Say That You Do
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***Mark's POV***
"I swear to God Gavin, if you don't stop being such a fucking drama queen." Mak yells at our sparkly nurse as Gavin stomps through the hotel room. This has been going on for an hour. It shouldn't even be a huge ordeal. It's not like Gavin is the one getting married.
"I'm the fucking flower person. I can't do that without my wings. I just can't. Mario deserves better. Kip deserves to be announced in style." Gavin turns with a very incredulous glare. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. I mean he doesn't need fucking wings. He is full of so much hot air he could float without them.
"Shut it, Mark. This isn't about you." Gavin points his finger at me. I lose my shit. My eyes fill with tears. He literally is asking to be a fairy. Whyyyyy?
"It's." I heave a breath because the look on his face is too much. "Not about." I gasp as I clutch my ribs. Gavin is going to physically implode at any minute. I just want to be here to watch it happen. Guarantee glitter bursts from his veins. "You." I point at Gavin as he stomps his foot.
"Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Gavin yells for Alex. Go figure the fucking little narc was gonna call Alex.
Here we go.
"Baby boy, we talked about this. You promised you would go with the flow today." Immediately, Alex starts petting his little brat. I mean boyfriend. Yeah, that's what I meant.
"Daddy, I just want to look pretty. I can't do that if my whole outfit is sabotaged by hooligans." Gavin bats his eyelashes, adding welling up tears on top of his manipulative scheme. I roll my eyes as Sebastian laughs into my shoulder.
"Sweet boy, Daddy understands that. I do. However, if we can't find them then we will have to move along. The procession starts in less than an hour." Alex looks like every bit of the submissive boyfriend that he is. Fucking pansy ass prick.
"Mark, you're not helping." Alex cuts his eyes at me, showing me not a single ounce of the tenderness that is reserved for Gavin.
"You seem to be licking his ass just fine. I'm just here to watch." I shrug. It's a free show. Entertainment is entertainment.
"Seb, get your man." Alex glares at me before urging Sebastian to reign me in with his smoldering eyes that could melt Martin's boxers.
"Mark, if you behave, I will reward you later." Sebastian gently runs his thumb over my jawline. My head automatically folds in submission for him. Little hint: I'm going to behave. I happen to love sex. I want my reward.
"Good boy." Alex throws a middle finger up at me while completely patronizing me. I'm not the one that pretends to be a dominant when I am obviously whipped by my boyfriend. I know I'm fucking whipped. I don't deny that.
"If we could all just look for the wings, this could be over." It's Mak directing us as he usually does.
Giving up on the impending explosion of Gav, I start looking for the fucking wings. They are over the top anyways. Hell, they probably hid themselves just to get out of being a part of the shit show. It doesn't even sound like a bad idea.
"If someone could help, I would appreciate it." Kip yells from the bathroom. He has been in there for hours. Fuck, I thought he fell asleep. I'm surprised he is still alive. It's been radio silence for some time now.
"I will keep up the search, you go to Kip." Seb pushes me in the direction of the bathroom. I am thankful for Sebastian's generosity. I didn't want to crawl around looking anyways.
"Baby, Mario is asking for you." Grey pops his head in the room as he calls for his husband.
"Coming." Mak yelps when Grey pins him to the wall. I know he thinks he is whispering but we all heard the not yet that Grey moaned into Mak's ear.
"You two cut the shit." Gavin glares their way. I stick my tongue out as Alex lands a pop on his boyfriends butt. He needs a whole entire spanking. He has been extra today.
"What you need?" I close the door behind me after entering the large space where Kip stands, looking in the mirror.
"Just need a little pep talk. I was not expecting this many people. I'm bad with crowds Mark. I'm real bad with this many people." Kip stares in the mirror. The look of stress is clearly evident.
"You are a body guard. How is that even a thing?" I am baffled that Kip is so off put by the amount of people. There are plenty. But, like I said, it's sort of his thing.
"It's different. When I am protecting someone, I only focus on them. I focus on their safety. I don't have anyone to protect. I'm losing it man." Kip really starts up his panic as he turns to look at me.
"You're here for one reason and that is the only reason. Today you are marrying your best friend. You are promising to be his defense, his safe haven. You look at him as your client, your target. All you have to do is say that you do." I pull Kip in for a hug, hoping it will calm him down.
"That sounds good. Yeah, I can do that." Kip leans into me. Honestly, he is so burly that I feel like I may crumble beneath his large frame. He's fucking heavy.
"I hate to put a time crunch on you, but we really need to get ready to leave." Seb smiles at me. His head pokes through the bathroom door as he announces that we are about to get this wedding started.
"I'm good. Let's do this." Kip releases me after a few minutes of making sure everything is in place, he nods his head in confirmation. I let Seb open the door before walking through. I swear God has got to be testing me at this point.
"What the actual fuck is that?" I stare in bewilderment at Alex. This is fucking not happening. Thinking on my toes, I grab my phone to take a few photos before Alex decides he is not actually doing this.
"We couldn't find his wings." Alex shrugs like that is a god damned explanation. No, homie, I'm gonna need a bit more details.
"Anyone else seeing this? Is nobody gonna say a word? Oh, come on." I look around the room. Everyone is studiously ignoring the fact that macho man, Alex, is wearing a damn silver vest that has more glitter than a unicorn fart on it. I'm not ignoring it. He looks absolutely ridiculous.
"Oh, for Christ sake. The fucking wings are in between the mattresses. Take that shit off Alex." Kip busts out laughing, restoring my faith in humanity.
"You hid my wings?" Gavin gives his best impression of a scolded angel. I gotta admit, the kid knows how to bring on the feels.
"No. I would never. I was trying to keep them flat for you since everyone was being so rowdy. I didn't want them torn up before your big debut. Come on little buddy, let me help you into them." Alex rushes to strip Elton John's vest off while Kip hurries to strap Gavin's wings on.
"Thank you." Gavin becomes his submissive personality. I rather like both of his characters. However, submissive is far less annoying than his bratty, demanding personality.
"All better." Kip kisses Gavin on the cheek. Of course, Gav leans in a bit longer than necessary. Alex wraps his arms around Gav's waist before pulling him towards him possessively. I just smirk. That kid is perfect at poking his daddy bear. Alex kisses away Kip's kiss repetitively before finally releasing him.
A knock at the door announces Gray and Mak. Both walk in, looking like the delicious snacks that they are. I'm not saying I would fuck them, but I'm not saying I wouldn't have either. They sure do clean up tastily.
"They're ready for Mario. You have about twenty minutes to get into position. Seb, Mark, you two come with us. Gavin don't forget to stand directly in front of Kip before prancing down the aisle. Alex, you will seat the parents then you can meet Gavin before you two take a seat. Come on everyone, it's time." Mak goes full drill sergeant on us. Seb and I follow the husbands through the corridor to walk behind Mario for his grand entrance. It's going to be a long day.
"I see Gavin found his fucking wings." The hostility in Mak's voice is just enough to make me finally let out the laughter I have been stifling after seeing Alex in that damn sequin pillow looking vest. I find myself trying desperately to catch air as we make our way down the hall.
"If he is this bad at someone else's wedding, imagine the Groomzilla he will be for his." Seb shocks me by talking negatively about our dainty buddy. I look over in amusement. Seb is usually the passive one when it comes to satire.
"Sorry, I'm just up to my ears in stress at this point. Forgive me." His immediate retraction brings a smile to my face. He isn't wrong though.
"Let's just remember what is going on today. I'm sure Alex is tallying up the punishments. Let him deal with his fiancée." Grey chuckles darkly. There is a silver lining after all.
"Don't be so sure Daddy. Gav is in far more control than you think. Trust me. Alex has no intentions of reprimanding Gavin tonight. The boy won't be able to walk, but like I said, trust me. Gavin controls those reigns." Mak continues to Mario's door as he hedges his bet.
"I would spank that ass so fucking hard." Grey whistles as he smiles at his husband. Mak's smile says he just may be planning to earn a good spanking.
"With that....." Martin chuckles as we meet him at the door.
"You're no prude. Tell me you haven't given Amelia a good handprint a few times." It's me who decides to delve into Grey's worst nightmare. The thought makes me smile bigger. I love fucking with Grey.
"That's not your concern. However, let's just say she has a mutual respect for my hands." Martin winks causing all of us to laugh when Grey feigns a gag.
"Boy, you are not even judging me. Mak literally calls you Daddy in public. Shut the fuck up and thank me for sharing my DNA." Martin laughs boisterously at Grey. The smirk on Grey's face is all the appreciation that Martin needs.
"It's time." Mak clears the joking air. He opens the door to the hotel room. Mario is a stunning sight in his tailored suit. He looks like he belongs in one of the James Bond movies.
"You ready?" Julio, Mario's dad, smiles at his son.
"I have waited for this day for most of my life. I am so fucking ready." Mario moves his hand, waving all of us into our respected places.
"Here we go." Martin leads the conga line of groomsmen towards the foyer of the hotel.
When the doors open, revealing the gorgeous setup, we are all stunned into admiration. It's fucking beautiful. The whole thing is staged for a wedding of two Kings. It's perfect.
The music starts playing signaling all of us to take our places to precede the groom. With a few steps from Martin, we are headed towards the first day of the rest of one our best friend's life.
I hold Sebastian's arm. We take the slow stroll behind Mak and Grey. By the looks on everyone's faces, we look fucking amazing. I proudly get escorted by the man of my dreams to finally help fulfill all of Mario and Kip's big day.
One day that will be me. When that day comes, I will be so excited to be the one saying that I do. Cause I will. I do. I want to.
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