In Sickness
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***Sebastian's POV***
"I'm tired. That's all. I'm just fucking exhausted." I explain the intense fatigue that I have been experiencing. It's beyond tired. There are no words for this level of energy, or lack there of.
Every single day I wake up hoping I will feel better. I am strongly disappointed. Today is much the same. I can't get out of bed without assistance. I can barely move my head without a wave of dizziness threatening to pull me into submission.
The nausea is far beyond anything I have experienced in the past. Smells, sights and even sounds make me hurl. I don't know what this new round of medication is. I just know that it is unpleasant. My body seems to be rejecting my very existence.
"This is the last treatment. I knew it would be rough. After this, we can run more tests to see where we are. I don't know if it helps, but you do really well with it. Honestly, you're my easiest patient. I will give you something a little stronger for the nausea." Dr. Parson's pats me on the shoulder as his nurses start my treatment. I'm used to this. In four hours they will add a second medicine. The last one goes on for the eighth hour.
I get comfortable for what I know will be a long day. Thankfully, the meds that they shoot me with always put me to sleep. I smile at my loving boyfriend. Mark sits beside my bed reading off of his phone. He expects me to fall asleep. He encourages it.
When I wake, I am greeted by the nurses as they remove everything. We agree to come in next week for the necessary tests. Dr. Parson's sends my script to the pharmacy. We say goodbye as I am wheeled out to the car.
The ride to the pharmacy is a haze. I gaze between Mark and the window. I try not to focus on the movement. It will surely end in me expelling the non-existent food in my stomach.
As we pull into the parking garage I am greeted by my favorite genius. Mak anxiously waits as we stop the car. Mark doesn't open his door before Mak flies over to my side. Mak opens my door while offering me his precious hand. I take his fingers in my own as I lean into him for support.
The front door welcomes me. Grey opens the door for us as we make our way in. Grey takes over on my left to help me to the couch. I barely wince without anyone noticing. Six hands fly up to ghost over my skin as they guide me into a seat on the couch. I smile softly through the pain I feel in every inch of my body.
"Last one." Mak takes a seat in front of me on the floor. He smiles widely as he pulls the blanket around me, tucking me in snuggly. I roll to my side to keep eye contact with my friend. Make gets comfortable while he turns the television on for us. I am already getting tired, again. I just want to sleep.
"Yeah, hopefully." I admit the truth. I am done with this shit. I don't think my body can take much more. The physical pain is only half as taxing on the emotional toll all of this is taking on me.
I don't fall asleep. My mind takes me down a strenuous journey of what if's. I don't recommend ever allowing myself to go down my mind's paths. Unfortunately, I am in no form to turn and run.
The idea of losing my self to this disease dances along the edges of my thoughts. It brings me discomfort. My heart aches, thumping slowly, painfully. To never spend another day with my breathtaking Mark, it makes me sick to think of.
If I am unable to recover fully, I won't be the type of companion Mark deserves. He can make it without me. It is I who cannot think beyond a world where Mark does not exist solely for my heart to love.
I can feel the sting behind my eyes. The burn reminds me that I am still here. I am fighting. It's an exhaustive idea to think that I will battle this for years to come. It does not make me want to give in. No. It makes me want to pick up my weapons to wage war against my own system.
I was born to love Mark. I cannot do that without being healthy. I have to overcome. I have to prevail.
A soft hand scrubs along my cheek bone to collect my fears as they leak from my eyes. Blinking quickly, I clear my sight to the image of my soul mate. Mark smiles sadly at me. I shake my head, letting the pooled tears flow freely from my sockets. As fast as they drop, Mark takes them away.
His warm lips touch mine. With his kiss, Mark brings me my peace. He offers me his love with a soft caress of his satin lips. I relish in the feeling of him healing me with his touch.
"Everything, every single thing, is going to be alright. Do not cry. We are not giving up. You have got this. You have me, love. Don't cry." Mark pushes his forehead against my own. I close my eyes while his words sink deeply into the dark spaces that I have let my mind create.
"I love you." I whisper brusquely.
"In sickness. I'm here. This is just our journey. We will get passed this. Watch and see." Mark pushes me towards the back of the couch. His body scoots close to mine as he takes me in his secure embrace. I snuggle into his chest. His heartbeat steadies my own.
Everything will be alright. I call bullshit. I will not settle for okay. Everything is going to be fucking fantastic. It's going to be perfect.
"Are you hungry?" Kip walks over, bending down to meet me eye level. With a soft nod of my head I confirm that I am. Kip smiles before heading off to the kitchen.
If you have ever been at your lowest then you know how amazing it is to have such an incredible group of people who carry you when you cannot manage alone. All of these people absolutely carry me. Without question, I have the most impossibly perfect support system.
"Hey, there is my favorite patient." Gavin comes over, tapping Mark to urge him to move away from me. With a chuckle, Mark is replaced by my personal nurse. Gavin lays beside me running his fingers through my hair.
"I missed you all day. I'm glad you are home." Gav scoots into my arms, picking them up to cover himself in my hold.
"I missed you too babe. You're one of my favorite people." I kiss Gavin in the cheek while he completely invaded my personal space.
"You really meant I'm your favorite person. It's okay. I don't want the others to be jealous. We can pretend." Gavin whispers to me before giggling adorably. I can't confirm or deny his statement. Whatever he feels is exactly as I hope for him to feel.
"I heard that you punk." Mario moves Gavin from my side before plopping them both on the ground in front of me. Kip and asked have no issue laughing while Gav pouts. The boy loves affection. We all know this.
"How are you handling today's treatment?" Marion coddles Favon while questioning me. Gavin shimmies into Mario's lap making himself comfortable. I chuckle when Alex rolls his eyes.
"It's not horrendous." I lie. It's worse. I feel like death that didn't even get the opportunity to be warmed over.
"What's the next step?" Mario shifts Gavin because Gav is busy playing with Mario's lips like an absurdly childish toddler. Gavin just laughs while crawling to his daddy. That boy is a fucking shit show that I enjoy watching.
"Tests. If everything is fine, good. If not, we may be looking for a donor." I tell the truth. We might as well address the elephant in the room. It's been resting on my chest. I am ready to evict the mother fucker.
"Donate what?" Gavin eyes me suspiciously. I sigh before dragging my eyes towards Mark. I know he does not want to think of the prospect of me having life saving surgery. It is something that it is inevitable if things don't get better.
"A kidney." I whisper. It's not exactly hard for me to accept an organ. However, whoever chooses to give me one, they are taking a large risk. It is their life that will be put in a bind because it's a major loss for their body.
"I will do it." Gavin looks me dead in the face. His eyes say he is serious. I just shrink back at the appalling thought of marring his perfect flesh with a scar of that magnitude.
"I'm sure we can find someone else." I lie again. Kidneys aren't exactly easy merchandise. Not many people want to lose an organ. I know I don't want to.
"I'm a match." Gavin causes every face in the room to look at him with penetrating stares.
"How would you know that?" Mark stands to walk towards the generous boy. I want to know the answer as well.
"Let's just say I know a lot about your case. I wanted to know that if the situation took a wrong turn that you would have what you needed. I am a perfect match." Gavin matures instantly. The child that was just making kissy faces at Mario has become a grown ass adult in seconds.
"That's intrusive." Alex softly scolds his fiancé.
"I know. I don't give a fuck. I saw an opportunity to help my friend. I did what was necessary." Gavin literally has no shame. I don't think I could love him more than in this moment. That was a huge fucking deal.
"Thank you." Grey is the one to show my appreciation.
"Gavin you do realize the sacrifice you are making. This is a major surgery that requires a lengthy recovery. You would be giving up sex for an extended time period." Mak is not being rude. He is just breeching the hard reality of such a choice.
"If I can't make such a small sacrifice then I don't deserve to call Sebastian my friend. I said I am doing it." Gavin takes no prisoners as he makes his decision known.
"Let's hope it does not come to that." Kip walks in before placing a plate with a sandwich on the table beside me. He hands me a bowl of soup with a perfect smile.
"Fine. If it does, we're covered. I won't let just my one save you." Gavin sends me a wink. I nod with a reassuring smile. I will take what I have to if it comes to that.
Kip takes Mario with him as they make several trips to the kitchen. They serve everyone soup with sandwiches. When they are done they pass out drinks. Mine comes with a handful of medication.
I gladly take everything I need. Silently praying, I hope that I don't repeat my food. I would like to hold down the soup. It looks delicious. It's my favorite, broccoli and cheese.
Looking around the room, I notice how everyone takes on my mood. They mirror my personal battle as if it is one of their own. Each of my friends eat what I do. They laugh if I am laughing. They stay quiet when I cannot speak. I don't know how the hell I came to have this family. I am just glad that I do.
Ma comes by, bringing my sisters and brothers with her. They don't stay long. She says they are just checking in. I spend a few minutes with each of them before deciding on a nap. I can't possibly last much longer.
Once everyone has excused themselves for a couple of hours, Mark climbs back beside me. As he holds me, I find myself easily slipping past the point of consciousness. My eyes grow heavy while my love rubs my back. Mark proves that he is in this through sickness and in health.
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