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***Sebastian's POV***
"I know. It's not that. I'm just saying that you are being insensitive." My head shakes as the words come off of my lips. I cannot believe that this is even a conversation.
"I'm not being insensitive. You are just ignoring the fact that I have feelings. I swear to every god above, I never would have thought. You know what, just fuck it. I'm sorry I said anything." With the click of the dial tone I realize that I have, in fact, been hung up on. Mark can be a real shit when he is in a fucking mood.
Calming myself down, I attempt to call him back. The voicemail comes through immediately alerting me that he is ignoring my ass. Let's just say that does not set well with me. I send a text as a last ditch effort.
The King (Me): Mark, please be respectful. I am only trying to talk.
My King (Mark): In case the dial tone wasn't a big enough red flag, I am done with this fucking conversation. Furthermore, I find it absolutely hilarious that you think I give a flying rats ass that I should be respectful. You aren't my damn daddy. Try again King.
My fingers fly across the screen as I think of a come back bad enough to light his ass as hot as he has made me. This mother fucker needs to learn, quick.
The King: I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that. The fact that you think I will stand by while you have dinner with the girl who you once considered your soulmate is absolutely astounding. Let alone by yourself. I'm not a fucking idiot, Mark.
The screen indicates he is responding with the three dots that appear and disappear repeatedly. I wait patiently for whatever he has to say.
My King: You don't trust me. I can't do this.
My eyes widen as I try to decipher what exactly that even means. I already told him no. Therefore, the redundancy in his statement is fucking baffling. I'm glad we are on the same page though.
The King: thank you. I appreciate you understanding how much you mean to me. I just don't want to lose you.
My King: you just did.
I scramble to stare at my phone. What the fuck does that mean? What the actual fuck, does. That. MEAN? I stare at my screen like clarification will present itself like an intelligent gift. When no dots appear I find myself hyperventilating. Did he just? Does that mean? How did this escalate?
Tossing my phone across the room, I'm not at all relieved when it bounces onto the soft couch cushions. I stare at it the inanimate object accusingly. Maybe that was one of those times that a text just didn't give a good read on emotions. I sure as fuck hope so.
"What is wrong?" Alex comes through the door, pushing a cup of coffee into my hand.
"Um, I'm not exactly sure if anything is wrong. I honestly can't tell you if anything is right either though." My breathing stays shallow and painful.
"You look distressed. Maybe we can talk through it. Did you and Mark have an argument?" Alex sits down beside me quickly. His tense shoulders say that he is settling in for a long and descriptive conversation. I'm not one hundred percent sure we should even discuss the situation since I am not at all clear on what just happened.
"Yeah. But, I don't see why it got to that point." My fingernails dig into my thighs as my leg bounces up and down. I really am lost on this one.
"You kinda gotta give me the run down or I can't help effectively. You know it stays between me and you." Alex gives me a silent promise that I don't actually believe.
"And Gavin." I roll my eyes knowing that I am right. I mean Mark and I tell one another everything. It goes without saying that Alex and Gavin are open with the same lines of communication.
"Not this time. It's different when it effects him. This is your business therefore, the fiancée clause doesn't apply." Alex looks at me with sincerity, melting away the small amount of aggression I had just moments before.
Passing my phone over to Alex, I hold it still in his hand before taking a large gulp of useless air. I feel the sweat beading at the seam of my hairline. My palpitating heart gives me no comfort. The squeezing pressure of my temples immediately causes the onslaught of a headache.
"Mark wants to go to dinner with his ex-girlfriend. I wasn't invited." I continue stabilizing the phone because that is the final chapter of this tiny blown out of proportion shit show.
"No." Alex just shakes his head adamantly. His intense response is confirmation that I'm not fucking crazy. This has bad idea written all over it.
"That's what I said." I co-sign his declaration.
"What the fuck? Who in the hell would think that was a brilliant idea even on a rare day?" Alex looks at me incredulously with his eyebrow raised in double questions.
"Mark, apparently." At this point I remove my hand from the phone, releasing it for Alex to comprehend the text. I stand up to pace while he reads quickly through the short absurd conversation.
"Does that? Did he? Are you guys?" Alex stands quickly, stomping his large boots as he paces with my phone pinched between his fingers.
"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders deftly. I'm so discombobulated by this entire escalation.
"This is why it is important to establish fucking dominance. Gavin would be chained to the cross over that bullshit. You better believe my boy wouldn't begin to imagine this scenario, let alone execute an actual request." Alex looks every bit as domineering as he is. It's beautiful and down right scary.
"Mark's his own person. He doesn't need me dominating him. We have a mutual respect for one another." I come to Mark's defense because it's true. Also, it rubs me the wrong way hearing him cast as some sort of out of control submissive who needs to be punished into fitting a particular mold. That's fine for some couples. That dynamic just doesn't work for me and Mark.
"So, let him go, Mr. Higher-Than-Thou." Alex cuts his eyes at me. My sneer is matched by his cocky fucking grin.
"I don't trust that." I admit it. I am not stupid. You let snakes in the grass, your ass is bound to be fucking bitten. It's not a matter of being a damn genius. Don't tempt evil if you are not ready to charm a snake.
"Ouch." Alex whistles lowly. I realize the harshly worded statement. I don't give a fuck if it came out controlling. The fact is still a fact even if you don't like the insinuation.
"I trust Mark, mostly. Alex we aren't talking about an old friend. This woman has rode my man's cock. She said something about having a rough time. A shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on. Make good choices." My logic is flawless in my opinion, which is the one that counts.
"You got that fucking right. Let's agree that you have a firm foundation to argue. Now, what the hell was that you just did trash?" Alex points to the phone as if showing me the words provides a different point of view. Believe me, those words have taken up permanent residence in my head. They are most definitely living rent free in my mind.
"That's the part that I am hoping is a misunderstanding." My voice goes higher as I pray that I can will them into meaning anything different. I nip at my cuticles while mulling over the threat that is implied.
"It's pretty damn clear that he just proposed an ultimatum. He either gets his way or you don't get him." Alex rubs metaphorical salt in the deep wound. I really didn't want confirmation.
"Fuck." I press my thumbs into my temples as the deep pulsing of my enlarged vein pounds behind my eye sockets.
"Best go get your man and straighten him out." Alex takes my coffee from me with an expectant look. I would be perfectly fine doing so if I knew this would work out in my favor. But, as of now, I'm quite unsure of what needs to be done.
"Ugh." That's the only intelligible word I can muster as I grab my keys. Alex chuckles before yanking me by my arm out of the apartment. He keeps laughing all the way down the elevator, through the parking garage and out to his car.
"I will drive you. That way you can't fucking chicken out. Man up. This is the difference between a make-up and a break-up." Alex doesn't show one ounce of faith in either choice. Hell, I don't know how it will go either.
We make it to Grey's building after meeting normal traffic. Every stop, red light and detour puts my nerves on edge a bit more. At this point I feel like I am teetering on insanity and rage. I feel like I have every right to be angry in all of this. Yet, that small voice in the back of my head is urging me to think calmly.
"Try to think intelligently through this. Do not go up there full of jealousy or ready to snip at his every word. That will not do anything but hinder a resolution." Alex looks at me knowingly. I know that he has to back track a lot with Gavin. There is definitely a difference in being a submissive and a doormat. Gavin demands the same respect that he shows Alex. That is a very good thing, too. Lord knows, Alex would have Gavin locked in the play room all day if he didn't show a bit of restraint.
I am definitely not one for that lifestyle. Kinky is sexy. However, the dominant/submissive roles they both willingly engage in seem a bit more exhausting than necessary.
Smiling at Alex, I close his door softly. I turn to look at the large high rise knowing that I will need to gather courage before presenting my case to my baby. Lords above all know that Mark can be less than pliable when he feels cornered.
With self-conscious steps, I pad my way through the front door. Heading straight for Grey's private elevator, I mash the button aggressively. I assume I have some warped perception that the faster I mash my thumb against the plastic button, the quicker I will be able to resolve whatever situation this is.
My headache develops into a full blown migraine as the floors light up. My hands are shaking. The tap of my shoe against the marble floor is comforting yet, gives no reprieve to the intense pulsating behind my eyes.
This is all too fucking much for a Thursday.
When the doors finally open, I can see Mak staring straight at me. He immediately jumps up, running to wrap his arms around me. I automatically hug him back.
"How bad is it?" I whisper roughly over Mak's head.
"Maybe not so bad, now. Grey has been in there for an hour. The crashing stopped." Mak shrugs his shoulders while squeezing me tighter.
"Did I fuck up?" The worry is strong in my tone.
"Hell to the mutha-fucking-no. Even Daddy is on your side. You know Grey, he isn't one to pick sides." Mak steps back, crossing his arms over his chest. He gives me a very reassuring grimace. This is such a fucking catch 22.
"I guess there is only one way to find out." I separate from Mak, turning to move towards Mark's office. Mak whispers good luck to me. I cringe.
Grey steps out of Mark's office just as I approach. He looks at me sternly before gripping my shoulders in his hands. Grey stares deeply at me before opening his mouth.
"Don't you dare fucking back down. Believe me, I trust my husband. However, there is no damn way in heaven or hell Mak would get me in your position. Stand your mother fucking ground Sebastian. There is nothing good that will come from bowing. You may piss off your boyfriend. However, that is better than losing him to a recently divorcing ex. Don't give in." Grey steps away with a pat to my back.
I place my hand on the door knob before taking a large inhale of oxygen. I breathe through the anxiety. My decision is solid. I'm not backing down.
Here goes nothing.
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