes my head swim—my stomach revolts at the thought that I placed the pain there.
"I'm sorry," my heavy words are all that I know to say.
"Ssshhh, I forgive you." Sebastian touches his lips to mine. I taste the tears that sit on both of our lips. My mouth barely accepts his kiss. I don't deserve it. I'm an entire asshole.
Seb stops moving, mumbling into my mouth. "Baby, kiss me right, please."
I nod my head as I press my mouth against his. The shuttering breath expels from my body as I let his tongue slip in between my teeth. Sebastian's fingers slide into my hair. He snakes his tongue deeper into my mouth as I accept his touch. Everything fades into the background as Seb licks away my sorrow. He kisses me deeply, washing away some of the guilt. My heart races as my hands pull him closer by his shirt.
The thought that I so readily offered to end us over a fucking ex makes me want to curl up and melt into the flooring. What was I thinking? I am nothing without the love of this incredible man. I don't want to be anything if I am not doing life with Sebastian.
When Seb pulls away for air, I chase his kiss. He immediately returns to me, dragging his lips down my jaw while kissing my skin softly. I nuzzle into his affection.
"I'm sorry." My whimper is pitiful. An apology really is not enough. I cannot believe how stubborn I have been.
"That's enough of that," Seb pulls me into his embrace. He runs his hands through my hair, down to my back. He holds me against him as if I deserve to be supported. I don't. I was a dick.
I lean back, staring at this man that completes me. If I lost him, I would indeed cease to exist. Millicent isn't worth that.
"Can we just go home, please?" The passive tone of my voice is alarming. I don't have much fight left in me.
"It's almost five; just go." Mak makes the executive decision. He is as much my boss as Grey is. I nod my head in silent appreciation.
Seb takes my hand to lead me to my office. I gather my things quickly, wanting to end this god-awful day on a better note. I pick up my phone to send Millicent a goodbye message. I don't even want contact with her. I probably should have severed those ties when our relationship ended.
Once the message is sent, I feel lighter. Something feels right. I definitely should have dissolved contact with her when I met my Sebastian. No good would come of communicating with her. I was wrong. The truth hurts but, that doesn't make it any less real.
"Thank you," Sebastian picks my chin up as he stares into my eyes. The pride that beams behind his crystal blue orbs is more than enough of a prize. I will never take that for granted again. This lesson is a painful reminder that you do not gamble with things that are irreplaceable.
"I love you," I kiss his lips with a soft moan sitting behind my teeth. Honestly, I'm ready for make-up sex. Hell, I want sweaty, nasty, angry sex.
"Good, now get your ass down to the car. I'm fucking you senseless the minute we make it through the door." Sebastian pops his hand across my ass. The sting sends blood rushing to my member. My cock pulses in anticipation.
"Yes, sir." I quietly mumble as I walk towards the open office door.
Seb comes up behind me, sliding his hand over my growing erection. I can feel his steel dick pressing against my ass. He kneads my cock momentarily before releasing it. The tent is obvious through my slacks.
"Tease," I whisper as I drop my hand in front of my crotch.
"Move that hand. I want everyone to know what I do to you." Sebastian's command makes my body shiver in response. I really like it when my boyfriend is possessive. I pray to god above that the precum in my boxers doesn't leak through my pants.
As we walk through the office, Grey chuckles while Mak winks at me. That kid loves to encourage my relationship with Sebastian. I don't know what I would do without this circle of friends. They always have our backs even when we are adamantly opposing their support.
When we finally make it to the car, I slide in quietly. Anything I say at this point will only come out as a whine for Sebastian's dick. Everything inside of me is excited to be branded by him.
"I can't wait to sink into you." Seb starts the sexual arousal into overdrive. The most significant smile moves across my face. I can't wait either.
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