Great News
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***Mark's POV***
"Ready?" I reach for Sebastian as he sits up from tying his shoes.
"Yes." Seb grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips before placing a kiss inside of my palm.
He's all smiles lately. Everything has his spirits high. I'm happy too. The major complications of his treatments have passed. We have faced them, head on, winning most battles while fighting the war.
Sebastian pulls me along, eager to get going. We are headed to a baby shower. I know, it's not exactly something men should be excited over. Maybe that is just what society has taught us. We are fucking excited.
This is Grey and Mak's baby shower. I grab the blue bag, with sparkling light blue tissue paper, off of the table. Sebastian picks up the extremely large box that we have to make sure gets to the shower. As he fights the box into the elevator, I chuckle. He isn't exactly winning against the damn thing. He practically trips while trying to push it over the threshold.
"Laugh now. You won't be laughing later." Seb sends me an evil glare that I am not even scared of. No doubt I won't be laughing later. I will probably be screaming his name. I smile thinking about it.
"Don't think of that while we are on the way to a baby shower. I do not want to be forced to fuck you in a hallway." Seb bumps me with his hip. He looks down at my pants as if I would be sporting wood at just the thought of him inside of me, filling me. My cock responds to the image with growing excitement.
Sebastian smirks when I move the bag in front of my lap. He's a brat. My body is just sensitive. Yeah, let's go with that.
"Come on." Sebastian pushes the box out of the elevator as we get to the parking garage. I nod in agreement, using my foot to help lift the box over the lip of the elevator. Seb bends down to pick up the enormous object, showing me a perfect view of his healthy ass.
I whistle as he stands. Sebastian studiously ignores my sexual harassment. I don't like it.
Opening the lift gate for my boyfriend, I rub my hand down his back before skimming my fingers over his hips. I'm just teasing him because I know how much he loves it. At least, that is what I tell myself.
"Baby, I'm warning you. Keep pushing." Seb turns his head to look over his shoulder at me. His eyes say for me to cut the shit. Those lips though, they say press harder.
Decisions. Decisions.
My moment of hesitation is stolen as Seb pushes me against the trunk of the SUV. He slides those large hands down over my ass as his crotch presses into me. I kiss back with passion. All I have for this man is lust and love. Everything he does is a complete aphrodisiac.
I sigh when Seb squeezes my left cheek. Knowingly, I silently surrender. That is all I am getting for the moment. It's sort of our tell that we have to procrastinate for the good of the day. I accept defeat as I scoot off of the body of the vehicle.
My legs take me slowly to the front passenger side where I have to adjust myself before sitting. It's apparent the effect the man has on me. I can't hide it. I really don't even bother.
Sliding my hand over my crotch, I smirk when Seb traces his eyes over my lap. If I am hard, he should be too. I pant a little excessively just to fuck with him. He laughs as his hand takes my own. He brings it to his lips with a smile.
I give up. He is a real warrior. I can't beat his tough facade of collectivity. Instead, I roll down the window and turn up the radio. The music bounces between us as we sing off key to the song. Okay, I sing off key. Seb must have had a vocal coach. He sounds like he belongs on stage with a microphone. I'm the horrible bass at the back of the choir with a frog in his throat.
We ride in comfort as we head towards the large ballroom that Mrs. Parker has booked. God knows that a baby shower for the most successful CEO in Manhattan couldn't be held in a mundane building. The Parkers do it in style.
I smile when we reach the parking lot. It's filled, overflowing with cars. I immediately recognize Kip as he steps down from that atrocious beast he calls a truck. Mario follows along side him as they make their way towards us. A few greetings and a shift of presents later, we head towards the hotel.
Mak greets guests as Grey talks to his mom. From the looks of it, they are laughing at the production of this shower. Grey throws his hand over his eyes with a shake of his head. Assumingly, he wouldn't have minded a small shower at the house. It's Amelia though, no way that was going to fly.
We set our gifts by the table before making rounds to hug everyone. I kiss Amelia before hugging Grey. We live together, but I'm still hugging my best friend.
"Please help Alex reign in Gavin. The boy is going nuts. I literally saw him shaking the gifts a minute ago." Grey points me towards our favorite nurse. As if on cue, I watch Gavin pick up a present, weighing it in his hands.
I quickly rush over to grab the boy. A distraction is certainly in order.
"Gavin, come. Show us to our seats." I pull Gavin as he sets the gift back on the table.
"Uncle Mark. It's beautiful. Just think, after Daddy and I get married, we are going to have a baby. Scratch that, lots of babies." Gavin sings through the air as we make our way into the room.
"Does Alex know about this?" I cock my brow incredulously.
"Thirty bucks says he doesn't." Mario winks at me causing Gavin to stomp his foot and huff. Nobody needs this kid acting the fool today we will need to play interference all day.
"Whatever my love wants, surely I will give." Alex sweeps in to take Gavin in his arms. I roll my eyes. Okay, they will have a stage full of ballerinas. That man is wrapped.
"Told you Uncle Mark. Daddy is giving me a house full of babies." Gavin giggles while he runs his hand down Alex's chiseled jaw.
"We will discuss that later baby. Let's let Mak and Grey enjoy their celebration." I can audibly hear Alex's jaw grinding. He put his foot in his mouth. Par for the course.
"Yes, sir." Gavin quietly tucks himself into Alex's arms as Alex sits with his boy in his lap.
Oh yeah, he's getting a football team. Gavin knows how to play Alex like a finely tuned guitar.
"Thank you everyone for joining us today as we celebrate our first grandchild. Please help yourself to refreshments. We will start with games and move on to presents. If anyone needs a restroom, they are down the hall in the back. Ladies to the left, gentleman on the right." Martin smiles sweetly before sending a cue to the DJ. The music begins playing as guests move about the room.
I notice that Tatyana is sitting with a host of people who are continuously keeping conversations with the young lady. Her face is all smiles but, I can recognize discomfort a mile in advance. Taking care of Sebastian has made me acutely aware of when someone is not feeling their best. I walk to the girl before softly offering her my hand. With a silent dismissal, I pull her away from the crowd.
"What's wrong?" I ask while heading towards the table that holds punch.
"Nothing Mark. Thank you. I am just really tired. No big deal." Tatyana waves me off dismissively.
"Try again sweetie. This time, lie with panache." I smile at her. She can trust me.
"The baby is just squeezing my bladder. People keep touching me, making my skin crawl. I told Grey and Mak I didn't have to be present for this. I really just want to stuff my face full of cake. I'm eight months pregnant. I don't want to amuse great aunts and neighbors. I want to soak my feet and take my bra off." Tatyana's explanation has a chuckle on my lips. I can respect that.
"Tell you what. Let's eat cake. Then let's sit around and joke about the stale smell of old money mixed with expensive perfume." I kiss her on the cheek before pressing a glass of juice into one of her hands. I place a large piece of cake in her other hand as I lead her to a couch along the wall.
"You're a life saver." I watch Tatyana's eyes practically roll while she consumes the first bite of cake. I imagine a craving is something that must be satiated. God knows I have never been pregnant. That's impossible. But, I know the difference between a need and a want. This girl needs cake. It's written all over her face.
"May I sit in?" Mario breaks in our conversation, only sitting after the girl waves him down with her fork.
"Good?" Mario pulls the cake to his mouth, from his own plate. He seems as though that bite satisfied his question. I laugh when he inhales his last bite.
"Seems so." I laugh.
"Where's Seb?" Mario glances around the room looking for my man. I point him out as he stands with Mak. Those two are close. I mean, we all are. But, they have a special bond too.
"So, I hear that Seb is in remission." Mario looks to me for confirmation.
"He is." I smile widely. That was great news. When Dr. Parson's announced that, I cried. It had been the final road block on this journey. I was happy that we made the milestone. I still am.
"Oww." Tatyana squirms as she grips her side. My eyes immediately flicker to her bump. She rubs furiously as she holds her abdomen.
"Are you okay?" I stand quickly to get her whatever will bring her comfort.
"Braxton Hick's." Tatyana breathes slowly. I crinkle my eyes at her. I feel like we are a bit late in the game for false contractions. I'm not really buying it.
"You sure?" Mario looks at her with clear concern.
"Yeah. Comes and goes. No stomach tightening. Water helps." Tatyana huffs as she moves into a different position.
I call the waiter over to pull a glass of cold water from his tray. Immediately, Tatyana drinks it. I replace the glass while getting another. I hand it over to her while assessing the change in her features.
"Better?" I ask. I'm not exactly convinced we are dealing with false labor. But, her smile relaxes my worry. A very little bit, I relax.
The baby shower moves along. We follow the itinerary with precision. By the time the gifts are all opened, I am overwhelmed. There must be two of everything. This little boy is going to be well stocked for a very long time.
Seb makes his way into my arms. We talk, passing along our good news while we gush over the coming birth of our nephew. Grey and Mak spend hours personally thanking every guest while Amelia makes a list of the guests who sent presents without being here physically.
Martin spends an ample amount of time giving orders to each of the help. He has all the gifts separated into piles for the different delivery trucks to transport back to the house. I realize that soon Sebastian and I will be moving back to my penthouse. Our room has been getting a make over for the baby.
I'm perfectly happy with that. It's time that we started our lives alone. Although, we won't ever be but a building away. We are family men. That's a given.
The shower ends with a final gift that leaves Tatyana in tears. The girl rejects the present before finally agreeing to it. I knew she would be reluctant. However, her gift to all of us trumps the car and scholarship we all got for her. Nothing compares to the selfless act of giving up your child.
With nothing but great news and happiness in our future, we spend the evening together. Each of us is exhausted from a baby shower that rivaled most weddings. We relax as we watch a basketball game that has us all screaming at the television. Seb drinks lightly while we cuddle on the couch. I can't think of a more perfect evening involving all the loves in my life.
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