I'm Breaking into Pieces I can't Collect
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***Mark's POV***
Day by day, things were getting easier yet, I still couldn't release the nagging feeling in my spirit. Every single minute I was drowning in thoughts of Sebastian. Every night he starred in my dreams. Every drifting thought during my day was consumed with memories of his face, his voice and his whereabouts.
Call me obsessed.
Because, I am.
My mind wouldn't allow my heart to forget. My heart was perfectly willing to pacify my mind.
The two have conjured up a conspiracy. Not that I was complaining.
However, Mak has repeatedly told me he hit dead ends on every avenue he searched. Martin has tried as well. But, neither were capable of tracking down the famous model.
Every moment that passed proved I had fallen deeper than I allowed myself to admit. Every disappointment was piling on top of the other. It all ended with depression waiting on the outskirts of my mind, waiting eagerly to devour and consume me in the least appealing way.
Grey, Mak, Kip and Mario did a stellar job of keeping me occupied physically. But, when the heart wants what it wants, nothing will stand in it's path.
So, sleep evaded me like a criminal being chased by authorities. My work didn't slack but, that's only because I'm so damn good at what I do. It would literally take amnesia to halt my effectiveness on the job.
I became tired and sluggish much easier than I could believe. My mood was becoming one of irrationality and pessimism.
Grey threatened to do some sort of intervention if I don't snap out of it.
Given the mild bitch fit he threw from a few hours of Mak being upset with him, that day at the beach, I didn't think he had any ground to judge. Although, I know they all just love me and are worried sick. Hell, I am questioning my own sanity at this point. So, let's just agree that I don't blame them for their concern.
My morning started off in the same sluggish pace that I have become accustomed to. I rolled around in my sheets groaning and letting the tears keep me company. I actually began enjoying the aching in my chest that reminds me I am still alive and there is hope to be found. My mind kicks me for my stupid decisions. Even though, I wasn't the person who chose to ghost myself. That was and is my sweet Sebastian.
I just have to remind myself that it's probably nothing personal. He is probably ridiculously busy. Maybe I would have been a distraction. Hell, even I couldn't deny that I would and will be if given the opportunity.
I slowly slide off my bed and let my ass hit the ground. The mild thump wakes me a little more. I stand and rub the spot that I purposefully sacrificed to get myself motivated.
I walk in small steps to the bathroom to take care of my morning routine. My heart does it's best to remind me I'm still here and I'm still missing something that I unknowingly gave away. My heart appears to have boarded a plane to the international side of the world.
Surely, it knew I was in no place to be without it. That didn't stop my heart from latching on to one, Sebastian Fucking Royals, and stowing away with him to unknown territories.
I quickly dress in what I deem suitable office attire. It's Friday and on the cusp of a long weekend. Therefore, jeans, a short sleeve shirt and my baseball cap propped backwards will be what I deem appropriate. I latch my watch onto my wrist. I grab my keys, wallet and cellphone. I walk out of Grey's guest bedroom to be greeted to the usual breakfast company.
I sit my spoiled ass down as Mak lovingly sets my coffee down in front of me before placing his soft hand on my cheek. The look of pity that fills his hazel eyes is not lost on me. The boy just has a soft spot for his friends. I am lucky enough to be among those he loves.
The front door comes flying open. Daddy Parker waltzes in without a greeting. He grabs my coffee and starts drinking it. I chuckle and stand to get a replacement cup. The man is a fucking beast. I'm not about to complain because he stole my morning joe.
Martin quietly makes his way into the living room and turns the television on. He flips thru the channels and I can't help but chuckle when the news pops up. The man is nothing if not absolutely predictable with his morning routine.
"Good morning Dad." Grey yells from the breakfast table.
Martin throws his hand up in the air as if that is all the acknowledgement we will be receiving at the moment.
Grey shrugs and Mak giggles. He earns himself a playful kiss from Grey. The two of them are so fucking adorable you feel like tiny puppies are waiting to lap you with their tongues and snuggle into your neck momentarily.
I chuckle lightly and grab my fork before cutting into the Belgium waffles that Grey set in front of me earlier. I thank him for his service. Theses two never stop waiting on me and allowing me to be the biggest bum who has taken up residence in their abode.
I finish off my breakfast in record speed. I can't help it. Grey literally makes the best fucking waffles in the entire world. I scratch my abs as I finish off my cup of coffee. I place the mug down in the sink. The maid will wash it along with the rest of the dishes. I used to feel bad about waiting for someone to clean up after me, but the woman has been in Grey's family for years. She is amply compensated for the small amount of work required.
Honestly, Grey is among the cleanest people I know. The woman gets paid to change out scented oil and wash laundry. It seems like a fair gig.
I exit the kitchen and slowly make my way to where Martin sits. He has his right ankle propped on his left knee. He intently watches the news while sipping my coffee. He holds no remorse for stealing my drink.
My eyes wonder to the television. The usual Manhattan headlines swipe across the screen. I inattentively stare at the screen. It holds nothing of value for me.
My head takes me to my happy place. I press my head into the comfortable couch and lean back. A sigh escapes my lips when Sebastian's denim blues enter my memory. A small smile graces my face and my eyes close soothingly. His picture becomes clearer and I feel my heart flutter.
His lips caress my neck and his hands find their way to my hips. I can feel the moan building. His hot breath dancing over my skin sends tingles thru my system. My hands grip his back and he devours my flesh.
My cock twitches and I feel absolutely aroused at the thought of him bending me over and penetrating my virgin hole. I can hear the grunts as he would be pumping inside of me, stretching me while filling me beyond capacity.
My nails embed in his coffee flesh and a growl of ecstasy passes my lips. His lips feel like lava against my needy flesh. Those dark, thick eyelashes wisp across my neck and his beautiful pearly white teeth make purchase on my pulse.
My hips buck and brush his clothed cock, sending me into full blown lustful arousal. I pull him down on the bed and he willingly mounts me. His hand finds my steel dick and he pumps his large fingers over my head and down my shaft. My legs tremble as my climax builds in a painful bliss.
I pant as he creates an engorged purple bulb at the cap of my penis.
He bends down and steals my breath with a hungry assault on my lips. My back arches and our chests collide. My head falls back and I fuck his hand like the horny dog I am.
"Cum for me baby." Sebastian breathlessly whispers into my ear. His wet tongue dips down and catches my earlobe. He sucks greedily at my soft flesh and my body goes into delicious tremors.
"Seb." I cry out brokenly.
"That's right love, cum for me." He barely speaks.
"Sebastian" I moan as my body lurches upwards and my seed shoots out to paint his manicured chest with evidence of my excitement.
"Oh, Mark. So beautiful baby." Seb coos. "I love you baby. You're mine."
I almost cry at the tender tone he uses while kissing me softly on all my exposed canvas.
"I love you Seb. So much. So, much." I whimper painfully.
"Seb, don't go." I cry out. Tears burn while I plead for my love to hold on.
"Mark." Hands shake me.
"Please. I love you. Don't leave me." My heart hammers against my chest. My fingers grasp and hold tightly to his muscular arms.
"I promise." I cry. "Just don't leave me." I dig my nails into his hard muscles and throw my head forward, hitting my forehead against his chest. Tears stream down my face. I beg him not to leave me again.
Hands rake through my hair and a large palm cradles my head to the warm muscles that caress my cheek.
"I love you." I whisper. "Stay."
My eyes are painfully swollen. The wet trail of never ending tears flowing effortlessly down my cheeks. They splash against my bare arms.
He can't leave me.
I whimper. I sniffle. My head burrows deeply into the embrace.
"Mark. Please wake up." I hear my name called.
Blinking I brush my eyelashes against a cotton t-shirt that is tightly clinging to a bold muscular form. I turn my head and notice I'm not in the arms of creamy coffee colored delicious skin. Tan warm muscles greet my eyes. They are too big, straining against the black cotton shirt that holds them hostage.
I lift my watery eyes and am met with warm brown pleading eyes that are saturated in a painful display of worry.
My head falls back. I move my hands to Mr. Parker's chest and clasp my fingers tightly into his t-shirt. The cotton fabric meeting my nose and stifling my oxygen. I cry hard. My body trembles as debilitating sobs rip out of my chest. Martin embraces me tightly and pulls me so close.
I don't care that I'm a grown ass man crying pitifully. Everything fucking hurts. Intense pain races thru my veins. Loss, need, want and longing torturously devour and consume me.
My temples throb against my brain in a merciless rhythm. My heart beats quicken and I can feel them tearing me into tiny pieces that I won't be able to glue back together.
It's not fair. It's not fucking okay. I'm a mess of shambles. My heart didn't ask for permission before it turned me into this burning pile of ash.
"Shhhhh. It's going to be okay. I will do whatever it takes, son. Please calm down. I hurt when you hurt. I will storm hell's walls for you Mark." Promises permeate the air as Daddy Parker tries desperately to pull me back down from my personal purgatory.
"I'm sorry." I whimper like a child who is locked in a dark room, scared of the invisible monsters lurking.
"You have nothing to apologize for." Grey's voice comes into contact with my ears. He swipes at the tears that have no idea how to discontinue.
"We love you." The angelic tenor of Mak's voice makes its way into my soul. He somehow sifts thru the flames and a calmness engulfs me peacefully.
"Find him." I whisper. I need to know why he has left me to navigate thru this lonely darkness.
"I promise you, on my life." Martin lifts my face. The pads of his thumbs quickly chase the tears rolling down my cheeks. He smiles a comforting grin. I nod in acceptance as his warm brown eyes make silent contracts with my desperate blues.
"No work today." Martin demands.
"Okay." I agree quickly. My head hurts. My heart aches. I'm thoroughly spent. Crying makes me weak.
"I'm spending the day with you. Just you and me son. You need this." Martin continues putting regulations in place.
Martin shifts and I curl into his side. My eyes scan the room and I meet the saddened eyes of my four best friends. Each pair of eyes looks physically strained by my panic.
Kip smiles gently, his arms crossed. He grips his forearms with white knuckles, clutching his muscular biceps.
Mario holds Kip from behind. His eyes scream apologies and determination to diminish my pain.
Grey looks at me with pure sympathy. He holds eye contact and tears at my defenses with his strong desire to mend me.
Mak walks slowly over and falls over my body. His arms wrap around me like a blanket sheltering me from the cold. I sniffle as my arm captures his small frame, breaking his fall.
With all of these people who so adamantly love me, how can I feel so empty?
Giving up the struggle to dissect the raw battle raging in my soul, I relax into the comforting cocoon of my loved ones. I close my eyes and pray that the pain subsides.
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